fir western Editor. «inniin' cm the editor* I see. fM“r“fj,Viu way back yonder on a sort fellers, wearin' hllfslutln 11 Id " I * 0 well ■■'fweiwxl likin’ fur as manly besnty • toi I' 'jfd myself contrastin' their oendttion r 11'^frontier sentiment In s^rt o’ I bow ,”r Kicker bpand* who§e bralny v Wj°,iS!al sli-sbeoter robs the courts I libel suits. I fast opinion architects here nothin* hut 'ri**.'think,»'>',hl,k w,lte ,bout I But in titu« afs new: free an' easy west, sorest the I .'i?? Jdltetial work Is done outside o’ I 5J8 i)U‘* w I n, rfltoth coroner an' Jestloeo*the grace, I Kkw cut irsal papers from a last will to flrhts of his town, the two r feur-legsod 8or*i. I j as’ dual referoe In all degrees o’ * * spurt. I flu8" ,.j lookout fur a faro game, an' of n takes B trit'k, IA practicin'«' medicine w’en anyhody'ssioV: I j; plays n nervy puker game (assisted by his the people In their Joys, an’ U Vi eves with them as grieve. H( tilt''s makes the speeches on the Fo th day I in' nlii'B "the parson’s band when thar's a r nuptial knot to tie: I in'now an’ thi n contracts to do some prao ticis'atlaw _ tt’en either party wants a man at slings a hefty Jaw. fllssnnrtura table alters sets a-facln’ to the josyi'ru ix angry citizen comee smellln' arter He an’t 'pct ne advantage an’kin seldom git On the publisher, aa’ editor, an* owner o the He wears his britches In his boots an’ never cotubs Ui* hair Except fur holiday or extra blgr affair; in' thinks u sfcaraiiy collar la a mark o’ serv Ao' reariii’ socks excusable in nothin* but a dude. He's prominent at lynohln’s, oalls the Aggers at n danen, „ Works a mfwin speculation every time he gets a ehanoe, leeps a pair •* ruanln* bosses fur the terrl torial fair. . . , ... « , An' never shirks at meetin when he’s asked to lead lu pruyer. Bo I find myself oou trustin’ hla 00edition with the mew Who preach out to the nation with a stubby pin tod pen: An' lie M>etaa to be more usefuller, a dogona tion sight. Than them at don’t do nothin* top o’ God’s green earth hub write. ►Papt. Jack Crawford, *‘tbe Poet Scout,” in BL Paul Pioneer Press._ LIKE A HUMAN BEING. Poor Jack Somester bad been dead idav. From going in to look at him. with his bands folded upon his breast, after the. plaintive manner of the dead, we sat down in the one other room of the cabin and began to talk of similar scenes and similar experiences. For my own part I felt bad. for I had set the blast which knocked poor Jack out, and, though I was not to blame any more than a babe, I wished that some other hand than mini had been the in noceut instrument of his undoing. There were Whistling Bill, Harry Handsome, Maj. Tokay, and myself. Each man told his pathetic story of some sad happening in the mines. "Gentlemen,” said the major, “the dead man in there was ray friend. We all saw him pass over the"river and we all took his last message to his old mother back in the states. The man of ns who gets there first delivers it. Bnt, talking »f sad deaths. I hope I do not profane Jack's dumb clay when I assert that the saddest death I ever witnessed was that of a baboon.” "A baboon!” exclaimed everybody together. ‘ Yes," answered the major, “an African baboon.” Maj. Tekay was the oldest man amongus. lie was an Englishman of the right sort. He had been an officer in the British army. When our war broke out in 1881 be came across the water, joined a New_ York regiment, and fought his way tip from the ranks to the grade and title by which we knew him. He had been all over the world several times and was a gen erous aud tenderhearted man. He was I? as ‘my Englishman—and all English blood is bravo. oan^ Simpson aud I went to Zanzi ar iu 69. We crossed over to Bogo struck out for the interior, “ the intention of shooting big eatvie. 