The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 05, 1908, Image 2

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Nebraska Advertiser
W. W. SANDERS, Prop.
AH tho world guys tho lovor. ,
How could a broathlosH man be!
without pnntM?
In a favornblo wind a fox can scont
a man ono quarter of a mllo away.
Tho mimlorof victims of tuborcu
IosIb In Germany oxeccdn 120,000 a
Spain 1b HpcndlnK $40,000,000 on
now battleships and lockyard cdn.
Forttinnlofy tho Blrls aren't wear
ing tho old-fashioned hoopsklrt along
with tho Merry Widow hat.
Tho largest qullf toothpick factory
in In Paris, it was originally started
as a manufactory of quill pens.
When a tornado makes one of Its
flying visits unannounced you havo to
forego all previous engagements.
Tho Sunday Rest league, with head
quarters In Sacramento, Is spreading
rapidly all along tho Pacific coast.
Sun spot3 aro caUBlng a great deal
of talk among astronomers, and alBO,
It may bo remarked, among beauty
Remomber that whllo your own
homo city Is tho falroat In tho land,
all towns muBt look nllko to tho rail
way manager.
Tho Colorado man who pawned his
falBo tooth for food may havo planned
for a caso of dyspepsia which would
make fasting easier.
Culture, said Prof. Shaller Mathows,
1b going to hum In Chicago, and then
retired when George Ado read ono of
his fables In slang, thus giving cul
ture a running start.
Tho power of mind over matter may
bo seen In the fact that what Presi
dent Eliot has to say about athletics is
attracting a great deal moro attention
than anything John L. Sullivan might
havo to say about education.
Count Tolstoi naturally considers
that a jublleo will hardly add to his
honors. Besides, propriety at such
an ovent might require that he wear
shoes, and, at hlB age, ho hus no in
tention to court unnecessary misery.
A French physician claims to have
photographed tho soul of his wifo 80
hours after hor death. He explains
that tho picture shows a nebulous
globe. This being the case, tho wear
ing of corsets cannot have any effect
on the soul.
Ten years ago at this timo the
schoolboy who could locate tho Phil
ippine islands would havo been rated
as a class wondor. To-day tho geogra
phy of that quarter of the globe 1b al
most as familiar to the avorago Amer
ican youth as that of the baseball
Dy a new law In Now York hunters
aro not allowed to shoot other hun
ters or guides by mistake without be
ing chnrged with homicide. This looks
llko a retrogrado from tho governing
principle of tho game laws, that all
other rights must givo way to the
supreme end of hunting.
A new kind of gaB which can be
bought by the bottle and used for Il
luminating purposes has been Invent
ed by a German. Fifty cents' worth
of It will furnish a 60-candle power
light eight hours a day for six weokB.
People who havo their money invested
In gas stock will regard this inven
tor as a menace that should be sup
pressed. Tho markets have been famed all
over Italy for many centuries. Once
a Veronese guest of a Milan nobleman
for a joke bought out the Milan mar
kets three times in ono day, so his
host could not glvo him a dinner, but
in Bpito of that tho hucksters and
butcherB supplied tho host with ma
terial for tho best dinner the guest
ever had.
This is going to be a giddy world
It was but lately given out that the
north polo is gradually shifting its
position. Now comes tho hint that
before long the majority of tho na
tlons may agree to adopt somo other
Initial meridian than that which
passes through Greenwich, froiv
which point wo now number tho de
grees of longitude. It will bo tho
equator's turn next to braco up and
get a move on.
Tho man who goes around croaking
that tho worst Is yot to como olther
has a weak spino or knows of some
thing that ho would llko to got nt a
marked-down price. This from tho
Chicago Record-Horald, which moves
the New York Hornld to remark:
And tho best part of it all is that tho
"croakor" ia finding everybody too
busy to listen to him. The Burest sign
of good times is tho fact that peoplo
havo ceased to talk about hard times.
United States Senator Chauncey M.
ntlmately known to the people than any
been elected president. Senator Depew,
n 1899, had represented the Vanderbilts
family for many years, and was president
long time.
