The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 03, 1891, Image 8

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Notice to Non-Resident tWendants.
In the district court of the slate of Ne
braska. In and for Holt county. Valley Loan
and Trust- Co.. plaint IIT vs. Clias. o. WilUln
soii and Mary A. McUerniot I. defendants. .To
Clias. O. Wilkinson and Marv A. MiM>ormoU,
defendants in the above eiit it led cause: You
are hereby notified that lucre Is now on lilt?
in the ofltco of the clerk of the district court
of the state of Nebraska. In and for Molt
enmity, a chancery petition of the plaintiff
In the above entitled cause against you Im
pleaded with the other defendants named in
the title of salil cause. praying that the court
may find the amount due the nlalntltf u)Mm
one null estate mortgage bond for the sum of
six hundred dollars litkM), dated April 1H,
IHKft. secured hy mortgage given by the de
fendant. ( has. O. Wilkinson, to tin* Lombard
Investment Co., anti now owned hy the plain
tiff, upon the following described real estate,
situated In the county of llolt, and state of
Nebraska, to-wlt: The west half of the south
east quarter and the east half of the south
west quarter of section thirty-one (ill), town
ship tiilrty-twoCCh, range thirteen (l.'b, went of
tUli |*. M.. except twenty-live <~>> acres off the
north end of the west half of the southeast
quarter; that a decree he entered hy the
court In said cause in favor of the plaintiff
foreclosing said mortgage; that said de
scribed property he mild under said decree,
and the pmoecds of Hindi sale applied toward
t he pay merit of the amount found to he due
the plaintiff u|m>vi sahl bond, with interest
and the costa of foreclosure; and that any
right, title, lieu or Interest owned or claimed
by you, or either of you. In or to sahl prem
ises he adjudged to be Junior and inferior to
the plaintiff's mortgage lieu thereon. Von
are hereby further notified that you are re
quired to answer said petition of the plaln
tltf on or before the fifth day of October A. I).
IMfl. and that. If you fall to answer the same
on or before sahl day, the allegations eon
tallied in sahl petition will lie taken as true
and Judgment and decree rendered as therein
prayed for. I). II. Kttikn. Att’y for l’i’ff.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
In the district court of the state of Ne
braska, In ami for llolt county. Valley l^oau
ami Trust Co, plaintiff vs, Warren K. Kast
man, Lizzie Kastman, M. I'. Mussel- X Co.,
McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., defend
To Warren F. Kastman and Lizzie East
man, defendants In the above entitled cause.
Vou are hereby notified that there Is now
on file In the office of the elerk of the district
court of the state of Nebraska, lu and for
Holt county, a chancery petition of the plaln
tlfT In the ubovo entitled cause against you
Impleaded with the other defendants named
In the title of said cause, praying that the
court may find the amount due the plulntitT
on one real estate mortgage bond for the sum
of five hundred amt sixty dollars($500,) dated
April SSI, 1HH5, secured by mortgage given by
the defendants. Waireu F. Kastman, Lizzie
Kastman, to the lombard Investment Co. and
now owned by the plaint iff, upon t he follow
ing described real estate, situated In the
county of Holt, and state of Nebraska, to
wlt: The northeast quarter of section twen
ty-flvy, (25). township thirty-one (ill), range
fourteen (14), west or the Uth I*. Nl.• except
twonty-tlve (25) acres In square form out of
the norlhwost corner, and one (1) acre of land
described as follows; Beginning at a point
nineteen and u half (10‘t) rods south of the
northeast corner of above described tract of
laud and running thence west ten (10) rods,
thence south sixteen (1H) rods, thence east ten
(10) rods, thence north sixteen (10) rods to
place of beginning: that a decree be entered
by the court In said cause in favor of tin
plaintiff foreclosing said mortgage; that said
described property be sold under said decree
and tho proceeds of such sale applied toward
the payment of the amount found to be dut
the plaintiff upon said bond, with interest
and the costs of foreclosure; and that any
right., title lien or Interest owned oi
claimed by you, or either of you. In or t<
said promises ho adjudged to he Junior ami
luforlor to the plaintiff’*! mortgage Her
thereon. You are hereby further not I tied
that you are required to answer said petit lot
of the plaintiff on or before the fifth day o!
October, A. 1>. 1*01, and that If you fall to an
swer the same on or before said day, the alle
gations contained lu said petition will be ta
ken ns true and Judgment and decree ren
dered us therein prayed for.
7-4w 1). II Ettibn, Att'y for ITff.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
In tho district court of the state of No
hraska. In and for llolt county. The Alliance
Trust Oo., a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Parloj
U. Damon. Barton ltlcc, David Adams, H. A
Allen, David L. Darr, Silas II. Elliot., Jaiiics
Reeves, defendants.
To Parley K. Damon, Barton Rice, James
Reeves, defendants in the above entitle!
You are hereby notified that there Is now
on tile lu the office of the clerk of t he distrlci
court of the state of Nebraska, In and foi
llolt county, a chancery petition of the plain
tiff In the above entitled cause against yot
Impleaded with the other defendants named
111 the title of said cause, praying that tlu
court may llnd the amount due the plalntiC
upon one real estate mortgage bond for tlu
sum of tt.-e hundred dollars (&*>0U), dated Sep
lumber 18th, 1H84, secured by mortgage glvei
by the defendant Parley It, Damon to tin
Lombard Investment Co., and now owned h\
the plaintiff, upon the following describee
real estate, situated In the county of Hull
uud stateof Nebraska, to-wit : Tho north hall
of the northwest quarter and the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter, and tin
north half of the southwest quartei
of the northwest quarter of sectioi
thirty-four (84), township thirty-two (82)
range thirteen (13), west of tho Uth P, M.; Umi
a decree be entered by the court in saiii
cause In favor of the plaintiff foreclosing
said mortgage; that said described proper! \
be sold under said decree and the proceed;
of such sale applied toward the payment o
tne amount found to be due the plaintiff upm
said bond, with interest and the cost ol fore
closure; and that any right, title, lien or In
terest owned or claimed by you, or either o1
you, In or to said premises be adjudged to la
Junior and Inferior to the plaintiff’s mortgagi
Bon thereon. You are hereby further noil
tied tiiat you are required to answer said pe
tltlon of the plaint iff on or before the tirtl
day of October, A. D. 1HM1, and that, if yoi
fail to answer the same on or before said daj
the allegations contained in said petitloi
will be takeu us true and judgment and de
cree rendered as therein prayed for.
- 4-7w I). H. Kttikn, Att'y for Pllff.
Notice to Non-Reudent Defendante.
