The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 24, 1908, Image 4

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If you hnvo not started thoso farm
accounts yet begin now.
Romcmbor llio cow miiBt hnvo food
lo keep up hor bodily vigor uh well aa
to provide for the mil Ic yield.
Cut the burdock off at the rrown and
pour a few drops of kerosene on each
iilalk. Tlmo will do the rest.
Calves should have access to good
c lean hay at all times If the best re
sults are to be obtained from tho
grain ration which Is fed.
A can with a hole punched In the
bottom of It the size of tho seed to bo
sown makes an excellent aid to sow
ing of need In tho garden.
Qet the sunshine habit. You know
how sunshine makes tho crop grow.
Smushlno In tho homo and about the
dully tasks is Just as essential.
It Is folly to sell off the stock just
because the prices seem to bo low and
It looks as though It was unprofitable
to raise them. lie patient and wait
for prices to recover, as they will.
An old farmer who has tried It says
that common poke root boiled down to
a strong ten and added to the drinking
wator In proportion of one cupful to a
pailful of water will euro chicken
cholera, and hog cholera, too.
A farmer who fed his hogs the skim
milk warm from the separator, mixing
with corn meal at tho ratio of one to
throe, that Is, one pound of corn menl
to three of milk, found that he secured
what amounted to 10 cents a 100
pounds for his skim milk.
1 Owing to tho wot went hor this
Bpring tho, weodsjmve given the farm
ers a hard flgbt In most sections. Hut
If by extra effort tho Holds are kept
cloan, tho crops will show proportion'
ntely groator improvement as a result
of tho more thorough cultivation.
Tho farmer's wife should be his help
meet in all things, but not his drudge.
She should help In planning the work
of tho farm but sbo should not bo
nsked or expected to take tho placo
of a hired man and do rough choros.
Vro think that she should not even be
asked to help do the milking.
Ever stop to flguro out how many
eggs your hens avoragod for tho year?
Porhpan you would be surprised to
know how low an averago your Hock
,wouId show. It costs no inoro to feed
a 200-ogg-u-year hen than tho ono that
only lays 100 oggs. Why not study tho
Individual merits of your flock and
brood for bettor layers?
Little or no grain should bo fed tho
brood sow when not suckling plEB.
Koen tho boar In a sonaratc nen'far
enough away from tho sows to keep
him from fretting.
Tho wot land will grow alslke clover
when other clovers will fall. Try It.
It is high In nitrogen content.
Thoro Is no reason to supposo that
tho Plymouth Itock egg 1b harder to
break than that of any othor variety.
Don't bo discouraged. Corn often
more than makes up In July and Au
gust what It has lost In May and Juno
from unfavorable conditions.
In climates wheio low temperatures
are constant during tho winter a
hillside site for tho orchnrd Is to bo
preferred to tho low-lying placcB.
The Kraln from two-rowed barley lf
usually of better quality than that
from tho Blx-rowed variety, although
the production Is not quite bo heavy.
The right start with work In tho
morning makes things run smoothly
all day. Try planning out the work
tho night before, so that each ono of
tho hands has definite work assigned.
It Is coming to bo more generally ad
mitted that tho dairy farm needs tho
dairy typo of cow and tho beef pro
ducer must hold himself to the beef
animals. In other words, the dual-
purpose Idea is on tho wane.
Tile drainage Is a subject which is
receiving more Intelligent considera
tion of tho fnrmors than ever before.
It is costly Improvement, but repays
tho outlay many fold In Increased pro
ductivity of tho land thus treated.
Tho trap nest Is tho only sure way
of (hiding out the best layers, but the
observant farmer's wife can pick out
tho best layers and by keeping them
for the breeders next season sho will
bo on the rond to Improving her flock
und Increasing her egg money.
Too many poultry yards are un
sightly mud puddles after a rain. One
farmer eliminated such condition by
enlarging his yard spaeo so as to take
in a big patch of green and by tho
poultry house door laying a wide strip
of cement and around this cinders up
to the point where tho green sward
New ideas are all right If they aro
carefully digested and wisely used.
The man who plunges blindly ahead
into something which sounds good but
which may havo weak and Impracti
cable points connected therewith, Is
the man who Is constantly making
serious mistakes and is making a fall-
uro of farming and slockraislng.