Prominent Resident of Fort Worth,
Tex., Falls Heir to Historic Relic
Is Magnificent Example of
Goldsmith's Art.
Fort Worth, Tex. It wns discovered
the other day that the heavy gold
watch which was carried by Presldont
William McKlnley when he was shot
by tho anarchist, Czoigouz, at Buffalo,
s owned and In tho possession of a
Fort Worth man, a nephew of the vic
tim of the assassin h bullet.
The nephew is A. J. Duncan, secre
tary and general manager of the Citi
zens Light and Power company'. He
s a son of one of Presldont McKln-
ley's two sisters. His mother. Mrs. A.
J. Duncan, was formerly Miss Sarah
K. McKlnley. Sho now lives at tho
family house In Cleveland, 0., with
tho other sister. Both women arc
moro than 70 years old.
It had long been the understanding
in tho McKlnley and Duncan families
that A. J. Duncan was to receive Wil
liam McKlnley's watch, as a cousin
inherited tho grandfather's timepiece,
but nono of tho members of tho two
families had any idea under what
tragic circumstances tho watch would
fall into Mr. Duncan's hands.
Aftor the Buffalo tracedv and the
subsequent death of President McKln
ley the watch was left In tho posses
sion of Mrs. McKlnley until her death,
moro than a year ago. Then It was
turned over to Mr. Duncan, as had
been originally understood. Tho
watch, until a few weeks ago, re
mained with Mr. Duncan's mother In
Shortly aftor his elect! nil in Din
presidency the first time Mr. McKlnley
nan tne watch specially made for him
in Canton, O. Whllo not a largo
watch, it is heavy, as it contnlns a
largo amount of gold decoration. Tho
tlmepieco Is open-faced, with gold
numbers embossed on the face.
Suicide of Wisconsin Man Brings Out
Peculiar Story.
Washburn, Wis. Since tho recent
Bulcldo of Andrew Smith, a Finlander,
who onded his life a few weeks ago
by putting a bullet through his head,
a story has been going tho rounds
concerning him and his partner, named
Erickson. it Is said that somo years
ago Smith and Erickson came Into
possession of largo sums of money
which they burled out In tho vicinity
of Slsklwlt lako, 22 miles from this
It Is said that tho monoy was taken
away from porsons who had stolon It
from an express company at Duluth or
Superior many years ago, and tho
kuowlodgo of this hidden wealth had
so preyed upon tho minds of tho two
that both lost their reason. Andrew
Erickson, ono of tho men, wns ad
judged lnsano on February 10, 1903,
and Avas taken to tho asylum at Osh
kosh, nnd at tho present timo Is In tho
asylum for chronic lnsano at Eau
Depew of Now York is perhaps more
other man, excepting those who have
before his election to the senate
in the huge financial affairs of that
of the New York Central road for a
On tho roar of tho watch is tho na
tional emblem, an eagle supporting a
shield hearing 1U stars. Tho figure is
not engraved, but Is ombossed on the
back of the watch. The whole watch
Is the result of careful and painstak
ing workmanship and Is a magnificent
example of the goldsmith's art. At
tached to a beautifully rolled gold link
chain is a biack Ivory seal with Presi
dent McKlnley's monogram.
Mr. Duncan is attached to tho watch
by many ties. Not only Is It for him
a family heirloom, but it is a relic of
historic value. He keeps the watch
carefully guarded.
All of President McKlnley's person
al effects are now In the possession of
mombets of the Duncan family. Most
of them aro In their Cleveland and
New York homes. The collection em
braces tho president's books, paint
ings, furnlturo, and everything which
was intimately connected with his pri
vate life. In tho course of timo Mr.
Duncan expects to have many of the
books and art subjects brought to his
Fort Worth home.
Freak Foaled at Pittsfield Has Also
Feet Like Deer's.
Pittsfield Mass. A three-legged colt,
with hoofs like a deer, was born In the
stablo of Charles H. Prout.
The head and body aro porfect, but
tho left front leg is missing. The
single front leg Is in the usual place
on the right side. It is shaped like
thai of a deer. Tho rear legs aro like
those of a deer from tho hock down
and they hnvo cloven hoofs. Tho feet
at tho ankles aro turned upward and
backward, so that it will bo practical
ly Impossible for tho animal to stand.
