The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 15, 1891, Image 8

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    :y .
M' Who th* llrlilrfroom Flr»t Sen Ilia
Ilrlilr'a Knee.
It was In tho Hnrrago. vlmt famous
bridge or doublo weir, tho eastern part
b spanning tho Damiotta and tlie wostorn
the Rosottn branch of the Nile. It
was there that tho Into khodlvo built a
lovely palace and still more lovely gar
den, which he perhaps graced with Ills
';v presence once in his life and loft to
decay, just as all Egyptians have done
since the world begun, never ronowlng,
never reviving, but building as a child
would build a toy house, to pull down
and begin another. An American on
glnoer, one of the half dozen retained
C - in office, has charge of the bridge, and
it is ho who walks undor tho shadow
of tho palms and gathors tho wild
rosos and oats the golden oranges that
whether or no blossom and boar fruit
in tho deserted garden.
It was from tho balcony of his house,
a part of tho old palace, looking out
on the beautiful, blooming country,
tho green fields, tho lovely, mysteri
ous river, that wo saw a calvaeado ap
proaching and hoard tho sound of the
lute and plpo. "It is a fantasia,” ex
claimed our host—a fantasia meaning
any fete or festa. Down tho long
white road they camo, a procession of
horsemen on whito Arabian steeds, the
lost man dressed in handsome raiment
and bearing himself with tho proud air
of one upon whom all eyes wero fixed.
Next him strode a groom and capar
isoned camel with a rich blanket and
embroidered saddle, and after this an
other curaol with evon more gorgeous
trappings, wno Doro a ricn painquin
curtained on every side with gold and
crimson hangings. Within sat the
bride. Following tho bride wore three
other cnmols, on which wero seated
vellod women, and then oamo a train
carrying household furniture, bedding
stuffs, chests, pots and pans and all
tho various appurtonances essontial to
housekeeping and furnishing in an
Oriental country.
It was tho bride coming to tho hus
band's house, the last day of tho wed
ding, and the conclusion of the seven
days’ feasting. In a few hours he
would for the first time lift the veil to
see whether, Indeed, what his mother
has told him is true; whether she is
almond-eyed, and rosy, and supplo of
limb, and graceful of foot; whothor she
has a voice like the cooing of a dove
and is learned In the making of bread
and dakkah, for not one glimpse of hor
face, not ono word from lips, has over
been vouchsafed him. Poor fellow!
Do those brilliant curtains shroud love
liness or deformity?
Has the mother been won ovor by
the pile of Btuff and the ear-rings and
bracelets to fancy beauty whore there
are only richesP It has happened so
in other lands. But the bride—have I
no pitying words for the bride, who
also is supposed to be Ignorant of the
lineaments of her husband? The bride
is the woman; there are windows,
though latticed windows, in tho house
in the village over the plain, and the
brown eyes were never darkened when,
veiled and shrouded, she went to the
mosque or well. We may be sure the
bride has seen him many a day and oft,
■t- and loved or hated him after tho
fashion of women who, heaven be
praised, do not need a century of con
templation to make up their minds
whether they like a thing or not.—
Hartford Courant.
A Bone Eater.
There is a man in town who eats
bones, and who is known among his
friends as the "great American bone
eater,” says the New York Sun. He
is a scientist, and when a question was
put to him he said: "I do not follow
this habit for any fantastic roason. I
believe that the organic ohemioal ele
ments found in bones, such as phos
phate and carbonate of lime, are great
ly needed in the human frame for the
development of the osseous system. I
do not make a dinner of bones, but
merely take a little bone delicacy at
|; times, when not in company. I will
f>° through the rib-bones of a spring
chicken or quail, or what not. I will
have the grilled leg bones of a young
chicken, whioh are easily oaten when
well grilled, bones of a sucking pig oi
of a lamb and, in fact, there are sun
dry bones that can be prepared in
various ways to the advantage of the
eater. I have had benefit from bone
eating, and I know several bone eaters.
Some of the African negroes, who are
very strong, eat the bones ’of game
after making them crisp at the fire,
and the books tell of the bone eaters
j; of Europe in olden times. I would ad
vise you to get a fqjv dainty bones in
nice order and try them.”
Mountain Peaks Compared.
The Alps contain two peaks about
lfi.OOOJeet, six or seven above 14,000
f ■%/ ''<jjj>i,n all about thirty which are
recJ?> " bis nong the first-class peaks
of the wbtw The Himalayas, on the
other hand, or, Vathor, the limited por
tion of that range with which wo are
familiar, contain peaks from 29,000
feet downward. More than 1,100
have been measured that exceed 20,
000 feet in height, and it is computed
that there are at least 5,000 peaks in
that great range that are over 15,000
feet, and that there are not loss than
2,000 that will exceed the 20,000-foot
A Pathetic Story.
The London Hospital tells of a
seamstress who, like Hood’s pathetic
| heroine in the “Song of the Shirt”
worked till the stars shone on the roof.
