I VOL. LII NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1908. m 29) I i . Buy Drugs at Rainey's. mm m I 1 B 1 F. L. Woodward went to Oma- M I I 1 1 ha Tuesday morning, nilCTfYIQC I seige of the grip, but is getting sw mmi " some better. H Miss Grace Peabody came in W H from Beatrice Monday to spend IL I H lAjijrnro tifiiAT9 the hoiidays at home' I Hf HI'KFv WHul I C Miss Lucy Bowen went to Ne- I W&M .1 I ffllLIILl film I I braska City Wednesday after- 1 noon to spend the holidays with mmmmmm mmmmimmmm mmmmammmmm I her brother. 1 H See the advertisement of Stark A J l i 1 H Why Gilbert's beautiful display oc Bros- the cead nursery- And we are supplied with a good line of It r J l men, for whom A. R. McCand- less is agent. - - - I Mrs. Ida Kite came down from 11 fl I I l H V l" II fl fl 0 HOLIDAY GOODS HULIBAT bUUIlA I I Uncle Sam Stiers sold five m- ' I crates of chickens to Earle Gil- I , bert Tuesday. They were all L. I Light Brahmas. j4$BHfevMt I The Largest Variety and Most Beauti- came down from Peru Wednes- xyjjr mmmmm mm r l rv l i.kt l day to spend Christmas with Mr. . I nil Designs ever brough to Nemaha, and Mrs, i. n. cooper. Mrs. A. A. Mclninch of St. Joe I came up to Nemaha last Friday, ir . 1 1 rr . I called here by the serious illness With CtiriStmaS Only a Week Ott, it IS SOMETHING TO FIT EVERY PURSE to your interest to 5" ifb warm blankets on your horses and take advantage of the complete line -1 w - -these chilly days. We have them. r 5. ( Edwards & Bradford. 0f Holiday Goods. M I You will be delighted when you see them Wewis all our , 1 ,..... .. friends and patrons HBfe ' jgr'w- "' ' '"J l t- a --r t- -ntt lS n city- Mo- arrived in Nemaha JWtPI 41 EARLE GILBERT, rtTE: w T i Woodward. ' " - M BOTH PHONES. ' S. K. Anderson came in from w' . Auburn Tuesday and assisted We Call yOUr attention tO OUr aSSOrt- Wm. Filmer in invoicing the lat- . FV L JO Dl . 6 Nemaha, Nebraska. ter's stock of goods, returning to ment or Lnsnes,L,ups ana oaucers, r lates, m Auburn Wednesday. p .y Q laivinaofl DLino mM. .j A m. , , oerry oets, Japanese r lates, n.tc. Mrs. A. R. Titus, who has '' ' r 7 ill ilWMM MWIbeen visitlnff ma Natives M w a-. aa . 4 a. avvxk -jwuAivxK ywsxfiiewijiv kfj for several weeks left for her I I BANK OF NEM AHA I X Iowa' 0ur line of Tys Pleas! the littIe folks- I y nemaha. Nebraska M The hog medicine sold by j. l. We have Fancy Boxes, including Glove II j wm. c.vmpbell, Proa. P..E.:ALLEN,ivice.preP. 1 Curttright seemstodo the wk Handkerchief Boxes, Manicure 11 ELMER E. ALLEN, Cashier FRANK TITUS, An't Cnih for which it IS recommended, liaimilWVIUW UWAV iTlWUlUIC p - judging from the testimonials of Q" . 17 a. 41 Capital, $5,000 , Surplus, $1,000 those who have used it. oeis, CA.Q. m I with Ample Foc.Ht.es for handnng "I KSSiSn We have a nice line of Dressed Dolls ('- Ju ro,ck?r- cou,or a seHat very reasonable prices. I lH 'MfMMMM iS parlor chairs would be appropn- " $! ' ' ate E-B. Lumber Co. $0S HHRI 1 WINTER EXCURSIONS sS3s - - IHn 1 Nemaha Tuesday afternoon to &Mr KfiWMM T AW D ATPC! sPend the holidays with Mrs. N mlm. . JLU If lii I JJIO. B-'s Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sapp. .Jj Winter Tourist Rates' Daily reduced rate excursions to Califor- r . , . , , A line of FailCV HandkercVlSpf ft ' i nia, Old Mexico, Southern and Cuban Resorts. Rains's saw mill is now at W. U1. 1 y nanUKCrcnierS, J Home Seekers Excursions: First and third Tuesdays of ench nJnui-.iv ua Qf Ladies and Gentlemens. -v-m month to many points west, south and. southwest. proDamy De ac woik 101 some - Personally Conducted Excursions to Florida: by Superintendent me. Parties haying logs they Takle Covm in grppn anrl Uwn ; I of Public instruction of Nebraska, J. L. MoBrion, leaving want sawed into lumber can be uic VUVCrb in green ana DrOWn. ' Lincoln andOmaha December 19th. Write G. W. Bonnoll, C. accommodated by hauling them TTA XXI DITDUV " . : j GovemmentTriatell Homesteads in the Bi5 Plorn Basin and t0 the m J JM U, V T . til 1 (jtJ ili I . Yellowstone Valley; One of the last chances to secure good John H. Shackelford of Brown- JM farms from the government at low prices. Go with Mr. D. ville was in Nemaha Tuesday. RnfU nUnnpc OA NPMAI4A : 'W MMBHHB Clem Doaver on the next person ly conducted rr n u- i- i UOlIl pnOncS U. lNHilVlrl ' r. iM WKHmHimi excursion, He will help you secure one of these Pe !? an old. soId,er and 13 aPn1 - rg r iHllllimilllB farms. No charge for his services. Excur- mg for an increase of pension, llf - . HnRKfMH sions firsfc tlntl ihird r-i,uosdttys- ani sot an aflidavit from Dr. w. We are prepared to make cloth cov- s" jfiniHI O. D. SAMSEL, Ticket Agent. W. Frazier as to his present , . . , X III L. W. WAKELY, G. P. A., Omaha, physical condition. jered buttons to match JTOUr goods. !