County Larger Than State. Although the Now England states arc small, the avorago size of the counties Is greater than In most of tho middle, western and southern states. Worcester county, In Massa chusetts, Is an example of an eastern county that Is at tho same time largo in area and very populous. It is larger than tho adjoining state of Ithodo Island. New Form of Chromium. Chromium prepared in tho electric furnace hy Molssan proved to bo slightly soluble in molten copper. Fur ther investigation has revealed a now form of chromium, which is crystolline, has a density of 7.1, is chemically active, and burns with a brilliant (lame when heated alone in tho air, being attacked at red heat even by nitrogen. Not So. "Queer," muttered Undo Rooster, ns ho turned over tho magaziuo's pages of advertisements in a vain search for tho reading matter. "Ye'd think that all these herd automatio planner playin' inventions would 'a' guv our girls more time to help their mothers with tho housework. Yet setch don't seem to bo tho caso." The Gull.ble Public. "Sometimes," said Uncle Eben, "it 'pears to me like do public was qonv posed of people hangin 'round wantin' to bo fooled. An' dars alius mo' or less competition aniong do smaht men of do country 'bout who's gwlntor hab do pleasure of tendin' to do job." Washington Star. Had Small Brain. A healthy, regularly-formed brain of 24 ounces, scarcely half of the normal average, seems to have been the small est over recorded for an adult. It was recently found in Daniel Ryan, a New York coachman, who died sud denly at the age of -1G. Why He Never Spoke. There was a man in our town, and ho was wondrous wise; ho never spoke unto his wlfo of his mother's cakes and pies. Tho secret of his wisdom guess it if you can; butif you can't behold it ho was a bachelor man. When He Takes Second Place. Though his wife frequently may have tried to make him realize it, a man never realizes just whnt an in cidental and insignificant thing ho is until the Baby conies to the house. Syracuso Journal. Passes Unnoticed. A New Jersey man claims to havo been bitten by dogs 3,000 times. After a life-time spent with New Jersey mosquitoes n littlo thing like a dog bito passes unnoticed. Clevoland Plain Dealer. Society in Kansas. An Atchison woman wore a dress with a long train to a recent card party, and the rest of the guests spent two-thirds of their time in jumping over it. Atchison Globo. Unchivalrous Suggestion. Women liko to jest about there be ing no men in heaven, but they know well enough that if there were no men there it wouldn't be heaven for them. Somervllle Journal. Will Find Cure for Leprosy. It is estimated that there are 6omo 3,000,000 lepers in the world, but the cure of leprosy is now regarded as bo ing within measurable distance. Certainly Something Wrong. "Oh, mamma," exclaimed little Nel lie one day, "there must bo something the matter with the baby; he isn't crying!" One Reason for Bachelorhood. Occasionally a man remains in the bachelor class becauso ho is skeptical as to the ability of a woman to support him. To Dislodge Bone in Throat. A raw egg swallowed at onco aftor n fishbone, has stuck in the throat will usually dislodge it. Cure for Earache. Take tho heart of an onion and heat and insert in the ear and it will cure earache. The Contented Man. Tho man who Is thoroughly contont cd Ib likely to bo a boro or a tramp. Miles of Human Hair. Tho ..vorugo womun carries CO miles of huir on her head. HERBERT E.GOOCH CO. I1UOKHHS AND UUALIIK3 Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton ruin Olltc. 104003 fraternity llldg, Lincoln, Nthraika, !lll I'hnnn Mii Vutn Phono MJf I fri'it Hon In HUt M 15VRM Thicker cream, quicker butter. Now Is tho time to separate tho feeding from tho breeding Btock. Careless methods lose many a farm er a competence. Poor, musty hay or grain should nover be fed to the horses. Shellor in tho pasture for tho sheep. Essential to successful sheep raising. Much depends upon tho method of ripening tno cream as to the quality of butter produced. Uso water, clean and cold, in work ing tho butter. Worked dry you aro almost sure to overwork. Tho uso of wide tires will prevent to largo extent tho rutting of tho road. Between four and one-half and five months Is tho right timo to take tho angora kids from the mothers. Cement floors in tho hog pen nro good if covered with plenty of good bedding. On tho trip to town buy a little knick-knack for the children and don't forget tho wife. A very littlo spent brings back the