Her eyesight failed, and the story goes
on: “She saw at tho same time fout
y ; hands, four needles, and four seams.
She at first treated tbem as an illusion,
bat at the end of some days, in conse
f ; quenco of weakness and prolonged
mental anxiety, she imagined that she
:sV;‘ was really sewing four seams at once,
and that God, touched by her misfor
| tune, had worked a miracle in her
To Rufus Wugers. Mrs. Rufus Wliters, John
Cherry and June Cherry, non-resident de
Vou will take notice that on the 1st day of
October, 1HWI. Edward Barker, administ rator
of the estate of M. II. Barker, deceased,
plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in the
district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, against John Cherry. Jane
cherry, flirtuh Wugers and Mrs. Rufus Wug
i in. defendants, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
deed executed by John Cherry and Jane
Cherry, defendants, to the Sbowalter Mort
gage Company and assigned to plaint iff, on
the following described real estate situ
ated In Holt county, Nebraska, to-wlt:
'I'tie north-half of the northeast quarter and
the north half of the northwest quarter of
section twenty-seven, township t wenty-nine,
range nine west of the titli l\ M.. to secure the
Kinent of a certain promissory note or
d for $1XH) due Sept. 2. 1HU4. and also to so
eure the payment of ten interest coupons lor
$ each, all dated Sept, tf, IsMi, the first in
terest note maturing March i. lhUO, and one
every six months thereafter. I’hitulilf al
leges that he Is the owner and in possession
of the note and mortgage, and there Is now
due the plaint Itf on said note owned by him
and secured by said mortgage deed the sum
of $1,100, for which sum with interest plaintiff
prays a decree that defendants be required
to pay the same or that said premises may
he sold to satisfy the amount found due; that
the claim, right or interest of Rufus Wagers
and Mrs. Rufus Wagers, defendants, he de
creed to be Junior uud Inferior to plaliitilTs
Vou are required to answer said petition
on or before ine lttth day of November, ISiit.
Dated this 7th day ot October, lHtil.
13-4 R. K. Dickson, Atty. for PUT.
To Franklin Eld rod and Surah E. Eldrcd,non
resident defendants:
You will toko notice that on the 15th day of
Sept., lml. The American In vestment Com
pany of Emmetsburg. la., plaintiff herein,
tlleu its petition in the district court, of Holt
count y. Alcbr., against you and each of you,
defendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mort
gage executed by the above-named defend
ants to K. S. Unusby, trustee for P.O. Uelseil,
outlie following described real estate situ
ated in Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The
northeast quarter of section eighteen, town
ship th irty-two,range eleven, west of the Ot.h l’.
M„ to secure the payment of a certain prom
issory note or Itond lor ijstcu, due December 1,
1891, also to secure the payment ol' ten inter
est coupons, one for $44 and nine for $32.20
each, all dated Sept. 24, 1886, the tlrst interest
note maturing June 1, 188V, and tine every six
months thereafter. Plaintiff alleges that it is
owner and in possession of the Interest notes
which matured on the Hist days of December,
1 MHO, June, 1890, December, 188U, June, 1889,
June. IHsm, December, 1887, June, 188?, Decem
ber, 1888, amt there is now due plaintiff, on
said notes owned by It and secured by said
trust deed the sum of *400 with interest there
on from June 1, laid, for which sum with in
terest plaintiff prays a decree tliat defend
ants be required to pay the same or that said
premises may be sold subject to the principal
note of $020 and the interest coupon notes ma
turing subsequent to those owned by plain
tiff to satisfy the amount found due.
You are inquired to answer said petition
on or before the Pith day of November, 1801.
Dated tills 7th day of October, 1801.
13-4 K. It. Dickson, Attorney for Plaintiff.
To George A. Brown and Cuthrluo Brown,
non-resident defendants:
You will take notice that on the 21st day of
September, 1801, Harrison A. Bisplmtii, plain
tiff herein, tiled Ids petition In the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you
und each of you, defendants, tiie object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
trust deed or mortgage executed by George
A. Brown and Cathrlne Brown, defendants,
to K.S. Ormsby, trustee for 1’. O. Uefsell, and
assigned to plaintiff, on the following de
scribed real eat atu situated In Holt county,
Nebraska, to-wii: South half of .south half
of section thirty-four, township twenty-six.
range ten, lots one and two and south half of
northeast quarter of section three, township
twenty-tlve, range ten, also lots one and two
and south half ol northeast quarter of sec
tion four. township twenty-five, range ten,
west of the tith P. M., to secure the payment
of a certain promissory note or bond for$2,875
due December 1, IHd, also to secure the pay
ment of ten interest coupons for $100.65 each,
all oated October 16, 1886, the first interest
note maturing December 1, 1880, and one
every six months thereafter. Plaintiff al
leges that he is the owner of and In possession
ol tlie coupons and trust deed, and there is
now due the plaintiff on said $2,875 note
owned by him and secured bv suid trust deed
according to the terms thereof, the sum of
$3,500, with interest thereon from June i, 1801,
for which sum with Interest plaintiff prays a
decree that defendants be required to pay
the sumo or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the llith day of November, 1801.
