inn r wk muww nrtinirl If rWN llr Itlr Wrrli 'Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia lilt I? Irflrfil h,ch continuca lntormlttontly fori - Most Important Happenings of the Past Seven Days. it-. nh.A cr Interesting I 6ms Qa hered From all -arts ui ins wnu wumucmoeu into small bpace for tne uen- . . .. 1 eflt of Our Readers. Congressional. President Roosevelt has notified congress that he will veto the naval appropriation bill unless money Is ap propriated to pay for tho two battle ships authorized by the measure, By a vote of 215 to 8 the houso passod tho Tillman Joint resolution authorizing tho bringing of a suit to tnousanu ami an wore put inrougu in . ii . 1 t .. an nour. 1 Representative Hepburn of Iowa, L,el 1 I who has been conlincd to his home for threo weeks by Illness, is now con valescent. Miscellaneous The operation of extracting the porformed In New York on a specimen brought from the head waters of tho Atunzon river. no repine yiomeu ono-miru oi a teaspoomui ot serum wnicn is so strong mat it is saiu to e Bumcient to last tne worm lor ou years in the treatment of mallgnent diseases such as typhoid and scarlet fever and diphtheria. iiie tinusn cruisur umuiuiui a . mi n.tii-v I . . i l .1 1 - 1 u -. I reacquire the lands of the Oregon & ary IaHt wa9 iniirrcd t0 MlB8 Theodora . e - " ncaa - .m 3we o "torm an Important California railroad n Oregon shontB , Ncw York waa found dead "clent jrlTl A 1. proportion of tho population In some Tho largest batch of pension bills , bed ,n Par,8 recontIy. After an ln. ma be made u 'on 1 d,BtPrlct8 of tho cent of Frac0. This o receive favorable consideration h t the ttUthorltlM decided death J"' typo of habitation Is found hewn out the house at this session was passed rosuUod from tho obstruction of an ar- J"" of the chalk on tho French coast of recently. Tho bills aggregated over a tnr.. foi tho construction of two battle- atrucK Dy tne American nuer oi. i-aiui.y dajy . . . t m l n I I off the Isle or Wlglit and so uauiy aam- aged that It Bank In a few minutes carrying down 28 of the crew. A remarkable storm has swept over the south of England accompanied by violent northerly gale and low temper- aturo and In many places the snow drifts were eight feet deep. uie vuimuuMi suvuiiiuiuiii uuo ociu an invitation to the United States gov- ornment to have the battleship fleet visit Victoria and Vancouver while in tho Pacific. James Lally, charged with murder, was burned to death in a fire which destroyed the jail at Seneca, Kan. He o o,0Ho. trial n tho nhnriro nf having killed Herbert Jordan and is thought to havo set fire to his bed with suicidal Intent. Rev. Dr. F. Knluht Sanders has been elected president of Washburn collego at Topeka, Kan., to succeed Dr. Norman Plass. Before tho special grand jury at New York investigating the Metropolitan traction officials Thomas F. Ryan de- clared that 95 per cent of the stock of an tno rauroaoB oi tne country is wa- tor. I The 25U nine automoone race at Briarcllff, N. Y., was won by Louis Btrang in a GO horse-power Italian car. Tno time was 5 nours, 14 nun utes, 13 1-5 seconds. The gunboat Dubuque has been or dered to Caracas, Venezuela, to act as dispatch boat for Minister Russell In the United States court at Chi- cago juuge xvomsmu iius maueu iiu in- . i tr t. i i I t I ju.iutiuu Mbw.ot .a nminuniuK mum irom laamiiK IliVUKS I at Poughkeepslo on May 9, has beon granted to Harry K. Thaw. Tho ac tlon is a move to obtain Thaw's ro loaso from the insane asylum The American Newspapor Publish era' association in session at New York, adopted resolutions thanking President Roosevelt and severely cen surlng Speaker Cannon and Repre- Bentatlvos Payne nnd Dalzoll for their actions in connection with bills aimed at the print paper trust. The Kansas btate i-eaeration or Democratic clubs Is to hold a conven- tlon at baiina, Kan., on