Theory end Practice. Blair Pilot-, One of the often avowed tenant* of the new Independent party i* that the office seeker is to be left out every time. Sprague preaches this doc trine in his calamity Journal, and far and wide over the state, ns well ns else where, the war cry is sounding against so-called chronic candidates for office. And yet with this idea as a specialty in theory, and in the face of this great hue and-cry of reform and political honesty, their practice is in many instances cx actly the reverse of the theory. Few men in either of the old parties in this county have been more frequently be fore the people as an aspirant for po litical preference during the past twenty years than lion. L. W. Osburn. We mention this with no disrespect for Mr. Osburn, but to illustrate the readiness of the Independents to adapt themselves to old party practices by nominating well known politicians for political favor. But the nomination of J. W. Kdgerton for supreme Judge was a still more fla grant violation of their peculiar tenets, for he has been continuously before the people as an office seeker almost from the moment he became a citizen of the state. In 188(1 he was nominated and ran on the Union Labor ticket as a can didate for supreme judge; and In 1888, the very next opportunity, he was the candidate on the same ticket for the office of congressman. In 1890 he was the Independent candidate for attorney general, and now with only one year intervening, he becomes the same party’s candidate for supreme judge, If he is not a "died in wool” chronic office seeker, will some Indopondcnt please to point one out in the ranks of either of the old parties. In these things the consistency of the Independents is truly wonderful, for to tho above facts add the well known In capacity of Mr. Edgerton for any one of the positions he hus so fur sought, and the pretense of the new party as to pur ity and honest reform goes glimmering. Worse than the corrupt practices of cither of the old parties are exposed by them at every turn. The wholesale ef fort to buy men by nomination to office, men who are notoriously antagonistic to their party and its principles, has not to our knowledge ever been practised be fore. Notonoofthe seven candidates nominated for judges in this district has. or had previous to their nomination, the most remote leaning to words the Inde pendents. But as all of them are cap able of filling the position tliuir selection 19 far more creditable to the Indepen dent judgment than in the case of Edgerton. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To W. C, Slmll and the occupant of the land described below: Vou uro hereby untitled that on the 27th day of December, 1889, the following described real est ate was sold at prlvnte tax sale by the treasurer or Holt county. In the state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Thu northwest quarter of section 3, township 27. raniro 9, situated In Holt county, Nubraskin for tlio delinquent tnxes for the year lstu, to Farmers' Loan and Trust Company of Htorm Lake, Iowa, who received a oortllfcato of tax sale therefor December 11. ISUO, assigned the same to the undurslvued and who Is tho pres • ont owner and holder thereof. In the year 1888 the said land was taxed and specially ussessud In the name of W, O. Shull, and In the year 1889 It was taxed and specially assessed In the name of W. C. Shull. -- The time of redemption of said tax sale will expire on the 27th day of December. 1991. THE BALLOU BANKING COMPANY of Sioux City, Iowa. 9-3 -r ' SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an ordor of sale, directed to me from tbe elerk of tbe district oourt of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtalnod before the district court of Holt county, Ne braska. on the 26th day of June. 1891, In favor of Holt County Hank as plaintiff and uiralnstWm. J. Campbell and Margaret I. Campbell us defendants, for the sum of thirty-one dollars, and costs taxed at 224.0s aud accruing costa,I have levied upon the fol lowing premises tukon as tho property of said defendants to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt: The northeast qunrtor section twenty-four (21) township twenty-nine (29) range eleven (11) west of the 6tli F. M. In Holt county, Ne braska. And will offer tho same for sale to the highest bidder for cash. In hand, on the 22d day of Septemlier, A. D. 1891. In front of the oourt house In O'Neill, that being the build ing wherein tho last term of district court was held, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the underslgnud. