THE NEW LYCEUM LEAGUE. A National Movement for the Training of Young America. From th« Hon ton lloruUl. An important step in announced by the Youth’* Companion. That paper proposes to revive as an institution the old debating society which used to be so great a force in making young men intelligent citizens and in developing broad national leaders. The plan proposed is an organization of national reach, called the Lyceum Lcngue of America. It is to consist of a system of local lyceums or clubs, con nected with each other through a newly created lyceum department In the Youth'* Companion. The lyceum de partment gran's all charters and accepts the care of the movement. With each charter it furnishes free an equipment consisting of “Cushing's Manual,” sec retary’s book and other needful helps. It suggests topics for discussion and gives aid In their study. An important part ot this aid is it carefully chosen list of books on Amcii can problems, which books aro, Hryce’» "American Commonwealth,” the "Amer ican Statesman," series, Flake's'."Civil Government” and Professor Ely's books, etc. There are also books for younger readers. The aim of this undertaking is to train young men to think intelligently on the great problems of American life, and to Impress them with the duties of citizenship. The work is to be above all partisanship. It is to be American In the broadest sense. It aims to give practical direction to the patriotic en thusiasm which the general school flap has awakened—a movement inaugurated by the same paper. Incidental benefits will be parlimentary training and how to think on one's feet. School lyceums will probably be most numerous, but the scheme is equally adapted to young men and intelligent lads out of school; business bouses, factories, churches can all have their lyceum clubs. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT^ NOTICE TO TAX-PAYEKS. On December 1, 1801, 1 will issue distress warrants lor ull unpaid personal taxes of lsuo and prior years. These taxes must be paid. Uespeotfully, BAliKETT SCOT’!', Uounty Trocsuror. LEGAL NOTICE. IpJohn Morrow and Elizabeth Morrow, de fendants, will take notice that on the 23th Moore, plaintiff hero in, hied hla petition In the district court of Uolt county. Nebraska, against said defond •mU, the object and prayer of which aro to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by de fendants to Dakota Mortgage Loan corpora tion upon the N W?4 of section 29, township 25, north of range 12 west, In Holt county, Ne braska, to secure the payment of ton promis sory notes dated January 2u, 18Hfl, for the sum Or 96 each und Interest at the rate of ten per eeut per annum, payable annually after ma turity: that there Is now due upon said notes and mortgage' according to the terms there of, the sum of 918.90 and Interest at the rate of teu per cent per annum from February 1, 189), and plalutm prays that said premises may be deceeed to be sold to satisfy tho amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before’.the 2lst day of.Deeember, 1801. Dated O’Neill, Neb., Nov. 7,1801. „ ^ t , J. L. MOORE, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, his Attorney, 18-4 LEGAL NOTICE. xon?.H1*m«T:.HumPllPey8* G* w- Brooks and william Bell, non-resident defendants, will the *th day of November, 1801, W. II. Snyder, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants and John J. Boone and U. W. Lament, the object and prayer of which aro to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendant, William T. Humphreys, to John J. Roche as trustee, upon the NWk of section 30, m township 31, north c f range 9 west In Holt county, Nebras ka, to secure the payment of one promissory note dated December 1, 1880, for tho sum of 94QU and interest at tho rate of eight per cent percent per auuum, payable seiul-annually, and ten per cent after maturity; that there is now due upon said uote and mortguge, ac cording to the terms thereof, the sum ot 3475.20 and Interest at the rate of ten per cent per aunurn frem December 1, 1MM), and plaintiff prays tdat said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon, and that the title or other Interest of the defend ants, John J. Roche, C. W. Lament, G. W. Brooks and William Bell, In said premises may be decreed to be junior ami subject to said mortgage. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of December. 1891. Dated O’Neill, Neb.. Nov. 7,1891. „ „ ^ , W.H.8NYDEH, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, his Attorney. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. To whom It may coucern: The commissioner appointed to establish a road, commencing at the section corner be tween sections thirty>11 ve (35) and thirty-six (.») on the south line of township thirty (30) north or range twelve (12) west; thence run ning north on section line between sections thirty-five (35) and thirty-six (3«), six (6) miles to the section corner between sections one tl) iMid two (2) on the north line of said township, thence running east on township line between sections one (Land thirty-six (36) 40.26 chs; thence north on on the one quarter section line on section thirty-six (36) ?2.04 chs; thence north JO deg west, 12.92 chs north; 2 dogs west on section twenty-five (25) 6.19 chs north 41 deg30 min west 8.34 chs north Hi decs west, 17.68 chs north, 42 deg 30 min west, 12.00 chs uortb, lftdeg 45 min west, 12 chs; thence north 08 deg 30min east, 5.20 chs; thence north 07 deg do min west, 5.50 chs, there to termtuote near Eagle Mllpi, has reported in favor of the establishment thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed In the county clerk’s office on or beforo noon of the 0th day of January. A. D. 1B92, or said mad will be established without reference thereto. IskalI O. C HAZELET, County Clerk. t. E. Butler, Deputy. 18>4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Opficb at O’Neill. Nob.. 1 Sept. 12£!8M. f Notice Is hereby given thak uie following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that saio proof will be made before the register and receiver at O’Neill. Neb., on LAWRENCE FLANIGAN. H. E. 12838. For the SEJ4 0-31-1 lw. He names the following witnesses to prove nls continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Meredith Hubby, both of Blackbird Neb, Frank McDonald, of I.oonte, Neb. John II. Hopkins, of Agee, Neb. M*fi B. 8. Gillespie. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O'Neill. Neb.. ^ „ , . . , October 21,1891. | Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inien tion to make final proof in support of hi. claim, and that said proof will bo made be' fore the register and reoeiver at O'Neill Neb., on November 30.1801, viz: "U VU1I/H Ml, ICHUi » !£■ OENI8A OTT, guardian of minor lieirs o JOHN N. BRADY deceased, H. E. No. 1252° For the NWS* Sec. 31, Tp. 31, N. R-. lo' WestT He names the following witnesses to prov his continuous residence upon and cuftiva tion of said land, viz: Charles Wrede. O'Neill, Neb.; Joseph Rup penscamp. Leoniu, Neb.; Rudolph Peterson John Carlson. Mlneola, Neb. tt-fi* . B. S. Gillespie, Register. LEGAL NOTICE, George Holil, Lizzie Hold ami Jacob Htoller, usslgnen of the Hhowalter Mortgage com pany, defendant*!, will lake notion that on I lie Hath (lav of October, 1WI1, Mary I'. Leon ard, plHintlfT herein. Hied her petition In tlio dlstrh't, court of Molt, comity, Nebraska, against said defendants. the object ami pravor of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Geonte Hold and Lizzie Mold, to ( lie Sliowaller Mort gage company, upon the E'-i of the N W'i and the E'i of the SW'4 of section IS, in township 20 north of rantre 14 west, In lloll county. Ne braska, to secure tho payment of one promis sory note dated Auifust 1, 1SHH, for the sum orfsoo and Interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum payable semi-annually and ten per rent after maturity; that there Is now duo upon said note and mortgage, according to tho terms thereof, the sum of siTf, 'J5 and Interest ut the rate often per cent per annum from August 1, laid, and plaintiff prays that said premises may he decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount, due thereon, and t hat tho title or oilier interest of the defendant, Jacob Stotler, assignee of the Showaltor Mortgage company, in said premises, may bo decreed to tie funlor a ml subject to the lion of the plaintiff's inert gage. You are reipdrcd to answer said petition on or before the Mill day of Deeember. I Hill. Dated O’Neill. Noli.. October Ml. 171)1. MAKY F. LEONAftl), Plaintiff. By N. I). Jackson, her Attorney. 