The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 03, 1891, Image 5

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, ludtre lloberts building. north
I I'®ce if luTrnVtt & Frees lumber yard.
iVN'KI l.C.
„ \V. ADAMS,
r " ■ •*.
D* ATTORNEY at daw.
, „ nr„nt|(.(. ill ill! the courts. Special nt
I "iif iivcii to foreclosures and collections.
and notaky public.
. i practice, the Settlement of Estates,
linnntvclaims. Contest
n lik pay 'and Bounty claims, Contest
■ ' 'i ml ail business before the local and gen
| iS Ini'll offices a specialty..
I nmnrcs 111 ways reasonable. Office first door
I cOTcCEoWs hardware store.
| ^ A. WELLS.
Ofllcc* over
the Holt County Bank.
K. ('. 1). » EISAMAN.
I iir arms and ammunition of all kinds.
liraiTKl repair sliop
Estimates taken and material; furnished.
Jol'tjtnjr promptly attended to.
^ IlOVIl,
Abstract ® Books.
OmcE over Holt County Bank.
In U. S. Land Business
g Froaptly and Satisfactorily Executed. 1
s Fftlary on Fourth street
S fast of Holt County Dank.
Title Abstracters/Con»eyancers,
F»rm Loans Negotiated on the Moi
-_ Reasonable Terms.
H fct Class Hotel in City,
T. EVANS, Prop.
«°* I’uUmiiV'Z-8'',' Patrick’s Branch No. 042,
JfM an.l third <nn ?ht® of America, meet
Jonth it, ■ after noon of each
?■ P. Casm.w c fi 1(lw office. Ve y Rev.
presid^i’ r*Auai, ®Ire°tor. Frank
t^kteA?;J- »■»» y*sp-p«»*
Jaaphelf’nieSd Sl’lrltu“>" Director.'
J“nt: Putrlck'ftlfJ11’.0'. F’ B1*lln vlce-presi
#"»nclai 8ecretarr^rtfc »5ure v.' 'll 84ter‘y
lu*ry, p. c, Murphy Roc. See.
To Wm. W. McGee and Mrs. Wm. W. McGee
non-resident defendants:
You will take notice that on the7th davof
August. 1891, The Amcrloau Investment Com
Ijunv or Emiuetsburg, la., plaintiff herein,
tiled its petition in tiie district court of llolt
county, Nebraska, against the above-named
defendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mort
executed by Wm. W. McGee, defendant,
to h. S. Ormsby. trustee, and W. L. Telford
on the following described real estate situ
ated In Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: The
southeast quarter of section thirty, township
twenty-nine, range teu west of the titIi P. M
to secure the payment of a promissory note
or bond for $5u>, due June 1, 1892, and also to
secure the payment of ten interest eon pons,
one for 114.7.. and nine for $20.13 each, all
dated July 19, 1887, the first interest note ma
turing December 1,1887. and one every six
months thereafter. Plaintiff alleges tlmt it
is the owner and In the possession of the in
terest notes which matured on the first days
of December, 1888, June, 1889, December, 1889,
June, 1890, December, 1890 and June, Jh91. and
there is now due plaintiff on said notes
owned by it and secured by said trust deed
the sura of $200, with interest thereon from
JT1.1® I1J,1MW» for which sum with interest
plaintiff prays a decree tlmt defendants may
he required to pay the same or that said
premises may be sold subject to the princi
pal note of $575 and the Interest coupon notes
maturing subsequent to those owned by
plaintiff to satisfy the amount found due:
t hat the claim, right or Interest of Mrs. Wm. 1
\V. McGee, defendant, may be decreed to he
junior and inferior to plaintiff’s lien. i
You are required to answer said petition on
orbe lore the 28th day of September, 1891.
Dated this 17th day of August, 1891.
5-4 It. It. Dickson, Attorney for Plaintiff.
To Jacob Jensen, Itosa L. Jenson and The
McCormick Harvesting Machine Com pan v,
non-resident defendants:
You will take notice that on the 7th day of
August, 1891, The American Investment Pom
pany of Emmetsburg, la., plaintiff herein,
filed its petition in the district court of Hol
Co., Neb, against the above-named parties
defendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain trust deed or mort
gage executed by Jacob Jensen and Kosa L.