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 6tl» day of August, 1691. 0-5 H. C. McEvony. Sheriff of said County. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue or an order of sale directed to me from tho clerk of the district court of Holt county. Nebrasku, on a decree obtained be fore the district oourt of Holt county, Ne brasku. on the 25th day of June, 1891. In favor of Joseph C. Glenn, trustee tor James H. Clark, and James H. Clark us plaintiff and against John E. Planck as defendant, for t he sum of thirteen hundred tlfty-one dollars and seventy cents, and costs taxed at J29.U3 and accruing costs I have levied upon the following premises taken os tbe property or said defendants to satisfy said order of sale, to-wlt: The northwest quarter of section six (6) township thirty ®0) range ten (10) west of tho 6th p. m. In Holt county, Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the high est bidder for cosh. In hand, on the 22d day of September, A. D 1891, in front of the court house in O'Neill, that being the building wherein tho last term of court was held, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of sold day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill. Nebraska, this 6th day of August, 1691. «-« H. C. McEvony. Sheriff of said County. SHERIFF'S SALK. By virtue of an execution directed to mo from the clerk of the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, on a juilenient obtained before the county court of llolt county. Ne braska. on the Tth day of March, Mil, a trans cript of which has been duly Bled lu the olHoe of the clerk of the district court, of Holt county, in favor of Jandt & Tompkins as plaintiffs, and ugalnst John H. Dcirks..losoph A. White und Laura White, partners as Deirks. White & Co., as defendants, for the sum of KH1.28 and costs taxed ut ffil.t’O and accruing costs, 1 have levied upon the fnllow luk property, taken as the pro|>erty of said defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to wlt: seventy head of cattle, nine head of onlta, three hundred head of sheep; and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash In hand, on the 9th day of September, A. D. Mil, at Goose Lake, Holt county. Nebraska, at the hour of lu o'clock a. in. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O'Neill, August :»th. 1891. H. C. McEvony, Sheriff of said Co. By E. J. Mack, Deputy. Champion Machine The Champion mowers of 1891 are 4$, 5 aud 6 foot cut. The drive-arm, gear, and pitman are warranted not to break or wear out. The Champion harvesters are simply incomparable. For sale by Bernard McGreevy. 49-tf LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice tj Non-Resident Po'eadants. [First Publication August i!T, 18D1.1 In the district court of Thu stato of Nc- I hrasku. In and for llolt county. Valley Loan j mid Trust Co.. plaintiff vs. Clots. O. Wilkin- , son and Mary A. Me Her mot t. defendants. To . Chas.O. Wilkinson and Mary A. McDermott, i defendants In the uhnve entitled cause: You I are hereby notilled that there la now on file In t he office of tin* elerk of the dlstrld com t of the state of Nebraska, In and for 11«»l i comity, a chancery petit ion of the plaint nr In the above entitled eause against you im pleaded with the other defendants named in the title of said eause, praying that the court may find the uinoiiut due the plaintiff upon one real estate mortgage bond for the sum of six hundred dollars dated April 1*. IW5. secured by mortgage given by the de fendant, Clms. O. Wilkinson, to the Lombard Invest ment Co., and now owned by tin* plain tiff, upon the following described real estat«\ situated In the county of Holt, and state < f Nebraska, to-wlt: The west lutlf of the south east quarter and the east halt Of the south west quarter of section thirty-one <;il), town ship thlrty-twoCCP, range thirteen (l.'h. west of rtth I*. M.. except twent y-live 055) acres off the north end of t lie west naif of the southeast, quarter; that a decree he entered by the court In said cause In favor of the plaintiff foreclosing said mortgage; that said de scribed property be sold under said decree, and the proceeds of such sale applied toward the payment of the amount found to be due the plaiiiliff upon said bond, with interest and the costs of foreclosure; and that, any right, title, lien or Interest owned or claimed by you, or either of you, in or to said prem ises be adjudged to bo junior and Inferior to th« plaintiff s mortgage lien thereon. You are hereby further notilled that you ure re quired to answer said petition of the plain tiff on or before the fifth day of October A. lJ. laid, and that, if you fall to answer the same on or before said day, the allegations con tained in said petition will he taken as true and judgment and decree rendered as therein prayed for. 1). 