Have you put In that patch of corn
for summer uso for tho cows? He-
member that tho pasturage gets pret
ty dry and thin during tho hot weeks
of July and August and you neod
something to piece out and prevent
serious shrinkage in the milk yield.
It Is a groat mistako to let tho cows
run down In their milk.
Secretary Wilson defines the pro
gresslve farm as ono who rotates his
crops, tile-drains his land, keeps dairy
cows or mutton sheep or both, breeds
draft horBcs, does farm work with
brood mares and growing colts, and
improves tho power of tho soil by
growing legumes. How Is It? Do you
como Into tho class thus defined?
This Texas Angora Supplied Mohaln
Chicago. Tho pair of trousers which;
members of tho Texas delegation toj
tho recent Republican natlonnl conven-l
Hon wiivni! nlnft 1iirlni tho nnrlnrisi
of enthusiasm nttendlng the nomlnn-l
tlon of William H. Taft for president,
woro mndo especially for that candl
dato. Ho haB accepted the gift and!
iuib promised to wear them on tno oc
casion of his Inauguration If ho Is,
elected president. The mohair from
which tho cloth of these trousers!
was woven was cut from Admiral,
Togo, a Texas three-year-old Angora'
vvuim.,, . fTf MimnliliWHVW i f UU ml U1
Goat That Supplied Mohair for Taffc
goat, owned by Frank O. Landrum of
Montell. The sire of Admiral Togo'
was Imported from South Africa and,
won the first prize at the Louisiana!
Purchase exposition at St. Louis. His'
mother also was a noted Angora. Heri
name was Lady Holmes and she won
many prizes.
Admiral Togo bears the marks of his'
splendid lineage. The mohair clip
which was used to make Mr. Taft's
pair of trousers was of six months'
growth. It was cut last March and
yielded ten pounds, which Is said to be
the largest six months' clip ever taken
from an Angora goat.
It. was suggested by some of the An
gora goat raisers in Texas who are ad
mirers of Mr. Taft that It would be do
ing a nice thing to have a pair of
trousers manufactured from the mo
hair that had been cut from Admiral
Togo. John B. Carrlngton of San
Antoaio took charge of tho matter and
sent the clip to a Philadelphia firm of
cloth manufacturers. It was converted
into an elegant piece of cloth. It was
then sent to Owen Owen of Washing
ton, D. C, who is one of Mr. Taft's
tailors, and had his measure. It was
found that the piece of cloth from tho
ten pounds of mohair was ample'for a
pair of trousers for Mr. Taft. Mr.
Owen mado tho goods up in proper
style and the trousers were then
turned over to Col. Cecil Lyon, Repub
lican national committeeman from
Toxas, for use at the Chicago convention.
Farmers In somo sections aro ex
periencing troublo thlB year from clod
dy ground due to tho plowing having
beon dono whon wet. Thoro is not
much which can bo done to relievo
nuch a condition. Tho only thing to
do Is to watch and put tho harrow on
tho ground at tho moment whon tho
clods appear to havo their groatest
.possible friability, due to their con
taining a cortaln amount of. molsturo.
Whitewash may be put on with tho
upray pump provldod tho wubIi is thor
oughly Btralned beforo pumping. Oth
erwise partlclos aro apt to clog In tho
pump. It Is a fast way of gottlng on
tho wash and a good way, as tho wash
may bo forced Into nooks and corners
whore tho brush cannot reach. Evory
farmor should havo a spray pump, as
it is not only handy about the poultry
houso, but Is frequently necessary In
tho orchard.
In a hog feeding oxperlmont by tho
Oklahoma station In which Duroc-Jor
soys and Poland ChlnnB woro uaod, six
lotB of.flvo each woro fed as follows:
Lot 1, corn moal; lot 2, sevon parts
corn moal, one part moat meal;
lot 3, olovon part corn meal,
ono part moat menl; lot -I, four
parts corn moal, ono part cotton-
Bood moal, alternated overy othor two
woeka by corn menl nlono; lot 5, corn
moal, alfalfa hay; lot 0, corn meal,
cowpon hay. In this tost tho cost of
making 100 pounds of gain In each
caso was as follows: Lot 1, $8.01; lot
2, $4.04; lot I), $4.73; lot I, $0.38; lot C,
A mason who Is onto his job and
who builds In the Interests of his em
ployer says If chimneys aro plastored
tip lusldo as they aro built with a
mortar to which one-fourth common
salt Is added It will havo a glazed
finish to which tho soot will not stick,
and hence thoro will bo no chimneys
catching fire from tho Boot accumula
A good oil or vlnogar barrel cut In
half and placed over tho pasturo
spring will mako a good drinking placo
for tho stock. Without tho barrel tho
wator softens all tho soli about which
Is tramped by the stock until It be
comes a mud hole. If tho land BlopoB
away from tho spring tho othor half
of barrel can bo sunk into tho ground
and a pipe run from tho half barrel at
the spring.