In the district court of tlio state of No
braska, in and for Holt county. Kllzabeti
M. Lukens, plaintiff, vs. Clms. K. Smith, Isa
bella Smith, Margaret McIntyre. Ueorgi
Lutdler, Mrs. George Laidlcr Silas II. Elliot
Tot'hus. E. Smith, Igabellii Smith, Margare
McIntyre. George Laldler, Mrs. Gun
Laldler, Silas II. Klliot. defendants ii
the above entlted cause: you ar<
hereby notified that there is now on file ii
the office of the clerk of the district court o
tlie state of Nebraska in and for Holt county
u chancery petition of the plaintiff in tin
above entitled cause against you Impleaded
with the other defendants named in tno title
of said cause, praying that the court may flue
the amount due the plaintiff upon one rca
cstato mortgage bond for the sum of fom
hundred and fifty dollars <#4.V». dated Janu
ary 14th, lKSti, secured by mortgage given bv
the defendants, Clms. V, Smith, Isabella Smitl
and Margaret McIntyre, to the Lombard 111
vestment Co., and now owned by the plain
tiff, upon the following described real estate
situated in the county of Holt and state 01
Nebraska, to-wlt: The south half of the soutl
west quarter and the northeast quarter o
the southwest quarter, and the south half ol
the nortliwestquurterof the southwest quar
ter in section thirty-five (do), township thirty
(JO), range ten (1(1), west of lith 1*. M.; that i
decree be entered by the court in said cause
in favor of the plaintiff foreclosing sale
mortgage: that said described property la
sold under said decree and the proceeds ol
such sale applied toward the payment of tin
amoiBt found to be due the plaintiff upor
said bond, with Interest and the costs of fore
closure; and that any right, title lien or in
terest owned or clulmed by you. or either o
you. In or to said premises be adjudged to Ik
Junior and Inferior to the plaintiff's mortgagi
lieu thereon. You are hereby further noli
tied that you are required to answer said lie
tilton of the plaintiff on or before the flftl
day of October. A. 1). 18W1, and that If you fal
to answer the sameon or before said day. tin
allegations contained in said petition will in
taken as true and Judgment and decree ren
tiered as therein prayed tor.
4-Tw D. 11. Ettikn, Att’y for Pl'ff.
English Spavin Liniment removes al
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Bieui
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs
Splits, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat
Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of om
bottle. Warranted the most wonderfu
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold hi
Morris & Co. ,
Notice to Non-KcMdent Defendants.
In the district court of the state of Ne
braska. In ami for Holt county. P. L. New
comb plaintiff vs. .lames Shea. Silas II. Klliot,
llcsckluli Chambers. defendants.
To James Shea, defendant in the above en
titled cause: Von are hereby notified that
there is now on file In theotiloeof the clerk of
the district court of the state of Nebraska In
and for Holt county, a chancery petition of
the plaintiff in the above entitled cause
turn Inst you Impleaded with t he other del'e,.d
ants tunned in tin; title of said cause,
praying that the court may ttnd tin* amount
duc^hc plaintiff upon one real estate mort
im;;c bond Tor the sum of five hundred dol
litrs ilfiuih, dated December l.'t, lw*5, secured by
uiortKUtic kIvoii t»y the defendant, .lames
Shea, to the Loin laird Investment Co., and
now owned by tbe plaintiff, upon tin* follow
ing described real estate, situated ill the
county of Holt, and stale of Nebraska. to
wIt: The south half of the southeast quarter,
and the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter, and the south half of the northeast
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
twenty (20), township thirty-two M2). range
twelve (12). west ofOth P. M.; that a decree bo
entered by the court In said cause In favor of
l lie pluiutifT foreclosin'.: raid mortgage; that
said described property lie sold under said
decree and the proceeds of such sale applied
toward tlie payment of the amount found to
be due to the plaintiff upon said bond, with
Interest and the costa of foreclosure; and
that any right, title lien or Interest owned or
el aimed by you, or either of you. in or to said
premises be adjudged to be Junior and Infe
rior to the plaintiff's mortgage Hen thereon.
You are hereby further notitted that you are
mini red to answer said petition of the plain
tiff on or before the 12th clay of October, A.
l>. IHW1. and that If you fall to answer the
same on or before said day, the allegations
contained In said petition will he taken us
t rue and Judgment and decree rendered as
therein prayed for.
4-Tw 1). H. Kttikn, Att’y for PPIT.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants,
In the dintrlet court of the atuto of No
hiHsku, In and for Holt county. .lackHon in
vestment Co„ plaintlIT, vs. Fl ank W. Skinner,
Sonora C. Skinner. Silas 11 K1 Hot, Irvin Cat
lln, John Hull, defendantH.
To Frank W. Skinner. Sonora ('. Skinner.
John Hall, defendants in the above entitled
You are hereby notified that, there Is now
on tile in the ofliee of the clerk of t.hedistrict
court of the state of Nebraska, In and for
Holt, county, a chancery net it ion of the plain
11IT in t lie above entitled cause uguiiiHt you
Impleaded wit It the other defendants named
in the title of said cause, praying that the
court may tied the amount due the plaintiff
upon one real estate mortgage bond for the
sum of five hundred dollars <#;>()<)), dated
Oetohes 24, |sr"», and secured by mort
yare given by the defendants, Frank W.
Skinner and Sonora Skinner, to Lombard in
vestment Co., ami now owned by the ) lalntitf,
upon the following described real estate, sit
uated in the county of Holt and state of Ne
braska. lo-wit: The west half of the southwest
quarter, and the northeast quarter of the
southwest quarter, and the south half of the
southwest quarter of the northwest quarter
of seetioi) twenty-two <22), township thirty
three (JCti, range sixteen (10), westof Oth 1\ M •
that a decree lie entered by the court In Bald
eause In favor of the plaint ilf foreclosing said
mortgage; that said described property he
sold under said decree and the proceeds of
such sale applied toward the payment of the
amount found to be due the plaiutltf upon
said bond, with interest uric. the costs of
foreclosure; and that any right, title, lien or
Interest owned or elaimod by vou, or eit her
of you. in or to said premises lie adjudged to
he junior and inferior to the pbilntltrs mort
gage lien thereon. You are hereby further
not ified that you are required to answer said
petition of the plaintlif on or before the fifth
day of October, A. I). IHlU, and that, if you
fall to answer the same on or before said day
the allegations contained in said petition
will be taken as true and jugdmeiit and de
cree rendered as therein prayed for.
