The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 10, 1908, Image 8

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    Mr. and Mrs. J no. W. Uitehoy,
las. A. Stephenson, C. A. Curtis
Walter Hadlock,A.V. Parson, sr.,
and perhaps a few others took
advantage of the absence of Rev.
G. VV. Ayers, went over to the
parsonage, cleaned up the rub
bish that had been there since
the cyclone and that had been
made by putting the house back
on the foundation and repairing
it that is, they cleaned off what
Bro. Ayers hadn't got off-cut
the grass, raked the yard, etc.
Mrs. Ayers helped in the good
Committees for the Picnic
The following committees have
been appointed for the old set
tlers' picnic, to be held Wednes
day, Aug. 5:
Grounds and seating park V.
P. Peabody, I. N. Cooper, W. T.
Speakers W. W. Sanders, C.
W. Roberts, Ben T. Skeen.
Stand rights P. L. Woodward,
C. II. Kindig.
Music C. T. Minick, Elmer E.
Allen, G. N. Titus.
Sports-W. G. Maxwell, E. E.
Baseball Elmer E. Allen, G.
N. Titus.
Advertising W. W. Sanders,
M. W. Knapp, Ralph Ritchey.
Pros Barker started out over
rural route No. 1 Tuesday morn
ing. The water then was just
starting over the road the other
side of the Bennett bridge. When
he got to Charley Howe's place,
about a mile further on, he was
told that the water was rising
fast and if he expected to ge
back home that day he had bet
ter return at once. When he go
to the Nemaha bottom the water
ran in the buggy box where it
The High Water
Last Sunday night one of the
most destructive rain storms ever
known in the state fell in Lan
caster, Cass and Otoe counties.
At Unadilla there was a cloud
burst. A wave of water four
feet high rushed through the
lower part of the town at 11
o'clock at night. Several houses
were wrecked. One family, the
man, wife and three children,
were drowned.
The water was the highest ever
known in Lincoln, being three
feet high in the Burlington de
pot. It is thought 10 persons
were drowned. Great damage
was done to property.
In Ashland seven persons were
Lincoln was without train ser
vice all day Monday, all the rail
roads entering that city having
been put out of business by the
At Brock, Auburn and Bracken
the Nemaha river was the high
est ever known. The fact that
Lhe water in the Missouri river
was lower than it has been for
some time helped matters here,
but the water south of town was
the highest it has been this year.
The flood "did not reach this
part of the county until Tuesday.
Charley Stanley says the water
raised three feet in five minutes
Tuesday forenoon in the Nemaha
river west of his farm. He had
a stake set, measured the rise
and had his watch out to take
the time.
T. F. Woods, who moved off
of the Seymour Howe farm some
time ago, on account of high
water, moved back Monday, but
the next day had to move out
'again. This time the water raised
in the lower story about half way
sash of the win-
The Public Schools
It seems to be human nature
Camp Mceiing Abandoned
The holiness campmeeting that
for people to object to anything ws to have been held at Lincoln
that will cause increased taxa- from July 9 to 19, mention of
tion. We don't like to pay taxes ; Wnlcn 1S matl(J on the first page,
was iust creeping across the
mnrl sn ahnrh n Mmn Iwfnm. Onn UP the loWCl'
of the ponies stepped in a hole dows.
and went clear under, but all Henry Seid and Frank were
trot throuirh without damaire. away from home when the news
Pressavshe would rather have the approaching flood came
made the full trip, as his wife set Mrs. Seid and the children drove
him to running the lawn mower the sheep to the higher ground,
when he got home.
getting them out just in time.
When Frank came he had to
swim the cattle through to a
We remember when there was
strenuous objection to the propo
sition, a good many years ago,
to add a third teacher in the
Nemaha schools. Then when
it was proposed to build a new
school house, to replace the old
one that had been condemned,
it was argued that to do so would
ruin the district. And yet the
house was built, and the bonds
paid off, and no one felt the bur
den materially. Last year, when
it was proposed to put in a fur
nace to make the children com
fortable, those opposing the
movement claimed it would put
the district badly in debt and
ruin us to keep up the expense.
But the voters refused to be
frightened, the furnace was put
in and a good janitor hired, and
now no one would favor going
back to the old way.
The same old arguments are
now being used by those who are
opposed to adding a fourth teach
er. They say the previous im
provements have been good ones
but that now it is time to call a
halt. They are honest in their
opinions, borne oi them are
heavy taxpayers. But we think
they are mistaken, just as those
who opposed former improve
ments were mistaken.
About the only thing a poor
man can give his children is a
good home training and a com
mon school education. The bet
ter facilities we can provide for
the latter the better it is for all
concerned. Even for those who
can afford to send their children
away from home to educate them
it would be quite an advantage
for them to keep their children
at home a year or two longer, if
we have good schools to send
them to. '
One of the principal arguments '
used against the proposition to !
add a fourth teacher is that it
will run the district in debt. The
has been abandoned on account
of the park being flooded.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who rends the news
papers is sure to know ot the wonderful
cures made ny ur.
Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kid
ney, liver and hlad-
der remedy.
It is the great mcd-
H Irimiir.' the
nineteenth century :
li discovered afteryearsv
Q of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in prompuy curing jaine
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
llright's Disease, wliicn is me worst,
form of kidney trouble. .
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
H,1nnv. liver or bladder trouble it will be
remedy vou need. It ha3
i.,.i ii.fttpd iii so many ways, in Hospital
mwl ii nrivate uracticc, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made bj
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
"Health Coffee" is really the closest
coffee imitation ever yet produced. This
clever coffee substitute was recently
produced by Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis.
Not n grain of real coffee in it either
Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is
from pure toasted grains, with malt
nuts, etc. Really it would fool an ox
pert who might drink it for coffee.
No 20 or 30 minutes tedious boiling.
Made in a minute" says the doctor.
Sold by all dealers.
Notico of Tax Salo.
To Dnnlcl O. Cmitf nnil to nil whom It may
Notico Is hereby rlven thnt. on tne 10th dny of
November, 1WX5, Frank L. Woodward bought at
tux wuo or the county treasurer of Nemaha coun
ty, NebrnBkn, lot number ono in black number
sixty-two, Ncmnha City, Ncbniskn, riclimiuent
taxes for tho year 1UU5, that the. taxes lor nil huu
scquent yearn hnvo lccn paid. Said Frank L.
Woodward huo attained paid tax certificates to
Frederick E. Hoover. Notice la hereby nlven that
on Nsvembor 10th, 1903, 1 will apply to tho county
treasurer for n tax deed to said lot.
Dated this 10th day of June. 1008.
Frederick E. Hoover.
ct immediate relief from
Ji ur. Shoop's Magic Ointment
O. A. Curtis
Rep air work Specialty
Independent Phone No. 57,
Nemaha - Nebraska
bottle sent free oy man, aiso u uuu re... -rn-rj '7TT7I"R TVT Tfc
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to W. W . Jb J;t AZillijJK,, ill. IF.
blc. When writing mention reading this JfHySlCiail alia OUrgeOU
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
x, On. niiicnnmton. mqit!
N. Y. The regular fc
fiftv-cent and one-
1n11fir fii.e bottles are Homo of Swamp-Hoot
sold bv nil irood drmrirists. Don't make
auy mistake, but remember the name,
Rwninn-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, IJinghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
Nemaha, Nebr.
All calls promptly attended
Phone 2b
1 ft VOI & UU VS Bgl I issss
for r.alo. Not u rtfrulav about lo wtt!r,r i
WHh to mvr 1 ' ' mv:mt c ulio I
will noil direct u u... (. v, (. lVi,
description ard ".Ir.'e wuou pjjjwt.iiou
can bo had. Adrtio'-1-,
L. DARBVSHIiiE, Boi 0.3 Uctlitrtfr, H. Y.
Heart Strength, or Heart Wenkness. means Nerv
FironKth, or Nerve-Weakness notlilutrniore. I'ot
itlvcly. not one weak heart in a hundred is. In it-
self, aetuully diseased, it is inmost always a
hidden tinv little nerve that really is all at fault.
This obseuro nerve tho Cardiac, or 1 1 eat t Nerve
slnmlv tie'-ds. and must have, more uower. mora
stability, moro controlling, more zovernin
Ktrenith. W thout that tho Heart must continue
to fall, and the stomach and kidneys also havo
these samo controlling nerves.
This e.learlv exnlains whv. as a. medicine. Dr,
Shoop's ltcstoratlvohns In the past done so mncn, 1 r CkMmnv Tftiin
for weak and ailiiiB Hearts. Dr. ghoon llrst sought 1 nAI KpTPS 11101 P.l I f 1 1 1 S
th musn of all this nnlnfitl. naltiitat nir. sulTocat- LU VV I1QIC OUIMIIIQI I UUIO
lie.irt distress. Dr. Shooo's UcstorutlVL thll
popular prescription is alone dlrectod to thesa
weak anil wiistinir uervo centers, u uuuui;
It strengthens: It. n!T rs real, irpmiln" heart help.
If vnu would h.ivn stronir Hearts, stronr dl
restlon, strenirthen theso .nerves re-establish'
them as uueuua, with
Tuesday evening, July 7. 1908, place of safety. They had a lot figures do not show this. For
Mr. Clyde Kinton and Miss Anna 1 0f oats in the shock on some low
Knapp went to the home of Rev. land but with the help of neigh-
J. W. Sapp, and were married by bors hauled it all to higher
that gentleman. They had tried ground.
to keep it secret but Ed Knapp passenger train No. 97 went
and a few others had their sus- west iust -ip.mss tho. Nnm;ili!i
picions aroused and were watch- river. found the track covered
ing them. They made Clyde with water and out of line, and
treat to the cigars and then let backed to Nemaha. After some
the coming year, if the fourth
teacher is added, tho expense
wiil be about as follows: Salary
of principal, $(75; salary of two
teachers already contracted for,
$810; salary of fourth teacher at
$50 per month (a good one can be
hired for that), $450; janitor for
them alone.
