'■ WANTED WS1 ;*% GOOD, ACTIVE, WILLING, >* ■ is haHds ND s Hands To harvest beets at and around Norfolk. Norfolk Bkkt Suo,ooo. Surplus, $2o,ooo. Authorised Capital, $100,000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $4,096. TIIAD. .1 BERMINGHAM, Pubs. j. p. MANN, Vick Phm. KD. F. GALLAGHER, Casuibk. Money Loaned on Personal Security on the Most Favorable lerms. Issue Time Certificates Bearing Interest. Buy and Sell Foreign & Domestic Exchange. J DIRECTORS: C. C. Mii.lahd. M. Cavanaugh T. V. Bkrmingiiam. J. P. Manx, E. W. Montcomeuv. Ed. F. Gallagher. Thad. J.'Ber^qham.' ELKHORN YALLEY BANK, O’Neill, Nebraska. McGREEVY & HAGERTY, Proprietors WILL DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS MAKE FARM LOANS. BUY AND SELL FARM and TOWN PROPERTY. JOHN J. McCAFFERTY. -^DEALER IN= HARDWARE, Tinware, Farm Implements, Furniture, Wooden ware, Wagons, Corn-Shellers. Coffins and Undertaking Suppliest. O’NEILL, HOLT CO.. NEB. New || Quarters! Enlarged Business. Having removed to New and Commodious Quarters will be better than ever pre* pared to supply his numerous customers. When wanting jroceries, flour, feed, etc., etc., or a good square meal? IkkmkmhkuthXt he NERIKSON’S 18 THK PLACE. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. To Rufus Wagers. Mrs. Itufus Wagers, John Clwrry and Julie Cherry, non-resident de fendants: You will take notice that on the 1st day of Oetolior. 1801. Edward Darker, administrator of the ustate of M. D. Darker, deceased, plaintiff herein, Hied Ills petition lu the district court of Holt county, Ne braska. against John Cherry, Jane Cherry, Hut us Wagers and Mrs. Uufus Wag ers, defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage deed executed by John Cherry und Jnue Cherry, defendants, to the Nbowalter Mort gage Company and assigned to plaintiff, on the following described real estate situ ated In Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The north-hulf of the northeast quarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-seven, township tweutv-nlne, range nine west of the 6th P. M„ to secure the payment of a certain promissory note or bond for tauo due Sept. 2. ISM, and ulso to se cure the payment of ten Interest coupons for *31..V) each, all dated Hept. 2,18*11, the first In terest uote maturing March 1, 1800, and one every six months thereafter. Plaintiff al leges that he Is the owner and In possession of the note and mortgage, and there Is now due the plaintiff on said note owned by him and secured by suld mortgage deed the sum of <1,100, for which sum with Interest plaintiff prays a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due; that the claim, right or Interest of Rufus Wagers and Mrs. Uufus Wagers, defendants, he de creed to be Junior and Inferior to plaintiff's Hen. You are required to answer said petition on or before the loth day of November, 1801. Dated this 7th day of October, 1801. 13-4 R. R. Dickson, Atty. for Plff. NOTICE. To Franklin Eldred and Burak E. Eld red, non resident defendants: You will take notice that on the 15th day of Bept., 1891, The American Investment Com pany of Kmmetsburg. Ia., plulnlltr herein, Hied its petition In the district court of Holt county. Nebr., against you and each of you, defendants, the object und prayer of which are to foreclose a curtain trust deed or mort gage executed by the above-named defend ants to K. B. Oriusby, trustee for P.O. Itofsull, on the following described real estate situ ated In Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The northeast quarter of seotlon eighteen, town ship thirty-two,range eleven.westof tlieOth 1*. M., to seenre the puyment of a certain prom issory note or bond for (929, due December 1, 1I«H, also to secure the puyment of ten inter est coupons, one for (44 und nine for *32.20 each, all dated Bept. 24, 1886, the Hrst Interest note muturlng June 1,1887. and one every six months thereafter, riuintilf alleges that it Is owner and in possession of the interest notes which matured on the Urst duysof December, 1890, June, 1800, December, 1889, June, 1880, June. 1888, December, 1887, June, 1887, Decem ber, 1888, und there Is now due plaintiff on said notes owned by It und secured by said trust deed the sum of *400 with interestthcre on from Junu 1,1801, for which sum with In terest pluintitf pruys a decree that defend ants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold subject to the principal note of *1KU and the interest coupon notes ma turing subsequent to those owned by plain tiff to satisfy the amount found due. You aru required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of November, 1801. Dated this 7tli day of October, 1801. 