Jensen, defendants, to E. S. Ormsby, trustee,
and P. O. Hefsell, on the following described
real estate situated in Holt county, Nebras
ka, to-wit: The nort hwest quarter of sect ion
eight, township thirty-one, range fifteen west
of the tith P. M., to secure the payment of a
certain promissory note or bond *for$stK) due
June 1,1891. and also to secure tlie payment
of ten interest coupons, one for $18.55 and
and nine for $28 ouch, all dated July 31, 1888,
the first interest note maturing December 1.
1886, and one every six months thereafter.
Plaintiff alleges that it is the owner and in
possession of the eight interest notes which
matured on the first days of December, 1899,
June. 1S90, December, 1889, June, 1889, Deeem
I her, 1888,.lune, 1888. December. 1887. June, lh-7.
; December, 1880, and there is now due plain
tiff on said eight notes owned by it and so
\ cured hy said trust deed, the sum of $9)0, wit h
j interest thereon from December 1. 1890, for
which sum with interest plaintiff prays a de
cree that defendants be required to pay the
I same or that said premises may be sold sub
ject to the principal note of $890 and the in
terest, coupon notes maturing subsequent to
| those owned by plaintiff to satisfy the
amount found due; that the claim, right or
interest of each of the defendants he decreed
to he junior and inferior to plaintiff’s lien.
! You are required to answer said pet ition
I ontr before the28th day of September, 1891.
! Dated this 17th day of August, 1891.
| 0-4 H. It. Dickson, Attorney for Plaintiff.
To Edmond G. Walker and Mrs. Edmond (*.
Walker David II. Walker. Olive J. Walker,
John F. Flack, Mrs. John F. Flack, non-resi
dent, defendants: You will take notice that
on August 7th, 1891, the American Investment.
Company, of Emmetsburg. Iowa. plaintilT
herein, tiled its petition in the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, against the above
named defendants, the object and prayer of
which is to foreclose a certain trust deed or
mortgage executed by David II. Walker and
Olive J. Walker, defendants, to E. S. Ormsby,
trustee, and P. O. ltefsell, on the following
described real estate, situated in Holt coun
ty, Neb., to-wit: southeast quarter section
thirty-one, township thirty-four, range six
teen, west of the 6th P. M.. to secure the pay
ment of a certain promissory note or bond
for$690, due June 1st, 1891, and also to secure
the payment of ten interest coupons, for
$24.15 each, all dated June 1st, 1889, the first
interest note maturing Dec. 1st, 1886, and one
every six months thereafter. Pluintilf al
leges that it is the owner and in the posses
sion of the interest, notes which matured on
the first days of Dec. 1890, June 1890, Dec. 1889,
June 1889. and there is now due plaintiff
on said eight notes owned by it and secured
by said trust deed the sum of $150. with inter
est thereon from December 1, 1890, for which
sum, with interest. plaintilT prays a decree
that defendants be required to pay the same,
or that said premises may be sold subject, to
the principal note of $090 and the interest
coupon notes maturing subsequent to those
owned by plaintiff, to satisfy the amount,
found due; that the claim, right or interest
of all the defendants may be decreed to be
junior and inferior to plaintiff's lien. You
are required to answer sail petition on or be
fore the 5th day of October, 1891.
Dated this 26th day of August, 1891.
It. R. Dickson, Att’y for Pl’ff.
To Edwin C. Erickson and Mrs. Edwin C.
Erickson, non-resident defendants: You will
take notice that on August 7th, 1891, The
American Investment Co., of Emmetsburg,
Iowa, plaintiff herein, filed its petition in the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against Edwin 0. Erickson. Mrs. Edwin C.
Erickson and F. P. Heston, defendants, the
object and prayer of which is to foreclose a
certain trust deed or mortgage executed by
Edwin C. Erickson, defendant, to E. S. Orms
by, trustee, and P. O. ltefsell, on the follow
ing described real estate, situated in Holt
county. Nebraska, to-wit: Southwest quarter
section twenty, township twenty-live, range
twelve, west of the 6th I*. M., to secure the
payment of a certain promissory note or bond
for $275, due June 1st, 1891, and also to secure
the payment of ten interest coupons, one for
$11.19, and nine for $11 each, all dated May
28,1886, the first interest note maturing Dee.