Dated this 7th day of October, 1891.
U-4 K. It. Dickson, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Milton McDirmlt, Phebe E MoDirmit, Thos.
Higgins mid Catherine Higgins, his wife, non
resident defendant#, will take notice that on
the 15th day or September, 1800. the Union
Trust Company, plaintiff herein, filed its pe
tition in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against said defendants, the ob
ject und prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by defendants,
Milton McDirmlt and Phebo K. McDirmlt, to 1
plaint iff, upon the southeast quarter of sec
tion three, township twenty-eight, range ,
twelve, west, in Holt county Nebraska, to
secure the payment of two promissory notes
dated November 1, 1886, for the sum of $70 and
interest at the rate of ten per cent per an- j
mint after maturity; that there is now duo
upon said note and mortgage, according to
the terms thereof, together with interest on a
prior mortgage, paid by pluintiff to protect
its security, the sum of $250 and interest at
i lie rateot ten per cent per annum from Sep- 1
tcinbur 1, 181H), und plaintiff prays that suid
premises may bo decreed to be sold to satisfy
the amount due thereon, und tliat defendants 1
may he foreclosed of all equity of redemption I
or other interest in said mortgaged premises.
You are required to answer sale! petition
on or before the 16th day of November, 1891.
1 luted October 1,1891.
13-4 THE UNION TRUST CO.. Plaintiff.
To'James Sogcar, Mary Segour. Nellie Frlek
( tt.. Frickett. her liusbmd, Orlaiulo 1).
Sprenklo. non-resident defendants:
You will take notice that on the lath day of
September, thill. Thu American Investment
t ompany. of F.mmetslmrg, Iowa, plain
tiff herein, filed Its petition In the
district court, of Holt county. Nebras
ka, against you and euch of you. the object
and prayer i f which are to foreclose a cer
tain trust deed or mortgage executed by
James Segear and Mary (Segear, deiendants,
to K. S. Ormsby, trustee for plaintiff, on the
Io!!ow!iir described real estate situated la
Holt county, Aebraska. to-wli: Southwest
quarter of the northwest quarter and north
west quarter of the soutliwestquurter of sec
tion lour, aid south half of the northeast
quarter of section five, all in township thirt v
two. range fifteen west of the lith l*. M , to se
cure the payment of a certain promissory
note or bond tor $:00, duo Hoc. J. 1M.I1, also to
secure the payment of ten Interest coupons,
one for f-'T.I-i. and nine for £11.50 each, all
dated December lssil, the first Interest
note maturing June 1.1: S7, and one every six
months therealter. Plaintiff alleges that it
is tile owner ami in possession of the Interest
notes which matured on the first days of De
cember. lSiki, June, tstlti, December, 1SSU. June.
18S!I, December, lsss. June. Inks, December,
1SS7. and there Is now due the plaintiff on
said notes ow ned by it and secuied by said
trust deed the sum of fdVi.O,1, with interest
thereon from December I, lstHI. for which
sum with iuteiest pluintitf prays a decree
that deiendants be required to pay the same
or that snid premises may be sold subject to
tlie principal note of fetid and the interest
coupon notes maturing subsequent to those
owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount
found due. That the claim, right or interest
of each ot the defendants bo decreed to be
junior and inferior to plaintiff’s lien.
You are required to unswersuid petition on
or before the -d day of November, 1M01.
Dated this Sid day of September, istll.
11-4 It, It. Dickson. Ally, for Dili.
A Good Chance.
Geo. E. Hanson of Leouia. is want
ing to buy three-year-old steers lo feed.
Drop him a card if you have auv to seil.
2-1-1 _
A tine lot of glassware and crockery I
just received at Heiaeriksous. The I
goods will bear inspection anil are cheap |
as the cheapest.
To James Crowley. Mary M. Crowley, Hannah
O’Brien. O'Brien, her husband, and
John O’Brien, non-resident defendants:
Yon will take notice that on the 15th day of
September, 1801, The American investment
Company of Emmets burg. Iowa, plaint 1(T
herein, filed Its petition In the district court
of Holt county, .Nebraska, against James
Crowley, Mary M. Crowley, Hannah O’Brien,
.O’Brien, her husband. John O'Brien
and But McDonald, defendants, the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
trust deed or mortgage executed by James
Crowley and Mary M. Crowley, defendants,
to K. 8. Ormsby. trustee for 1*. O. Betsell, on
the following described real estate situated
Holt county. Nebraska: Northwest quarter
and southwest mmrter of the northeast
quarter of section twenty-one. township
thirty, range fifteen west of the 0th 1*. M.. to
secure the payment of a certain promissory
note or bond for #1,380 due June 1,1891; also to
secure the payment of ten interest coupons,
one for &44.C5. and nine for $48,JO euch, all
dated June 15, 1888, the first Interest note ma
turing December 1, 1886, and one every six
months thereafter. Plaintiff alleges that It
Is the owner and In possession of the Interest
notes which matured on the first days of June
1890, and December, 1890, and there is now due
plaintilf on said notes owned by It and se
cured bj' said trust deed the sum of $150,
with interest thereon from December 1, 1890,
for which sum with interest plaintiff prays a
decree that defendants be required to pay
the same, or tnut said premises maybe sold
subject to the principal note of lljWO and the
Interest coupon notes maturing subsequent
to those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the
amount found due. That the claim, right or
interest of each of the said defendants bede
ereed to be junior and inferior to plaintiff's
You tire required to answer said petition on
or before the 2d day of November, 1891.