13-4 It. It. Dickson, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. To George A. Drown and Cathrlne Drown non-resident defendants: You will take notice that on the 21st day of September, 1801, Harrison A. Blspham, plain tiff herein, tiled his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, defendants, the object und prayer of which are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mortgage executed by George A. Drown and Cathrlne Brown, defendants, to K.8. tirmsby, trustee for P. O. ltefsell, and assigned to plaintiff, oil the following de scribed real estate situated In Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: South half of south hair of section tlitrty-four, township twenty-six. range ten, lots one and two and south half of northeast quarter of section three, township twenty-live, range ten, also lots one and two and south liulf of northeast quarter of sec tion four, township twenty-tfve, range teu, west of the (Sth 1*. M., to secure the puyment of u certain promissory note or bond for *2,875 due December 1,1891. also to secure the pay ment of ten Interest coupons for *10U.H5 each, all dated October 18, 1888, the Hrst Interest uote maturing- December 1, 1886, und one every six months thereafter. Plaintiff al leges that he Is the owner of and In possession oi the coupons and trust deed, und there Is now due the plaintiff on said (2,875 note owned by him and secured br said trust deed according to the terms thereof, the sum of W.SUU, with Interest thereon from June i, 1891, for which sum with Interest plaintiff prays a decree that defendants be required to pay the tame or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of November, 1891, Dated this 7th day of October, 1891. 18-4 H. H. Dickson, Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Milton McDlrmit, I'hebe E McDIrmlt, Tlios. Higgins and Catherine Higgins, his wife, non resident defendants, will take notice that on the 15th day of September, 1899. the Union 1 rust Company, plaintiff herein, Hied Its pe tition In the district oourt of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the ob ject and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants. Milton McDlrmit and Plicbe E. McDlrmit. to plulntlff, upon the southeast quarter of sec tion three, township twenty-eight, range twelve, west, In Holt county Nebraska, to secure the payment of two promissory notes dated November 1, 1886, for the sum of *70 und Interest at the rate of ten per cent per an num after maturity; that there Is now due upon suld note and mortgage, according to the terms thereof, together with interest on a prior mortgage, paid by plulntlff to protect ita security, the sum of (250 and Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from Sep tember 1, MX), and plaintiff prays that said premises may be deereetl to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon, und that defendants may lie foreclosed of all equity of redemption or other interest In said mortgaged premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of November. 1891. Dated October 1,1891. 13-4 THE UNIONTKITSTCO.. Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. Dy virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtained lie- i fore the district court of Holt county. Ne- i 'iraska. c-ii the lOtli day of December. 1889, In tavor of William A. Paxton. Benjamin Gal lagher. co-partners doing business us Paxton & Gallagher, as plaintiffs, and ugalust Pat kick Hugerty and Mary Hagcrty as defend ants. for the sum of four thousand four hun dred thirty four dollars, and seventy-one scuts, und costs taxed at (03.38 nnd accruing 1 costs I have levied upon the following prem- 1 Ises. taken as the propert v of suld defend- < lit--, to satisfy suld order of sale, to-wit: 1 The north-west quarter of section thbty- 1 line (31) township twenty-nine i29> range 1 Eleven (111 west of the 6th P. 51. In Holt ' Eounty. Nebraska. i And will offer the same for sale to the high- 1 set bidder l'nr cash. In hand, on the 28th day 1 >f November. A. D 1891, In front of the court 1 House in O’Neill, that being the building 1 ,therein the last term of court was held, at > the hour of 1(1 o'clock a. in. of said day. when l tml where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. > Dated ut O'Neill. Nebraska, this 2Uth day of 1 3c toiler. 