1st, 1886, and one every six months thereafter.
Plaintiff alleges that it is the owner and in
the possession of the said interest notes
which matured on the first day of June, 1890,
Juue 1889, Dec. 1889. Dec. 1890, and there is now
due plaintiff on said notes owned by it and
secured by said trust deed the sum of $75,
with interest thereon from December 1, 1890,
for which sum, with interest, plaintiff prays
a decree that, defendants be required to pay
the same or that said premises may be sold,
subject to the principle note of $275, and the
interest coupon notes maturing subsequent
to those owned by plaintiff, to satisfy the
amount found due, that, the claim, right or
interest of all of said defendants be decreed
to be junior and inferior to plaintiff’s lien.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 5th day of Octobe , 1891.
Dated this 25th day of August. 1891.
li. R. Dickson. Att’y forPl’ff.
To John G. Williamson, Della Williamson,
Burtis ITphoff, Mrs. Burtis Uphoff, Albert S.
Williamson. Mrs. Alberts. Williamson, non
resident defendants: You will take notice
that on the 7th day of August, IMli. The
American Investment Company of Emmets
burg, Iowa, plaintiff’ herein, tiled its petition
in the dist rict court of Holt county. Nebras
ka, ngainst each of the above defendants, the |
object ond prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain trust deed or mortgage executed by
JolmG. Williamson and Della Williamson.tie- |
lend ants, to E. S, Ormsby, trustee, and The i
American Investment Company on the fol- I
lowing described real estate situated in Holt
county, Nebraska, to-wit: Tint southeast j
quarter of section nineteen, townshin thirty
one, range fifteen west of the tith I*. to se
cure the payment of a certain promissory
note or bond for $1*00 due June J, lxifcj, arid
also to secure the payment of ten interest
coupons, one for &&).05und nine forUl.SOeach.
ail dated June 14. 1SX7, the first in teres* note j
maturing Deeomherl. IS87, and one every six |
months thereafter. Plaintiff' alleges that it |
is the ownerof and in possession of the inter
est notes which matured on the first days of ;
December, 1S87. June, IH88. December, 18sx. j
June. 1x89. Decemeer, 1889, June, 1890. Decem
ber. 1890, and there is now' due the piaintilf on
said notes owned by it and secured by said
trust deed the sum of I4J0, with interest
thereon from December 1, lH'.K), for which sum
with interest plaiutitf prays a decree that de
fendants be required to pay tire same or that
said premises may he sold subject to the
principal note of $900aud the interest coupon
notes maturing subsequent to tiiose owned
by plaintiff to satisfy the amount found due.
That the claim, right or interest of each of
said defendants be decreed to be junior and
inferior to plaintiff’s lien.
1 You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 12th day of October, 1891.
Dated this 1st day of Sept., 1891.
1 B. It. Dickson, Attorney for Plaintiff.
To Henry lteifschneider, Magilina
lteifschneider, Nicholas Herard, Mrs.
Nicholas Herard, Peter J. Herard, Mrs.
Peter Herard, non-resideut defendants:
Von will take notice that on the 7th day
of August, 1891, Alice L. Watson, plaiu
tifl hcreiu, filed her petition in the dis-'
trict coutt of Holt county, Nebraska,
against you and each of you. the object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certaiii mortgage executed by Henry
Hcifschneidcr and Magilina Keifschnei
der, defendants, to Ormsby Bros. & Co.
and assigned to the plaintiff, on the fol
lowing described real estate situated in
Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: South
west quarter of section five, township
twenty-five, range sixteen, west of the
Cth P. M., to secure the payment of a
certain installment note for $51.80,dated
March 20, 1886, one installment for $0.80
and nine for $5 each, the first install
ment of $0.80 maturing December 1,1880,
and one for $5 every six months there
after. Plaintiff alleges that it is the
owner of and in possession of the said
installment notes and there is now due
and payable the plaintiff on said notes
owned by her anil secured by said mort
gage tbe sum of $50 with interest there
on from June 1, 1801, for which sum
with interest plaintiff prays a decree
that defendants be required to pay tbe
same or that said premises may be sold |
to satisfy the amount found due. That
the claim, right or interest of each of the
defendants to be junior and inferior to
plaintiff's lien.
