The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 29, 1908, Image 1

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    J t " IJ -
viy ... :
The last day of school.
Criley, photographer, Auburn.
Cottonwood lumber for sale by
A. J. Strain.
Isaac N. Cooper returned from
Kansas City Tuesday.
Miss Minnie May returned from
Rockport, Mo., Monday.
It can rain these days just as
e-a-s-y no trouble at all.
Much corn has been washed
out by the recent heavy rains.
Passenger train 97 was about
two hours and a half late Thurs
day forenoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crother
went to Auburn Monday, return
ing Wednesday.
Kindig & Peabody write cy
clone, tornado, and windstorm
insurance at lowest rates.
C. P. Barker is not feeling
well and Otto went out with the
mail yesterday and to-day.
Mrs. Frank Frazier came uo
from Falls City Wednesday morn
ing and is visiting friends.
If you want an up-to-date job
of painting or paper hanging see
J. S. Hadlock. Leave orders at
Glass! Glass!!
For all sizes call on Edwards &
Bradford Lbr. Co.
Nemaha has had late frosts,
freezes, a cyclone and floods, and
yet we are going to have lots of
fruit of all kinds.
David Burns came in from Be
atrice a few davs ago and has the Gulf
been helping get the telephone water.
lines straightened out.
W. T. Crane called in Monday,
paid his subscription to May 3,
1909, and also paid for an extra
copy for a year, to be sent to his
son, F. A. Crane, Atwood, Colo.
Rev. J. W. Sapp gave us an
item of news Wednesday. He
said for us to tell the people it
had rained so much in Texas that
of Mexico was under
If you want to buy wall paper,
either high grade or low priced,
call on J. S. Hadlock. Sample
Among the graduates of the
Peru normal school this spring
are Misses Stella and Bessie
Delbert Webb and Willie Ker
ker went to Omaha Tuesday.
They may stay there if they get books furnished on request. Pri
a position to their likintr. ces of wall paper from 3 cents
- i
ner roll un.
Jiidorn FT. A. Lambert came in
o I m " i i . n if t 1
a,iW w. Qntnrdnv phIIpH two loaas oi nsnermen arove
hre hv the death of his father, over irom biena monaay due it
Wm. Lambert of Aspinwall pre- began raining about the time
cjnct they got to fishing, so they drove
to Nemaha, ate tneir dinner and
We are under obligations this then started home without any
week to the Auburn Republican flsli
Pnv nnfc rf onmo nf fTlA TJpTYinVin
i;i.n, wvopW lw , nv. we met donn iiemptnorne at
n1nr,0 Auburn Tuesday. He stepped
oil tne tram as we were getting
The freight from the west laid on to return home. He says he
over at Nemaha Wednesday night will be down to see the Nemaha
on account of the dangerous con- folks. He living in Perkins
dition of the track between here county.
ana me uiy. jVm M fWlr nnrl MissTnninv
came down from their Glen Rock
been able to make full trips all precinct farm Monday morning,
the time for the past week on driving to Peru and coming down
accuunt of high
woshouts, etc.
M. Burns drove up
J. M. Burns drove up from
Shubert Sunday night, returning
the next day. He brought Char
water, slides, on the train. John went back on
the afternoon tram. Miss Daisy
will remain until after commencement.
Geo. E. Dye came up from
Shubert on the early train Mon
day morning, going on to Auburn
on train 98.
Commencement exereises will
be held at the opera house to
night. A small admission fee
will be charged.
Misses Opal and Bea Seabury
returned to Peru Monday morn
ing, after a few days' visit with
Nemaha friends."
Nemaha people are now very
nervous when a storm comes up,
and the man with a good cyclone
cave is very popular.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lafollette,
who have been visiting their
daughter, Mrs. W. W. Frazier,
returned to Lincoln Monday.
Ed Knapp saw a small cyclone
ley along, the latter taking train or tornado Tuesday about noon,
w'hen he was at John B. Stotts's
-Torv n 4-Vio nAimfir ltnn TVvfll
XT v a fV" Ui. "r;? nately it did not strike the ground
Nebr., visited her aunt, Mrs. El- - . , ' wl
-A, . j. ! . though it got close enough so Ed
Have you seen our pretty new lawns
ranging in pricefrom 7 1-2 cents upP
They are very nice. J
See our Lace Curtains.
Good line of India Linen, Laces
Embroideries. We are especially
strong in our ribbon line.
Bring Us YourButter, Eggs
and Poultry.
jho. wTritchev
Both Phones No. 20 NEMAHA, NEB
Mrs. Mary Chambers was
called to Auburn Sunday night
by the serious illness of her son,
W. S. Chambers, who had a se
vere hemorrhage of the lungs.
