„,|01XCSS DIRECTORY • vTT()»SEY at law. , J'sTATK AN1> INSURANCE. nE.VKDlCT. lawyer. Illll)fo Roberts building, nortb '■ Arnett S Ftoos’ ’.umber yard. " NK1). ;:il.U __ ...._— ,v. ADAMS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. .• in ill tlio courts. Special at :l„j’rt"fve» to foreclosures and collections. " COUNTY ATTORNEY. j, KINC*« attorney at law and notahy public. , practice, tUe Settlement of Estates, " n R ick pny and Bounty claims. Contest allbusiness before the local and gon | i.nitl nilices a specialty.. also short hand writer. r,,.s always reasonable. Office first door ,,l McCHlferty’s hardware store. A. WELLS, dentist. ,,over the Holt County Bank. ,li. C. 1>. B. F.ISAMAN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, SKILL. ) i: it. t. tbuebIood, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. NEB. ,..,..s of the Eye and Ear and flttintl lt specialty. Office hours 0 to 12 a. in. ; 10 5 p. in. OFFICE OVER “TllEjEMVORIUM.1 .rouge bianco, T TUE GUNSMITH, (fNEILL. - NEBRASKA. 1 ire arms and ammunition of all kinds, mend repair shop _ JULLEN BBOS., CARPENTERS & BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material; furnished, obblnft promptly attended to. , j C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQAR8. ETO. ^ BOYD, BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. J. H. MEREDITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. COAIPLETE SET OF Abstract ® Books. Omcs over Holt County Bank. FFOUR YEARS EXPERIENC EJgJ In U. S. Land Business | A. H. CORBETT j | WILL ATTEND TO YOUR B j DENTISTRY j j IN FIRST-CLASS SHAPE. j j •PHOTOGRAPHY* | | OF ALL KINDS E | Fwmptlr and Satisfactorily Emted. 1 I -| § ^alai*y on Fourth street i ® eft8* ot Holt County Bank. E KXmCKSON&CO.. successors TO T. V. GOLDEN A CO., Tile Abstracters/Conveyancers, taxes paid for non-residents. LANDS • 9 ANQ town lots FOU SALE OR EXCHANGE. Wm ^oans Nceotiated on the Most Reasonable Terms. TEL EVANS. FORMERLY EUROPEAN. i^larged, Refurnish ed Q -AND ^Epitted. H M Class Hotel in City, T. EVANS, Prop! ‘ PHIL SHANBORN, PAINTER^— Paper Hanger and Decorator *«* * ALL WORK DONE PROMPTLY AND SA TISFACTION ASSURED. ~ OFFICE~-: Nev Bui ding Bstwe n Elkhorn Valley Sink and Hun's toss Shop. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA Deyarman Brothers, PROHRIETORS OF THE Checker Litrery,Feed&Sa[e Stable O’NEILL NEB Finest turnouts In the olty. Good, care ful dlivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus Line Commercial Trade a Specialty Have chargee of McCnlTerty’s Hearso. All orders will receivo careful and prompt often tion EMIL SNIGGS, Gensral Blacksmith, O’NEILL, NEB. i Wagon and Carriage Repair ing Done to Perfection. Plow Work and Horse Shoe ing a Specialty. Hand-Made Shoes Made to any Order We stop Interfering and successsully treat Quarter Cracks and Contracting Feet, and cure Corns, whore our directions are strictly followed. Carry a Line of Carriage, Wagon and Plow Stock. Work done on short notice. XI-B2 W. W. PAGE County » Surveyor. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. Will attend to all kinds of surveying. All calls promptly attended to and information cheerfully Blvcn. Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Vails? RAILROAD. BETWEEN O’NEILL, —A ND— OMAHA SIOUX CITY, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. —AND ALL POINTS— East, West, North. South. TAE ONLY LINE TO DAKOTA, HOT SPRINGS AND DEADWOOD. PALACE SLEEPERS BETWEEN MO. VALLEY AND DEADWOOD. Through Tickets to all Points and Bag> gage Checked to Destination. TRAINS DEPART: GOING EAST. Passenger east, Freight east. GOING WEST. Freight west. Passenger west, - ■ Freight, 9:35 a. M, 10:45 a. m. 1:45 p. M 5:15 p. M 0:44 p. m. The Elkhorn Line is now running Heeilning Chair Cars dnily, between Omaha and Dead wood, jroo to holders of first-class transpor tation. Fer any information call on W. J. DOBBS, Act.' O'NEILL, NEB. H. Q- BUPTrfi J. R. BUCHANAN5 0 en. M anager. Gen. Pass. Agent. OMAHA. NED. You never tried De Witt’s Little Early Risers for oonstipnlion, hiilious ness, sick liead-ache or you would no have these diseases. Morris & Co. CTL OFFICIAL DIRECTORY fiTAJ'/t. Governor.John M. Thaw Lieutenant Governor...