The groom is the son of Alfred
B. Kinton and is an industrious,
enterprising young farmer. The
bride is the youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Knapp.
Both have a host of friends who
the four rooms, $200; rent for
delay the train was sent south to additional room, $200, coal, $100;
incidentals, $100 a total of
i$2,735. If we add to tho above
$100 for new seats it would make
Salem and then by way of Table books, 5100; repairs, etc., ,100;
Rock to Tecumseh. Train 98 in
the afternoon came in the same
way, being over two hours late.
Auburn had no trains Tuesday, only $2,835.
the Missouri Pacific as well as the The district made a levy of
unite with The Advertiser in Burlington having been tempore- $2,500 at the annual meeting,
wishing them a long, happy and rily put out of business by the The assessed valuation of the dis-
prosperous married life. flood. The M. P. had a biir en- trict, real and personal, is$67,G00;
Instead of taking a bridal tour mne and a number of box cars in railroad, $32,520; railroad term-
the young couple have gone to
the Kinton farm and will run that
while the groom's parents take
a lengthy trip to California, Ore
gon and other western states.
Weak women should try Dr. Shoop's
Night cure. These soothing, healing,
antiseptic suppositories go direct to the
seat of theso weaknesses. My book
"No. -1 For Women" contains many
valuable hints to women, and it is free.
Ask Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. to mail it.
Ask tho Doctor in strictest confidence,
any question you wish answered. Dr.
Shoop's night Cure is sold by Dr. W.
W. Keeling.
To stop any pain, anywhere in 20
minutes, simply take just ono of Dr.
Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Pain means
congestion blood pressure that is all.
Dr. Shoop's Headache or Pink Pain
Tablets will quickly coax blood pres
sure away from pain centers. After
that, pain is gone. Headache, neural
gia, painful periods with women, etc.
get instant holp. 20 tablets 25c. Sold
by Dr. W. W. Keeling.
the ditch north of Auburn and
another wreck south of Verdon.
If one feels dull and spiritless, in the
spring or early summer, they call it
"Spring Fever." But there is no fever
usually. It is the after elfects of our
winter habits. The nerves are mostly
at fault. Tired, worn-out nerves leave
us languid, lifeless, and without spirit
or ambition. A few doses of Dr. Shoop's
Restorative will absolutely and quickly
change all of theso depressing symp
toms. The Restorative of course won't
bring you back to full health in a day
or two, but it will do enough in 48
hours to satisfy you that the remedy is mated expenses, and
reaching Unit "tired spot." Druggists f the ex
everywhere are advising its use as a .. mi .
Bplendid and prompt general tonic. It
gives more vim and more spirit to the
spoonful than any other known nerve
or constitutional tonic. It sharpens a
failing appetite, aids digestion, frees
sluggish livers and kidneys, and brings
new life, strength and ambition. Test
it a few days and bo convinced. Dr.
W. W. Keeling.
inal, $6,000; a total of $106,120.
It will be seen that a 25 mill tax
will raise more than the $2,500
voted. We have about $300 on
hand now. Last year we re
ceived almost $100 in tuition from
non-resident pupils. This will
be materially increased with a
fourth teacher and added grades,
but count it at $100. The state
school money will be about $240.
This gives us a total income, in
cluding the money on hand, of
$3,140-$305 more than the esti-
we believe
expense lar
ger than it will prove to be.
Vote for better schools, even
if it does cost you a few dollars
more in taxes. The money will
be well spent.
Proprietors of the
Liv3ry& Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection withLivory
Satisfaction guaranteed.
J. ID. OlOfcll.Cl"
Shoe Rcnairinec
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
See W. W. Sanders for fire,
lightning and tornado insurance.
Dealer In
IighoBt market price paid for Ridea,
Lard, Tallow, etc.
Daily low round trip rates to Port
land, Seattle, Tacoma, San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.
Slightly higher to include both Cal
ifornia and Puget Sound.
One whole business day saved by
our new schedule to the Pacific
Daily low excursion rates to Cana
da, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minneso
ta, Massachusetts and New York
tourist resorts; also low excursion
rates to tourist resorts in Maine,
New Hampshire, Vermont.
Daily low rates to Colorado, Utah,
Wyoming, Black Hills and Yellow
stone Park. Democratic conven
tion at Denver in July.
First-and third Tuesdays to the
West including the famous Big
Horn Basin and YellowstoneValley
where large tracts of rich irrigat
ed lands are being opened for set
tlement by the government and by
private companies Write D. Clem
Deaver, Burlington Landseekers'
Information Bureau, Omaha; ex
cellent business openings in new
growing towns.
Write a brief description of
your proposed trip, and let us ad
vise you how to make it the best
way at the least cost.
0. V. GLENN. Ticket A lent at Nemaha.
W. WAKELEY, G- P- A.,0malm
WM.'lUMl'BBM., I'ros. F.'K. AM.KNMVlco.l'ruH.
Capital, $5,000
Surplus, $1,000
With Ample Facilities for handling
any Business entrusted to Us