1 promised Sam’s sister, Tillio impson, that we would bring her “• a lion’s hide for a rug for her m- b°we were after no less spoil _ j. k‘ng of beasts. Poor Sam ... i , °"'ned in crossing one of those ulent streams of which the dark huminelilt 13 This happened a "mary miles from anywhere, bnrio ,ln„len*r. among the niggers. I ro„p,f &>">, ant*er a spreading palm, onto i •t l" *ar£est stone I could find ofohu,t-rave- iin<*’ fashioning a kind I on-.6 i°ut a heavy knife I carried. | . _j „U14W , Vt»»»»WM, S„Cn;‘r'-' “rude inscription upon it. ■aies Guil listens to a siuuor, so *11 the best I coiild toward sending Loolfin1)1 a- er for poor Sam’s soul. Sliph., f S!UV a n“tive woman. Will .! 'i*1-' haboon iu her hands. tliino?i„Ut|,e leve There was some touch 10 ?8 of thilt baboon that 1’niafn .‘"y,heart- Now don’t think woman i,,.i ,11i,.lookef to hiin r * c.°"hl bavo him if I wanted the lim st!vtcl*ed out my hands and thorn sBC-fbu^' .baboon sprang into Ihe fi, tlf,i^B "'sited to belong to me. hairv n* 1 nn" he did was to put his his ‘f3 ,at’<’luul my neuk aud lay Oentiem‘Jn “Sainst mv cheek, tnv tinw. t' have been affected iu I was ti >Ut uT,vor before nor since as tight ' ,hUn- The '"»™ I wept the - - lhe creature clung, got b MI ,o£ that couutry as soon The linn ’ taklng the baboou with me. ‘ Tillio c‘-ose kiJe 1 was to take back kitnpsou is still wearing * Onderi'n^lnf .e® tke hair among til «p Ifou h,i, !ln the jungles—fori gav Dtoyo ,f, !l1"” aud arrived at Bog( """'chinir''1 r>ma?y days of wearin have si,,.?,'i tje1ntlomen, inanv of vo tain-side. 0,18 y times on these mom **gan tn ?nt y8u can imagine how living, ti,; °Ve that baboou. the onl •"akes arouml me except tit ,lePt lie curl T* ** heasts. When w Ind in ti.I e<* UP “gainst my breasi by hj3 8 morning he awakened in s. Kumr'i Ossat NrsTB ftiflTOKBS. No flu efUr first flar’a oae. MarveJaua cures. TreatUe aid 12 00 trial bat tle free t* lit caaea. fiend to Ur. Kllno, (181 Arch fit., Philadelphia, Pa. Lady Molesworth, who is described as one of the most fascinating of London so ciety women, is the daughter of Gen. D. M, Frost, of St. Louis. She is charming, brilliant, and much sought after. Hho married Sir Lewis Molesworth when she was only sixteen. Bronohitls is cured bv frequent small doses of Fiso's Cure for Consumption. Miss Thco Alice Ruggles, Boston’s wo man sculptor, is only ‘JO ytars old. When she was only 17 two of her works were ac cepted by the Paris Salon, the has just submitted a model for the statue of Shakespeare, which the city of Providence is to erect. WeTo ’ Perfectly Well. V Fhxkobk, Dubuque Co., le.. Sept., 1M9. Hill K. Pinnlgen writes t My mother end sis, tar used Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonlo tor neo. ralgle. They ere both perteotly well now en<] neT« tire of praising the Tonlo. Oum, Iowa, Oet It, 1890. For nineteen years my daughter Buffered from fits so that she oould not even drees herself. Oil the lTth of March last she commenced using Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic, and it has eared her entirely. Aoeept many kind thanks and blessings: loan net tell how happy I feel to think my child is cured. MR*. THERESA KYLK, Bronx Lean, Iowa, July 0, lew). I was suffering from nervousness, sleepless osss, audio** of memory ■ A *..-~ . . - ■- -®f memory; about two months uo I took Pastor Koenig’s Nerve Tonic, and I at* tribnte my recovery to this medicine; I tsflsd with Its affect* ” * J. A. BAABT. -A Valuable Book sl _ Diseases sent free to any address. rnCT_ T nr W sod poor patients can a>ee obtain I lllab this medicine free of charge. .This remedy baa been prepared by the Reverend Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayne. Ind, slnos 18% and Vs now prepared tinder his direction by the KOEKIO MED. CO.. Ch'cago, III. Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. Sbrlft leirKCbSlze 81.78. O Bottles for SB. Ely’s Bream Balm is worth 9500 to' any Sian, Woman or Child suffering from CATARRH Apply Palm Into each nostril. XLY 01109., M Warren St., N Y Tlie dvajieptlc, tlio debilitated, whether from exmsiif work of mind or bod}-, drink erexposuro In _ MALARIAL REGIONS, will «n G. G. GREEN, Sole Man’fr,Woodbury,NJ. ONE ENJOYS Doth the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hnbitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its notion and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy anu agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to fry it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. LOWSVILLS, nr. NEW YORK, N.t. “A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey.” PORTLAND, OREGON, The Creat Western Railway Terminus! The Creat Pacific Seaport City! Beal Estate is the Basis of ill Wealth. AN INVESTMENT THAT WILL NET 20 to 30 Per Cent. 90 per cent, of those Invetting In Real Estate make mouey. 87 per cent, of those investing In BusineM lose money. A commercial center Is the safest place to Invest In real estate, especially when such place Is a great railway center; lias good river transportation and large foreign and domestic shipping. Portland la that place. Portland, Oregon, Is now pre- eminently the com mercial ctnter of the .Pacific Northwest. No other city In the United Htates Is so well situated fa re mo i.uii.'m ntiroi i« wcu situated IB re* spool to natural resources as Is Portland, and It leads all other cities west of the Mississippi River In IU phenomenal growth In population. Located at the confluence of two great rivers, and being the term!* nus of more transcontinental railways than a»y other city In the United States. In fact, every ad vantage which insures the solid growth and pro* perlty of a city Is abundantly enjoyed by Portland. Those advantages guarantee constantly lacreaaliu values In real estate. ~ THE TAWOOD REAL ESTATE COMPANY, PORTLAND, OREGON, Ilaa the best plan for Investors yet devtsed. Tcm never read anything more explicit and simple. It Is absolutely safe, and cannot fall to be profitable to all who Invest. CAPITAL eaoO.OOO. 6,000 SHARES AT *39 EACH bUARKS FOR SALE AT PAR VALUE, tSO PER SHARE, FULL PAID NON ASSESSABLE. We will not sell * share of stock at less than par value ($&j per share), as the Company's capital stock 1* not Ini', a ted or watered, but bvery dollar of its capital Is backed by solid real estato Investment. A FAIR OFFER. If you own stock, and at anv time wish to surren der It, this Company will Ukt*lui owu stook at 61 46 on the dollar, aud pay you In real estate at the prlcn at which the Company is selling lots t*o other parties. Write for Prospectus glvluy? full explanation of the Company s plan and all Information regarding bow stock Is paid for, etc. REFERENCES: Win. McFaiL Secretary SeJlwood Real Estate Co.s Joseph L. Me!rath. Secretary Portland Ileal Estato Association; K. T. Hows. Capitalist; II. W. ScotU Editor ••Oregonian;” II. L. Pit lock. Manager and Iroaeii er ••Oregonian;” S. J. Darber. President we»t Portland Park Association. Audbkrs, THE TAWOOD REAL ESTATE CO., _PORTLAND, OREGON. 5 fat folks reduced Mrs. Alice Maple. Oregon. Mo., 1 red net ton* of 1<* w*“‘ P°u,,ri*. now’it A jSJ Lit) W F «N JmiV# si V?rE,rw.ujAr* •*4nnm. with 6o„ ^r.o.vt.r.S.'NYDlilt, Mol IckePa Theatre. Chicago. llT LOUIS BAGGER & CO, mwi.Liu^u.DxPATENT SOLICITORS Sioux City Phixtixu Co. No. y7'.’—37. tarn Will 1,0 to your interest when writ. in;j to advertisers to s;iy you saw their ad vertisement iu thispuper . CATARRH.—Best Easiest et is immediate. A cure is id it bas no equal. h ? small particle is applied field by druggists or sec-i . ILlzki.tu(k, Warren, Pa.