May is. Tho first tornado of tho season In Nobraska recently swept through Cum- ming county, and into Thurston county, Kiimm u.iuu iiuupm ,m i..j. u ""'"" w "v; " were ucuiruycu. In the recent Louisiana state elec- tlon tno uepumicans poueu less man 10 per cent of tho total vote cast. The federal grand jury at Topeka, Kan., has returned another Indictment against H. H. Tucker, Jr., secretary of tho Uncle Sam Oil company, charging him with using the malls with Intent to defraud. Catholics of the arch-dlocese of New Yoru aro celebrating the progress Catholicism has made since it was jornuuiy established there 100 years ago. Worcester, Mass., a city of 130,000 population has voted to Issue no moro saloon licenses nnd claims to bo tho largest city In tho United States, If not the world, to banish tho saloon. Admiral Evans has notified tho of- flcors of tho Hoot that ho will rejoin tho ships at Monterey, Cal, mo recent wind Btorm in uouisianai threo days, killed 350 pcrsonB and erl ously Injurod 1,200 others. Forty-slxj towns ropot serious loss and 2,500 dwellings were destroyed. John Douglns, a driller who was In the habit of Inhaling nntural gas as a stimulant, was found dead lying on tho ,ntform of a (lerrlck at iJartlcsvllle, ,,,1,1, l,L ,nl,tt, noI, t n vnii n imi uni 11 ihi io uiuuiu 1.1V0U iu i o"" 1 London iinstal authorities assert that , . .. I two nags 01 man containing vanmuiua worth $500,000 from that city woro stolen in iNew lorn recumi). A tornado swept over portions of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama recently leaving a trail of dead and Injured. The number of killed was es timated at 150 and the fhjurod at 400 t0 i08a n property and crops cannot J0 estimated. Tno Due de Chaulnos. who In Fobru Tne 100lh aniversary of tho found 1.... 41.., r'..ti,it .n hla was recently celebrated. All I tho high dignitaries of tho church iu this country woro present. An electrician at tho Union Pacific shops at Omaha has succeeded in ap plying the principles of wireless elec- trclty to an olectrlc motor car which runs in the local yards Tim hfiilv nf Horn.ivd WnrknnMn of Nmvton k,u1i wno wn9 accidentally HMot WMj0 travollng near Damascus by a gyrlan has beon placed aboard Uu5 BtcalMer Koenlg Albert to bo br0ught home Thn rn,,,lfin. Klu, Tn,irniii will be llirilo,i nVfir to th school of lournal- ,sm of the Univor8ity 0f Kansas for one dav and nn effort will be made " t .tinlonm tn n model coun - - Tho 8,)rem court of Nebraska has h98Ued a perpetual Injunction against tue state Lumber Dealers association enjoining It from all operations calcu ated to eliminate competition in tho sales of building matorlal. The secre- tary of the association Is alBO forbid den to carry on any of tho business of Uhj organization, Four men wore killed and three otb ers seriously Injured ln an explosion in a coal mine In Washington County Pa., recently. In an argument favoring the dhv U "B franchlsoment Mr. Griggs (Georgia) ln the house of .......H.,n. ,lw.l.l M,t ,... disfranchisement was necessary to In- 8Uro white control and the peace and nrosnority of the south. ti, nnn..hiinnn mnvnntinn hoiii in Arizona to select delegates to tho Na- tlonal convention snllt on tho dues- tlon of instruction and two sets of deleKates were selected prof gtnrr of the Chlcaeo unlver- slty( wno ba8 spont three weeks in the Biand 0f Luzon, expresses tho belief that tho Uegrltos of that region aro of fho snnin ranri na in nlormlnn of nun tri Africa In a rear-end collision between trol jey cars ou Pennsylvania avonue ln Washington Representatives Tawnoy of Minnesota nnd Haney of Indiana were painfully Injured. In tho federal court at Topeka Judgo Pollock has decided that tho State of Klltljms ha3 no riEhtf, of taw tn con - nnf,Hnn wuh ti,o control nf Oonn is nand in the Missouri rivor near Kansas clty. fni,A c.imtnmn rrxt ft h.ia rendered a decision