Dated this 2tfd day of September. 1891.
11-4 It. It. Dickson, Atty. for Plff.
To Kmma F. Rlghtmore, John F. Bulimann
und Mrs. John F. Bubmann, non-resident
You will take notice that on the 21st day of
September, 1 h!) 1, The American Investment
Company of Kmmetsburg, Iowa, plaintiff
herein, tiled Its petition In the district court
of llolt county, Nebraska, against the above
uumed defendants, the object and praver of
which are to foreclose a certain trust deed or
mortgage executed by Emma F. lilghtmore,
defendant, to E. S. Ormsby, trustee for P. O.
Ketsell, also a second mortgage to plaintiff,
on the following decrlbed real estute situated
In llolt county, Nebraska, to-wlt: The south
west quarter of section thirty, township
thlrty-four.rungo fifteen, west of tlieOtb P. M.,
the trust deed to secure the paymontof a cer
tain promissory note or bond for TO®, due
Juuul, 1891, also to secure the payment or
uleven Interest coupons, one for *0.85 and ten
for *21.00 each, all dated September!), 188,1, the
tirst Interest note maturing December 1, 1880,
and one every six months thereafter; also
a second mortgage to secure the payment of
an Installment note of *98.20, (H.go due Decem
ber 1, 1880, and *9.49 every six months there
after. Plaintiff alleges that It Is the owner
and In possession of the Interest notes which
matured on the lirst days of June. 1801, De
cember, In'.*), June, IH'KI, and the Installment
note, and there Is now duo the plulutilT on
suld notes owned by It und secured by suld
trust deed and mortgage the sum of *100, with
Interest thereon from December 1, 1800, for
which sum with Interest plaintiff prays a de
cree that defendant be required to pay the
same, or that said premises may be sold sub
ject to the principal note of *025 and the In
terest coupon notes maturing subsequent to
those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the
umount found due. That the claim, right or
lutercst of each of the defendants be decreed
to be junior and Inferior to plaintiff's lien.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 2d day of November, 1881.
Dated this 21st day of September, 1881.
Il-4w R. K. Dickson, Att’y for Pl’ff.
To John F. Sullivan. J. Q. Clark, Horace N.
McKee, Aqulla H. Pickering, Mrs. Aqulla H.
Pickering, C. H. Toncray, Guarantee In
vestment Confpany. David M. Davis, re
ceiver Guarantee Investment Company,
non-resident defendants:
You will take notice that on the 22d day of
September, 1891, Maggie Ollerensliaiv, plain
tiff herein, tiled her petition In the district
court of llolt county, Nebraska, against
each of the above named defendants, the ob
ject and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain mortgage oxecuted by John F. Sulli
van, defendant, to Guarantee Investment
Company on the following described real es
tate, situated In Hult county, Nebraska, to
wit: Southwest quarter of section thlrty
tlvc, towhshlp twenty-eight, range thirteen,
west of thcUth P. M„ to secure the payment
of a curtain promissory note or bond for *550,
due October 1, 1894, and also to secure the
paymunt of ten Interest coupons for *19.25
each, all duted Oct. 1, 1889, the first Interest
note maturing April 1,1890, and one every six
months thereafter. Plulutiff also alleges
that she Is the owner and In possession of the
said note of *550 and coupons, which matured
on the tirst days of October, 1890, and April,
1891, und there Is now due the plaintiff on
suld note owned by her and secured by said
mortgage the sum of *708.44 with interest
thereon from April 1,1891. for which sum with
Interest, plaintiff prays a decree that defend
ants be required to pay the same, or that said
premises may bo sold to satisfy the umount
found due; that the claim right or Interest
of each of the defendants be decreed to be
Junior and Inferior to plaintiff's lien.
You are required to answer suld petition on
or before the 2nd day of November 1891.
Dated this 21st day of September. 1891.
11-4 K. K. Dickson, Att'y for Pl'ff.