Mrs. Chambers, who for the past
six years has been making her
home with her son-in-law, F. E.
Hoover, will probably make her
home in Auburn hereafter. She
will be greatly missed by Mr.
Hoover and children.
mer ft. Alien, irom tram time
Mondav afternoon until train
time Tuesday forenoon.
felt the
got close enough
heat and smelled
Saturday of this week is Me
morial day, and consequently a
legal holiday. The rural carriers
will not make their trips. The
postoffice will be closed except at
mail time.
Postcard views of the Cy
clone ruins in Nemaha on
sale at the Postoffice. Five
cents apiece.
The infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Moore died Wednes-
Wm. E. Smiley and the insur- day night, May 27, 1908, from an
ance company have come to an attack of whooping cough, aged
agreement. Mr. Smiley, who about two years. The funeral
had his house insured for $850 wni be held to-day at 10 o'clock,
and his barn for $150, against at the home, conducted by Rev.
fire and tornado, accepts 850 m j. y. Sapp. The bereaved par
full for his claim, and gets what ents have our sympathy.
is left. He will proceed to re
build the honse at once.
All the favors shown us by our Patron and
Friends in aiding us during the recent dis
aster, in moving our Hardware and Furni
ture stock, and Promptness and Faithful
Service rendered while erecting our new
store. We thank you for all favors shown
us in the past, and kindly invite you to call
and see our new store and stock which we
hope to replace by Jun
Edwards & Bradford Lbr, Co,
Mrs. Cora Swan and Mrs.
Daisy Randall of Auburn and
Mrs. Sarah Chamberlain of La
Crosse, Wis., surprised their
mother, Mrs. Julia Frazier, by
coming in to visit her Tuesday.
Mrs. Swan and Mrs. Randall re
turned to Auburn Thursday.
The Falls City train did not
run ior two or tnree ciays tne
latter part of last week on ac
count of a sink in the track be
tween lirownvuie ana feru ana
a washout at Salem. Passengers,
mail, express, etc., on the Hoi
drege train were transferred
around the sink. The train from
Falls City got through Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Combs of
Dawson county, Nebr., visited
old Nemaha friends Monday even
ing and Tuesday forenoon. Lon
is farming about seven miles
from Lexington, his postoflice
being Darr. He is doing well,
we are pleased to learn. Mr. and
Mrs. Combs would gladden Pres
ident Roosevelt's heart, as they
have eight children, the oldest
daughter being nineteen and the
youngest six months.
Miss Daisy Clark was quite
badly injured about two weeks
1 T 1 Oil 1
ago. one jumpea on ner onet-
and nony in the yard on her
father's farm in Glen Rock pre
cinct, intending to ride down to
the barn. The pony ran under a
wire clothes line which struck
Daisy in the mouth, cutting and
bruising lips and gums and
throwing Daisy off backward,
rendering her unconscious for
awhile. She was considerably
The County Commissioners of
Nemaha county, Nebraska, wil
meet as a board of Equalization
June 9, 1908, as'provided by the
statutes of the State of Nebras
ka. W. A. Doolittle,
Rev. G. W. Ayers preached
the baccalaureate sermon at the
Methodist church Sunday night.
On account of the rain the church
was only fairly well filled. The
sermon was a fine one, full of ex
cellent advice not only to the
graduates but to all young peo
ple. Special music was furnished
by members of the choirs cf both
Sam Gillespie and Jimmy Cur
tis went out in the country Tues
day after a load of corn. Com
ing back three chickens got on
the corn in the edge of town and
the boys drove on to the barn
with them, but the owner fol
lowed them in and claimed her
chickens, and came near whip
ping the boys for not driving
them off the wagon.
Nemaha camp No. G064, M. W.
of A. , at their meeting Tuesday
night initiated Bert Ogg and
Glenn Harger, and installed the
following officers: B. I. Colerick,
V. C; S. Cooper, adv.; W. W.
Sanders, clerk; J. H. Seid, bank
er; L. S. Colerick, escort; Ernest
Alexander, sentry.
A meeting will be held Friday
night, when several candidates
will be initiated.
Hit vis hard, but did not put us
out of business.
Some of our canned goods have
labels torn and discolored. Con
tents are guaranteed all right,
These will be sold at reduced
A lot of shoes had boxes crushed
and will be sold at cost and below.
They are not harmed in the least.
Shirts, slightly soiled, at way
down prices.
We will give you bargains in
goods that are slightly damaged.
Come and see.