4*7w 1). H. Kttien, Att’v for Pl’ff.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed
to me from the clerk of the district court
ot Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree
obtained before tbe district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on the 17ih day
of November, 1890, in favor of Charles
V. Hanson ns plaintiff and against
Thomas A. McMillan, et al, as defend
ants, for tbe sum of eleven hundred
fifty-seven dollars, and forty cents, and
costs taxed at #24.58, and accruing costs
1 I have levied upon tbe following prem
ises taken as tbe property of said de
fendants, to satisfy said order of sale,
; to-wit:
Tbe west half south-west quarter sec
tion nineteen (10), township twenty
eight (2fc), tange nine (9), and east half
south-east quarter section twenty-four
(24), township twenty-eight (28), range
ten (10) west of the 0th p. m. in Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will oiler the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the
5th day of October, A. I)., 1891, in front
of tbe court house in O’Neill, that being
, tbe building wherein tbe last term of
district court was held, at the hour of 10
o’clock a. ui. of said day, wlign and
where due attendance will be given by
the undersigned.
Hated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 25th
i day of August, 1891.
7-5 H. C. McEvony,
Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of au order of sale, directed
to me from the clerk of district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree ob
tained before the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on the 10th dav of
December. 1889. in favor of William A.
Paxton and Benjamin Gallagher, co
partners doing business as Paxton &
Gallagher, as plaintiff and against Pat
rick Hagerty and Mary Hagerty as
defendants, for the sum of four thous
and four hundred thirty-four dollrrs and
seventy-one cents, and costs taxed at
$03.38. and accruing costs I have levied
upon the following premises taken as
the property of said defendants, to satis
fy said order of sale, to-wit:
The north-west quarter section thirty
one (81),township twenty-nine(29), range
eleve (11), west of the 6th p, m , in Holt
county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the
5th day of October. A. D. 1891, in front
of the court bouse in O’Neill, that being
the building wherein the last term o"f
district court was held, at the hour of 10
o’clock a. m. of said day.when and where
due attendance will be given bv the
Dated at O.Neill. Nebraska, this 25th
day of August, 1891.
7-5 H. C. MoEvony,
Sheriff of said county.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from ttie c'erk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree oti
; tallied before the district court of Holt comi
ty, Nebraska, on the an h day of June. Istkt in
favorof Burnham. Tolleys&Co., asplaintiff.
and against Patrick I.yiion et ul.. as defend
ants, tor the sum of thirty-three dollars and
eighty-eight cents, and defendant. I.. W. Tal
leys, trustee, obtained a decree for the sum
of Mm.o, and costs taxed at fcllt.Sl. and secur
ing costs t have levied upon the following
premises, taken as the property of said de
fendants. to satisfy said order of sale, to-wit:
The east half southeast quarter, southwest
quarter, southeast quarter of section twelve
il-h and northwest quarter northeast quarter
. section eleven tilt township twenty-five (£’>1
range ten (10) west of tlio 8th p. m., in Holt
- county, Nebraska. *
And will offer tlio same for sale to
the lilghe t ladder for cash In hand on the
~d day of September. A. I), lsul, in front ot
the eourt house in O'Neill, that being the
building wherein the last term c-f district
, court was held, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. in.
’ of said day. when and where due attendance
[ wilt he given tiv the undersigned.
Hated at O’Neill. Neb., thla tltli day of Aug
list, 1891.
8 5 H. C. McKvony,
Sheriff of said County.
Ry virtue of nn order of Hale, directed to
! mo from the clerk of the district court of
Holt comity. Nebraska. on a decree obtained
i before the district oouri of Holt countv. No
I hraska on the gut It day of June. 1 Asti, in
j favor of Holt County Hank im plaintiff and
against Wm. J. Campbell and Margaret I.
Campbell as defendants, for the hiiih of
thirty -one dollars, and costa taxed at <CJ.(«
ami accruing costa.l have levied upon the fol
lowing premises taken as the property of
Haul delendunts to satisfy said order of sale,
The northeast quarter section twenty-jour
124) township twenty-nine (gip range eleven
(II) west of thetilii l\ M. in Holt county, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash. In hand, on the rid
day of Septemlier, A. D. iMill. In frontof the
court house in O’Neill, that being the build
ing wherelu the last term of district court
wus held, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. ni. of said
day. when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, Ncbruska, this Oth day of
August; 1 ss? 1.
0-5 H. C. McEvonv.
Sheriff of said County.
Ry virtue of an order of sole directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a decree obtained be
fore the (list riel court of Holt county. Ne
braska. rn the Until day of June, IH91. In favor
of Joseph C. (.ilenn, trustee lor James H.
Clark, and James If. Clark as plaintiff and
against John E. Planck us defendant, tor the
sum of thirteen hundred fifty-one dollars
and seventy cents, and costs taxed at fcfli.Utf
and uctruing costs I have levied upon the
loilowing premises taken as the property of
said dcfeucants to satisfy said order ot sale,
The northwest quarter of section six (0)
township thirty (JO) range ten (?U) west of the
0th p. ni. in Holt county. Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, in hand, on the UUd day
of September, A. I) 18H1, in front of the court
house in O’Neill, that being the building
wherein the last term of court was held, at
the hour of 2 o'clock n. in. of said dav, when
nnd where due attendance will be given by
the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill. Nebraska, this 0th day of
August, IMM,
0-5 H. C. McEvonv,
Sheriff of said County.
My virtue of tin execution directed to me
from the clerk of the dist rict court of Holt
county. Nebraska,, on a Judgment obtained
before the county court of Holt county. Ne
braska, on the Ttn day of March, 1891, a trans
cript of which has been duly tiled in the office
of the clerk of the district court, of Holt
county, in favor of Jamil & Tompkins as
plaintiffs, and against John H. DeirkN.Josoph
A. White and Laura White, partners us
Dcirks, White Co., as defendants, for the
sum of $941.2tf and costs taxed at $51.20 and
accruing costs, I have levied upon the follow
ing properly, taken as the property of said
defendants, to satisfy said order of sale, to
wlt: seventy head of cattle, nine head of
colts, three hundred bead of sheep; and will
offer the same for sale to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, on thePthday of September,
A. I). 1891, at Goose Lake, Holt county,
Nebraska, at the hour of lu o’clock a. m. of
said day, when and where due utlc.idunco
Will be given by tlie undersigned.
Dated at O’Neill, August 20th. 1891.
H. c. McKvony, Sheriff of said Co.
By E. J. Mack, Deputy.
John II. Taylor and Ella M. Taylor, defend
ants, will take notice that on the loth day of
August, 1891. Lovinla Smith, plaintiff herein,
tiled her petition in the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to fore
close a ccrluin mortgage executed by the
Globe Investment company upon the SW»4
section 28, township 34. north of range 14,
west in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the
payment of one promissory note dated Sep
tember 1.1888, for the sum of $.800 and interest
at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, and 10 per cent after maturi
ty; that there is now due upon said note and
mortgage, according to the terms thereof,
the sum of $931 and Interest at the rate of ten
per cent per annum from March 1. 1891, and
plaintiff prays that said premises may be de
creed to Ik? sold to satisfy the amount due
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 21st day of September, 1891.