1891, i I-’*"5 11. C. McEvonv. Sheriff of said County. J 1 IV is. Inultlehnrdsoii, Alfa S. Vanatter and Jus. t uiiutter. defendant*, will take notice tlmt •avid I*. Kimball, plaintiff, bus filed u petl um In the district ccurt of Holt county. Ne iruska. against said defendants, the object md prayer of which are to foreclose a niort taffe tinted February SI. ittutl. for ftwo untl ln erest. on the southwest quarter of section Ive. township thirty, ranee nine, in said jonntv. itlven by Oils K. lllchardson anti Alfa '• Hlchartlson to Western Trust and Security .'oiupuny untl asslitnctl to plaintiff, and to lave the same tlecreetl to lie a first lieu, and aid lands sold to satisfy the same. Vou are required to answer said petition on ir before the thirtieth day of November. lsUl. Dated October SO. 1HH1. ... DAV ID 1*. KIMBALL Plaintiff, lty W. H. Mu niter and W. J. Court rich t. At orney*. i:_4 A fine lot of glassware and crockery i ust received at Hcineriksons. The ' foods will bear inspection anti are cheap ! is the cheapest. { Fruits, cigars, nuts, and alii kinds of l sonfectionery at Thompson’s, Colburn’s ild stand. , WORTH ONE DOLLAR; / hereby certify that I am a regular sub scriber to THE FRONl ER And I hereby recommend— as a young person u/orthy of confidence, and will, in my opinion, moke a good, faithful student. Signed. \WHEN- the above is properly signed and presented with this paper at my office m the AVestern Normal ColW Shenandoah, Iqwa, the person presenting it will Lp credit for $1 on tuition in the Western Normal College 'V” person now a subscriber or subscribing for Tins Frontipb tune before Nov 6 1891, will be entitled to issue the aim, certificate, provided'the one recommended has never he™ ! student at the Western Normal College. This College ; larger and better than ever before. Fourteen churches’ ami no saloons in Shenandoah School strictly non-sectarian, hi Christian. The largest, cheapest and best normal schoolin' the west. Nex* term commences Nov- 3, ’91. You can enter at any time, and the above proposition will be honored anv before Nov. o, ’91. Catalogues free. Address, " ^ WM. M. CROANi SHENANDOAH, IOWA, NOTICE TO REDEEM. To W. C, Shull and the occupant of the land described below: You are hereby notified that on the 37th day of December. 1S8H, the following described real estate was sold at private tax sale by the treasurer of lloit county. In the state of Nebraska, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section 3, township 37, range 9. situated in Holt county, Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes for the year 1S8S, to Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company of Storm Lake. Iowa, who received a certificate of tax sale therefor Decumber 11. 1890. assigned the same to the undersigned and who Is the pres ent owner and holder thereof. In the year 1888 the said land was taxed and specially assessed in the name of W. C. Shull, and In the year 188!) it was taxed and specially- assessed in the name of W. C. Shull The time of redemption of said ta: will expire on the 27th day of Decemher. 1891. THE UALLOU HANKING COMPANY of Sioux City, Iowa. 9-3 BRIDGE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the county clerk up to noon of Saturday Oct. 1U 1891, for the construction of a "v” truss bridge across Steel Creek, at Dorsey, said bridge to be 32ft long with i4ft. road way and 7ft above low water mark. Committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. _W. V. McEi.iiankv, Supervisor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neill, Nob., i ' , , , , Sept. 12. 1891. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of ids intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that saia proof will be made before the register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on Nov.tl, 1891, viz: LAWRENCE FLANIOAN. H. E. 12838. Fortho SE*4 0-31-llw. lie names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: George Kennedy, Meredith Hubby, botli of Blackbird Neb, Frank McDonald, of J.oonle, Neb. John H. Hopkins, of Agee, Neb. 10*# B. S. Gillespie. Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Oitice at O'Neill, Neb., I .11. f „ . . , October 21, 1891. i Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made Le tor® the register and receiver at O’Neill. Neb., on November 20,1801, viz: 0 'iauvv°E' ,^rillan of minor heirs of JOHN N. BEADY deceased, H. E. No. 12524. lor theNWJi Sec. 3], Tp. 31, N. B. 10 West. lie names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vl/.: Charles Wrede, O'Neill. Neb.: Joseph Hup pcnscamp, Leonla, Neb ; Rudolph Pe e.son, John Curison, Mineola. Neb. 1 l"*-0+ B. S. Gillespie. Register. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that bids will be re vived at the office of the county clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, up to noon or Oct. 10. ism, for the printing of fifteen thousand lounty and township election tickets accord ing to the laws of the state of Nebraska. Con tract will he let to the lowest bidder. G. C. Hazklut, County Clerk. GUARDIAN SALE. in the matter of the estate of Ima I. John son and Bessie I. Johnson, minors. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance >f an order of M. P. Kinkald, judge of the dis trict court ofllolt county. Nebraska, made )n the 23th day of September, A. I). 