sunshine and the gladness. A Cornell professor after tests, baa found that milk can bo produced for 65 cents per hundredweight and but ter fat for 1. cents per pound where the herd is fairly good and the feed ing and milking aro carefully handled. Connecticut has a wonderful cow ns is shown by an advertisement in one of her country newspapers as fol lows: "Full-blooded cow for sale, giv ing milk, three tons of hay, a lot of chickens and several stoves." Savo tho saplings of hard wood when clearing up land, ns they come handy for handles to the various tools used on the farm. To make them is only a littlo work and you save money. Spend a few days in tho orchard this fall cleaning up the grounds and tho trees. The most neglected spot on some farms is the orchard, and It Is right there that the best profit might be realized if tho right care was given tho trees. Give the chickens a good niry place to roost at night. For tho growing stock all that is required until cold weather comes is a shelter from sun and rain. Have tho Bheltcr so con structed that you can move it about from place to place. Lumpy jaw in cattle is of parasitic character and treatment is advisable only where the disease is local and su perficial. The diseased masses arc cleaned from their cavities and the places filled with iodized carbolic acid. It is a disease that man is suscepti ble to and great care must be exer cised. In most cases it woro better to destroy the animal. . "No," said a farmer with whom 1 talked the other day, "I nover break my horses until they nro four years of ago. They always do better work than tho horses of my neighbors that aro broken earlier." What did ho mean? His Idea of breaking a colt was putting it to hard work, and when I suggested that the training of a colt should begin early In tho first year ho looked at mo in amazement. I asked him if it was not n pretty tough Job breaking tho four-year-olds, and ho admitted It was. Tho training of a colt doos not mean that ho must be worked. It simply means the edu cating of tho animal to obey words of command, to submission to touch of humous and to follow tho guidance of tho reiiiH. And how easy all tills Is 1 while tho colt Is young and easy to haudlo. A horso broken In tills way is more thoroughly broken than ho over can bo when the task Is loft until ho gets Ills growth and habits nro formed. Who would think of leav ing Iho odueatlon of a child go until It had attained ILh growth and wuh able to statu! ti man' work? Get good Mid give good Is a good rule. When through using a tool, or ma chine, put it up. A small farm well-kept. Is better than tho big farm Indifferently run. More sheep well-handled will moan u more fertile farm and moro monoy for you next year. Know your cows and do not board through the winter tho cows that do not pay their way. Tho butter llavor can tie Improved by adding a tnblespoonful of granu lated sugar to ten pounds of butter. It is a good plan to put finely cut hay with tho grain to compel tho horses to mastlcato their feed prop erly. Make up for the scantiness of tho paUurngo at. this time of year is mado up with corn stalks or other succulent feed. Make your farm a veritablo gold mine by careful managing so that everything thnt Is raised Is turned into gold. Spray tho stables occasionally to drivo out tho files. A good fly spray Is a good disinfectant, and will purify the air of the stable. Molting Is hard on the poultry. Fowl well at. this" tlmo so that they may come through the period strong ami roady for tho winter laying sea' son. Sort the chickens at this time and dispose of all tho superfluous ones, Don't winter over the old hens, except such of tho trusty ones as you want to keep for setting next spring. A poultry keeper of New Jersey has found a new use for tho box kites. He files them over his henneries and says they scare tho hawks away. Worth trying. It is the gentle, steady rainfall as well as the even-tempered man which does tho most good. Violent thunder storms and violent tempers do lots of damage. Mango Is a germ disease. Hogs thus alllicted should be washed clean and then dipped. Any dip sold by re liable firms for the purpose will do. Moro than one application may bo necessary. Keep a level head when the work Is crowding. Think quick and do tho most important thing first, then tho next. Don't get rattled, but do ono thing at a time. Liquid manure is tho most valuable part, often containing ns much as CO to 75 per cent, of fertility. Plenty of bedding will help to save it, if you have