Dated O’Neill, Neb,. August 10,1891.
LOV1NIASMITH, Plaintiff.
By N. I). Jackson, Her Attorney. 5-4
Inda M. Worthley and Win. W. Wortbh»y.
defendants, will take notice Unit on the loth
day of August, 1891, J. L. Moore, plaintiff
herein, tiled his petition in the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which are
to foreclose» certain mortgage executed by
’"m. W.
defendants. Inda M. Worthley and Win.
Worthley, to the Globe Investment com
puny, upon the NEl4 section 2U, township 31,
north of range 9, west in Holt county, Ne
braska, to secure the payment of one promis
sory note, dated September 18, 1888, for the
sum of $1,150 and interest at the rate of 7 per
cent per annum, payable semi-annually, und
Id per cent after maturity; that there is now
due on said note and mortgage, according to
the tonus thereof, the sum of $1,313.00, ana in
terest. at tlu* rate of 10 per cent per annum
from April 1. 1891, and plaintiff prays that
said premises may be decreed to be sold to
satisfy the amount due thereon.
You arc required to answer said petition on
or before the 2lst day of September. 1891.
Dated O'Neill, Neb., August 10.1891.
, J. L. MOOIiE, Plaintiff.
By N. D. Jackson, His Attorney.
Orris H. Wlrner and Julia E. Wirner, de
fendants, will take notice that on the 10th
day of August, 1891, J. L. Moore, plaintiff
herein, tiled his petition in the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which are
to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by
defendants to the Globe Investment com
pany upon the SWt4 of SWIk of section IT and
the E‘j of the SE>* and the SEkj of the NE'4
of section IS all in townsldpiil, north of range
10 west in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure
the payment of one promissory note dated
November it’, 18*8, for the sum of t'CHI ai
, ....and In
terest at the rate of T per cent per annum,
payable senii-anuiially.und 10 per cent after
maturity; that there is now due upon said
note and mortgage, according to the terms
thereof, the sum of ^Sti.lOand interest at the
rate of It* per cent per annum from May ],
ISIII, and plaintiff .
prays that said premises
may be decreed to lie sold to satisfy the
amount found due thereon.
Vou are required to answer said petltiou on
or before the gist day of September, 1891.
Dated O'Neill' Neb.. August 10. 1801.
, .1. L. MOOKE, Plaintiff.
By N. 1>. Jackson, llis Attorney. 5-4
Notice Is hereby given that sealed propos
als will be received at the office of the county
clerk up to noon September 15, 1801. for the
construction ot a pile or bent bridge, X! feet
span. 14 feet roadway, across Steel Creek, on
section line between sections 11 and 14 town
ship ill, range » west. Plans and speciflca
tions to lisubmitted by bidder. The com
mittee reserves the right to reject any and
ail bids.
Done at O’Neill. Nell.. August 8. 1891.
Land Office at O'Neill. Neb., I
A llgust 28, 1891. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make Until proof in support of Ids
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at O’Neill,
Neb., on October 9. 1891. viz:
MICHAEL MILLER, 11. E. No. 12843,
For theSH SB1* 19-42-11 West.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz;
W. 8. Griffith. John Liddy, Turner, Neb.;
Joint Hoyer, John Bauson, Blackbird. Neb.
8-6+ B. S. Gillespie. Register.
Land Office at O’Neii.i,, Neb.. I
July 41. 1891. f
Notice Is hereby given that tlie foliowing
uniued settler has tiled notice of tils intention
to make tinal proof in support of Ids claim,
and that sain proof will be made before the
register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on
Sept. 19,1891, viz;
For the S E b see. 2s, tp .T2, uortti range 12 west
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ids continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of salt! laud, viz:
John Rohde. Ed Boyle, Michael Langan,
Austin llyues, all of Turner. Neb.
4-°+ B. S. Gillespie. Register.
To II S Ration* Co. M B McCarthy. Ira
f,appan. Dakota Mortgage Loan corporation,
0 Hu Ison. II M Hollins, Grover C Mabcn.
.Instill McCarthy. Jr. the Omaha National
hank, Benjamin S Totten. Frank Anderson. 1
(i W Sylvester, Thomas Oldaker, John A
Tiiorln. Francis I Hall. I.other II M:il>en. :
Frank .1 McCormick. L it Kirby, Holmes H
\\uison, John ThonipHon, llirain D Upton, !
Foster K Clement, Nebraska and Western
railwayeoinpany.SlI Itarber.Ernost E Hunt,
trustee Mary Harl»er, Charles Cross 1r. Saw*
uei Hart, .1 H Keith trustee for Mary W
Lewis, Mary W Lewis, Laura M Thompkius,
James G Cortelyou, John K Arnold. J L
Richardson. J CSturdevant, *V G Falmuiitoer,
W II Hlce. Calv in J Uundell, Hurreil Hilton,
Ira Davenport, John A Thomas. 1 Jordon, the
Showaller mortgage compitny. William Ele
helberger, Robert Slaiigewav, Joseph (J
Glenn. Nebraska Mortgage aiici Investment
company. Anna Fiala. Globe Investment
company, C. A. Griggs. M. U. Griggs.
Jacob Na/Jske, Lombard Investment
company, Jacob Kozisek, Paxton &
Gallagher, F J Hrcnnun. Robert Worm
aid. John Daniels. O H Toncray, Ne
"hrasku Loan and Trust company, Mrs.
RA Lester, Norman F Hall. F Zimmerman.
John Heed, John Morrow. J. Lowell Moore,
John A James, Harriet E Townsend, James
Mulick, John W Haynes, Thoinus McVey, J
II S Case, Mason S Southworth, T G Morlan,
Scott T Jones, M R Uubhell, 8 S Soloman. W
D Mead jr, David Jamison. II C Wright,
Oliver Muggurd, William H Sullivan, Valley
Loan and Trust company. M O’Neill, Scottish
American Mortgage company limited, Daniel
8 Fields, Jacob Crum. David Hurley, George
R Brown. Eugene Westervelt, C M Copp, F
V Kratky, Israel Morris, US Moffitt, J P
Cramer, Edward Cragin, S Johnson, Gerhard
S Hcnawa. Leander Tidball. Mary 1 Tidball,
D A Selkirk, J M Ferguson, W E Polly, Setli
F Woodford, John 11 Curruthers.C W Warner,
FrunK M Wolcott, John J Roche, trustee,
Sarali F Lambring, M Larson, Neils Larson,
heirs of Edward P Allis, Edward P Allis &
Co, John Schmidt. Amoskeag Savings bank.