declaring the new loeal ontion law passod last year con- stltutlonal. Every point on which the law was attacked was pronounced valid by tho court. Personal Prof. Ephrlam Miller, who for 31 years has been at tho head of the mathematics department of tho Unl- verslty of Kansas, has boon teaching Gl years and has Just celebrated hla soventy-flfth birthday Secretary Taft Is to mako another trlp to Panama this spring. A number of questions between tho United States and Panama and botweon Panama and Colombia will bo negotiated during the secretary's stay on tho Isthmus. Mra w E staniey of Kansas and Mrs. D. w. Busiinoll or Iowa woro among the vlco presidents elected at tho recent convention of tho Daugh- ter8 of tho American Revolution in Washington Frank Mooro, superintendent of tho composing room on tho St. Paul Pioneer Press, has celebrated tho fiftieth anniversary of his connection with that papor. Lieut. Gen. Lmovitch, aide do camp, to tho Russian emperor, is doad at St. Petersburg of pneumonia. sir Henry Campbell Bannerman. who recently resigned tho ofllco of prlmo minister of England, Is dead ln London nfter a lingering Illness. IIo was 22 years of ago and had been prominent ln British politics for near- ly half a century. a division of far oaBtorn affairs of the state department has been created I by Secretary of State Root. I I f 4 A llt..i .! i,i mtt. I (SU tUllliail V.IIIII1IIUI IlllW UIHV IIS - kMUt ONLY TWO 1ATTLE8HIPS. Senate Turns Down the President Same at Did House. By nn overwhelming vote I'rosldcnt Roosevelt's four battleships program felled In the senate Just as It did In the house. The amendment for four battleships was Introduced by Senator pnos and tho flgnt for Its adoption kaB jed by Sonfttor Beverldgo. Twon- ... .l . .... .1... 1.. r .. iv.inrfln vnim wnri cui 1111 uiu 111 UIWUOCU JJlUfclUIll, IHVT uuiuuui IllltjVij be,ng adc p of rOCOntly-elected sen aU)rs pfty Bonators voted to sup .tnrt tht. ,.. nni, i,n recommenda tkm of thQ sonato nuvai coinmltteo In v ..v. .-... - favor of building only two battleships, It was developed by Si'iiator AUI son during the debate that there Is n well-aCIineu UUuerauiuillllg among Uie senate leaders for tho authoriza- conditions which ennblo thorn to pro tlon of two battleships each year u vide comfortablo homos for tholr fam i .. . . . . i 1 .i .. i uina nr n minimum nnur Bhlps nnd two colliers and tho pur- chaao of three additional colliers, the construction of submarines and other r tl fill 111 fl'nU (lt 111 nocessary vessels and an Increase in the pay of officers and enlisted men as well as Increasing both the pay and strength of the marine corps. That the president, on tho whole, Is pleased with tho result of his efforts with congress on this subject Is manifost. Ho firmly believes In tho ability of the United tatcs to dlctato tn? naval policy of the world In the futuro FLEET ITINERARY APPROVED. Battleships Leave 8an Francisco for the Orient In July. President Roosevelt approved an itinerary for tho Atlantic battleship fleet on Its wav around tho world, nr.vorin- th irin tn tho ih lllnnlnes. --.... -..V, v..,, . up to China and Japan and then bnck to Manila. According to this IHnp.rnrv the flnnt will leave Sail Fran caco Juiy 7 arriVo at Honolulu July 1f; rPn,ain 'SOvpn davs- arrive at Auckland August 9, remain six days; arrjvo at gyndey August '20, remain D Anv. va -nt Afxlhntirnn All. -..o On .nnln .laVO- nrrlVfl nf . "T" .! " , a "w " C ,V ber 11, remain six days; arrive In J " 'P L f vnlL 7 1" ""lV ll tlun2 . ,.: emain,.?n 7, ..L.L. "i "Gel Will 01 U1VIUCU, UIU Hist allium fleet will be divided, the first squad- ron 6olnB to Manila and scheduled to TVr there October 31. me second Blu"u,uu w,u 10 there October 2, and attor a stay or alx day8 win g0 to Man,laF reaching there November 7. . 