To Wilfrid I. Roche, Clark, Qulen & Morse,
non-resident defendants:
Y'ou will tuke notice that on the 21st day
of September, 1891. The American Invest
ment Company of Emmetsburg, Iowa, plain
tiff herein, tiled Its petition In the district
court of llolt county, Nebraska, against the
above named defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose acertaln trust
deed aud mortgage executed by Wilfrid I.
ttoche, defendant, to E. S. Ormsby, trustee
for plaintiff, and also a second mortgage to
plaintiff, on the following described real
estate situated In Holt county. Nebraska,
to-wlt: The northeast quarter of section
twenty-seven, township twenty-nine, range
ten. west of the 8th P. M„ the trust deed to
secuie the puyment of acertaln promissory
note or bond for *500 due January 1, 1892,
also to secure the payment of ten interest
coupons, one for *19.25,andnlnefor(l7.50each,
all dated May 111, 1887, the first Interest note
maturing December 1, 1887, and one every
six months thereafter. Also a second mort
gage to secure the payment of one note of
*8.25 und nine for*7.ii0, the *8.25 note being due
December I. 1887, and one of the *7.50 notos
every six months thereafter. Plaintiff al
leges that it Is the owner and In the posses
sion of the Interest notes which matured on
the first duys of June. 1891, December, 1890,
Juno 1890, December 1888, June 1888 December
1889, June 1889; also seven of the *7.50 notes,
and there Is now due the plaintiff on said
notes owned by It and secured bv said trust
deed and mortgage the sum of *275 with In
terest thereon from June 1, 1891, for
which sum, with Interest, plaintiff prays u
decree that defendant be required to oay the
same, or that said premises may be sold sub
ject to the prlncipul note of *590, and the in
terest coupon notes maturing subsequent to
those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the
■mount found due; that the claim, right or
Interest, of each of the above defendants
ho decreed to he junior und Inferior to plain
tiff’s lien.
You are required to answersaid petition on
or before the 2nd duy of Novembe , 1891.
Dated this 21st day of September, 1891.
11-4 R. K. Dickson. Att'y for Pl’ff.
Ill tlie district court of Holt county Ne
braska William W. Andrews, vs. James
Connoly. et ul.
.1 ames Connoly administrator of tbe estate
of Tims. Connoly deceased, and James Con
noly. Mary Hall. Hall, husband of said
Mary Hall, and Catherine Connoly, defen
dants. win take notice. That on the 12th day
of Sept. 1S91. William W. Andrew s died his
petition in the district court of Holt county
Nebraska, against said defendants and other
heirs of Thomas Connolv, deceased, the ob
ject and prayer of said petition being to fore
close a certain trust deed cxecutod Dy said
Tims. Connoly deceased to.l. H. Keith trus
tee for Oeorge II. Ash, upon the SE>i of See.
10 and the SE>» of Sec. 3 In Twp 3» linage 12
west in Holt county. Neb., to secure the pay
ment of a certain coupon bond, dated .fufy
12th issT. for the sum of 22,200 due and pay
able In five years from date or upon default
In the condition thereof, there is now due
upon said bond and trust deed the sum of
fcisO.l for which sum with interest and the
amount of certain taxes paid upon said pre
mises, the plaintilf asks a decree that the
suid premises be sold to satisfy.
You ure ret) u I red to answer said petition
on or before the tbit h day of October MU.
Dated Sept. 12th 1SU1.
Lkwis A Holmes,
Attys. for W. W. Andrews, PUT.
Fruits, cigars, nuts, aud alll kinds of
confectionery at Thompson's, Colburn’s
old stand.
/ hereby certify that I anr a regular sub
scriber to
And I hereby recommend—
as a young person worthy of confidence,
and will, in my opinion, moke a good,
faithful student.
IWHEN the above is properly signed and presented with
this paper at my office in the Western Normal Cpllege at
Shenandoah, Iowa, the person presenting it will^le given
credit for $1 on tuition in the Western Normal College. Any
person now a subscriber or subscribing for Tiie Frontier any
time before Nov. 5, 1891, will be entitled to issue the above
certificate, provided the one recommended has never been a
student at the Western Normal College. This College is
larger and better than ever before. Fourteen churches and
no saloons in Shenandoah. School strictly non-sectarian, but
Christian. The largest, cheapest and best normal school in
the west. Nex; term commences Nov- 3, ’91. You can enter
at any time, and the above proposition will be honored any
before Nov. 5, ’91. Catalogues free. Address,
To W. C. Shull and the occupant ot the land
described below: You are hereby notified
that on the 27th day of December, 1889, the
following described real estate was sold at
private tax sale by the treasurer of Holt
county. In the state of Nebraska, to-wlt: The
northwest quarter of section 2. township 27,
range 9. situated In Holt county, Nebraska,
for the delinquent taxes for the year 188», to
Farmers* Loan and Trust Company of Storm
Lake. Iowa, who received a certificate of tax
sale therefor December 11.1800. assigned the
same to the undersigned and who Is the pres
ent owner and holder thereof.
In the year 1888 the said land was taxed
and specially assessed In the name of W. C.
Shull, and In the year 1889 It was taxed and
specially assessed In the name of W. C. Shull.
The time of redemption of said tax sale
wilt expire on the 27th day of December. 1891.