11. Ettikn, Att’y for I'l’ff. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. irirMt Publication August 27, 1891.] In tlio district court of the state of Ne braska, In and for Holt county. Valley Loan and Trust. Co. plaintiff vs. Warren b. East man, Lizzie Eastman, M. P. Mu user & Co., McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., defend ants. To Warren E. Kastman and Lizzie East man, defendants in the above entitled cause. Vou are hereby notitied that there is n«>w on tilt; in the oltice of the elerk of tho district court of tho state of Nebraska, in and for Holt eounty. aehaneery net it ion of tlie plain tiff In the above until leu cause uguinst you impleaded with tho other defendants named in the title of said cause, praying that the court may find the amount due the plaintiff on one real estate mortgage bond for the sum of five hundred and sixty dollars ($500,) dated April 23, 1885, secured by mortgage given by the defendants. Wutren !•’. Eastman, Lizzie Kastman, to the Lombard Investment Co. and now owned by the plaintiff, upon the follow ing described rent estate, situated In the county of Holt, and stato of Nebraska, to wlt: The northeast quarter of section twen ty-tive, (2f>), township tldrty-one (Hij, range fourteen (14), west or the tit h 1*. M„ except twenty-five (2ft) acres In square form out of the northwest corner, and one (1) acre of land described as follows: Beginning at a point nineteen and a half (l«l4) rods south of tho northeast corner of uhove described tract of land and running thence west ton (10) rods, thence south sixteen (Itt) rods, thence cast ten (10) rods, thence north sixteen (10) rods to place of beginning; that a decree he entered by the court III said cause in favor of the plaintiff foreclosing said mortgage; that said described property he sold under said decree and the prooeeds of such sale applied toward the payment of t he amount found to he due the plaintiff upon said bond, with Interest and the costs of foreclosure; and that any right, title lieu or Interest owned or claimed by you, or either of you. In or to said promises he adjudged to lie junior nnd inferior to the plaintiff’s mortgage lien thereon. You are hereby further not Hied that you are required to answer sold petition of the plaintiff on or before the fifth day of October, A. 1). 181)1, and that If you fall to an swer the same on or before said day, the alle gations contained in said petition will be ta ken as true and judgment and decree ren dered as therein prayed for. 7-4w D. H Kttikn, Att'y for PI’If. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. [First Publication August 27, 1891.1 In tho district court of the state of Ne braska. in and for Holtoounty. The Alliance Trust. Do.. a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Parley H. Damon, Barton Klee, David Adams, H. A. Allen, David L. Darr, Silas 11. Elliot, James Reeves, defendants. To Parley R. Damon, Barton Rice, James Reeves, defendants In the above entitled cuuse: You are hereby notified that there Is now on tile in the office of the elerk of the district court of the state of Nebraska, In and for Holt county, n chancery petition of the plain tiff In the above entitled cause against you Impleaded with the other defendants named In the title of said cause, praying that the court may find the amount due the plaintiff upon one real estate mortgage bond for t he sum of ti. e hundred dollars ($.