Mr. Prout was offered $200 by a
traveling salesman for tho freak, but
refused. It was put on exhibition at
the Prout stables and an admission of
ten cents is being charged. All day
people from all parts of tho city go
to tho Prout stable.
Claire. This Is shown by the records
of the county.
It Is now said that Smith shot him
self during a lit of Insanity.
On tho morning that Smith commit
ted suicide ho and a man named nnr.
gan, from this city, had gone out to
biBKiwit. laKo for tho nurnoso of lnnk
lng ovor some land upon which It was
tnougnt that thoro was mineral denos
Its. Shortly aftor tho men arrived at
ino jnKo and just after tho two had
started out on their exploring trli
Smith took his llfo.
It Is now thought thnt Smith nnd tho
man wore near tho snot whoro tho
wealth was hlddon and Smith, fearing
uiai ino money might bo discovered
ooioro ho could nppropriato It secretly
to his own uso, becamo lnsano and
took his llfo. Tho actions of Smith and
Erickson wero always mysterious In
ino extreme. Thoro aro a number of
porsons horo that aro so sure that tho
treasuro is buried somowhoro In tho
vicinity of tho lako that a senrch for
It will be made.
Tender Received by Weather Man,
but He Is Unappreciatlve and the
Government Will Get Along
Without Great Genius.
Pittsburg, Pa. There aro many
strange and varied callings In this
city of vast Interest, but tho latest Is
strange enough to bring In a question
as to just what heights specialties will
go. Somo scorn limited only by over
powering nervo and the sky line.
During tho rainy spell a man called
nt tho United States weather olllco
and asked to see Forecaster Henry
Pennywltt. Mr. Pennywitt shook
hands with tho stranger and made a
bluff nt being glad to see him. Tho
man, proffering his card, said:
"I am tho human galvanometer, and
can bo of Inestimable use, not only to
tho local bureau and tho country at
large, but to the whole world. As I
said, I am tho human galvanometer
and through my sensitized anatomy
play the four winds of heaven.
"In tho first place, Mr. Pennywitt,
you must understand that there are in
tho world threo kinds of peoplo, tho
electric, tho lymphatic and the mag
netic. The first kind is purely mental,
the second marked by bodily vigor and
tho third attract to them everyone
who comes within the radius of their
"Taking ten as a total perfection, I
am ten In each, therefore In perfect
accord with tho elements. I am en rap
port with everything nnd nm conse
quently able to toll with unfailing reg
ularity just what kind of weather Is
coming. My vibrativo body Is able to
feel the slightest change, even to the
motion and forming of clouds, and,
under my direction, this office can be
made the greatest on earth."
The galvanometer made a short, hur
ried pause to get his breath, and Mr.
Pennywitt thought It would bo a good
time to butt in on the vibrations, and
"Supposing you obtained a position
here, would It bo necessary to put you
In a glass case, or let you stand on
top of the Farmers' bank building?"
The galvanometer, again In tune
with his vibrations, replied:
"You might get a glass case, but it
must be plate glass, as only the finest
will do. I would also expect tho bu
reau to buy me a Morris chair. and
Havana cigars (hat I may be perfoctly
s Afll "t a i - t a a.
iiarmomoiiB, noromy wim-mewr, uui
also the world. It Is only in this man
ner that the best results are ob
tained. "I would also like to ask you to be
come my assistantr for, perhaps, say in
80 years or so, I can impress upon
you the way it is done. I will call next
week and be ready for work. Thank
you, Mr. Pennywitt, thank you! Since
you have said nothing, I realize that
you comprehend how really great a
man I am, and for this mark of appre
ciation on yaur part I may be able to
teach you how It is done in possibly
29 years."
The weather prophet looked up at
this last statement and, subdued by
the irrepressible genius and magnetic
qualities, was lost in awe and specula
tion as tho galvanometer trudged to
tho elevators.
House of Hohenzollern and House of
Roosevelt to Be Linked by Toy.