Sioux City, Iowa. 9-3
Notloe Is hereby given that scaled bids will
be received at the office of the county clerk
up to noon of Saturday Oct. 10 1891, for the
construction of a “V" truss bridge aoross
Steel Creek, at Dorsey, said bridge to be 33ft
long with i4ft. road way and 7ft above low
water mark. Committee reserve the right to
reject any or all bids.
W. V. McEi.hawkv, Supervisor.
Laud OrricE at O'Neill, Neb., i
„ . . Sept. 12,1891. i
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that saia proof will be made before the
register and receiver at O’Neill, Nob., on
Nov. 6, 1891, viz:
For the SEX 9-81-llw.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
George Kennedy, Meredith Hubby, both of
Blackbird Neb, Frank McDonald, of Leonle,
Neb. John 11. Hopkins, of Agee, Neb.
10-6 B. 8. GilIiESpik. Register.
Land OrriCE at O’Neill, Neb., I
- -il. f
„ August 26,1801. ,
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will Do made be
fore the register and receiver at O’Neill,
Neb., on October!), 1801. viz:
MICHAEL MILLER, H. E. No. 12842,
For the sx 8E<4 19-32-11 West.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upou and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
W. 8. Griffith, John Llddy, Turner, Neb.:
John Hoyer, John Hanson, Blackbird, Neb.
" “ B. 8. Gillespie. Register.
Notice Is hereby given that bids will be re
ceived at the office of the county cltrk of
Holt county, Nebraska, up to noon of Oct. 10,
1891, for the printing or fifteen thousand
county and township election tickets accord
ing to the laws of the state of Nebraska. Con
tract will be let to the lowest bidder.
G. C. Hazelet, County Clerk.
In the matter of the estate of Ima I. John
son aud Bessie I. Johnson, minors.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance
of an order of M. P. KInkaid, judge or the dis
trict court of Holt county. Nebraska, made
on the 25th day of September, A. I). 1891, for
the sale of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed, there will be sold at the front door
of the court house in O'Neill, Nebraska, on
the 24th day of October, A. D. 1891, at 10
o’clock a. m. at public vendue to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described
real estate, to-wit: Lot one (1) In block (2) In
the village of Inman, Nebraska, according to
the recorded plat thereof. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
KemaA. Hates, Guardlon of said Minors.
E. II. Benedict. Attorney,
Dated September 28,1801. 1&3
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to i
me from the olerk of the d strlot oourt of I
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree ob- I
tallied before the district court or Holt coun
ty, Nebraska, on the 2Hib clay of November,
1*0, in favor of The Bullou State Banking
Company as plnlntltr and against John HeLos
Wilson et si., as defendants, tor the sum of
serenty-nbic dollars and eighty cents, and
the Elkhorn Valley Bank obtained a decree
for the sum of *150, and cost* taxed at *22.4!i.
and securing costs 1 have levied upon the
following premises, taken as toe property of
^defendants. to satisfy said order of sale.
The southwest quarter of section twenty
six (20), township twenty-eight (28), range
eleven (lit, west of the 6th P. M.. in Holt
county. Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale ti
the highest bidder for cash in hand on the
tot day of November, A. D. 1861, in front of
the court house In O’Neill, that boing the
building wherein the last term of district
oourt was held, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
ofsald day, when and where due attendance
will bo given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill. Neb., this 29th day of Sep
tetuper, 1861.
H. C. McEvonv,
Sheriff of said County.
An old physician, retirtd from practice,
having had placed In bis hands by an East
India missionaav the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma
nent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Asth
ma and ail throat und Lung Affections, also a
positWe and radical cure for Nervous De
bility and all Nervous Complaints, after
having tested its curative powers in thous
ands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it
known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by
this motive and a desire to relieve human
suffering, I will send free of charge, to all
who desire it. this recipe, in German, French
or English, with full directions for prepar
D<* u8inff. 8ent by mail by addressing
na,.nJL1?^ paper. W. A.
Noyes, 830 Powers’ Block, Kochester. N. Y.
Hay wanted on subscription,
at this office soon.
By virtuo of an order of sale, directed to
me from the clerk of the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a deciee obtained
before the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska. on the 26th day of November, 18U0, in
favor of The Hallou State Ilatiklnjr Company
as plaintiff and against John Def.os Wilson
et al as defendants, for the sum of thirty
three dollars, and the Elkhorn Valley Hank
obtained a decree for the sum of *150. and
costs taxed at *22.43 and accruin'-costs I have
levied upon the following premises, taken os
the property of said defendants, to satisfy
said order of sale to-wlt:
The southeast quarter of section twenty
-W uw. vv. Ul ObVUUU IWtnitV
seven (27) township twenty-eijrht (28) ranee
eleven (11) west of the 6th Ir. M. hi Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash. In band, on the 16th
day of November. A. D. 1801, in front of the
court house In O'Neill, that being the build
ing wherein the last term of district court
was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said
day, when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 29th day of
September, 1891.
If-6 H. C. McEvony.