James McKee, Sarali Pearce, Jefferson P
Halley, F J Dunn, A P LaClair, C J Hanley,
D d Wood, D F Wyman, A Leltner, llenrv Slay
maker, Warren King, Marion C King, E S
Uriusby trustee for P U Ref sell and P O
Refsell, Hannah O’Hrien. John O’Hrien, John
Crowley, M Crowley, Andy R add Iff. Union
Trust company, Louisiana A Gassett, Joseph
Bernt, John Cookan. John Forest, William
j Forest, R B Russell, Joim Price. Mrs A J
Traver. J S Jones, Rudolph L Bullard, George
Lendren.JumcsS Bell, Nathan LCase, Aman
da Hill, Thomas lianrahun, Lewis Hadcliff
and James Burnham.
of December, 1<sh9, the undersigned bought
, at private tax sale for the delinquent taxes
of the year 1HHS, the same having been ottered
at public sale and not sold for want of bld
! ders. the following described real estate.
[ situated in Holt county and state of Ne
braska, viz:
I The nil of the seq and sh of the ncq of sec
tion 2. township 25, range9,taxed In the name
of M K McCarthy.
The wh of seq and sh of swq of section 4,
township 25, range t>, taxed in the name of Ira
The seq of swq of section IS, township 25,
range !>, taxed in the name of C Bulson.
The no(j of section 15. township 25, range 9.
taxed in the naiucof J McCarthy, jr.
The sii of the swq and sh of seq of section
-1. township 25, range 9, taxed In the name of
Trunk Anderson.
The uh of nwq of section 27, township 25,
range 9, taxed In the name of J A Thorin.
The nwo of section 28, township 25, range 9,
taxed in the name of F l Ball.
The nwq nwo cf section 33, township 25.
range 9, taxed in the name of L B Maben.
The eh of neo of section 12, township 28,
range 9. taxed in the name of L B Kirky.
The sh of seq of section IS. and the nh of
ncq of section 19, township 28, range 9, taxed
in the name of John Thompson.
The nwq of section 28. township 28, range 9,
taxed in the name of 8 H Barber.
The eh of swq and wh of soil of section 11,
township 25, range 10, taxed in the name of
Samuel Hart.
The swq of section 6. township 27, range 19,
taxed in the name of David Adams.
The nwo of section 7, township 27, range 10,
taxed In the name of 1) C Reeve.
The nh of neq of section 2, township BO,
range 10, taxed in the name of J L Richard
The seq of section 10, township 30, range 10,
taxed in the name of W II Bice.
The nwq of section 10. township 30, range
10, taxed in t lie name of C .1 Kuudell.
The wh of nwq of section 18, township 30,
range 10, taxed in the name of Burrell ililton.
The seq of nwq and neu of swqand nh of sea
of section 31,township 27, range 11, taxed in
the name of 1 Jordon.
The neq of nwq of section 3, township 28,
range 11, taxed in the name of Robt Strange
The nh of neq and sen of neq and neq of
nwq of section 11, township 28, range 11, taxed
in the name of NMcllravie.
The swq of section 31, township 28, range 11,
taxed in tiie name of Anna Fiala.
The nwo of section 32, township28, range 11,
taxed in ths name of Jacob Naziske.
The nwq of section 81. township 29, range
11. taxed in the name of Patrick Hagerty.
The nwo of section 27, township 30, raiige 11,
taxed in tue name of F J Brennan.
The wh of nwq of section 5, and the eh of
neq of section (>, township 25, range 12, taxed
in tlie name of John Daniels.
The neq of section 25, township 25, range 12,
taxed in the name of N F Ball.
The swq of section 27, township 25, range 12.
taxed in the name of T. Zimmerman.
The nwq of section 29, township 25, range 12
taxed in the name of John Morrow.
The swq of section 8. township 28, range 12,
taxed in the name of Sidney Biddle.
The seq of section 24. township 28, range 12,
taxed in the name of John Luppan.
The eh of nwq and the eh of swq of section
21, township 29, range 12. taxed in the name of
James Mulick.
The seq of nwq and neq of swq and the nh
of seq of section 5. township 30, range 12,taxed
in the name ofT McVey.
The wh of nwq and nwq of neq of section 8,
township ,J0, range 12, taxed in the name of
11 C Wright.
The neq of section 22, township 30, range 12,
taxed in the nameof 1) P O'Sullivan.
The sii of neq of section 29, township 30,
range 12, taxed in the name of M O’Neill,
Hots 1 and 2 and eh of nwq of section 7,
township 25. range 13, taxed In the name of
The wh of swq of section 29. township 25,
range 13, taxed in the name of Jacob Crum.
The seq of section 2. township 29, range 13,
taxed in the name of I) Hurley.
The swq of section 28, township 29, range 13,
taxed in the name of I Morris.
The neq of section 1, township 28. range 14
taxed in the name of 1* ,1 Kramer.
The swq of section 14, township 28, range 14.
taxed in the name of S Johnson.
The west half or nwq and seq of nwq and
swq of neq of section 25, township 28, range 14,
taxed in the name of 1) A Selkirk.
The eh of swq and swq of swq and nwq of
seq of section 20. township 28, range 14, taxed
in the name of W E Polly.
Tht nwq of section 22, township 29. range 14,
taxed in the name of C W Warner.
The seq of section 25. township 29, range 14,
taxed in the name of W O’Malley.
The swq of section 32, township 29, range 14,
taxed in the name of M Larson
The seq of section 34. township 29, range 14,
taxed in the name of John Schmidt.
The swq of section 15, township 30, range 14,
taxed in the name of Jas McKee.
The neq of section 19, township 39, range 14.
taxed in the name of J P Bailey.
The eh of seq of section 36, township 30.
range 14, taxed in the name T J Dunn.
The iiwii of section 5, township 29, range 15,
taxed in the name of C. J, Hanley.
The nwq of section 9, township 29, range 15,
taxed in the name of A Leitner.
The wh of section 11, township 29. range 15,
taxed in the name of 11 Slaymaker.
The swq of section 14, township 30, range 15,
I taxed in the name of Warren King,
j The nwq and the swq of neq of section 21.
township 30, range 15. taxed in the name of
M Crowlyy.
j The seq of seq of section 30, township 30,
range 15. taxed in the name of Andy Rad
The neq of section 2. township 29, rango 16.
taxed in the name of John Cookan.
The swq of section 4, township 30, range 18,
taxed in the name of it B Russell.
The nwq of section 10. township 29, range 16.
axed in the name of Joint Price.
I he seq of section 29, township 30, range 16,
taxed in the name of J S Jones.
The nwq of section 30. township 30, range 16,
taxed in the name of James S Bell.
