At the National Capital n Gossip of People and Events Gathered in Washington Rapid Strides of Capital in Population WASHINGTON. Tho census taken recently by tho police force of tho District of Columbia indicates that the national capital Is growing in population at an exceptional rate. Tho Increase in inhabitants for the last year Is reported as !,8I2, which would mean a growth, If steadily main talnod, of almost 100,000 for the cur rent decade. Of course such a rate of growth has not boon maintained since 1900. Ac cording to the federal census of that year, Washington's population was Former Blacksmith a BKFORB Jim Tmvney got Into poli tics up in Minnesota he was a blacksmith. Ho was so rough that thoy had to throw him down to put him into a boiled shirt, somo of his warmest admirers say. That blacksmith training proved mighty good experienco for him, and, applying blacksmith methods to his congressional career, he has forged to the front bo rapidly that- they do Bay down here in Washington that If Speakor Cannon doesn't look out some day he will get run over, be cause Jim Tawney Is coming with wonderful HtrldcB. Tawney is tho man who would bo picked- out at a glance n the real ward politician of the house. Ho is Just the Tdnd of a man the voter al ways finds ready to toll him how to vote at tho primary; tho type of man who always leads the revolt in a cut- Senators Knox and C5 UNITED States senators often bo come good friends, but somehow they aro not prone to becom ing real chummy with oho another. Exceptions occur from time to tlmo to prove tho rulo. One of these oxcop lions applies to Senntor Philander C. Knox of Pennsylvania and Senator W Murray Crane of Massachusetts. If tho aftornobn wanes without their mooting, one is likely to start out to boo whore tho other Is and to learn what has happened. Often tho Knox automobile and tho Crano automobile exchange honks In tho morning. Not lnfroquontly tho senators ride to tho cnpitol in tho same car. "When tho luncheon hour comes, Senator Crane may descend to the committeo on rules, perhaps herald his advent by turning out tho lights ln tho vestibule, and then load his War Department Seeking a Legal Drink THE war dopartment is looking for a bovorago to take tho placo of beer and whisky at army posts. Tho bovorago must not bo of tho class of drinks prohibited by tho antiennteen law. Tho fedoral courts havo novor passed upon tho question of tho per centage of alcohol which will rondor a bovorago an intoxicant. Tho stato courts also havo boon chary of docld lng tho question. Iu certain cases tho authorities havo spoken, howovor. Thus, In Rhodo Island, it has boon held, that whero boor contained 2.S9 por cent, of alcohol no ovidenco was nocossary to show it was intoxicating. Iu Texas, a tonic containing from 3 to 4 per cent, of alcohol haa boon held to be intoxicating liquor. By 278,718. The population reported by the police In 1908 is .",:!0,40:i, so that the increase in eight years has been 00,085. Hy 1010 Washington may be expected to gain at least 15,000 more inhabitants and its population to rise to about 355,000. In its physical aspect Washington has gained enormously In attractive ness In tho last eight or ten years. It Is an Ideal residence city, and its charms appeal most potently to Amer icans with leisure enough to enjoy them. It has become the winter home of fnmllles of wealth and refinement from all parts of the union, and its quiet, order and beauty make living within Its borders constant, satisfac tion. It still has great potentialities In the way of architectural develop ment, and Its material prosperity Is se cured by ever-broadening activities of the great governmental machine. Power in Congress aud-dried convention In short, tho practical politician who gets out tho vote. Tawney, when he came to congress, wasn't welcomed within the big tent. Ho had to wait around on tho outside. Then tho blacksmith got busy. He Just walked off the reservation, taking enough insurgent Republicans with him to spill the beuns for the big five. And so it came to pass that the big follows reckoned with Taw ney, and now ho is chairman of the most important committeo in the house appropriations. Hon. Jim is a fighter from Pightersvlllo. But he is that kind of a fighter who knows when to fight, nnd when to let the other fel low do tho fighting. Only once has Tawney been whipped. That once came from Con gressman Goebel of Cincinnati, when ho got tho mail carriers' pay increased, In Bplto of Tawnoy and Chairman Ovorstreet. The whipping didn't tickle Tawney. So, when the fight to hold down the appropriation on the agricultural bill came up Tawney quit guarding the treasury and let Scott of KansaB tackle tho Job. Taw noy went to his committee room. The farmers wiped up the lloor with Scott. Crane Real Chummy crony off to tho senate