_ Sheriff of said County.
All Points in Dakota, Dixon. Cedar. Pierce
Antelope and Holt Counties to
F-vaicJaXova Tidse-ta tvn.cS.
Sblp Xoui XSrolglit -tria
The Pacific Short Lie
For Passenger Fares and Tinio Tables:
. j2rJ Ste2.011 between all stations
on Pacific Short Line and to Sioux City and
all points east, apply to the agent of the Pa
cific Short Line at O’Neill, or
J. C. Coombs, Gen. Freight & Pass.SAst.
Gen. bupcrlntennent, Sioux City, IowaT
J. W. FIRE8AUGH, agt.,
Site 5rot>ers.Journal.
The loading live-stock newspaper and market
reporter of the West. A paper for
fine stock breeders, grain dealers. Very latest
and correct market reports by telegraph from
all the principal stock markets. Address
daily, *4.00 per Year.
•emi-Weekly, *2
Weekly, 21.50 “
Tm Drovers Journal,
South Omaha, Neb.
**•*• . Mil# {■ vivoboonmad*at
)v t'-r «», l*v A mm I’tige, Amain,
<'*••! .Ido. t'litiii, Toledo, <rhio.
‘‘"t• <tiredoingn»well. Why
't v..ny Si>hi« i-nrti over tf5(KMlO «
.J^KHHiih. V«it Iiuiilo Ihf work and live
fry11! u kerfvtfr you are. Kvcn be
\y gniioTN an- t-ithlly eunihijr from to
r l'»a«lny. All njsea. Wo show you how
p an.I atari yon. run work hi entire tima
f or nil ih- :ii»,«. Hip money for woA
?: .l olhire imknnwn among thrm.
lK.U»ll«U«fe t'o..i:«x KbOlNirUuud.Muiue
We advertise at present for a firm
whose preparations have proven, in our
own family, all they claim to be. We
refer to Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Dirrahcca Remedy*. We stand up
for this medicine because we have tested
it. This is not an advertisement for the
medicine, it is simplv our testimony re
garding it after a fair trial.—Iloutzdale,
(Pa.) Observer. For sale by P. O. Cor
rigan, Druggist.
Don’t storm the system as you w .aid
a fort. If held by the enemy, consti
pation, gently persuade it to surrender
with De Witt’s Little Early Risers.
Ihese little p 1 Is are wonderful convinc
es. Morris & Co.
We cannot afford to deceive you.
Confidence is beirotten by honesty.
De Witt’s Little Early Hiscrs are pills
that will cure constipation and sick
head-ache. Morris & Co.
Which Shall we Choo*
I'rom the IVcmnntT,.n '
‘•The platform of # cL ”"''
tlical office should be *tef"r«k
the law and the solemn Cli"8li,"ii«»
that he takes ” ‘emu ““th of
that he takes.”
No more fitting thln w
IT nnv candidm., t_eT*r I
by any candidate for office in vT
by Judge Post in his speecbof ^
ance before the Republican sta *
vent inn Cot
It shows conclusively that Jndwp
has an exalted sense of judicJ s °
He realizes that it is the province ""
jurist to interpret the laws
them without fear or favor.
In whnt contrast to this hhw
pnety ami honor and duty arc lh‘ '*
ances of many of the leading ex'
of the ncwpolitical faith. Represent!”
Shrader’s “dam the constitution" !
lingers in the memory a8 „ ru‘e
blasphemous denunciation or tit
premelaw. John H. Powers in a J
at Hastings said, “We want a surl!
court lhat will disregard precedent
past decisions.” ‘
And the same spirit of vengcncea,
antipathy for the highest legal in8„
ment in our state, framed for the J
tnice and regulation of our citizens a
the suppression of the vicious, has he
breathed on sundry occasions by 0u„
of their party who found this i,lsti
ment in the way of their ambition.
Post represents one idea and Ea
ton represents the other. The pea
are to say which they shall choose. C
there be any doubt as to which oU!
to be chosen? !
Letter List.
Following Is the list of letters remali
the postoffloeat O’Neill, Neb., unclatrai
the week ending Oct. 15, 18H1.
F. J. Frants Itev Wm Gnrst
K«v 0,9, Wilson Mrs M A Koss*
Mrs 0 Christensen
In calling for the above please say •
tlsed” J.H.Rioos,!
There is little doubt that many pci
sons sutler for years with ailments tin
could eusily be cured by the use of som
simple remedy. The following inciden
is an illustration of this fact: My wifi
was troubled with a pain in her aid
the greater part of the time for Hire
years, until cured by Chamberlain'
Pain Balm. It has, I think, permanent!'
cured her. We also have used Chum
herlain s Cough Bemedy wheneve
needed and believe it to be the best ii
the world. P. M. Boston. Pennvillc
Sullivan Co., Missouri. For 6stle lr
P. C. Corrigan, Druggist.
St. Patrick’s pills are carefully pro
pared from the best material and ac
cording to the most approved formula
and are the most perfect cathartic am
liver pill that can be produced. P. C
Corrignn sells them..