8HOOT8 HALF-BREED INDIAN. Youth at Valentine Protecfjs Home Against Prowler. A little shooting affair took placo at Valentine. Neb., Saturday night when Ed. Cohota, a 17-year-old boy, shot Samuel Bordeaux in the hip. it happened nt the Cohota restaurant. The Cohota family lives In the restau- rant building. At ten o'clock some one rapped at one of the rear win- dows. The son Edward, asked who was thore but got no answer. In a short time the rap was again heard They lived by preference In capa and the boy asked again but still no clous rooms hewn out of tho rock. reply. He then went and told his father who told him if the party did I nnf nnrjittflH Un nnvl tlmn In lof the revolver nnd ahoot. When ho heard the rapping the boy asked again and getting no reply shot through the window, hitting tho fellow, who was outside. In the hln. Tho wound was not dangerous and tho follow skipped out the next mornlnir after Retting hl hln rtrossed. No motive is known for tho fellow's actions. He was a half-breed Indian from the Rosebud agency. No arrests weie made. CHARGED THROUGH A WINDOW, A Dream of Future Greatness Dis astrous to a New York Recruit. Tho dream of becoming a general in the army, in which Edmund Hynes had been indulging, ended sadly ln a nightmare. Preparatory to undergoing a physical examination for tho pur pose of enlistment, Hynes was sleep Ing with Corporal Robert Phillips and Private Samuel Payno in tho army recruiting office, says a New York dispatch. Ho sprang out of bed, stood at attention for a minute, still sleeping, called out, excitedly: "To tho front, boys, to the front, with mo!" and charged through a closed window, fulling Into n basement IB feet bo- low. Ho sustained a badly lacerated head, body contusions and internal Injuries. His recovery Is doubtful. Boycott is Effective. Tho boycott by China on the Japa nese has become so effective in tho southern part of China that tho Toyo Kisen (Orlontnl Steamship Company) has temporarily suspended its South Amorlcan service, as tho steamers of tho line aro unable to obtain passen gers and freight. LIVE IN GAVE HOMES FRANCE THE LAND OF MODERN TROGLODYTES. Cons s Iderable Portion of Population In Some Districts .Inhabit Homes Hewn Centuries Ago Some Extremely Comfortable. New York. Most persons will bo nnrnrlnnrf In lonrn Hint Vrnnnn In rn. gardod as a land of troglodytes. Hut they nro not barbarians or savages. On the contrary, most of thorn aro In- duatrlous and thrifty folk who havo uuiiibu niuat iiiiuuiKuntiy uiu niiuuiui ilies at a minimum cost. districts of northern France. But A House at Bourre. these cave dwelling, are not to be compared in numbers with thoso ln central France, and especially ln tho middle basin of the Loire, where tho groups of troglodytes are most donse. They are found wherever cllffa of ..... .... wane limestone, a marKeu reature in mo geoiogy or mis region, use aoovc tne general level, rnis umestono, ai ,n0Bt inexhaustible ln quantity, Is vory compact, but Is easily worked and vast quantities nro quarried for build ,UB purposes, ",UUS w,u ouu unj..tM tl. l. ,I,IJ1. f l.. .....I n.nn.lnl " " lUt 1UIUUU 13IIIIIBU1 U1T tween tho Loire and Its tributary, the Cher, it rises in escarpments on the , nmn r n,nrnni. wllh ortl"0,al ,nl",bll,!,1 roUo9- Th0' '""-.oraMo atong .!, I.,.,r, from Q'en to Saumur. Af m . j Amhnlnn Ann In fhfl BuburbB of Tour8 manjr of the atablca am, outhouaea of the dwoiUnga are in the ground In tho Vallev of the Cher the cliffs for over jg mies fr0ni Chenonceaux to Saint-Algnau, are honeycombed with subterranean dwellings, most of the people living in these caves, not only tho poor but also the more pros perous peasants, and even many of tho bourgeois. The chateaux also use these caverns as kltchons, chambers and lunch rooms, and house some of the llvo stock In them. Tbo town of Bourro Is a typical vll jag0 0f cavo dwellers. All along tho cliffH tho visitor aces tho doors and windows of