restaurant. Tho fondness that Senators Crane nnd Knox evince for eating together Is reminiscent of tho fondness that formor Senator Edmunds of Vermont and tho lato Senator Allen G. Thur man of Ohio used to have for drinking together. That was in tho earlier days, when drinking at tho capltol was not frowned upon. All tho oldsters in political Wash ington aro fond of recalling that story, how tho two senators kept a black bot tlo in tho room of tho committeo on Judiciary. They were certain to ad journ thoro twice or thrico every aftor noon that tho senate held a long bos slon. It was at first a marvel why tho two mon seemed to havo tho same thought at tho samo moment, and bo gan to make tracks simultaneously irom uitreront parts of tho senate chamber one bolng a Democrat and tho other a Republican toward that committeo room. It turned out that thoy had prear ranged signals. Tho "Old Roman's' signal was to pull out that famous red bandanna handkerchief and to blow his nose with clarion loudness tho laws of Massachusetts It Is held that a beverage containing more than ono por cent, of alcohol at GO Fahren holt 1b lntoxlcntlng. Tho law In rogard to tho nonsalo of Intoxicants In post oxchangos, must, of course, bo followed good faith by tho army. In tho absenco of any fed oral decision as to tho question at is suo, tho authorities must fall back on tho decision of tho stato courts. TIiobo vary materially, and, therefore, tho dopartmont may seek tho solution In a practical way by ascertaining tho view taken In prohibition statos as to tho salo of any glvon drink. Whoro post oxchangos aro sltuatod ill a prohibition stato it is considered ontlroly safo to prohibit tho salo in such oxchangos of preparations not al lowed to bo aold undor tho prohibition lawB of tho state. Whoro such ox changes aro situated In nonprohlbl tlon statos It would bo Bafo to ascer .aln whothor any specific drink is al lowed sold 'In any prohibition state and lot tho oxchango bo guided accordingly. A lawsuit had been tried on tho ! veranda of tho crossroads store, and when it had been settled Limuel Juck If n, who had watched the proceedings, took tho home made chair, vacated by tho Justice, leaned baok against tho wall and rermkaed: "Rather bad, this thing of goln' to law. And ain't It a peculiar stato of society that educates men to stimulate quarrels? We may say that they ain't trained for that purpoBo, but, unless there are misun derstanding the lawyer's work is cut off, and he's got a llttlo too much of Old Adorn in him not to look out for his own interest." "You take a wrong view of the mat ter, replied a young lawyer. "That is Just about what I expected you to say. But grantln' to the lawyer all ho can claim for himself, it must after all be allowed that tho blckorln's and shortsightedness of the human family give him the most of his excuse for A perfect stato of civiliza tion would argue perfect honesty, and if such wore the case tho lawyers would bo powerful scarce. There Is no denyln' of the fact that somo of tho greatest mon have been lawyers and that tho most of our presidents havo practiced law. And so have some of the immortal geniuses been soldiers, but if man had been Just and peace able thoro never would havo been any need for tho soldier." "According to your view, then," said tho lawyer, "there Is no real need for anybody that" "That doesn't build up," Limuel broke in, winking at his formor friends. "Every man ought to produce somethln. If -ho don't he's llvin' on somebody that does. Tho only real occupation is the one that makes the world bettor. Understand, now, I have nothln' against anybody's callin'. I'm Just expressin' my opinion and it must bo taken for what it is worth. But the lawyer Bhows us one thing if nothln more how keen a man's mind may be whotted. I recollect onco that a fellow sued me. We had swapped horses " "And you had got the better of him, eh?" said the lawyer. "Well, that's tho way It looked to him. The horse I let him havo died that night. Ho asked me if tho horse was sound and I said I never had heard any complaint, and I hadn't. He had novor boon under the care of a doctor so far as I know. His appetite was good and he'd bat his eye when you motioned at him. I might have seen him fall down have seen men fall, but I didn't think that they wore goln' to die. I told him a ohild could drive him. A child did drive him out of the garden that day. Well, wo swapped, and, as I say, his horse was taken sick in the night and died bo fore day. He came back to me and sworo that I had swopped him ahorso that I know'd was goln to die. I told him that if ho'd show mo a horso that wa'n't goln' to die I'd give hlra my farm. I felt that ho had tho worst of it and I would havo evened it up the best way I could, but before I got through bavin' fun with him ho got mad and wont