„.T. J. Majors Secretary of Statu._J. C. Allen Stale Treasurer.J. K. Mill Attorney General.Geortfe 11. llnstlntfs State Auditor.Thomas II. Ilenton Coni, hands and nii!ltiitfs..Uenrico Humphrey Supt. l'ubllo Instruction.A. K. Goody REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. t'has. 11. Gere. Lincoln; Leavitt Iturnhnni, Omaha; ltyron 11. Davis, McCook; Geortfc Koberts, Creighton; Clms. H. Morrill, Stroms* burg. CONGRESSIONA U Senators—Clms. F. Manderson. of Umahn; Algernon S. Paddock, of lientrtuo. Representatives—Wm. Bryan, Lincoln; O. M. Ivem, Broken Bow; Wm. McKclghan, Bed Cloud. COUNTY. Clerk of the District Court.John Mellrlde Judge.E. M. Lowe Treasurer.Barrett Scott Deputy.r....John S. Weekes Clerk.G. C. llusclct Deputy.C. E. Butler Sheriff..H. C. McEvony Deputy.K. J. Muck Supt. of Sohoolg...II. W. Dudley Assistant.Mrs. H. W. Dudley Coroner. Dr. C. E. Fort Surveyor...W. W. Page Attorney. E. W. Adams SUPERVISORS. Ogle E M—Chm Bird. N Bethea. W W Crow. John ConnorS L Clevoland B F Crawford John Cronin Dan Dunean John Cray liobert Gilson 8 Greig James Hodgkin H Hornbook M V Howard 8 B Hunter J M H a l «-i» W B Hayes W T Jilison LA Kelley 1* Kline E Lou therm an J Mullen J P McElhaney W V Miller Howard Moss VV NolkamperWm Perkins E E Parker 8 Smith J R Smith 0 M Wine IIO TOWNSHIP Green V alley Fairview Deloit Cleveland Inman Ewing Sand Creek Shields Chambers Verdljrrls Francis Rook Falls Puddock Dustin Grattan Willowdale Emmet Sheridan Stuart Scott Lake Turtle Creek Pleasantvlew Steel Creek Atkinson Wyoming Saratoga MoClure O’Neill Iowa Conley Swan Atkinson Inca Ewing Stuart Inman Ewing Atkinson O’Neill Chumbers Pago Atkinson Tbrner Leon I a Badger O’Neill Minneola Atkinson Atkinson Stuart Seottville Bliss Grand Rapids Emmet Star % Atkinson Amelia Turner Little O’Neill Lambert Harold Swan GRATTAN TOWNSHIP. Supervisor. 8. B. Howard; Treasurer, J. C. Haves; Clerk, N. Martin; Assessor, 8. F. McNiohols; Justices, M. Slatterly and Chas. I Tngersoli; Constables, Perkins Brooks and ; Will Stranskte; Road overseer, dlst. 20, Theo dore Otto; dist. No. 4, P. Barrett, sr. i CITY OF O'NEILL. Supervisor, Sanford Parker; Justices, J. J. i King ana J. P. O’Donnell; Constables, John Lappan and W. F. Keoiey. OOUNCILMKN—FIRST WARD. For two years.—Ben DoYarman. For one year—Datid Stannard. , SECOND WARD. For two years—Fred Gatz. For one year— j B. Mullen. THIRD WARD. I For two years—Barrett Scott. For one year -C. C. Millard. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, O. F. Biglln; Clerk, Thos. Campbell; Treasurer. David Adams; City Engineer, Sumner Adams; Police Judge, N. Martin; Chief of Police, John Lappan; Attorney, Thos. Carlon; Welghmaster, Ed. McBride; Street Commissioner, O. K. Davidson. JUDICIARY. Chief Justice. ...Amnsa Cobb Associates... Samuel Maxwell and T. L. Nerval FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DIST1UCT. Judge.M. P. Klnkald, of O’Neill Kenorter.A. L. Warrick, of Ainsworth Judge.A. W. C'rltes, of Cliadron Uoporter.H. L. Lnlrd, of Chadron LAND OFFICES. O'NEILL. Register.B. 8. Gillesplo Hecolver.A. L. Towle. KELIOH. Register.C. W. Robinson Receiver.W. B. Lambert SOLDIERS’ RELIEF COMNISSION. Regular meeting first Monday in Febru ary of each year, and at such other times as Is deemed necessary, ltobt. Gallagher, Page, chairman; Win. Bowen, Atkinson, secretary; A. K. Haskins, Cleveland. UT.PATUICK’S CATHODIC CHURCH. O Services every Sabbath nt 10:30 o'clock. Very Rev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school immediately following services. Methodist chuhch. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school ut 12 in. Class Meeting ai 10:30 a. m. Tuesday—Young people's meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday—Children's meeting, 1 p in. Prayer meeting, 8 p. m. Thursday—La dies' aid society, 2 p. m. F. B. Ham, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Rev. N. S. Lowrie, Pastor. GA. R. POST, NO. 8(1. The Gen. John . O’NelU Post, No. 80, Department of Ne braska G. A. R., will meet the first and third Saturday evening of each month in Masonic hall O'Neill. S. J. Smii h. Com. Elkiiorn VALLEY LODGE, I. o. o. F. Moots every Wednesday evening In Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. O. H. Milts, See. B. Scott, N. G. O’NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 