The nwq of section 33, township 30, range
lit VnH In t lia .in m.k .i# T _1.-._ J
16. taxed in the name of T Hanralian, and
1 he swq of section M. township 30, range 16,
*. *“ tin* name of L ltadcliff.
taxed in tli __
And that tiie time of redemption of the
same will expire on the 5th day of December,
• E. W. ADAMS.
August 19, 1891. 0-3
Champion Machine
The Champion mowers of 1891 are
1J, 5 aud 6 foot cut. The drive-arm,
gear, and pitman are warranted not to
break or wear out.
The Champion harvesters are simply
incomparable. For sale by Bernard
McUreevy. 49-tf
To whom It may concern:
You are hereby notified that on the 27th
day of December. 1*89. each of the following
described tracts of real estate situated in
Holt county, in the state of Nebraska, was
sold at private tax sale by tin* treasurer of
said county for the delinquent taxes due
thereon for tho year P-88 to the Farmers’
Loan and Trust Co. rf Storm Lake. Iowa,
which received a certificate oT tax sale for
each of said tracts, and which Is the present
owner and holder thereof. Each of said tracts
were described, taxed and specially assessed
as follows, to-wit:
The tie ne and nw ne of 8 and the nw nw of
9,512, 15, was in 1888 taxed and assessed In
name of C Daugherty, and in 1890 In name of
J I* Segar.
The ne ne se ne sw ne and nw se of 18,512.15,
was iu 1M88 taxed and assessed in name of S 11
Hamilton, and in 1890 in name of C C Slium
The se sw sw sw sw se and se se of 28, 32,1ft,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed In name of A
Kirkendabl, and In 1890 in name of French &
The se ne sw ne ne se and nw se of 28,32. 15.
whs in 1888 taxed and assessed in. name of
Peter Carlson, and in 1890 in name of French
& Crawford.
The ne sw nw sw sw sw and se sw of 18, 33,
15, was in 1888 taxed and assessed In name of
WTP Woods, and in 1890 in name of P W
The ne se and se se of 18 and ne ne and se ne
of 19,351,15, wus in 1888, taxed and assessed in
name of A C Johnson, and in 1890 in name of
E .1 Earhart.
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of 4, 32,
1(5, was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in
name of J A Crow.
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of 6,
10, was in 18*8 and 1890 taxed and assessed in
name of L H Talmadgo.
The ne se and se se of 9 and nw sw and sw
sw of 10,5ti. 10, was in 188s taxed and assessed
in name of Taylor, and in 1890 in name of H 1)
Tne ne se se se ne ne and se ne of 10,32, 10,
wus in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in
name of C A Miner.
Tho nw sw and sw sw of 11, 512, 10, was in
1888 taxed and assessed in name of U E Wil
cox. and in 1890 in name of it E Hiuishopc.
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and so nw of 20, 32,
10. was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
T Mitchell, and in 1890 in name of G M Win
im'iiruw uw nw sw inv Him se nw 01 ».*, ,k.\
U». was in lssn taxed and assessed in myneof
1) Young, and in 1890 in name of E F Long.
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of 24, 22.
Hi. was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
Win Kurtz, and in 1890 in nuino of D li Ed
The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of 2(5.22. l(i,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of c
Teasley, and in I81HI in name of F G Wine*
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of 28, 32,
18, was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
John Stoddard, and in 1890 in name of I G
The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of 32, 33.18,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of Jos
eph McKay, and in 1890 in name of A J Milli
The sw se se se sw sw and se sw of 31, 34, 14.
was in 1888 and 1MJ0 taxed and assessed in
name of Joseph Naehtman.
The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of 32, 34.14,
was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in
name of W Heed.
The ne sw and nw sw of 33. 34, 14, was in
1888 taxed and assessed In name of LW Con
nor. and in 1890 in name of C J Northrup.
The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of 13,33,
15. was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
J S Wolcott, and in 1890 in name of I N Miller.
The ne nw and nw nw of 4 and ne ne and so
ne of 5. 28.13, was in 1888 taxed and assessed
in name of I) A Lake, and In 1890 in name of
Munirer & Tolbot.
The se sw of 21, 28, 13, was in 1888 taxed and
assessed in nume of Gusta Ellwood, and In
1890 in name of G W E Dorsey.
The sw sc of 21 and ne nw se nw of 28 and
ne nw and nw ne of 22, all in 28, 13, was in 1888
taxed and assessed in name of Dora Martin,
and in 1890 in name of G W E Dorsey.
The ne no se ne and ne se of 22, 28,13, was in
1888 taxed in name of Gusta Eliword, and in
1890 in name of G W E Dorsey.
The ne sw nw sw sw sw and se sw of 33, 28,
13, was in 1888 taxed assessed in name of Min
nie Gathle, and in 1890 in name of A E Bis
Tlie no se nw se sw se and se se of 31, 28,13.
was in 1888 taxed ana assessed in name of
Christine Gathie, and in 1890 In name of V Y
'Phe ne sw of 2, 20, 9, was in 1888 taxed and
assessed In name of J E O’Connor, and In 1890
in name of J H Crum.
The ne ne and nw ne of 11 and ne nw and
nw nw of 12, 27, 0, was in 1888 taxed and as
sessed in name of 1)C Lachapel, and in 1890
in name of N W Lachapel.
The ne nw nw nw ne ne and nw ne of 3, 27,
15, was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in
name of A U Buckstone.
The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of 5.27,15.
was in 1888 taxed and ussessdd in name of H
Baekhaus, nd in 1890 in name of Frank
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of 5, 27,
15, was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
H Johnson, and in 1890 in name of C A Hotch
The ne se nw so sw so and se se of 26, 28. 15,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of S E
Auger, and in 1890 In name of 8 J Auger.
The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of 31,28,
15, was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
C A Gates, and in 1890 in name of J M Ber
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of 31,28,
15, was in 1888 taxed and assessed In name of
E W Goodin, and in 1890 In name of J M Bern
The sw nw se nw sw ne and se ne of 7, 27,16,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
Frank Tracy, and in 1890 in name of W M
The ne sw nw sw sw sw and se sw of 8, 27.13,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed iu name of
C F DeKand, and in 1890 in name of Wallace
i Hemphill.
j Tiie sw nw and nw sw of 14 and ne se and nw
! se of 15, all in 27,13, was in 1888 and 1890 taxed
I and assessed in name of P H Woods.
The ne se se se se ne oflO and sw nw of 11,
! all in 27,14, was in 1888 taxed and assessed iu
name of E J Meng, and In 1890 In name of S L
The se ne of 23 and sw ne sw nw and se nw
24, all in 27,14, was In 1888 taxed and assessed
in name of KB Claiborne, and in 1890in name
of A U Wiswell.
