VOLUME XII. v ' C3’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 10, 1891. NUMBER 9. ^[PROTECTION Ik City Council Tahes a Step in the flight Direction. HU, PURCHASE A CHEMICAL Caancilmen Have Gone to Lincoln, Fre mont and Omaha to Examine the Apparatus. ()1U, slc.p in the right direction always t0 anotlier, and if the second step U followed by a third, and so on, a -rest deal of good will undoubtedly re At n recent meeting of the city couu: [ j, ,V!is decided to send a committee to lit metropolitan cities of Nebraska to look ul, the matter of fire protection an,l examine the various modern de vk.t,s. The committee consists of his junior. Mayor Biglin, and Messrs. C. C. Millard. Benj. DeYarman and Fred C. tiaiz councilmcn. The gentlemen sturieu y esieiuay uiuru jiu; and will visit Lincoln first, then go m'dinaha and stop at Fremont on the Wtv hack. In each of the cities named tlir committee will thoroughly lookup the matter of fire protection. It is not tn he presumed, of course, that O’Neill tjulil support a fire department such as these cities are blessed with, but the idea *t,i obtain what information they can on the subject. There is plenty of ap paratus for use in cities the size of O'Neill, and the couucilmen in charge of the matter may be relied upon to make n wise and judicious selection if the ptirrhassc is made, keeping in mind, of course, that money spent for fire pro tection is always a safe investment. The matter was discussed at length at tin council meeting Tuesday morning, ami it appeared to be the prevailing opinion that a light chemical engine would answer all the requirements of our city for a few years at least. The Frontier has upon several occa sions urged immediate and definite ac tion in the matter of fire protection, and ‘the quicker the question is settled the better for all. How They Stood the Test. The following figures, gleaned from the official records of Superintendent Dudley's office, furnish information of interest concerning the institute of 1891: Hole inimtH'i-of applicants examined ....103 Certificates issued. First grades.. Second grades. Third grades. lailuri's, first, grades. second grades. Third grades.. This shows that twenty-three who laM certificates of the above grades Med to get any at all. Many of our best teachers wrote pa pers that reflected much credit foi ad vanced scholarship. Mr. Dudley sub jected each paper to faithful, personal examination, although Prof. Clemmons wtote the questions in arithmetic and grammar and did the marking. Some have said that the examination wss a little too severe, yet all must ad ®it tbut Holt county should not fall back in educational requirements or let go the •tandsrd. aildy McManus, J. P, Mann’s popular 8n efflcicnt head clerk, has severed his connection with tlratmammoth establish ment and has decided to embark in the me.cantile business> himself. He has tented C. C. Millard's room next door to e postofHcc and started east this morn ITi 6068 t0 Wisconsin first to e 1 n up some bnsiuess affairs their ! #nd will then go to Chicago nr m stock of goods. Paddy is an we ent young man and Tiie Frontier °Pes to see him get to the front. J' ^ ^nnn started for Chicago Mon ^ J morning. He will return by last of i * Wee'c but even before that time the tnd'CnM! stoCK g°°ds of all classes styles will begin to roll in and the re will soon be filled to. overflowing l0/n’ il was last spring, A novelty e added this fall is fancy articles in which are very fine in to *> 'a‘ttosee them and also wait c new stock before purchasing. Wen’^» fm'tlj ‘“turned borne Friday vert"1^ r°m *1'a ‘‘outing" and reports a ndeasant time. Incidentally, how clothi1