17-4 LEGAL NOTICE, Jacob Stotler, assignee of tlio Hliowalter Mortgage company. and Russell A Company, defend unis, will take notice tlmt on the doth day of October, 1891, Mary, F. Leonard, plaintiff herein, tiled her petition in the dis trict. court of Holt countv, Nebraska, against said defendants, the objeot and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted by defendants, Mary 1. Uoby and Frank Uoby, to the .Showaller Mortgage com pany upon the H*4 of the NK1^ ami the N*-j of the SEJi of section Si, In township 25 north of range 11 west in Holt county. Nebraska, to . secure the payment of one promissory note, dated August 1, 1888, f«»r the sum of $500 and , Interest at the rate of 7 per cent payable senii-annuailv and ten per cent after matur ity; that, there Is now due upon said note and mortgage, according to the terms theieof. the sum of $517.51 and Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from August 1. IhAI, and plaint iff prays that said premises may be de creed to bo sold to satisfy the uuiouut duo thereon, ami that the title or other interest of the defendants, Jacob Stotler (assignee of the Showaller Mortgage company) and Rus sel 1 A' Company, In said premises may be de creed to ho junior am! subject to the lien of the plaintiff’s mortgage. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th day of December. 1801. Dutcd O’Neill, Neb.. October 30, 1801. MARY F. LEONARD, Plaintiff. By N. D. Jackson, her Attorney. 17-4 ~~~ NOTICE. To James A. Plnkerman, Uogslo Plnkerman, \V. Si Richmond, Mrs. W.H. Richmond, The Central Iowa Investmeht Company, H. J. Rogers, Mrs. H. J. Rogers* C. U. Green, Mrs. C.Greene, non-resident defendants: You will take not ice that on the 5th day of November, 1801, The American Investment Company of Kmmetsburg, Iowa, plaintiff herein, tiled its petition in the district court of llyJt county, Nebraska, ugalnsteach of the above-named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a ccvrtalu trust dued or mortgage executed by James A; Plnkerman and Bessie Pinkertnan. defend ants, to E. S. Ormsby, trustee for P. O Uei sell. mortgugo being executed to W. F. Bow den and assigneb to plaintiff, on the follow ing described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, towlt: The west half of the northwest quarter of section six, town ship thirty-three, and the west half of tlio southwest quarter of section three, town ship thirty-tour, all in range tlfteen, west of the tith P. M„ to secure the payment of a cer tain promissory noto or bond for $tl(K) duo June!. 1891, also to secure the payment of ten interest coupons for $21 each, all dated April 13.1*80, the tlrst Interest note maturing December 12,1880, and one every six months thereafter; also an installment note of $92.JJ5. Plaint iff alleges tlmt it is'the owner and In possession of the interest note which mat ured on the 1st day of June, 1891. and the last In stallment of $0 on said $92.35 note, which ma tured June l, 1891, and there. Is now duo the plaintiff oil said notes owned by it and se cured by said trust deed and mortgage the sum of $45, with interest thereon from June 1, 1800, for which sum with interest plaintiff prays a decree tlmt defendants bo required I to pay the same or that, said premises may lie sold subject to the principal note of $000 and the interest coupon notes maturing subse quent to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found due. That the claim, right or interest of each of said defendants be decreed to be Junior and Inferior to plaintiff’s lien. \ on are required to answer sai l petition on or before the 14th duy of December, 1891. Dated this 4th day of November. 1891. 17-4w R. R. Dickson, Att’y for Pl’ff. NOTICE TO SHOvFcAUSE FOR HOME STEAD. State ok Nebraska, I Holt County. f * To nil persons interested in the estate of A. 11. It a rnes,- deceased. Whereas, Elvirn Barnes on the 28t.h day of October, 1891, tiled her verified petition in this court alleging that A.C. Barnes, late of this county, died in this county on the 15th day of September. 1891, leaving a homestead: that said petitioner is the wife of said deceased and, and praying that such proceedings may be hml as required bylaw for the descent of said homestead. Whereupon 1 have appointed Tuesday, the 10th day of November. 1891. at 11 o’clock in t ho forenoon at. my office in the court house as the time and piaoe for a heariug in said pe tition and all persons interested may appear and show cause if such exists why the prayer of saitl petitioner he not granted. It is further ordered tlmt said petitioner give notice to all persons interested In said estate of Urn penaence of the petition and and the time and place set for hearing the same by causing u copy of this order to be published far one week previous to tlio time set for said hearing in The Frontier, a weekly newspaper, printed and of general circulation in this countv. Witness my official signature this 28th day of Octyber, 1891. E. 11. BENEDICT, [seal] County Judge. NOTICE OF SALE. In the mat tor of the estate of Mary P. Galla gher. deceased. Notlcee