You arc required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 12th day of Octob
er, 1801. '
Dated this 1st day of Sept., 1891. *
8-4 R. It. Dickson, Atty. for Plff.
To Albert Sehrocder, Johanna 8chme
tier, F. N. Derby, Mrs. F. N. Derby,Mrs.
O. 8. Currier, and U. 8. Currier,
non-resident defendants: You will
take notice- that on the 7th day
of August, 1891, The American Invest
ment Company of Emmetsburg, Iowa,
plaintiil herein, filed its petition iu tl^e
district court of Ilolt county. Nebraska,
against the above-named defendants,the
object and prayer of which are to fore
close a certain trust deed and mortgage
executed by Albert Sehroeder and Jo
hanna Schroeder, defendants, to E. S.
Ormsby, trustee, and P. O. Itefsell and
Ormsby Bros. & Co., on the following
described real estate situated in Holt
county, Nebraska, to-wit.' Southwest
quarter of section thirty-two, township
thirty-two. range fifteen, west of the Oth
P. M. to secure the pavment of a certain
promissory note or bond for $G00 due
June 1, 1891, and also to secure the pay
ment of eleven interest coupons, one for
$11.90 and ten for $21 each, all dated
February 18, 1880, the first interest note
maturing June 1, 1886, and one every
six months thereafter, and one othei in
stallment note of $95.10 dated
February 18.'188G,and $9 OOdue every six
mouths thereafter, the last installment
maturing June 1, 1891. Plaintiff alleges
that it is the owner of and in possession
of the interest notes which matured on
the first davs of December. 1890, June,
1890, and there is now due the plaintiff
on said notes owned by it and secured
by said trust deed the sum of $00 with
interest thereon from December 1, 1890,
and on said installment note $25, for
which sum with interest plaintiff prays
a decree that defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises may
be sold subject to the principal note of
$600 and the interest coupon notes ma
turing subsequent to those owned by
plaintiff to satisfy the amount found
due. That the claim, right or interest
of each of said defendants be decreed to
be junior and inferior to plaintiff’s lien.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 12th day of Octob
er, 1891.
Dated this 1st day of Sept., 1891.
8 4 R. R. Dickson, Atty. for Plff.
B. F. Dodson, Mrs. 13. F- Dodsod, H.
K. Hess, Mary M. Hess, Henry J. Arn
holt, Stella C. Arnholt, non-resident de
fendants: You will take notice that on
the 24th day of July, 1891, Mary E.Biers,
plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against Henry J. Arnholt, Stella C. Arn
holt. B. F. Dodson, Mrs. B. F. Dodson,
H. K. Hess, Mary M. Hess, II. C. Mc
Evony, sheriff of Holt county, Nebraska,
and John McBride, clerk of the courts
of Holt county, Nebraska, defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain trust deed or mort
gage executed by Henry J. Arnholt and
Stella C. Arnholt, defendants, to E. S.
Ormsby, trustee for The American In
vestment Company, on the following de
scribed real estate situated in Holt
county, Nebraska, to-wit: South half of
northeast quarter and west halt of south
east quarter of section thirty, township
thirty-four, range'sixteen west of the
Cth P. M., to secure the payment of a
certain promissory note or bond for $700
due June 1, 1892, and also to secure the
payment of ten interest coupons for
$24.50 each, all dated May 24, 1887, the
first interest note maturing December,
1887, and one every six months there
after. Plaintiff alleges that she is the
owner and in possession of the before
mentioned trust deed and notes; plain
tiff further prays to set aside a certain
decree of foreclosure entered on the
above described trust deed at the regu
lar November, 1888, term, of said court
in an action then pending between all
the parties except said defendants Me
Evony and McBride, on account of an
error in computing the amount due the
plaintiff and to vacate and declare null
and void all proceedings had in said
caseu and other equitable relief, and
there is now due the plaintiff on Said
notes owned by it and secured by said
trust deed, according to the terms there
of, the sum of $920. with interest there
on from June 1, 1891, at ten per cent per
annum, for which snm with interest
plaintiff prays a decree that defendants
be required to pay the same or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due. That the claim,
right or interest of each of the above
named defendants be decreed to be jun
ior and inferior to plaintiff's lien. You
are required to answer said petition on
or before the 12th day of October, 1881, ,
Dated the 1st day of Sept., 1891.