Spare that trco! Thoro Is not a trco
of any variety In the United States
which should be cut down unless thoro
Is an apparent and immedlato necessl
ty for Its destruction. Thoro aro fow
pieces of wooded land west of tho
Rocky mountains which will not soon
bo worth moro as thoy aro now than
If clearod and under cultivation. Data
furnlshod by tho agricultural depart
meat, and from othor sources rollablo
In dotalls furnished, show that this Is
absolutely tho caso. Estimates mado
show that the hardwood tlmbor of tho
United States will ho practically ox
Initiated within tho noxt 1C years. Tho
samo ostlinato, with a lengthened time
for destruction, applies to tlmbor of
othor kind.
FriendB of Judge Artman Would Have
Him Run for Presidency.
Chicago. Jmlgo
of Lebanon, Intl..
Samuel R.
who has
a large
Washington Whisperings
Interesting Bits of News Gathered
at the National Capital.
Taft Boom Was Born in Barber Shop
WASHINGTON. The nursery of
Taft's boom for the nresldontlnl
nomination was a room in the execu
tive ounces of the White House
grounds, where President Roosovolt,
beforo he left for his homo at Oyster
Bay, was shaved each work day. Here,
whon the boom was a green and ten
der thing, Its first young shoots pushed
to the light. Here It was coaxed to
sturdier growth. Here, in full blossom,
It was talked over and admired.
Frank Hitchcock was the ofllclal and
tho president the unofficial manager
of the Taft boom. The president, at
these heart-to-heart talks with the can
didate, was in n barber chair. A cer
tain White Houso messenger wloldetl
tho razor and lather brush. Ifwas the
only part of the day when official busi
ness did not claim all of Roosevelt's
time. It was Taft's one chance to do
most of tho talking,
Even then, the barber uad to bo
watchful, and quick to snatch away
the brush or blade. When T. R. wants
to talk bo sometimes forgets he Is be
ing shaved. If the barber's hand had
not a gambler's quickness, the presi
dent would hnve had the lather brush
in his eye ns often as he had it in his
mouth. The Bhavlng of the president
and tho midday cultivation of tho
boom of Taft started at 1 p. m. and
lasted a half hour.
When Taft was away Roosevelt oft
en received others in the shaving peri
od. Sometimes tho correspondents
talked with him there. Sometimes it
was Hon. Jimmy Garfield, he of tho
classic brow.
Wholesale Prices Are Highest in Years
IT will bo of Interest to those who
woro busy last year In keeping the
wolf from tho door to know that fig
ures on wholesale prices of 258 repre
sentative staple articles reached tho
apex of their soaring last October.
These statistics aro for the 18 years
between 1890 and 1907.
Tho annual report on this subject of
the commerce and labor department
shows that the average for the year
1907 was 5.8 per cent, higher than for
1906; 44.4 per cent, higher than for
1897, the year of lowest prices during
the 18-year period, and 29.5 per cent.
higher than the average for the ten
years from 1890 to 1899. Prices
reached their highest point during the
18-year period In October, 1907, the
average for that month being 1.2 per
cent, higher than the average for tho
year 1907.-
When the commodities are divided
Into nine groups every group shows an
increase in price In 1907 as compared
with 190G. For farm products, taken
ns a whole this Increase was greatest,
namely, 10.9 per cent.; for food, 4.6
per cent; for clothes and clothing, 5.6
per cent.; for fuel and lighting, 2.4
per cent.; for metals and implements,
6.1 per cent.; for lumber and building
materials, 4.9 per cent.; for drugs and
chemicals, 8.3 per cent.; for house
furnishing goods, 6.8 per cent., and
for the miscellaneous group, five per
The effect of the money stringency
in the latter part of the last year is
reflected in the decrease recorded In
all commodities during November and
December, the average price showing
a decrease of 3.5 per cent, below Oc
tober. Of the 258 articles for which
wholesale prices were recorded 172
showed an increase in the average
prices for 1907 as compared with 1906;
35 showed no change and 51. sho wed
a decrease.