away and hired a law yer to prove that I was a liar and al together the worst man in tho com munity. "I never got such a scorln' in my life. I felt sorry for my wife and chil dren. I didn't think that anybody would ever speak to mo again, and I loid tho lawyer that I would make It a personal matter between mo and him. I expected tho Justico to decldo dead against me, but he didn't. Ho had been a horso trader himself. "Well, after tho thing was over with I took tho horso I got from tho feller and wont over to his house about ton miles away and turned the nag loose In his lot. I did it not because I was sorry for him, but because I was afraid of myself afraid that I couldn't sleep, and I was workln' hard aud needed rest. Well, sir, that night the nag that I'd turned into tho lot ups and dies, and tho follor sworo that I had hauled him thoro nftor ho was dead, and hanged if ho didn't buo mo again. Ho got tho samo lawyer and ho mado mo out a worse man than I was before. Mado it appear that I had poisoned tho horso and dragged him over thoro. Then I sworo that tho wholo county couldn't hold me back from tnkln' It out of his hide. "So tho first chance I got I went to town to see tho lawyor. I wont ovor to tho courthouse and ho was makln' a speech, nnd I wish I may dio dead if the feller ho was a sklnnln' this tlmo wan't tho very man that had sued mo. I nevor beam anything like it. Tip toed and called him all sorts of n scoundrel; said that ho had, defrauded mo, as honost a man as lived in tho stnto. I couldn't stand that, I walked on out and aftor a whtlo ho camo along aud held out his hand and called mo 'Undo Llm,' Just as If I was his mother's brothor. Then ho clapped mo on tho Bhouldor and you could have heard him laugh moro than a Lawyer! pa J mile. He said ho was a com In out to go a flshin' with me. wnii r int Mm ntt nnd nttnr xvfl had got to bo right good friends, 1 asked him how ho happened to be en- gaged against my enemy, and this la what he Bald: 'Oh. I wasn't. Somo of tho boys told mo you wore comin into the houso and I know that you wero troublesome when you set your head to it, so as court wasn't in bo slon I started In to makln' a speech against the fellow so you could hear mc, and ho cmpped me on the Bhoul- der and you could havo beam him laugh more than two miles this time, "Get a lawyer with run in mm and ho s all right. Once I had somo Dual- nous mi hand Mn Hntllnmnnt nf mv lu-nMior'a nclsitn nnH I wnnr in nil! Tnm rwwoii nmi nakn.i him Wv much ho would charge me, and ho al- mosttook my breath with the amount ho named. I knew ho was a man of a good deal of ability liked fun, and I says to him like this: 'Tell you what arrangoment to make, colonel. 1'vo got a mighty fine chicken out at my houso and if you can fetch out one to whip him I'll engage you and pay your dross! Unfortunately, there is a fash price, but if my chicken whlp3 yourn, Ion in art and a fashion In liter why you do tho work for nothln'.' Ho ature as changeable as the style of was a man of ability and ho agreed, hats and gowns, and often as absurd. Ah, me, thoro ain't such lawyers about hero those days. I recollect onco he" "But did tho fight come off?" some one Inquired. "Olf, that fight? Yos, hold tallow carfdles for It one night, and you'd havo thought It was a snowln', the air was so full of feathers. My wlfo keot on a callin' out: 'Limuel. what are you a doin' there in tho smoke- house.' and I nlwavs answered: 'I'm dlEEln' un a rat. Go on to bed. I've most got him now.' "I don't know how lone thov fit other roosters wero crowln all around the neighborhood when thoy got through. But my chicken crowed last, and the colonel gave me his hand with feathers a stickln' to it, and says, says he: 'Lira, you've got me and I'll take caro of your business.' "Best settlement I ever made. He took care of the business right up to tho handle, and when he had got through ho 'lowed, he did, that he could find a bird that could whip mine for the estate Bald ho'd put up his law books and his houso and lot against it, but it looked too much like gamblin', so I backed down. Oh, he would hare done it. Ablest lawyer in the county. It's a pity all lawsuits couldn't be set tled somewhat In that way ag fairly, I moan. "I was Just a thinkln'," ho added aft er a few momonts of silence, "how much trouble the old world has been put to tryln' to govern man. Every year or so tho legislatures meet and make laws and unmake them, always exporlmontin' with man. The trouble with him is ho don't know what he wants and don't know what to do with It after ho gets It, And the lawyer Is tho outgrowth of his restlessness and his ignorance." "Think there will ever come a time when there aro no lawyers?" tho young advocato inquired, and the old man scratched his head. "Oh, yes, that time will come, but it will be the time when thoro