8;4 It. It. Dickson, Atty. forplff.
Investigate their merrits. De Witt's
Little Early Kisers don’t gripe, cause
nausea or pain, which accounts for
their popularity. Morris & Co. say
they would not run a drug store with
out these little pills.
We are headquarters for the best ma
chine oils on the market. Low prices
and good goods . Pkund & Wagers.
To Lawrence Wlieiteis and Mrs. Law
run co Wlieiteis non-resident defendants:
you will take notice that on lliu 15th
day of Aug. 1801, Tho American Invest
ment company, of Kmmetsburg, Iowa,
plaiutiiT herein, Hied its petition in the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against the above named defendants,
then object and prayer of which is to
forclose a certain trust deed or murtgage
executed by Ammi K. Welch to E. 8.
Ormsby trustee andP.O.licfsell outho fol
lowing described real estato situated in
Holt county, Nebraska, to-wit: East
half of the northwest quarter and the
west half of the northeast quarter of
section 5 township 311 range IS west 0
P. M. To secure tho pnyment of a cer
tain promissory note or bond for $515
due June 1st 1801 and also to secure the
payment of ten interest coupons, one
for $$8.05 and nine for $18 each all dated
Apiil 30th 1880 the first interest note
maturing Dec 1, 1880, and one every six
months thereafter. Plaintiff alleges that
it is the owner of and in possession of
the interest note which matured on the
first days of Dec. 1887, June 1888, Dec.
1888, June 1889, Dec. 1880, June 1800,
Dec. 1890, and there is now due the
plaintiff on said notes owned by it and
secured by said trust deed the sum of
$300, with interest thereon from De
cember 1st, 1800, for which sum with in
terest plaintiff prays a decree that de
fendants be required to pay the same,
or that said premises may be sold sub
ject to the principal note of .and
the interest coupon notes maturiug sub
sequent to those owned by plaintiff to
satisfy the amount found due. That
t'he claim, right or interest of each of
the defendents bo decreed to be junior
and inferior to plaintiff’s lien. You are
required to answer said petition on or
before the 13th day of October 1801.
Dated this first day of Sept, 1801.
II. K. Dickson, Att’y for Pl'lf.
To CliArles P. Slade and Ida Slade.
Alphius S. Trowbridge and Mrs. Al
pbius S. Trowbridge non-resident de
fendants: You will take notice thuton
the 7th day of Aug , 1801,The American
Investment company of Kmmclslmrg,
Iowa, plaintiff herein filed its petition in
the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, against you and each of you de
fendants, the object and prayer of which
is to foreclose a certain trust deed or
mortgage executed by Charles P. Slade
and Ida Slade dependents to E. S.
Ormsby trustee and P, (). Refsell on the
following described real estate situated
in Holt county, Nebraska to-wit: North
half of tiie northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northwest quar
terand the northeast quarter oftl.e south
west quarter section six, township
thirty two range fourteen west six P. M.
To secure payment of a certain promis
sory note or bond for $090 due June 1st
1891, and also to secure the payment of
ten interest coupons, one for $29.50 and
nine for $24.15 each, all dated June 5,
1880, the first interest note maturing
Dec. 1st 1880 and one every six months
thereafter. Plaintiff alleges that it is
the owner of and in possession of the
interest note which matured on the first
days of Dee. 1890, June 1890, Dee. 1889,
June 1889, Pec. 18SS, June 1888, Dee.
1887, and there is now due the plaintiff
on said notes owned by it and secured
by said trust deed the sum of $000, with
interest thereon from December 1st.
1890, for which sum with interest plain
tiff prays a decree that defendants be
required to pay the same or that said
premises may be sold subject to the prin
cipal note of $090, and the interest cou
pon notes maturing subsequent to those
owned by plaintiff to satisfy the amount
due. That the claim, right or interest
of each of the defendents be decreed to
be junior and inferior to plaintiffs lien.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 12th day of Oct., 1891.
Dated this 1st day of Sept. 1891.