Wiley's Poison Squad End Their Test
DR. HARVEY W. WILEY'S hygienic
experimental students. Irreverent
ly referred to at times as tho "poison
squad," have ended the season's feast
ing at the bureau of chemistry, and
their condition is being carefully noted
to ascertain what effect the diet has
had upon each.
Seven young men compose the
class, and they havo been giving their
services to demonstrate what effect
saltpeter and a variety of miscella
neous food products chemically or arti
ficially treated havo upon the human
Tho students havo resumed the reg
ulation boarding house meals with
out fear of interfering with tho scien
tific investigations of the government.
Besides taking up such matters as
summer boveragos, widely advertised
as possessing medical properties, but
thought by scientific men to be objec
tionable because containing caffeine or
other injurious substances, there Is a
wide field for the students to experi
ment. One of the most Interesting possi
bilities is the determination of wheth
er or not foungreek, the famous old
world herb remedy, which Is part of
most medicines advertised to increase
flesh, is really what it is Bald to be,
and will accomplish the purposes for
which it is advertised. A class in
foungreek is said to be one of the pos
sibilities of the early future.
Condition foods for animals also
offer a field of endeavor that Dr.
Wiley may yot explore to determine
If the claims made for the various
brands of food are really true.
Tho experiments conducted by Dr.
Wiley are tho first large experiments
of tho sort conducted in tho scien
tific world. Tho clnsses, which were
started In the fall of 1902, lmvo al
ready gone through n variety of ex
periments. Borax and boric acid woro
tho first to receive attention, eulphuric
acid, benzote, formaldehyde and cop
per salts have also been fully tested
as to their effects on tho human sys
tem when taken with food.
Makes New Record for Cabinet Changes
number of friends In tho prohibition
movement who favor making him the
pnrty's candldato for president, is a
circuit court judgo of Boone county, In
diana, who gavo a decision against
tho constitutionality of licensing sa
loons February 13, 1907. According to
the decision the stato of Indiana had
no moro right to license liquor soil
ing than to llcenso gambling, being
dangerous to public morals and public
safoty. Tho decision supported tho
claims of tho Antl-Nulsanco Lcaguo of
Indiana and was hailed by prohibl-
tlonlsts as affording a means of com
bating llquor-selllng throughout tho na
tion. Since tho decision Judgo Art
man has boon In demand as a lecturer
lor prohibition. Ho Is a Ropubllcnu,
THE rotlroment of Secretary of War
Taft leaves but two men in Roose
velt's cabinet who woro thoro whon
ho succeeded to tho presidency on tho
death of President McKlnloy. These
are. Secretary of Slate Root and Sec-
rotary of Agrlculturo Wilson.
Mr. Root was secretary of war whon
Mr. Roosovolt becamo president In
Soptombor, 1901. Ho shortly after
ward retired from tho cabinet, but
wns persuaded to re-enter It upon tho
doath of Secrolary of Stato Hay.
There lmvo beon moro changos and
shifts in Presldont Roosovelt's cab-
inot than In that of any of his prcdo
cessora. Ho haB had two secretaries
of utato, Hay and Root. Ho has had
three secretaries pf tho treasury.
Gage, Shaw and Cortelyou.
With Luke E. Wright he has had
three secretaries of war, Root, Taft
and Wright. Ho has had threo attor
neys general, Knox, Moody and Bona
parte; five postmasters general,
Smith, Payne, Wynne, Cortelyou and
Meyer; fivo secretaries of tho navy,
Long, Moody, Morton, Bonaparte and
Ho has had two secretaries of the In
terior, Hitchcock and Garfield. Ho has
had ono secretary of agriculture, Wil
son, and threo secretaries of commcrco
and labor, Cortelyou, Motcalf and
Tho retirement of Secrotnry Tnft
has led to some speculation ns to how
long Mr. Wilson will continue at tho
bend of tho department of agriculture.
Tho chances aro that ho will contlnuo
to servo through tho term of Mr.
Roosovolt, and should Secretary Taft
succeed to tho presidency, It Is possi
ble that Secretary Wilson would con
tlnuo lu the cabinet. It will bo 12
years noxt March slnco Wilson be
i came secretary of agrjculturo.
$0.88; lot 0, $0.(17.