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of 1, 28,
15, was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
V Y Baker, and in 1880 iu name of H Court
'1 he ne nw nw nvswnw and ge nw of 12,28,
15. was ill 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
CE Newton, and in 1890 in name of Wm J
The ne sw nwsw sw sw and se sw of 27,29,15
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of J
E Snyder, and in 1890 in name of D C Palmer
The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of 29, 29,15,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed In name of B
P N eahr. and in 1890 in name of P O Milner. •
The nil nw of 2,28.18, and se se and sw se of
85, 29,18. was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and as
sessed in name of J \V U Houston.
The nw se sw se ue sw and se sw of 15.28,18,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
Nels Anderson, and in 1890 in name of G L
The ne sw nw sw sw sw and se sw of 27,29,
18, was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
10 Scliutz, and in 1890 in name of 0 11 Silk
The ne no nw ne sw ne and se ne of 9,29,10,
was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in
name of J \V Gilger.
The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of 27,29,10.
was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in
name of W I Koush.
The ne ne and nw ne of 30. 25, 10, was in 1888
taxed and assessed in name of Jan Drontli,
and in 1890 in name of Julius Y Leonard.
Lots 1, 2 and 3 and se nw. all in 3. 25, II, was
in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of J H
Smith, and in 1890 iu name of Jay Canfield.
The ne sw nw sw se sw and sw sw of 14,20,11
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in Frank Bor
den. and 189i) in name of I llusenetter.
The ue nw nw nw se nw and sw nw of 15, 28,
11, was in 1888 taxed uud assessed in name of
It A Palmer, and in 1890 in name of Lizzie E
The ne sw nw sw sw sw and se sw of 21, 31.
15. was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
L l* Allard, and in 1890 in name of B It B Wil
The ne sw nw sw sw sw and se sw of 27, 31,15
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of G P
Wellmuu. and iu 1890 in name of A P Well
The ne se nw se sw se and se se of 29, 31,15,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of M M
Scott, and in 18.K) in name of A Woodward.
The nw sw sw sw se sw of 30 and nw nw .of
31, in 31, la, was in 1888 taxed and assessed in
name of M J Bailey, and in 1890 in name of E
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of 1. 31.
was iu 1888 taxed and assessed la name of
W H .Hutchinson, and in 1890 in name of H I)
The ne se nw se sw se and se se of 28, 31,16,
was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed in
name of Mary Meagber.
The ne ne nw nesw ne and se ne of 35, 31, 16,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
KoeUy & Johnson.and in 1890 iu name of Kooky
& Vance.
The nese nw se sw ne and se ne of 29, 31, 11,
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of O
hi Horan, and in 1890 in name of W H Sullivan.
Lot ;> and sw nw of 2.25,15, was in 1888 taxed
!*• ->«1;>. was in 1*88 nncui^J U,"J u*.
«n name of GC Dimock tttXed
I no nw n<> ... 1
-- v- v/ lsiiiiucK
J he nw se ne sw nw sw »n#i
w:is in 1888 and 1800 tutoJ 80 of •
uarne of John Frost. * d a,1(1
1 ht‘ ne ne n w ne sw no sma „
as in 1888 taxed und ® ?!!? _8e. «e of
was^nlKKS taxed ZS
Johnson, and lrtXIln nameof m x
Thesw nw se nw ne swTn,i £M s"lHv„
Thesw-nwsenwncswTnV/ M * «
was in 1888 taxed and asseslaY sw t,f
IIV O’Neill, tlrwi In lUfMi t_ ‘ •’'* d III lliilltt* i|f
ny cr Neill. n^,nT^/fn-;dh,nu,
. T*> sw nw sw »®
Brown! PU‘mer' and ln »» -n 'te;",;;
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and .
15. was In 1888 and in 18») i.,a!inw *» «.f
The ne sw nw sw sw sw a»idHlneo^ Jr^i
-as in 1888 taxed and assessed*!rf n»f a*
lays, and ill 1890 In ns.,,.,... "j>mr or
•ie o&
was in uwo taxed and assessed in 7,«
Hays, and in 1890 in name of Sam v“me
The none nw no sw ne and r(ra"
was in 1888 and l«on SL he of-N ,
* "v ii w mj sw ne and ua ,
was in 1888 and 1890 taxed anil
name of A N Gilbert. U ll “
Lots 3 and 4 and sh nw ofsn *«
taxed and assessed In natiie of'pa’ »lVUs in
ln in 1890 in name of A Ohrlsman M,lrUl
The nh ne and nh nw of *>o ’ti m
taxed and assessed In nomeV.f t, ***
and ln 1890 In nameofFE Mover '<>s 1,al'
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se'„» .
irH W8'taxed andSB8"ossed "in '“.S,>'
man. and In 1890 In nameof G,.u p ‘ . '
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and iif .■» o'
was'ui'iStStax’eYand^seise'd iTnami'",
Devine, and In 1890 in nameof P J Nhr, r
T he ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne ni !
ofj nvc tanu i8Bo taxed a“d
The sw nw ne sw nw sw andswswnf,,
of J A(]ol|and 1890 taxod and assessedio
1 lie n w ne sw ne ne nw and se nw of
IMIS nlHflHtnviiH..nil_1 , , 11 w 01
10, S3,
waa In 1888 taxed and assessed In mum.,Y,
Pope, and In 1890 In name of A M "iK
-Tte ..1* !?.?_% *i.14. was In !^ul
taxed and assessed In name of AmosUm,',:
The nw ne and aw ne of 13.30. 0 »», , 1
lid I8ik)taxt»ri »inri i...’ _
and 1800 taxed and assessed lii namoof Ik;
The ne ;i« and nw nw of 27-30-0 was h, i:
and In 1880 In name of Colpoys &
Tlio ne so nw se sw so and se se of i '■>,
was In 1888 and 1880 taxed and rW m
name of M W Barnett. a“*tewl
The sw sw of 4. se se 5, nw nw nml s..
9, all In 32-11 was In 1888 taxed and n^L
in namoof Joseph M Woodcock, and“nta
name of J E Creed.
The ne se nw se sw se and se so of Vn
was In 1888 and 1890 taxed and assesiii
name of of F C Cook. M11
The sw nw nw sw sw sw and se sw of ’i-ii
was In 1888 taxed and assessed In nonielif
Nace, and In 1800 In name of Thos Gra,
The ne nw ne se and se se of 20-31-12
1888 taxed and assessed In name of J A V,
and in 1800 In namoof F C Grunt
The sw ne and se nw of 20-31-13 was In i
taxed and assessed In name of W c Unsn.