R. R. Dickson, Att’y for Pl’ff.
To John F. Leach, Laura J. Leach,
O. W. Fiddler, R. H. Wight, Mrs. R. H.
Wight, John M. Leeper, Geo. Graves,
Mrs. Geo. Graves, non resident defend
ants: You will take notice that on the
8th day of Aug.,11891, The American
Investment company of Emmetsburg,
Iowa, plaintiff herein died its petition in
the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, against each of tbe'above named
defendants, the object and prayer of
which is to forclose a certain trust deed
or mortgage executed by John F. Leach
and Laura J. Leach defendants to
-on the following described
real estate situated in Holt county, Ne
braska. to-wit: west half of the northeast
quarter and the northenst quarter of
the southwest quarter and the
northwest quarter southeast quarter
of section twenty-seven township
thirty-three, range thirteen, west
six, P. M. To secure the payment of a
certain promissory note or bond for
$420, due June 1st 1891 and also to se
cure the payment of ten interest coupons,
one for $111.85 and nine for $18.20 each,
all dated July 15 1880 the first interest
note maturing Dec. 1st 1880 and one
every six months thereafter. Plaintiff
alleges that it is the owner of and in
possession of the interest notes which
matured on the first days of Dec. 1890.
June 1890, Dec. 1889, June 1889, Dec.
1888, June 1888 and there is now due
the plaintiff on said notes owned by it
and secured by said trust deed the sum
of $200, with interest thereon from De
cember 1st. 1890. for which some with
interest, plaintiff prays a decree that
defendants be required to pay the same
or that said premises may be sold sub
ject to the principal note of $420 and
the interest coupon notes maturing sub
sequent to those owned by plaintiff to
satisfy the amount found due. That
the claim, right or interest of each of
the sa d defendants he decreed to be
junior and inferior to plaintiffs lien.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 12th day of Oct., 1891.
Dated this 1st day of Sept. 1891.
R. R. Dickson, Att’y for Pl'ff.
Notice is here by trivet) that sealed
proposals will be received at the county
clerks office of Holt county up to noon
of Saturday. October li. 1801, for the
construction of the following bridge:
A 110 ft. span pile bridge across the
South Fork between sections 5 and G,
township 20, range 11 west.
Placs and specifications to he sub
mitted by bidder. Committee reserve
the right to reject any and all bids.
E. E. Peukiks. Supervisor
8-4 McClure township.
Cabinet photos $0.00 per dozen at
1 Austin’s gallery. ^
^ To Benjamin Eerdlg and Mary
Ferdlg, non-resident dufcndonta, You
will titko notice that on ttie 7th day
of Aug., 1 St) 1, The American Invest
ment company, of Emmetshurg, Iowa,
plaintiff herein (Hod its petition in tho
district court of Jlolt county. Nebraska,
against you and each of vou, tho object
and prayer of which are’ to foreclose a
certain trust deed or mortgage executed
In you to E.S.Ortnsby trustee,and 1*. O.
liefsoll on tho following described real
estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska
to-wit: Northeast quarter of the south
west quarter and tho north half of the
southeast quarter of section 22and north
west quarter and tho southwest quarter
of section 28 all in township 82 range 11
west of the 0 P. M. To secure tho pay
ment of a certain promissory note or
bond for.SOOO, due June 1st, 1881 and also
to sccuro tho payment of ten interest
coupons, ono for $18.40 and nine for
$21.15 each, ail dated July 15th, 188ti,
the first interest note maturing Doc 1st
188(1 and ono every six months there
after. Plaintiff alleges that it is tho
owner of and in possession of the in
terest note which matured on tho first
days of Dec. 1888, Juno 1888, Doc. 1N87,
Juno 1887, Dec. 1880, Juno 1880, Dec.
1881), Juno 181)0, Dec. 1890 and there is
now duo the plaintiff on said notes
owned by it and secured by said trust
deed tho sum of $800, with interest there
on from December 1st, 1890, for which
sum with interest plaintiff prays a de
cree that defendants bo required to pay
the same, or that said premises may bo
sold subject to the principal note of
$890, and the interest coupon notes ma
turing subsequent to those owned by
plaintiff to satisfy the amount found
due. That the claim, right or interest
of each of the defendants he decreed to
junior nnd inferior to plaintiffs lien.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before tho 12 day of Oct., 1891.