not a cistern into which the liquid manure is drained. No two horses any more than two people require tho same amount of feed to keep them in condition. You must study your animals and feed with judgment to secure tho best re sults. Do you know how to ground your fence wires to prevent lightning do ing damage to stock? Simply thrust u length of heavy wire several feet Into the ground down the sldo of oc casional posts, and staple to the fenco wires where they cross. Boys should learn how to sharpen their own knives, hang up their caps, hunt up things that aro lost, be faith ful to a trust, bravo in tho faco of danger, plucky when a pain or hurt would mako them cry, helpful to every body human, and kind to beast ami bird. It doeB not pay to let tho cow. got down in their milk because pasturago lu short. If you want them to go through tho winter with a good milk flow, keep them well fed, for It Is al most impossible to bring tho cow up to full flow when once shrinkage has taken placo. Tent cat orpi liars are becoming moro numerous every year. There ought to be laws enacted In every state for their extermination. If every farmer would see to It that his own premises are kept free from them It would bo tho means of much benefit to fruit trees, young and old. The worst thing you can do to tho horse that refuses to pull Is to beat him. Bo kind to him, caress him, allay his excitement by speaking and stroking his neck, and leave tho team alone for 10 or ifi minutes. Then urge them on again, turning tho horses a littlo to the light and left, so as to get them in motion, before they feel tho preneuue of tho load behind thorn, Drive about 20 paeon and Htop again, before tho balky horrio stops on lilt own account, Then carostt and uta-t imuln. W - . l J- J - "-k " mZm ' ---- - - tip 3j ALCOHOL-3 PEB CENT AVcgotabk Preparation for As similating the ftod ami Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion,Chccrful ncssanclRcst.Contnins neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral s "J NOT NABCOTIC Rmpt cfOM DrSAHVEirmR Jimfl!n Sttti 4lxStnn -Koihtll, Soils -Aiu'itSttti hpptmiiU -ftiOtriitatf$ei Worm $rni ' Ctaf'fitA Suyar H'inkrfrttn 'nivr 1 Ml T Ml fit A perfect Rcmctlv forConslipn tion , Sour Stomach.Dinrrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Fever i sh ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP Kite Simile Signature of The Ckntauh Company, NEW YORK. am St y Guaranteed under iho Foodflitd, Exact Copy of Wrapper. Lei Me Send You a Package of Defiance Starch with your next order of groceries and I will guarantee' ( 7 Found When Hope Had Gone. It was when capital and hopo wero allko exhausted that a last desperate stroke of the pick revealed tho fabu lous riches of tho Big Bonanza silver mine in 1873 a treasure houso which bus since yielded ore valued at f 150, 000,000. Lewis' Single Binder coats moro than other 5c ciRiirH Smokcrn know why. Your dealer or Lewi-' I'actory, Peoria, 111. A successful man Isn't necessarily a contented man. Mr. Wlnslow's Soothing Ryrnn. For children tuWliliit:, .often, tho Kuroi, reduce. In fl.muntUon.slluy puln.curen wind coll.. Xieu Ixntle An occasional falluro doesn't dis courago a hustler. liTiltlftY'WA CUSTOM! For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Yeers tW OINTAUH COMPANY, NCW VOAH OtTT that you will be better satisfied with it than with any starch you have ever used. I claim that it has no superior for hot or cold starching, and It Will Not Stick to the Iron Nochcapprrmiiims nro j:ivpn with DEI' IAN (J 10 STAliC'II, but you flier onk-tiiiud ona FOll "VOUH money tliun of I'liy other brand. DEFIANCE STARCH costs 10c for a lti-oK. paeknjjo, and I will refund your money if it litickB to tho iron. Truly yours, iloNKBT John, TUc Grocery tuaa Will NOT STICK TO THE IRON SICK HEADACHE ICARTER Positively cured by these Little Pills. Lm They nlso relieve Dl iBlTTriF trcHHfrom I)yHpcimlA,Iu Itf Fll iMgestlounudToo Hearty 9 I W tR B-ttnf.- A pcrcct rem WM B A edy for DIzzlne.sH, Nim mm rt LLO HCUi DrowstncBH, Bud BJBB Taste In tho Mouth, Coot HBHbH el Touirue, Pain In the iKt.l.., TOUI'ID LIVKK. They regulate tho Uowela. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Olfntuvj ml tutifk th hair. I'nwiiolti . himri-iil irruwth. Unvtv Full, to JtAitoro ()iy llalr to it. YotiUirul Uotor. Cunt wip ittwMt lir ullUif. !!'' PnnJiU AV GASTQRIA CARTERS JlTTtE WlVER piUs. I "T 1 of this paper da- 1 11 liavitiK what they atk (or, iclming all I UIZ'$: Thompson's Eyo Walir W, N. U, LINCOLN, NO 12, 1.00.