*>00), dated Sep tember 18th, 1884, secured by mortgage given by the defendant Parley U, Damon to the Lombard Investment Co., and now owned by the plaintiff, upon the following described real estate, situated In the eounty of Hoh and state of Nebraska, to-wit: The north half of the northwest quarter and the southeast quarter of the mirth west quarter, and the north half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty-four (!M), townsfiip thirty-two C12>. range thirteen (13), west of the 0th P, M.; thnt a decree he entered by the court In said cause in favor of the plaintiff foreclosing said mortgage; that said described property he sold under said decree and the proceeds of such sale applied toward the payment of the amount found to he due the plaintiff upon said bond, with interest, and the cost ol fore closure; and that any right, title, lien or in terest owned or claimed by you, or either of you, in or to said premises ho adjudged to be junior and inferior to the plaint iff's mortgage lien thereon. You are hereby further noti lied that you are required to answer said pe tition of the plaintiff on or before tho fifth day of October. A. D. Is9l, and that. If you fall to answer the same on or before said day the allegations contained in said petition will be taken as true and judgment and de cree rendered as therein prayed for. 4-7w 1). H. Ettien, Att’y for Pllff. t^uuic A>un-Kesmcni ueienaantn. [First Publication August ~1,1891.1 In the district court of tin- state of Nr bru.skn, ill ami for Holt county. Elizabeth M. Lukens. plaintiff, vs. Clots. F. Smith, Isa bella Smith. Margaret McIntyre, George Laidler, Mrs. George I.akller Silas II. Elliot, defendants. ..To('lots. F. Smith, Isabella Smith. Margaret McIntyre. George Laidler, Mrs. Geo. Laidler, Silas II. Fdliot. defendants in the above ontited cause: You are hereby notified that there Is now'on tlle'iu the other of the clerk of the district court of the state of Nebraska In and for lioit county, a chancery petition of the plaintiff in the above entitled cause against you Impleaded with the other defendants named in t:ie title of said cause, praying that the court may hud the amount due the plaintiff upon one real estate mortgage bond for the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars tft.Vh. dated Janu ary 14th, Issg. secured by mortgage given by the defendants, Cb:t8. F.*Siuitli,Isabella SmH h ■aret McIntyre, to the Lombard ln and Murga . _... vestment Co., and now owned by the plain tiff. upon the following described real estate, situated in the county of Holt and state of. Nebraska, to-wlt ; 'file south half of the south west quarter und the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and the south hair of the northwest quarterof t he southwest quar ter In section thirty-live tin), township thirty (1101, range ten (1th, west of nth 1’. M.; that a decree be entered by the court in said cause In favor of the plaintiff foreclosing said mortgage; that said described property be sold under said dia-rey and the proceeds of such sale applied toward the payment of the amount found to be due the plaintiff upon said bond, with interest and the costs of tore closure: ami that any right, title lien or in terest ow.lor claimed by you. or either of you, in or t ) said premises be adjudged to lie junior atnl Inferior to the plaintiff’s mortgage lien thereon. You are hereby further noti fied that you are required to answer said pe tition of tlie plaintiff on or before the fifth day of October. A. I). 1891, and that if you fail to answer thesnmeon or liefore said day. the allegations contained in said petition will be taken as true und Judgment and decree ren dered as therein prayed tor. 4-7wD. il. Ettikn. Att’y for Pl'ff. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps aud Bieni ishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splits, King Bone, Sweeney, Stifles Sprains, Sore and Swollen ’Throat. Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemigh Cure ever known. Sold by Morris & Co. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. (First Publication Au(runt37.180! ] In the district court of the state of Ne braska. in ami for Holt county, p. L. New comb plaintiff vs. .lames Hhea, Hllus 11. Elliot, Ibsukiah Chambers. defendants. To James Shea, defendant in the above en titled cuiise: You are hereby notified that there Is now on file In the office of the clerk of tho district court of the state of Nebraska in and for Holt county, a chancery petition of the plaintiff In the above entitled cause against you impleaded wit h the other defend ants named in the title of said cause, praying that the court may And the amount due the plaint ill upon one real estate niort antfc bond for Hie sum of five hundred dol lars ($500), dated Decern la* r 15, lSHf>, secured by inort^Mjie jtlven by the defendant, James Shea, to tlio Lorn hard investment Co., and now owned by tbo plaintiff, upon the follow in;' described real estate, situated In the county