is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of M. 1. Klnkttid. judge of the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, made on the 24 th day of October, 1891. for tHo sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the front door of the court house in O’Neill Holt county. Neb., on the 19tli day of November, 1891, at 2 o’clock p. m. at nubile veudue to the highest bidder for cash the following described reol estate, to Tho north westquarter of section seven, in township twenty-nine, range eleven, west of the tith P. M. In Holt county, Nebraska, and the following described real estate situated in the city of O’Neill. Holt county. Neb., to wit: A certain piece or parse! of land bounded and described as follows, commenc ing at a point on the east Hue of lot one, in block twenty-eight in the original town of O’Neill City, Holt county. Neb.: Seventv-two feet south of the northeast corner of said lot one, running thence west across lots one. two, three and four, to .\ point on tlio west line of said lot four, and seventy-two feet south of ths northweftt corner of said lot four t hence south to the west line of said lot four, twenty-four feet, thence east across lots one, two, three and four, to the east line of lot one. amt tweutv-four feet south of the place of beginning, all in block twenty-eight, in the city of O,Neill, Holt county, Neb. i$aid sale w ill remain open one hour. Dated tlds2tth day of October, 1891. PATRICK liAGERTY, Administrator of the estate ot Mary P. Gal lagher. deceased, 18-4 LEGAL NOTICE. Peter Eberle, Delia Eborle, his wife, and Jos. M. Hayes Woolen Company, non-resident defendants, will take notice that on the sixth day of October, 1891, Holt County Bank, plaintiff herein, tiled its petition in the dis trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage ex ecuted by defendants. Peter Eberle and Delia Eberle. ills wife, to pluiutiff upon lot No. six. in block No. two, in the village of O’Neill, formerly O’Neill City, Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of twenty-seven prom issory notes dated Novembers, 1888, for the sum ol'$23 each, and interest at the rate of ten j>er cent per aiiuutn payable semi-annu ally and ten per cent after maturitys that there is now due upon s;\ld notes uyd mort gage. according to the terms thereof, the sum of $973 and interest at the rave of ten percent per annum from November. 27, 1888, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be de creed to he syhl to satisfy the amount due thereon, and* that defendants may be fore closed of a.l equity of redemption or other interest in said mortgaged premises. You are required to ajuswer said petition on or before the 10th day of November, 1891. Dated October 6.1891. 18-4 HOLT COUNTY BANK, Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. STATU! or NK.RKASKA, I SB. Holt County, Tn the district court of thereof, of t he Fif teenth Judicial district: Arthur P. Bose, plain HIT, vs. Charles F. Smith. Isabella Smith. J. I). Steves and .Stoves, htn wife, defendants. NOTICE OK SUIT. The above named defendants, Charles F. Smith. Isabella Smith, J. I>. Steves and. Sieves, his wife, and each of them are hereby notiiled that the above named plaintiff has filed in the above named court tils petition against them and the other defendants named above; that the object and prayer of said petition of the plaintiff are to foreclose two mortgages hearing date the 1st day of July, 1889, executed by the above named de fendants, Charles F. Smith and Isabella .Smith, to the Showalter Mortgage company, and by It assigned to the plaintiff, on the fol lowing described real estate situate in the county of Holt, in the state of Nebraska, to wlt: The south half (Vt) of the southwestejuarter (*41 and the south hulf (‘<4) of the southeast quarter (^4) of section six (6) in township thir ty CIO) north, and range nine (9) west of the tithP. M. The said defendants, Charles F. Smith, Isa bella Smith, J. D. Steves, .Steves, his wife, are further notified that they are re quired to appear and answer said petition of the plaint ill’, on or before Monday, the 7th day of December, 1891, or suid petition of plaintiff will be taken as true ana a decree will be rendered against them, the said de fendants, diaries F. Smith, Isabella Smith, J. i). Steves and .Steves, his wife, decree ing that the said mortgages be foreclosed: that all the above described real estate shall he appraised, advertised and sold at public auct ion by the sheriff of said Holt county, to make and raise the sum of $815.70 due to the plaintiff on ills said mortgage, together with interest on said sum at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the Ifltli day of Novem ber. 1«»1, and the costs of this suit and such sale: and said decree will furtner provide that you, the said defendants, Charles F. Smit h, Isabella Smith. J. E. Steves and. Steves, ids wife, shall ho forever barred and foreclosed of all equity of redemption in and to said real estate and every part thereof. ARTHUR P. ROSE. By John M. Raxan, his Attorney. 