80.1. O. O. F. meets every second and fourth Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall. G. M. Cleveland, S. 8. Wolf, C. P. VDKN LODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS M J OF REBEKAH, meetB every 1st and ad Friday of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall, Mrs. .1 Essie Cleveland, N. O. Mrs. Cora Meredith, Secy. Garfield lodge, no os.f.a a.m. Regular communications Thursday nights on or before the full of the moon. □W. T. Evans, Sec. A. L. Towle, W. M. G1ARFIELD CHAPTER, R. A. M. 1 Meets on first and third Thursday of each month In Masonic hall. W. J. Dodrs, Sec. J. C. Haknish, H, P Kofi*.—helmet lodge, u. d. , Convention every Monday at 8 o’clock p. m. in Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethern cordially Invited. S. J. Wekkks, C. C. W. J, Dobbs, K. R. of 8. Grattan alliance no. 4:17. Farmers' Alliance meets every second und Fourth Saturday at 2 p. m. Visiting members Invited. All good farmers urged to become members. Jno. Fallon, Prost. Char. Inoersoll, Sec. Dry creeic alliance, no. 005, meets every second and fourth Saturduy of each month at Uriah Fellows'. S. B. Howard Sec. U. Fellers. Pres. POSTOFFICE DIRCETORY Arrival of Malls r. E. A M. v. it. r.—from the east. Every day, Sunday included at.5:15 pm FROM THE WEST. Every day, Sunday Included at.9:115 a m PACIFIC SHOUT LINE. I Arrives every day except Sunday at 9:00 p m J Departs *• " “ 6:00 a in I O’NEILL AND CHELSEA. Departs Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thuro. and Sat. at. .1:00pm O'NEILL AND PADDOCK. Departs Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00 am I Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at..4:00 p m I O'NEILL AND NIOBRARA. Departs Monday. Wed. and Fri. at_7:00 a m Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at...4:00 p n: O'NEILL AND CUMMIN8VILLE. ! Arrives Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at...ll:.T0p m I Departs Mon., Wed. and Friday at.1:00 pm CLOSING OF MAILS. Mail going cast closes at.0:20 am Mail going west closes at..6:00 pm Stage mail closes i 6 min. before time of de parture. OFFICE HOURS. Week day Irom 7:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Sun days. from 0:00 to 10:80 a in and 5:80 to 7:00 p m. Money order business only on weok days from 7 a m to 5 p m. i r ~] .1. H. Riggs. P. M. 0 Chicago Clothing House ISTScc What We Have Done! Having just returned from the manufactures and buying very heavy for fall and winter trade, we are prepared to show you a Stock of Goods, not only pleasing to the eye, but one that will convince you of the fact that we can fur nish you goods at prices a way below anything you ever exper ienced in Holt county. These goods were bought direct from manufacturers and for spot cash, and expressly for this trade. They were bought very low and we will sell low. We have also ad ded a Good Stock of HOOTS and SHOES. It will pay you to come and see our stock. |Brick South Postojicc. O'NEILL, - - NEB CCl HAGO CLOTHING |^OUSE. Chicago Lumber Yards, O’Neill, Nebraska. Headquarters for the Best Quality of LUMBER and COAL. O. O. CO, The Emporium O’Neill’s New Store—McClure’s old Stand. SPOT CASH. NO CREDIT. Read every item in this List: Best brands of calico .5 to 7c Cbantillvs dress goods.7c Ginghams.8 to 10c 86-inch Pacific fine suitings.12c LL Muslin. 0c Aurora sheetings. 5c 8-4 unbleached sheeting.10c 10-4 bleached muslin.27c Linen crash.5 to 15c A fine line of all-wool dress goods at corresponding prices. SHOES. Ladies glove grain, all solid.$1 10 Ladies’ glove grain, all solid.1 25 Ladies’ Dongola kid.1 75 to 2 85 Ladies' hand sewed “Elite”.8 25 Gent’s plow shoes .1 25 Gents’oil-grain Congress.1 75 Gents’fine calf (worth $3).2 25 NOTIONS. Adamantine pins. 2c Brass pins. 4c Safety pins, nickie.,1c Hooks and eyes, 4 dozen. Co Dress braid, all colors. 4c Needles.•. 2c Thimbles . lc Dress stays. 5c Coraline stays. .20c Dress, shields.10c Silk twist, black. lc Silk twist, colors. 