isn't anything. Tho lawyor has come to stay as long as tho rest of us do. Ho's a smart man and a good follor for tho most part, and is nearly always wlllin' to forgive you when he has doneyou a wrong, and I want to remark right hero that this argues tho extremest of liberality." (Copyright, by Oplo Read Copper Mines Most Valuable. "Mining is an uncertain business even at best," said George A. Walker at tho Republican. "Tho mo3t you can say of It is that you aro investing your money In a hole in tho ground or on tho prospects of somo ono olso'a idoaa being correct. Even when you Invest In an established mine which seems to be paying largo dividends, you aro running the chanco of tho vein's coming to an end and your stock going down to almost nothing. Of course, this is rathor an unusual occurrence and sclenco nowadays crtu protty accurately toll what is to bo ex pected from any mine aftor it has been worked a short time. Tho most profit- , , , , . . , . ablo mines, howovor, aro not, as might bo surmised, tho gold mines. Tho one mine In the United States which pays tho largest dividends to-day Is a copper mlno. Copper Is easier and cheaper to mlno than gold, there is generally a much greater output, and less loss from wasto or carolossnoss." Milwaukee Sentinel. On Terra Flrma. "What does becomo of all tho pins?" crlcfd Mrs. X, as sho vainly sought for ono on her dressing tablo. "I know, mamma," cried hor llttlo sop, who had Just begun to study Iatin, "Thoy fall to tho earth and be qonift tovranins." Harper's Wqekly. First "Dreaa Suit' In Kansas. The first dross suit that over came to Kansas camo with the "aid" from Boston during tho dry summer of I860. Some rich man In tho east con tributed It, having outgrown It, and a farmer named Paswell, In Kaploma towiiBhlp, In this county, plowed corn in It all summer. Atchison Globo. Work Done In Time's Fractions. All our great men who attained their ambition early realised tho value of time; to them the minutes wore the stepping stonos on which they croised the river of life to the embankment of success. They never Ho nbod when they should be up and doing. Perseverance. Durlnu a divorce caso. recently tried in Syracuse, tho pretty plaintiff, after shedding copious tears on tho wlt- ncBS Btand, was later detected In an attempt to pass her two tear-soaked handkerchiefs into the Jury room. illustrated Sunday Magailne. The Firefly. The light is phosphoric, and is sup- PBed b.e displayed or w thheld at the w111 of J6 insoct- n I . , ?' ma,ea are Phosphorescent. Scientist tel1 thRt ts 8le PrpoB It to at- tract the malo.-Now York American. Chanoeableness of Fashion. If fashion were only limited to Gaulols, Paris I First Subscription Library. In 1731 Benjamin Franklin founded the Library Company of Philadelphia, which he called "the mother of all North American subscription li braries." When Beauty Speaks What a strange illusion it is to A supposo that beauty is goodness. beautiful woman utters absurdities; we listen, and, we near not tno an surdities, but wise thoughts. Tolstoi. Eternal Vanity a man has an awful hard time try jng to make himself believe that all tho girls aro not crazy about him. Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. The Worth of Gold. Writes one to the Times: "Gold regulateB the price of everything what regulates the price of gold?" Why, everything, of course. Better Than Mere Wealth. A man who gives his children hab its of industry provides for them bet ter than by giving them a fortune. Whately. Lost Confidence. Other people have generally beaten him to it when a man loses confidence in himself. The Main Trouble. Most people would be satisfied with the kind of living they are making If other people were not living better. To Thine Ownself Be True. A mind conscious of Integrity scorns to say more than it moans to perform. Distinction of French Capital. Paris possesses the largest public gardens and tho largest hospital. Lincoln Directory Highest Price For Cream Call at Our Receiving Station Beatrice Creamery Company USE TAR PAINT To paint your poultry Hhed. It will provont lico. ProHorvo your fence po.sts by ii'dutlng thorn with tar paint boforo boUIiik. Dip your shinies in tar paint-it iroHpryos thorn. Hold In fiO-Kullon barrels for 85 PKH HA11KICL. gold Tn r,.Rnllon cuns for 1.5U por can. Tnr to cheaper than paint la inoio oftootlvo and lasts longer. Best In tho world for eornitfiitod iron LINCOLN OAS & ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. HERBERT E. GOOCH BROKHR AND DGALGR drain, Provision, Stocks, and Cotton, ruin Office, aos Fraternity Blag. Lincoln, Nebraska. Bell Phono B12 Auto Phono 2tV!) Largost Ilouao in Stato GOOD AUTOS, CHEAP On account of taking iu so vend innclilnoi cheap, wo can BULL THEM AT BARGAINS. "Writo for list this weok. LINCOLN AUTO MOUILB CO., Lincoln, Neb. 4