Now York. Henry Estrlcher, a
wealthy importer of toys, will present
the largest "Teddy bear" in the world
to Emperor William. Thus Mr. Es
trlchor, who sailed on the Kaserln Au
guste Victoria for Hamburg the otaor
day, will forge a new link in the chain
of German-American friendship and
bring closer the house of Hohenzollern
and tho house of Roosevelt.
Germany was the original habitat of
tho toy bear. Mr. Estrlcher read In a
German newspaper thnt the emperor
was greatly pleased that In honor of
tho president tho toy had been called
tho "Teddy bear" In this country. Ho
felt that tho emperor would be delight
ed ovor tho gift.
Mr. Estrlcher Bald that every ar
rangement had been made for his re
caption by tho emperor and for tho
presentation of tho boar. Tho toy
which ho has sent ahead was made
horo. It is nine feet tall when it seats
itsolf and its hide was woven from
pure China silk. It was packed In a
velvet-lined case.
Dogs Bark Far-Reaching.
Altoona, Pa. A vicious dog ran out
and snapped at tho heels of a horso
ridden by Adam Davis and tho horso
kicked at tho barker with such force
that it threw a shoe, which struck a
passing horse on tho side, causing It
to ruu away. As It sped at break
neck speed down a wet asphalt streot
It slipped and fell, stopping so sud
donly that It throw Us driver, Petor
Jamison, over tho dashboard of tho
buggy. Jamison lauded on tho pros
trato horse and escaped injury.
For Preserving, Purifying
and Beautifying the Skin,
Scalp, Hair, and Hands,
for Sunburn, Heat Rash,
Chafings, and for all the
purposes of the Toilet.
Sold throughout the world. Depots: London.27.
htrtcriiouseSq.: l'arla. 6. Ruo do laPalx: Austra
lia. U. Towns A Co., Sydney: India. II. K. Paul. Cnl-
?tJt.taLcJ.ln3:.I,05B.Kon Dru " Jl'n. Mnruya.
Ltd..Toklo: South Africa, Lennon, Ltd.. Capo Town,
etc.: Russia. Kerrein (Aptcka), Moscow: U. 8.A
Potter OruR A Chcm. Corp-Kofn Props.. Boston.
W Post-free, Cutlcura Booklet on the Skin.
What a Settlor Can Seoure In
160 Acre Grain-Growing Land FREE.
20 to 40 Bushels Wheat to the Acre.
40 to 90 Bushels Oat to the Acre.
35 to SO Bushels Barley to the Acre.
Timber for Fencing and Building FREE.
Good Law with Low Taxation.
Splendid Railroad Facilities and Low Rate.
School and Churche Convenient.
Satisfactory Market for all Productions.
Good Climate and Perfect Health.
Chances for Profitable Investment.
Somo of the choicest frraln-produclnpr lamln In
BnHkatdiewun and Alberta, may now be in
quired in these most beultUful mid prosperous
sections under tho
Revised Homestead Regulations
by which entry may be made by proxy (on cer
Uln conditions), by the father, mother, boh,
daughter, brother or sister of intending home
steader. Entry fee in each case InJ10.00. For pamphlet,
best time to go and where to locate, apply to
811 Ntw Ysrk LIU BuiUinf. Onuhs, Nebrssla.
Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body
antiseptically clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soapaad tooth preparationa
alone cannot do. A
germicidal, dlsia
footing and deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores, 50 cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Urge Trill Simple
DAISY FLY KILLER Hiii'iM anywhere
uuiut-iD uuii mini
nil IIIoh. Kent,
coincident, cheap,
l.ints all ncii
xoii. AtioluUly
ImrmlcuK. cannot
fplll or tip ihit,
u lit not Mill or In
J urn anything,
llimmnti'id uirinv
tlo. nrniiiicaii'i-..
kliy ursmlpntHiUtfor
Kalb tip,, llruullju, N.!'.
lOvaits. IttllUI.IIMinKUU, HI) lie
If. ounces to
other stnrcliiis only 12 ouncos cnmo prlro nnd
WIDOWS'"1"1" N EW LAW obtnlnod
PENSIONS YuaUlugtoii .V. 0.
jifcaaaaiisM iibui
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 23, 1008.