C. H. Frink of Page, Neb., has lb
agency for two of the best school fur
niture and school supply companies ii
the United States, and will for the rex
sixty days sell furniture and supplle
at cost. School officers who eontem
plate having furniture or anythin',' ii
the line of school supplies should lr
all means see Mr. Frink before tmtkim
purchases. 10 4a
Cabinet photos $3.00 per dozen a
Austin’s gallery.
De Witt’s Sarsaparill a destroys Mid
poisons as scrofula, skin disease, eczema
rheumatism. Its timely use saves man]
lives. Morris & Co.
Petor Eberle. Delia Eberle, his wife, am
Jos. M. Hayes Woolen Company, non-residen
defendants, will take notice that on the si.xtl
day of October, 1891, Holt County Honk
plaintiff herein, filed Its petition in the <lis
triet court of Holt county, Nebraska attains!
said defendants, the object and prayer n:
which are to foreclose a certain Mortgage cv
edited by defendants, Peter Eberle and Delia
Eberle. his wife, to plaintiff opon lot No. six
in block No. two. in the village of O’Neill
formerly O’Neill City. Holt count", Nebraska
to sccore the payment or twenty-seven prom
issory notes dated November 2T, 18«s, for tin
soul ol" $:J5 each, and interest at the rate "I
ten per cent per annum payable somi-unmr
ally and ten per cent after maturity; that
there is now due upon said notes and tnort
gage, according to the terms thereof, the sum
of #875 and interest at the rate of ten percent
per annum from November. 27, 1""' saw
plaintiff prays that said premises may lie tie
creed to be syld to satisfy the amount tins
thereon, and that defendants may he fore
closed of all equity of redemption or other
interest in said mortgaged premises.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before tiie Kith day of November, 1881.
Dated Oetoher <1.1891.
l'i-4 IIOLT COUNTY BANK, Plaintiff.
AYE AR! I undrrink* to JirH*
teach nny fairly liitelligrcut of«iihef
nex, w ho t'ltn rend timl write, and who*
filler instruction, will work imluatriouslyi
_ how tu enru Threw Ti.ousund Dollar* »
Tear in their >'wn lu<-aliiit>«.ivhckvverthcy live.! will nlsofumitn
the eituntion oremploymcut.Ht which you can earn th#t
No money for me unless Piicct-Brtlul as ulx>vc. Knoily awl quirklv
learned. I desire lint one worker from each iliririct or county* *
have already ’aught and provided with eniplmuwnta l«Jjt
number, w)i» are mu king over fHtiOO a year each. It
• ml SOU )». l-ull ..Jrtlinbn FISfcK.
11. C, ALl.C.V, Zlox 4SO, Ausiuln, Alulue,
B|dh||l Kan,V can lm curin'. m oiir.VE* tlnMifw’iJi
Sfllltisiii W r..|-i.tiy mid hnnnrulilv, by I “
nfffi S H til V eiili.T ,«x, i inunr >r old, am j"’J1'
1WH la h V fi *; ill'll l.< ln‘nvcr Mnv !l,‘
• IB 8 a llTi 0 oi-.o mu ...oik. !■.»•) I"
Wa funibh everythin??. Wo start vou. Xu ri»k. You , 1 „
your spare uiwiueuis, or ail y»wr time to the work.
entirely now Ic;«d,:iu<l wrings wonderful smcc** t" rvtry «,,*| •
Bejjinners are eu ruing from #-5 to per week «»»•* “1."" .
and more after a little experience. Wo can furnish you • <“ „
plt.ymciit ami tench you t-Tf *CK. No apace tv explain Ihere
Information h’.iiit.. r3?T£ TIE A C '<>.» Al ■“***
. -.ns. c._tv-iom, Vm-l
'or Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Begs, Hcg3,
IPase Book on Treatment of Anin>»‘
and Chart Sent t ree.
es (Fevers,Congestions, Tnflnmm*"
k. 1 Spinal Meningitis, Mjlk
{.—Strains, Lameness, llkeuma
Distemper, Nnsnl Discharges
Dots or Grubs, Worms.
2.—Coughs, Heaves, Pueamonia.
.'.••Colic or Gripes, Bellyache.
J.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages.
[1.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases.
Eruptive Diseases, Mange. )>t
f.—Diseases of Digestion, ia"'6a
fie Bottle (over 50 doses), - “ *
ible Case, with Specifics. Mann*1* gy,00
Veterinary Cure Oil and Modlcator,^ j
r Veterinary Cure Oil, -
>ld by DrugBi.n; gent Prepaid jnTW
i in any quantity on Receipt ci r
mnr William and John Sts., *■_
homeopathic Oft
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakg|
and Prostration, from*over-work or ® |cr,for?5
$ 1 per vial, or 6 vials and lar^e^InaJd on receiP*
Sold by bncooiKTS, or sent postpaid
of price.—HUMPHREYS’
Got. William and John*1**