1801, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter de icrlbed. there will be sold at the frontdoor >f ,h.Vi.?Hl.,l t house in O'Neill, Nebraska, on In; 24th day of October, A. D. 1801, at 10 > clock a. m. at public vendue to tlie hlgliest ildder for cash, the following described ■cal estate, to-wit: Lot one (1) in block (2) in he village of Inman, Nebraska, according to lie recorded plat thereof. Said sale will re iiaiii open one hour. Emma A. Haves, Gunrdlon of said Minors. E. 11. Benedict. Attorney, Dated September 2s. 1801. i-lji SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed to ne from the o.erk of tlie district court of loit county. Nebraska, on a decree ob uinod before the district court of Holt eoun Jlv^i*®****8^*1 ’ the —Btb (lay ot November, 814), in favor of I. lie Ballou State Banking ompany as plaintiff and against.lolin lie Los Vilson el al„ as defendants, for the turn of n'!ei?iLyi'n ,1Ced?,llar?, llp,d l'l-hty cents, and he Elk horn \ alley Bank obtained a decree or t lit* suiiLof unci costs taxed at $'22 4H ind aceuring costs I have levied upon the pllmvlng premises, taken as the prope rty of aWdefendants. to satisfy said order of sale. The southwest quarter of section twenty I township twenty-eight (28), range I*:veil (11) west of the (itli P. M„ in Holt ounty. Nebraska. , ^".d.„nwll‘ sumo for sale t.o ho highest bidder for casli in hand on the lit day of November, A. D. lstil, in front of he court house In O'Neill, that being tlie mllding wherein the last term of district ourt was held, at the hour of 10 o'clock n. m. 1 in ,d w*»en and where due attendance rill be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill. Neb., this filth day of Scd ompor, 1WI1. H , II. C. McEvonv. Sheriff of said County. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retired from practice, laving had placed in bis hands by an Eas ndia m sslonaay tlie formula of a simple egetable remedy for the R|k-i1v and perina ent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Asth "a “Jid “B throat and Lung Affections, also « sisltivo and radical cure for Nervous De ility and all Nervous Complaints, after uvlng tested its curative powers In Hums nds of cases, has felt it his duty to make it .■town to ids suffering fellows. Actuated by his motive and a desire to relieve human ulTering. I will send free of charge, to all i In) desire it. this recipe. In German, French i* iMijilish. with full directions for prepar iif uni using. Sent by mail by addressing i‘v* this paper. W. A. loyes, 820 Powers’Ulook,Rochester. N. Y. Hay wanted on subscription. >t this office soon. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of nn oi ler of mile dli-e„*„,i . me from the tier., the dintrietTourto? Holt county Nebraska, on u dec.ee ehtn noi before the district court of Holt count* \v biusku on the Sfitli day of November IsiVi in favor of The llullou State Kunkhig Comm, J its plaintiff and against John J»o/5os°VvjK.m et al as defendants, for the sum of ih !o,n three dollars, and the Elkhorn vX/ttSK Obtained a decree for the sum of 8130 ami fir f8 Jllxc ^ and accruing costs I lmvr levied upon the following premises taken as tile property of said defendants, to saVwv order of sale to-wit : ’ sausiy Tiie southeast quarter of section twenrv. even (27) township twenty-eight (28) rS HO. west, of the Otii f. M. In Halt seven eleven county, Nebraska. , And will oirer the same for sale totim highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the Kith day of November, A. I). 1891, in front of the court house in O’Neill, that being the build, ing wherein the last terra of district court was held, at the hour of lUo’elock am. of said gi!v5n"by','lm oudersig'lted.attenii^ »«' ftStoStar. UwfiU’ISebra8ka’ thl8290> d»yof 14-5 H. C. McF.vo.sy. _ Sheriff of salcl County. THE ONLY DIRECT LINK All Points in Dakota. Dixon. Cedar. Pierre Antelope and HoltCouuties to SIOUX CITY, ST. PAUL DULUTH, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. S=-iaxc2a&ee -SToiir Tickets and Slilp "STotat *rrla The Pacific Short Lie For Passenger Fares and Time Tables: For Hates on Freight between all stations on Pacific Short Line and to Sioux City nod all points east, apply to the agent of the Pa cific Short Line at O’Neill, or , „ _ Geo. R. Comms. •T. C. Coombs, Gen. Freight & Pass. Agt* Gen. Superintcnnent, Sioux City, Iowa. J. W. FIRESAUGH, agt., • O’NEILL. NEB @i)e Jlrooew Journal. The leading live-stock newspaper and market reporter of the West. A paper for STOCK-RAISERS, FARMERS, fine stock breeders, grain dealers. Very late*" and correct market reports by telegraph lrum all the principal stock markets. Address Daily, $4.00 per Yeai., Semi-Weekly, $2 Weekly, $1.50 The Drovers Journal, UNION STOCK YAKDS, South Omaha, Neb ml . . 4''ll!. n inn•!»» ih»* work »» , f:ii homo, win-rover vmi "r'- .,, piniM-iH i*r*- ensllv eariiiinr fr"1" ** w *!«a .toy. All ape*. «>*!;••« -"’“S ami af.iri yon. Can work In ‘l“,r' or nil tin* ilino. Illp nmtH-y *'11 l -**■ x i:\v