of Holt, and state of Nebraska, tie wit: '1 he south half of the southeast quarter, and the north west quarter of the southeast quarter, and the south half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty (*JU), township tiiirty-two <:&), ranpe twelve (12), west of 0th 1*. M.; that a decree be entered by the court in suld cause In favor of the plaiutttV foreclosing said mortgage; that said described properly be sold under said decree and the proceeds of such sale applied toward the payment of the amount found to In; due to the plaintiff upon said bond, with Interest and the costs of foreclosure; and that any right, title lien or interest owned or claimed by you, or eltherof you. In or to said premises be adjudged to be junior and infe rior to tin- plaintiff's mortgage lien thereon. You are hereby further notified that you are required to answer said petition of the plain tin on or before the 12th day of October, A. D. 18511, and that if you fail to answer the same on or before said day. the allegations contained In said petition will be taken as true and judgment and decree rendered as therein prayed for. 4-7w i>. H. Ettikn, Att’y for PI'AT. i’iuulc i'j iNon-KCbiaent ucienaunts, [First Publication August, 27, ISMI.l In tluc district court of the. state of Ne braska. In and for llolt county. Jackson In vestment Co„ plaintiff, vs. Frank W. Skinner, Senora. (J. Skinner. Sllus II Klllot, Irvin Cat llu, John Hall, defendants. 'In Frank W. Skinner, Senora ealir. and in 1390 in name of F O Milner. .The nil nw of 2,28. Hi, and se se and sw se of In, 29,16. was ill 1888 and 1890 taxed and as lessed in name of J W B Houston. Tlie nw se sw se ne sw and se sw of 15.28,16, vas in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of Seis Anderson, and in 1890 in name of G L 1 he ne sw nw sw sw sw and so sw of 27.29, (>, was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of J >chntz, and in 181X) in name of 0 11 Silk vorth. The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ue of 9, 29,10. SnoUwi?ilS! taxed !ind ll8se8sod iu Tlie Ilf ne nw no sw ne and se ne of 27. '29,10 vas in loss and IMHO taxed and assessed in mine of w 1 Kousli. The ne lie and nw ne of 50. 25. 10, was in 188K nx-U and assessed . •«r» was In 1888 and 1890 Ux^d of «• name of John Frost M and The ne ne nw ne sw ne ana BA ^ was in 1888 taxed and^^S'in of «•«. is Johiusou. and law in numeof m V «f 5 The sw nw se nw ne sw and\?LM Sulllv»n * was in 1888 taxed and "snea?rdT.sw of2» n I lie ne sw nw sw sw A,raN Sf WT' Palme" 'n ^t,lXed d as^ lnM »l Brown Ulmer’“nd 11,11,90 '« Brown. - ... Mlt.0| ls’wL'Tn"^ ancMn UWoVUtme’of a j r*9'2 wa^fn^Ta^d^Ke^a^o?^ “ffiSfeoSir'1 was In 1888 and 1890 taxedamlV* name of AN Gilbert. d as«e**d |, Lota 3 and 4 and sh nwofJJO, 33. in , 1 in uamobf’Bd’ Mime? « or A Chrism an M?1, ih nw nf 9i\ •p» tn .»..vw uuu nnovaooi nT»li^,.nona,Ile?1 A ChrlHraan ine nil ne and nh nw of 2n ■« ir o7?rnSE^=“d«ffs The nesesese sene and sw •>. sr.fflffasssfSSBiS-'s Theneiiwsenwneswnnd se sw ,.r „ was in 1888 taxed and assessed in n«> Devine, and in 1890 in nanusof p j 01J The no ne nw ne sw ne and se ne nr w'. - was in,^ and!««, taxed and a^U,^, Thesw nw neswnw sw andswswnpn or ^jAnS.and 1890taxed aDd -=&& taxed and assessed in name or AnZ uXr ° The nw ne and sw ne of la. # » >n,rt lMiMif.. vort _j ou- was In lss and 1890 taxed and assessed lii name nf H r — The nejiw and nw nw of 27-;jc_u y...: . ”ls* 3 Of 1 taxed and assessed in name of Ti’ \viiiw and in 1890 in name of Colpoys & Walker ^ Tlie ne se nw se sw se and se se of was in 188S and 1890 taxed and name of M W Barnett. assessed Is The sw sw of 4, se se 5. nw nw ami uu all in 38-11, was in 1888 taxed and assSl in name of Joseph M Woodcock, and mime of J E Creed. ’ uuini8w!U Tlie ne senw se sw se and se ne of oq-m* ,n was in 1888 and 1800 taxed and' asseSf name of of PC Cook. assessed ia The sw nw nw sw sw sw and se sw of n w i» was In 1888 taxed and assessed in nomeof t? Nace, and In 1890 in name of Thos Orant Tlie no nw ne se and se se of 26-31-12 , name of JA and In 1890 in name of F C Grant. Tlie sw ne and se nw of 26-31-13 was In axed and assessed in name of WO Casin' 18S8 in 1800 in name of W w'carpenter °H8eJ’’u'"t Tlie ne nw nw nw sw nw andse nw of 28-11 13 was in 1888 taxed and assessed in uanieof I Q Miller, and in 1890In name of Jos KoSirts Tiie lie sc nw so sw so and se se of 23-ai.o„,„, 181,0 taxed a»d assessed in mu„cof A McLeod. The se se and sw se of 12 and ne nc and of 13-32-9 was In 1888 and 1890 In name of McCullough. 