In 1800 in name of W W Carpenter
The ne nw nw nw sw nw andse nw of is
13 was in 1888 taxed and assessed in namm
Q Miller, and in 1890In name of Jos lloli,,:!,
The ne se nw se sw se and se se of 23-31.11,
in 1888 and 1800 taxed and assessed In name
A McLeod.
The se se and sw se of 12 and ne ne anil
of 13*32-0 was In 1888 and 1890 In iiamo of Mu
The ne sw nw sw se sw and sw sw of M
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
Nlcholls, and in 1880 In name of M J Carni-i
The ne nw uw nw sw nw and se mv of :ty
was In 1888 and 1880 taxed and assessed
name of J L Bills.
Tlie nw se sw se »w lie and se nw of
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of
Deal-mail, and in 1890 in name of D 51 Bom
The ne swnw sw sw sw and se swof .Ml
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of.
Lower, and in 1880 in name of H HStrawbrid
The nenwnwnwswnwse uwof 15-iC-n
in 1888 taxed and ussessed in name of
Mowry, and in 1880 in name of E M Perke*.
The nw sw ne sw se nw and sw nw of i;i-;t
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in namo of 1
Thomas, and in 1880 in name of E L Newell,
The tie ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of im
was In 1888 taxed and assessed in name of.
A Hooten, and in 1880 in name of E M Pork
The nw ne sw ne sw se and nw se of 36-1
was in 1888 and 1800 taxed and assessed
name of Dan & J S White.
The se sw nw se and sw se of 3-31-10 ....
1888 taxed and ussessed in name of Ezra I
per, and in 1800 in name of F C Grable.
The ne ne nw ne swne and se 11c of 12-3
wasin 1888 and 1800 taxed and assessed in
name of A A & E J Dowell.
The ne sw nw sw nw se and sw sc of 17-11
was in 1888 and 1800 taxed and assessed
nameof M T Winner.
Tbenenw nw nwswnwandseiiwof22-;i
was In 1888 taxed and assessed in name of u
Smith, and in 1880 In name of Clias Corbet.
The ne sw nw sw sw sw and se sw of 2twi
wasin 1888 and 1880 taxed and assessed
name of C W Tomlinson.
The ne ne nw ne ne uw of 7-32-1C was In 1
and 1880 taxed and assessed In name of 1.
Thenw nw and sw nw of25and the sent'an
nese of 26-32-10 was in 1888 and 1890 taxed am
assessed in name of W P Bump.
The nw ne sw neae nw and ne sw of 2-lt-i
wasin 1888 and 1800 taxed and assessed
name of F Shepherd.
The nw sw of 2 and ne se nw se and se ne
3-32-12 was in 1888 taxed and ussessed in nam
of LC Shepherd, and In 1880 in name of J
The sw ne andse ne of 8 and sw nw andse
of 10-32-12 waf in 1888 taxed and assessed
nameof Christ Crone, and in lsou in name
\Vm White.
Thenw tie nenw and nw uw of 14-32-12«
in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of 11
Pond, and ill 1880 In name of Charles Hupp
The ne nese ne sw ne and se nw of 1M7
was in 1888 taxed and assessed In name
Clias E Kelley, and in 1880 In name of I
The ne nw nw nw sw nw and se nw of iMjM
was In 188« taxed and assessed In name of K
Butts, and in 1890 in name of D FBrubaker.
The nw sw sw sw of 14 and ne se and ***!*<
15-32-'3 was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assess
in name of G F Dailey.
The uw n w sw nw nw sw and sw swof l*-*-’:
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in nauie of U «
Byington, and in 1890 in nameof Bosa h i';ir
The ne ne nw ne sw ne and se ne of
was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed »
nameof J W West. ,
The ne nw of 22-33-13 was in 1888 aud Is*
taxed and assessed in nameof J Gandy
The sw sw se sw sw se and se se of
was in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of »r
Chlttiek, and in 1890 in nameof Geo 1
The ne ne se*ne nw se and ne se of •
was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and assessed
nameofSJ Dewey. ,
The ne se and se ne of 24-30- ll was In•
1890 taxed and assessed in nameof II M i
and in 1890 in the name of S J Dewey .
The sw nw of 8-27-12 was in 1888 taxed
sensed in name of Emma Stanton, and in
in nameof H CDavis. . f.Wljnj
The ne sw and se sw of 19-29-9 was in
1890 taxed and assessed in name of D'°
Guthrie. ij
Tiie ne sw se sw and nw se of 24-3L-M »«*• ,
1888 and 1890 taxed and .assessed in name
The ne nw nw nw sw nw andsenwoi-^
was in 1888 and 1800 in nameof John Mcu*} .
The nw nwof 3-32-16 was in 1888 taxedl a
assessed in name of P S Cheney, and in
uuiue of JasMcghane. lJiw4j
The ne ne se tie se se and ne seof um-* . .vjl
In l«88 taxed and assessed in name of m "
son, and in 1890 in nameof G N Winkiem*1
"".. was i» I* !« , ,
Allman, and In law
assessed in nameof C .
name of KW Staley.
The se se and sw se of 10-28-13 wj. . Kl
taxed and assessed in nameof Gu^ta
and in 1890 in name of C H Toncray* 13vVU5
The ne se n w se s w se and se se of o*“- f y,
1888 and 1800 taxed and assessed in l,.in
( in 1»
C Grier. . x if1,1
The se nesese and ne se of 9 and m ^ mliuc
20-14 was in 1888 taxed and assesses • -
of It Kohler, and in 1890 in nameof
The ne sw ne se nw se and se se oi •>*; IlM-ll)n
in 1888 taxed and assessed in name of J ;iN
Bartley, und in 1890 in nameof
The ne sw se sw nw se and no se ji
was in 1888 and 1890 taxed and
name of E Colwell. , « « a>i[!
The u w sw nw nw and sw sw of nu. 0( F
1888 and 1890taexd and assessed in na
Colwell. , ;u-yrii
The sw ne se ne ne se and nw 11
ndBlIl lOOO UtACU aim oaoni"- . ^
brown, and In 18901n name or Jas r- ' j sll|,
The time of redemption of sb1<J ' ,*
will expire ontho 2JU1 dayof boy'
FA EMEUS’ LOAN & '1 i„„a
Storm, l^e.l;
by Edward DkLand, Asst, Seen
out- mu do lh*J
| V n oue mu do the yt,u t-»n
mi»h everything. W« »tnrt jfou. . « .,'„Tk. "I l‘'# ’L#r.
pare moment•, or nil y#uf t[ni* *,°._-•« to "''..i,.
I_J .I l.^nMWAV
iru momenti, or nil y*«r *•««* V* t!’ *'!„**«*
j msw lend,and bring* wonderful*w_*|i and uv*
ansa ’-ruTi ssrs®** ■1‘