18-4 LEGAL NOTICE. Statu or Nebraska, ) H<1 Holt County, ,f8a* In the district court of thareof, of the Fif teenth Judicial district: John W. Mellon, ElalntlfT, vs. Hugh C. Rhine and Lillie A. Line, dufendnnts. notice or suit. The abovo named defendants. Hugh C.. Rhine and Lillie A. Rhine, and each of them are hereby notified that/itrp above named plaintiff has hied in the above named court his petition against them and the other de fendants named above; that the object and prayer of said petition of the plaintiff and the said answer or cross-petition are to fore close a mortgage bearing a ate the 2d day of September, 1889, executed by tno above burned defendants, Hugh 0. Rhine and Lillie A. Rhine, to the Showalter Mortgage Com pany and by it assigned to the plaintiff on the following described real estate situate in the county of Holt in the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The northwest uuartor (M) of ssetionthirty one (31) in township thirty-one (31) north, and range nine (9) west of the Oth P. M. The said defendants. Hugh C. Rhine and Lillie A. Rhine, are further notified that they are required to appear and answer said peti tion of the plaintiff on or before Monday, the 7th day of September. 1891, or said petition of plaintiff will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered against them, and the said defendants, Hugh C. Rhine and Lillie A. Rhine, decreeing that the said mortgage be foreclosed: that all the above described real estate shall be appraised, advertised and sold at public auction by the sheriff of said Holt county, to make and raise the sum of 81,091.00 due to the plaintiff on his said mortgage, to gether with interest on said sum at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 10th day of November, 1801, and the costs of this suit and such sale; and said decree will further provide that you, the said defendants, Hugh ('. Rhine and Lillie A. Rhine, shall be forever burred and foreclosed of all equity of redemp tion in and to said real estate and every part t hereof. JOHN W. MELLEN. Ry John M. Ragan, his Attorney. 10-4 NOTICE. InaRichardson, Alfa 8. Vanatter and Jus. Vanattor, defendants, will take notice that David P. Kimball, plaintiff, has filed a peti tion in the district court of Holt county. Ne braska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a mort gage dated February 23,1880, for 8000 and in terest, on the southwest quarter of section five, township thirty range nine, in said county, given by Otis F. Richardson and Alfa 8. .Richardson to Western Trust and Security Company and assigned to plaintiff, and to have the same decreed to be a first lien, and said lands sold to satisfy the same. You are required to auswer said petition on or before the thirtieth day of November, 1891. Dated October 20.1891. DAVID P. KIMBALL. Plaintiff. By W. H. Munger and W. J. Courtright. At torney s. 15-4 SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be fore the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, on the lutli day of December. 1889, In tuvor of William A. Paxton, Benjamin Gal lagher, co-partners doing business as Paxton Gallagher, as plaintiffs, and against Pat kick Hagerty and Mary llagerty as defend ants, for the sum of four thousand four hun dred thirty four dollars, and seventy-one cents, and costs taxed at 863.38 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following prem ises. taken as the property of said defend ants, to satisfy sajd order of sale, to-wit; The north-west quarter of section thirty one (31) township twenty-nine (29) range eleven (11) west of the 6th P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska. . And will offer the same for sale to the high est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 28th day of November, A. D 1891, in front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last term of court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said dav, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill. Nebraska, tills :20th day of October, 1891. 15-5 II. C. McEvony, _ Sheriff of said County. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of «n order of sale, directed to me from the clerk of the district oourt of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree ob tained before the district court of Holt coun ty, Nebraska, on the 2titb day of November, 1890, in favor of The Ballou State Bankiug Company as plaintiff and against John DeLos Wilson et al.« as defendants, for the sum of seventy-nine dollars and eighty cents, and the Elk horn Valley Bank obtained a decree for the sum of $150, and costs taxed at I22.4H. and nccurlng costs I have leviod upon the following premise s, taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit: The southwest quarter of section twenty six (26), township twenty-eight (28), range eleven (11), west of the 6th 1\ M.. in Holt county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the Itit day of November, A. D. 1M)1, in front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the building wherein the last term rf district court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill. Neb., this 29th day of Sep tempor, 1891. 14-5 H. C. McEvont, Sheriff of said County. SHERIFF S SALE. By virtue of on order of sale, directed to : mo from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained before the district court of Holt countv, Ne i biaska. on the 20th day of November, 1890, in favor of The iiallou State Banking Company ns plaintiff and against Johu DeLos Wilson et al as defendants, for the sum of fifty three dollars, and the Elklioru Valley Bank obtained a decree for the sum of $150, and i costs taxed at $22.45 and accruing costs I have I levied upon the following premises, taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale to-wit: , The southeast quarter of section twenty 1 seven (27) township twenty-eight (28) range I eleven (11) west of the lilh F. 11. in Holt ! county, Nebraska. i And will oiler the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 16th day of November, A. D. 1891, In front of the j court house in O’Neill, that being the build ing wherein the last terra of district court I w«s held, at the hour of 10o'clock a. m. of said day, when and where duo attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this29th day of September, 1891. H. C. McEvony. Sheriff of said County. Flour and grain of all kinds on sale at Pfund and Wagers. Also the finest line of groceries and fruits in town. E. P. REED & CO. This well-known firm of Roch ester, N. Y., have during the past fifteen years devoted themselves to the manufacture of Ladies’ Fine Shoes exclusively and have established a reputation second to none in the United States. Their goods are the most re liable wearers and cannot be ex celled for fit and style. J. P. Mann has the exclusive sale for this city and has just re ceived a new stock in the new fall styles. Call and see them if you want a stylish and reliable shoe, and remember, every pair is war ranted. ^ANNOUNCEMENT, I have, in addition to my Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods, a full line of Groceries which I expect to be able to accommodate my customers. I will take produce in ex change, and will pay market prices. Yours truly V p" J- MCMANUS. Fremont, Mm & Missouri Valiev RAILROAD* BETWEEN O’NEILL, —A ND— OMAHA, SIOUX CITY, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL., —AND AI.Ii POINTS— East, West, North. South, TAE ONLY LINE TO DAKOTA, HOT SPRINGS'AND DEADWOOD. PALACE SLEEPERS BETWEEN MO. VALLEY AND DEADWOOD. Through Tickets to all Points and Bag gage Checked to Destination. 9:85 a. m, 10:45 a. M. TRAINS HEP ART: GOING EAST. Passenger east, Freight east. % GOING WEST. Freight west, Passenger west, • ■ Freight, ... The Elkhorn Line Is now running Bccllning Chair Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead wood. jroe to holders of first-class transpor tation. 1:45 P. M 5:15 P. M 6:44 P. M. Per anv information call on' W. J. DOBBS, Agt.: O’NEILL, NEB. H. a BUPTii Gen. M anager. J. R. BUOHANAN* Gen. Puss. Agent. OMAHA. NEB. W. W. PAGE County $ Surveyor. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. Will attend to all kinds of surveying. All calls promptly attended to and Information cheerfully given. A POPULAR FAMILY. Jennie : “ How Is it. Kate, that you always seem to'catch on’to the lost new thing? Do what I may, you always seem to get ahead of mo.” If ate : “ X don’t know: I certainly do not make any exertion in that direction.’’ Jennie : “ Well, during the lost few months, tor example, you have taken up painting, without any teacher ; you came to the rescue when Miss Lafarge deserted her Delsarte class so suddenly, and ce rtainly wo are all improv ing in grace under your instruction; I heard vou telling Tommy Eames last evening how his club made mistakes in playing baseball: vou seem to be up on ail the latest ‘ fads,' and know just what to do under all circumstances; I you entertain beautifully; and in the last month you have improved so in health, owing, you tell me, to your physical culture exercises, where do you get all of your information from in this little out-of-the way place?—for you never go to the city.” Kate: “Why, Jennie, you will make me vain. I have only one source of information, but it is surprising how it meets all wants. I very seldom hear of anything new but what the next few days bring me full information on the subject. Magic? No l Mngiftiuel And a groat treasure it is to us all, for it really furnishes the reading for the whole .household: father has given up his magazine that ho has taken lor years, as lie says this » oue gives more and better information on the subjects of the day; and mother says that it is that thut makes her such a famous housekeeper. In fact, wo all agi-ee that it is the only really family magazine published, as we have sent for samples of all of them, and and that one is all for men, another ail for women, and another for children only, while this one suits every one of us; so we only need to take one Instead of several, and that is where the economy comes in, for it is only $2.00 a year. Perhaps you think I am too lavish in my praise; but I will let you see ours, or, better still, send 10 cents to the pub lisher, W. Jennings Dcmorcst, 15 Past 14rh Street, New York, for a sample copy, and I shall always consider that I have done you a great favor; and may bo you will be cutting us out, as you say wo have the reputation of being the best informed family in town. If | that l>e so, it is Demurest's Family Magazine that does it.” HOf A PUZZLE WAS SOLVED. When you want a certain article, you want the best mako of that article, don’t you? But how to determine which make is best is what puzzles you, isn't it? And when the puzzle is solved for you, by authority which cannot be questioned, you are pleased, aren’t you? And you would like to hear of one puz zle that has been solved for the people of the whole world, wouldn’t you? Well, we will tell you about that very puzzle, and its solution. At the Universal Exposition of 1889 at Paris, Franco, the best sewing machines of Ihe worlu, including those of America, were in competition. They were passed upon by a jury composed of the best foreign mechan ical experts, two of whom were the leading sewing machine manufacturers of France. This jury, after exhaustive examination and tests, odjudgvl that the Wheeler & Wilson machines were the best of all, and awarded that company the highest prize of. fered, the 'jRAND PRIZE, giving other companies inly gold, silver and bronze medals. The French Government, as a further recognition of superiority, decorated Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler, president of the com pany, with the Cross of the Legion of Honor, the most prized honor of France. That is. how the puzzle of the be3t sewing machine in the world was fully solved by the most competent authority in the worliLin favor of the No. 9 and No. 13 Wheeler & Wilson machines. . t The No. 9, for family use, and the No. 13, for manufacturing uses, are the best in the world to-day. And now, when you want a sewing ma chine, if you do not get the best, it will your own fault. Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson machine, and if he does not keep them, write to us for descrip tive catalogue, prices and terms. Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory, . WHEELER 4 WILSON HFG. C0„ 85 187 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. IT For Sale bt NEIL BRENNAN, , O’NEILL NEB. ^HUMPHREYS’ 'VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. BOO Pave Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart Sent Free. cures 5 Fevers,Congestlons.Inflammatlon A. A.} Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B. B.—Strains, Lameness, Rheumatism* C. C.—Distemper, Kasnl Discharges* D. D.—Bots or Grubs, Worms. E. E—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia* F. F.—Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. Q.G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. U.H.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases* I. 1.—Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J. K.—Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis* Single Bottle (over 60 doses), - - .60 Stable Case, with Specifies, Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator, 87.00 Jar Veterinary Care OH, - - 1.00 Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Sta., New York. ETTMPEKEYS’ HOMEOPATHIC A|t SPECIFIC NofiO in uw 90 years. The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from* over-work or other causes. 91 par viaLor 6 vials and largo vial powder, for 25. Solo by druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt ' of pricew—HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Oot. William and John Sts., XT. T $3000; A ! I undertake to briefly teach nnjr fairly intelligent person of either •ex, who tan read uad write,.and who, latter Instruction, will work industriously, — — how to earn li reo 'liituiuand Dollars u Year in lo.nliiioH.vvh. revrr they llve.I will also furnish the situation or employment,wt which j mi cun emu that amount, ho money for me unless eiiccessful us above. Kasilv und quickly learned. I desire hut one worker from each district «>rcoiinlv. I have already taught and provided with employment a largo number, who are making over »UOO« a yeareach. lfiKEW and HOM 14.. Puli particulars PKEE. Address at once, “• t, ALLLJK, IIox 480, Augusta, JM.ulne, 1 can be earned at onr NEW line «f work, rapidly and honorably, by those of ciih- r sex, young or old, and in their own locniities.wherever tlievlire. An one . nn .1,. n... v.. K»ay to learn. _ »o xlurt you. No rick. You can devote your spare moments, or all yewr time to the work. Tills 1* an entirely new lend,and bring* wcndcrlnt ibccpw toeverv w orker. Beginner* are earning* f"« to ** • per week and upwmds, and more after a little experience. Wc can furnish yon the em ployment and ♦en. h yon . V tf>'. Ko space to explain here. Fuji Information J ...... y ,J#B A CO., AkiuitA, UUI. Silt Jlrooers Journal. The leading live-stock newspaper and market reporter of the West. A paper far STOCK-RAISERS, FARMERS, fine stock breeders, grain dealers. Very latest and correct market reports by telegraph from all the principal stock markets. Address MONEY We furnish everything. V Daily, $4.00 perYear. Semi-Weekly, $2 Weekly, $1.50 The Drovers Journal, UNION STOCK YARDS, South Omaha, Neb. THE FIGURE Th« figure 0 in oar dates will -flake f Wa% No roan or wcman now living will t;ver date *• Jocument without using the figure 9. It stand • in the third ploce in 1890, where it will remain te» years and then move up to second place W I9iu where it will rest for one hundred years There is another “9” which has also cort. j to ,fcay It is unlike the figure 9 in our dates in the * aspect that kt lias already moved up to firs* place, v/her^ it wili permanently remain. It is called the “Na “’’High Arm VVueeler & Wilson Sewing Machine The “No. 9” was endorsed for first place by th& experts of Europe at the Paris Exposition of'l8t'9 where, after a severe contest with the leading ma Shines of the world, it w-as awarded the only Or»nd Prize given to family sewing machines, all others on exhibit having received lower awards Of gold medals, etc. The French Government also recognized its superiority by the decoration of Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler, Presidentof ^he company, with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. The “No. 9” is not an old machine impro\sd upon, but is an entirely new machine, and tiy Grand Prize at Paris was awarded it a3 the grand est advance in sewing machine mechanism o£ ia“l> 1.50 each, all dated Sept. 2, lfhO, tin « iPRst. note maturing March 1. iwa .»' Dated this 7th day of Octobei, ,, 13-4 K. K. Dickson, AUjJ1" ami casl Inc A person can get a horse i doing a certain piece of woiU. at FiiOKTiER office. O’Neill Market Report The following is a correct tt»rkl port for this week: Ho^s 100»s.:;;.«;XiT.t. . E""cl. ... .121 Karcorn. Pmatoes.¥bu'.... .anlsi.elM CONSUMPTION cr,!l'l> An old physician. ret|rtd(iifr's,",,)J.r‘,, having had placed in • .ula et :} '! India missionaay iu'il IK vegetable reinedy ilroneM’1'-; tent cure of Consumpt • a tfeetion"- ‘ na and all throat and Lung An Ni.rVlUI: lositive and radical cure i1jllts .sn*„ till Nervous ^1 luA...^ n t laving tested its cuiatr\ I x . fl, j inds of cases, lias felt Acti>:"> .nown to his Bufferingh relic'1' his motive and a desm. l))f cllMr2i. uttering. I will send 1 iicrnim1 ihn it Ml re It. this recipt.ln /„r p r English, with run u„ rig and using. Sentby ?”h t' ast received at »el lart.r oods will bear inspection s the chenpest.