Dated this 1st day of Sept.. 1891.
It. K. Dickson, Att'y for Pi'll.
To John W. Stcwnrt, Moisey J.Senile,
Mrs. llolsoy J. Hearle, non resident do
i'endunts: Yon will take notice that on
Die 7lh day of August, 1891, ltliesla
Iiong, plaintiff herein, filed her petition
in the district court of Holt county, Ne
bruaka, against you and each of you, do
l'cndants, tlie object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted by Johu W. Stewart, defendant,
to The American Investment Company,
and assigned to plaintiff on the follow
ing described real estate situated in Holt
county, Nebraska, to wit: Southwest
ipinrtcrof section fifteen,township twen
ty-nine north,range ten west of (1th I\M.
to secure the payment of a certain In
stallment note or bond for $90.50 dated
November 20, 188(1, one installment for
$9.50, and nine for $9 each, the first in
stallment of $9.50 maturing Juno, 1887,
andonefor$9 every six months there
after. Plaintiff alleges that it is the
owner and in possession of the said in
stallment note, and there is now due the
plaintiff on said installment note owned
by her and secured by said mortgage
the sum of $100, with interest thereon
from June 1, mill, for which sum with
interest plaintiff prays a decree that de
fendants he required to pay the same, or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy
the amount found due. That the claim",
right or interest of each of the defend
ants be decreed to lie junior and inferior
to plaintiff's lien. You are required to
answer said petition on or before the
12th day of October, 1891.
Dated this 1st day of Sept., 1891.
8-4 R. It. Dickson, Atty. for PUT.
To George H. Tresenritor and Sarah I. Tros
enrlter, non-resident defendants:
You will take notion t hut on Mm 7th day of
August. 1WI, Tim Ainerloun IiivestmentCom
pany of Eimimtsburjf. Ia.. plaintiff heroin.
Hind Its petition in tho district court of Holt
county. Nebraska, atralnst the; ahovc-tummd
defendants, the object and prayer of which
arc; to foreclose a certain trust deed or mort
tfntfe executed by George H. Tresenritor, de
fendant. to E. S. Ormsby, trustee* and the
American Investment Company, on the fol
lowing described real estate situated in Holt
county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Tim west half of
tlie southeast ouarterof section eighteen and
the north half of the northeast quarter of
section nineteen, all in townshiptinrty-tliree
range sixteen west of the 0th 1*. M„ to secure
1 he pnvment. of a certain promissory note or
bond for #575 due June 1, 1802, and also to se
cure the payment of ten interest coupons, one
for $10.25 and nine for $20 13 each, all dated
.hum 8, 1887, the first interest note maturing
December 1, 1*87, and one every six months
thereafter. Plaintiff alleges that it is the
owner and in possession of tlie interest notes
which matured on tlie first clays of June, 181)1,
December, 1888, December, 18S7, June, 1888,
June, IHhsi, December, 1881), June, 1800, Decem
ber. 1800, and there Is now due plaintiff on
said notes owned by it and secured by said
trust deed the sum of ftiui) witli interest there
on from June 1, 1«01, for which sum with in
terest plaintiff prays a decree that defend
ants be required to pay the same or that said
premises may 1m; sold subject to the principal
note of 1575 and the Interest coupon notes ma
turing subsequent to those owned by plain
tiff to satisfy t he amount found due: that the
claim, right or interest of tlie defendants and
each of them he decreed to be junior and in
ferior to plaintiff’s lien.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the, 28th day of September, 1801.
Dated this 17th day of August, 1801.
0*4 li. U. Dickson, Attorney for Plaintiff.
To All Whom It May Concern;
The commissioner appointed to es
tablish a road commencing at the north
west corner of sec. 6, township 31,range
11, west, in Holt county, Nebraska, run
ning thence sopthalong the range line be
tween ranges 11 and 13, sixteen miles to
the south-east corner of sec. 24, town
ship 29, range 12, west, 6th p. m. and
there terminate has reported in favor of
the establishment thereof, and all ob
jections thereto or claims for damages
must be filed in the county clerk’s office
on or before noon of the 31st day of
October, A. D., 1891, or said road will
be established without reference thereto.