91' 110 Mart Tlie no sw nw sw se sw and sw sw of 2i..t>.,i was in 1888 taxed and assessed in mimcofKJ Nicliolls, and in 1890 In name of M J earner The nenw nw nwsw nwand senw of nameofTr. E111s1.MU taXed “Ud Tlie nw se sw se «w ne and se nw of :U-;k-i was in 1888taxod and assessed in name of j h Dearman. and in 1890 in name of D M Benner The no sw nw sw sw sw and sc swof Ml-it i was in 1888 taxed and assessed In name of J A ' Lower, and in 1890 in naineof H KStrawliridiie 1 TJ»uL‘“f “WuWHWSwnwse nwof 15-82-14 was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of E 1 Mowry, and in 1890 In name of E M I'crkes llie nw sw ne sw so nw and sw nw of i:i-;t!-H was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of (j a Thomas, and in 1890 In name of E L Newell. The ne ne nw ne hw ne and se ne of was in 1888 taxed and assessed iu name of Jno A Hooten, and in 1890 in name of E M IVrko The nw ne sw ne sw se and nw se of was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in name of Dan & J 8 White. The se sw nw se and sw se of 3-31-10 was iu 1888 taxed nnd assessed In name of Ezra Pep per, and in lsuu in name of F C Cruble. 1 he ne ne nw ne sw no and se ne of 12-31-lu was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in the name of A A & E J Dowell. The ne sw nw sw nw se and sw se of 17-11 was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in naineof MT Winner. The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of 22-31-10 was in 1888 taxed and assessed iu name of 0 l' Smith, aud in 1890in name of Chas Corbet. The ne sw nw sw sw sw and se sw of 21W1-10 was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in name ofCW Tomlinson. The ne ne nw no ne nw of 7-32-10 was in issx and 1890 taxed aud assessed iu name of L A Jennings. The nw nw and sw nw of 25 and the sc ne and nese of 26-32-10 was in 1888 and 1890 taxed ami assessed in name of W P Bump. The nw ne sw nege nw and ne sw of 2-33-12 was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in name of F Shepherd. The nw sw of 2 and ne se nw se and se neof 3-32-12 was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of LC Shepherd, and in 1890 in name ofJ !l Carmichal. The s w ne and se ne of 9 and sw n w and se nw of 10-32-12 waf in 1888 taxed and assessed in naineof Christ Crone, and in 1890 in naineof Wm White. The nw ue ne nw and nw nw of 14-32-12 was In 1888 taxed and assessed in name of W K Pond, and in 1890 in name of Charles Hupp. The nenese ne sw ne and se nw of 13-3MJ was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of Chas E Kelley, and in 1890 in name of I J Frouth, The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of 1.M2-1 wasin 1888 taxed and assessed in naineof HJ Butts, and in 1890iu name of D FBrubaker, The nw sw sw sw of 14 and ne se aud scwmh 15-32-’3 was iu 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in name of G F Dailey. . The nw nwswnw nw sw and sw sw of K-»fc-h was in 1888 raxed and assessed in name of K » Byington, and in 1890 in naineof liosu h onf low. The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of 8WSM3 was In 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed iu naineof J W West. , The ne nw of Z2-33-13 was in 1888 and fc# taxed and assessed in name of J Gandy. The sw sw se sw sw se and se se of aWJ1:! was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of n f Chit tlck, and in 1890 in name of Geo F Walwj; The ne ne se ne nw se and ne se of 35-p: wag in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed i« name of S J Dewey. , , ,OCani! The nese and sene of 24-30-II was ini#***™ 1890 taxed and assessed in name of H M i tw and in 1890 in the name of S J Dewey. The sw nw of 8-27-12 was in 1888 taxed ajjfljjj sessed In name of Emma Stanton, and 1!W In nAme of H C Davis. . lM)I1imj Tlie ne sw and se sw of 19-29-9 was in 1890 taxed and assessed in name of Tlwn Guthrie. . Tlie lie sw se sw n w se and ne se S(H, was in 1888 and 1800 taxed and a»»< 1 of F name of B Colwell. Tlie nw sw nw nw and sw sw ■- . 1888 and 1800 taexd and assessed 1"“ Colwell. . B IM-Jf.,! Tlie swncse ne ne se ani>'»n»i» , voUllg °r |ivr. *" ™,"i.Yiy«d «l(hur kSI. VOUMB f* - -- t|y v^u «•" “".u We furnish everything. We «t«rt ?*•--- ,i,e »ui — roar »pur«- momenta, or all *ucer»»,u* entirely new leml.itnd |H.rwefh •nd“L. Beginners are eenilng from furol*1*/0,?,L. Hj1 •d! more after a little npariM*' We * e«P®*Ju>*