2c Fine line dress buttons .. ,5c doz and up A large stock of corsets of best mnke.a including Warren Bros , at lowers prices than ever. Men's working pants and shirts and wool underwear very cheap. WE CORDIALLY INVITE EVERY BODY TO CALL AND LOOK AT OUR PRICES AND GOODS. Our Mule Skin Shoe is good for more kicking than any other Shoe in the County. WORTH ONE DOLLAR. / hereby certify that I am a regular sub scriber to THE FRONTIER And I hereby recommend— as a young person worthy of confidence, and will, in my opinion, moke a good, faithful student. Signed. WHEN the above is properly signed and presented with this paper at my office in the Western Normal College at Shenandoah, Iowa, the person presenting it will be given credit for $1 on tuition in the Western Normal College. Any person now a subscriber or subscribing for The Frontier any time before Nov. 5, 1891,’will be entitled to issue the above certificate, provided the one recommended has never been a student at the Western Normal College. This College is larger and better than ever before. Fourteen churches and no saloons in Shenandoah. School strictly non-sectarian, but Christian. The largest, cheapest and best normal school in the west. Nex* term commences Nov- 3, ’91. You can enter at any time, and the above proposition will be honored any before Nov. 5, ’91. Catalogues free. Address, WM. M. CROAN. SHENANDOAH, IOWA. Holt county Bank. 0 NEILL NEB •Cldeit Buk is thi U"mf Qkhora ViIIit.i AUTHORIZED OARITAL RAO,000. DAVID ADAMS, Pubsidbnt. J. B BLABON, Viob Piuw. D. L, DARR, Cashier UueiHQonom Ranking Duilneii. Iiaueitlm* oortlfloatea bonrlng lntoreit. Draw* drafti on Omaha New York, London rubllu Bdlnburg and other oltlee. — Make* Ions time oana on— IMPROVED FARMS larsolli European pauenjrer tloketa W, D. Matiikwb, Neii, Huennan, Provident. Vtoo-Prealdcnt Bamurl 0. Sample. Cuahtor. * THE • State Banfc of O’Neill Authorized Capital, 1100,000. Paid up Capital, 180,000 noARD or direct "\at O W. W(illicit, John HoRrlde, O. O. Tlucolot, llunmrd Mullen, W. I). Mutliowa, H. 1). Humplu, Noil Hronuiin. City, I'urin, Collateral and l'eraonul Loana Solicited. r- i 10 L SESEEAL IMIS BSSBEa. JONHS it- M'CUTCHEON, PROPRIETORS OF |- CENTRAL - Livery Barn. O'NEILL, NEB. tr ■ a */■! a» NEW BUGGIES J& mar NEW TEAMS. Everything First-Class. Barn OppOHlto Campbell’s Implement Hoine, FRED C. GATZ - DEALER IK— Fresh, Dried and Sail Meats. Bugar-ourod Ham, Breakfast Bacon, ■ 81des, Sploe roll baooo, all kinds of sausages! O’NEILL, NEBj 30 V A PUZZLlff AS SOLYHl. When you want a certain article, you want tlie best make of that article, don't yon? But how to determine which moke is best is what puzzles you, isn’t it? And when the puzzle is solved for yon, by authority which cannot be questioned, you are pleased, aren’t you? And you would like to hear of one tnu zle that has been solved for the people of the whole world, wouldn't you ? Well, we will tell you about th«t very puzzle, and its solution. 1 At the Universal Exposition of 1680 at Paris, Prance, the best sewing machines of the world, including those of America, were in competition. They were passed upon bye jury composed of the best foreign mechan ical experts, two of whom were the leading sewing machine manufacturers of Franck This jury, after exhaustive examination and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler ft Wilson machines were the best of all, and awarded that company the highest prize of. fered, the '4RAND PRIZE, giving other companies inly gold, silver and bronze medals. Tho French Government, as a further recognition of superiority, decorated Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler president of the com pany, with the Cross of the Legion of donor, the most prized honor of France. That is how the puzzle of the best sewing machine in the world was fully solved by the most competent authority in the world in favor of tho No. 9 and No. 12 Wheeler ft Wilson machines. The No. 9, for family use, and the No. 12, for manufacturing uses, are tho best in the world today, And now, when you want a sewing ma ..hine, if you do not get tho best, it will h® your own fault. Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson machine, and if he does not keep them, write to us for descrip tive catalogue, prices and terms. Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory. WHEELER 4 WILSON MFG. C0„ '85 u:J 107 Wabash Avenue, OkJoaco, XI' For Sale by . , NEIL BRENNAN, OUtOLL Nib. ,