O. C. Hazelet. County Clerk.
C. E. Butler, Deputy.
Michael C. McNlchols, Albert Holmes ami
Mary Holmes, his wife, non-resident defend
ants. will take notice that on the 12th day of
August, 1*91. the Union Trust company, plain
tiff herein, llled its petition in the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said
defendants, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed
by defendant. Michael <\ McNichols, to the
plaintHT, upon the northeast uuartcr of the
southwest quarter and the northwest uuarier
of the southeast quarter and the west half of
tire northeast quarter of section 11. township
ifl*. range 12. west, in 11*»lt county, Nebraska,
to secure the payment, of a promissory note
dated September 2*. I**f>. for the sum of £>?on
ami interest at the rate of 7 per cent per an
num. payable semi-annually, and 10 per cent
after trialurity; that there is now due upon
said note ami mortgage, according to the
terms thereof, the sum of $7t0amt interest at
the rate of lu per cent per annum from Aug
ust 10, 1*91. and plaintiff prays that said prem
ises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the
amount due thereon, ana that defendants
may be foreclosed of all equity of redemp
tion or oilier interest in said mortgaged prem
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 21st day of September, 1*11.
Dated August 12. 1*91.
3-4 THE UNION TRUST CO.. Plaintiff.
Holt county Bank.
•Oldest Sink is the U"ier Elkhors Taller.*
DAVID ADAMS, Phbbidknt.
J. E ULAUON, Vick Pubs.
D. Lj DARK, Oabiukb.
Doo. a Oouoral Dnnklnir Buatncaa. Ibsuob time
cortlfloatoa beurlntr Interest.
Draws draft, on Omaha New York, London
fubllu Edinburg and other oltloa.
—Makea long time oanaon
tafSolls European passenger tiokota
\V. I). Mathews. Nut, Kiirnhan.
I'ruslcltmt. Vlco-l’resldunt.
Samuel V. Sample. Cashier.
* THE *
State Bank of O’Neill
Authorized Capital, $100,000.
Paid up Capital, $80,000
noAitn or direct ->8:
U W. Wattles, .liilm Mullrlrie, G. O. Hare lot,
llornard Mullen. W. I). Mathews,
H. (J. Sample, Noll IJi'ontiiin.
City, Karin, Collateral and Personal Loans
lWtOI’ltlKTOliR or
Livery Barn.
Tfl'TiT: —'
Everything Firpt-Cta??.
Barn Opposite Campbell's Implement House,
Fiesh, Dried and Salt Meats.
Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon,
Sides, Sploe roll bacon, all kinds of sausages,
When you want a certain article, you want
the liest make ot that article, don’t you?
But how to determine which make is best
is what puzzles you, isn't it?
And when the puzzle is solved for you,
by authority which cannot be questioned,
vou are pleased, aren’t you?
And you would like to hear of one puz
zle that has been solved for the people of
the whole world, wouldn’t you?
Well, we will tell you about that very
puzzle, ami its solution.
At the Universal Exposition of 1889 at
Paris, France, the best sewing machines of
the world, including those of America, were
in competition. They were passed upon bya
jury composed of the best foreign mechan
ical experts, two of whom were the leading
sewing machine manufacturers of France.
This jury, after exhaustive examination
and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler &
Wilson machines were the best of all, and
awarded that company the highest prize of
fered, the ’4RANI) PRIZE, giving other
companies wily gold, silver and bronze
The French Government, as a further
recognition of superiority, decorated Mr.
Nathaniel Wheeler, president of the com
pany, with the Cross of the Legion of
Honor, the most prized honor of France.
That is how the puzzle of the best sewing
machine in the world was fully solved by the
most competent authority in the world in
favor of the No. 9 and No. 12 Wheeler &
Wilson machines.
The No. 9, for family use, and the No. 12,
for manufacturing uses, are the best in the
world to-day.
And now, when you want a sewing ma
chine, if you do not get the best, it will N>
your own fault.
Ask your sewing machine dealer for the
No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson machine, and if he
does not keep them, write to us for descrip
tive catalogue, prices and terms.
Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory.
'8S slid 187 Wabash Avenue. Chicago. nT
Fon Sale by