the cave houses, and their chimneys rising above the rocks. Un- til recently none of tho peoplo hero built houses. Many of tho rlchor among thorn now llvo ln houses on the surface, but tho DTAflf tYinlnrltv fim fltHI fit H tl f 111 to Ihfl cave dwellings which tholr fathers dug, There are good reasons for their choice. Tho summer sun pours its scorching intensity upon theBo valleys, but the cave dwellings are always cool T"cy havo tho samo equable torn poraiuro Hummur unu wnuur. wuny ui I .i i a. -ar.. them havo been utilized for conturlos and nobody Is nshamod of them. Pco plo do not speak of their houses, but of their caves. The rooms ln the caves aro usually WILL NOMINATE MR. BRYAN. choice of Nebraska Delegation Has Fallen on I. J. Dunn. Omaha, Neb. Ignatius J. Dunn has been selected by tho Nobraska dele gation to the national Democratic con vention ln Denver to nomlnato Wil liam J. Bryan for president. Mr. Dunn is one of the four delegatesat large selected by tho Nebraska con vention. Ho Is city attorney of Omaha and has been Identified with Democratic politics In his home state for 12 years. Ho Is a strong supporter of Mr. Bryan, a brilliant orator and an attorney of high standing In Omaha. During tho Internal dissen sions which havo rout tho Demo cratic prty from tlmo to time he has managed to strike a happy medium, and now represents a united part) in Nobraska. Unassumine and or a qulot disposition, Dunn Is novertho loss considered equal to tho occasion for which ho ha.a boen selected. IIo has a well rounded, clear voice and on the same level, but if the rock roof s high enough there in oftea a second) atory supported by posts and reacho by stone steps carved out of the nld wall. What a fortunate follow is the troe odyto! If mo io elbow room is neoded as his family grows he has only to tako his pickax and ndd length or width to the domicile. If ho wants a Ittlo more light or nlr ho knocks an other holo or two In tho front wall. If tho little folks disturb tholr grand parents ho can dig out a new room for the old people. Ills stable Is prob ably next door to tho living room, and the cow, chickens nnd goats llvo under tho common rock roof. Sometimes tho dwelling Is reached by stops from tliq outside, but frequently a passage cut through tho rock leads to tho room. Usually thore are sufficient windows for light and ventilation, and tho liv ing room lacks no nppcaranco of com fort. It Is light and large. The cupboard, the oak table, the kneading trough, n looking glass, a chest of drawers and a few prlntB or colored pictures nro arranged along the stone walls, and behind curtains are a bed or two In recesses dug out of tho rock. On one sldo Is tho old- fashioned llreplnce and oven where tho cooking Is do no, and tho chlmnoy affords a most vigorous draught. One of the moHt striking character istics of theBo subterranean dwellings Is the complete lack of humidity on the walls, in which respect they differ from most, nntural limestone caverns. No doubt thero aro many thousands of pcoplo In crowded cities wIioho hab itations cannot comparo in comfort and hcnlthfulness with the cavo dwell lngs of central Franco. NEW HOME FOR SEAMEN. Imposing Twelve-Story Structure to Be Erected In New York City. New York. Final plans propared for tho now building of tho Seamen's Church institute are made public in the annual report of the institution How 8eamen's Home Will Look When Completed. which ha Just come from the press. Tho structure Ib to stand at South street and Coentlcs slip, and on ac count of its location near the shipping It will be csneclallv available as a haven for tho sons of tho Beven seas. The entire cost will be in tho neigh borhood of $000,000. Plans drawn by tho architects show a quaint lanternllko tower, to be used for the display of llghtB which will be the code of signals of the institute. Tho structure will be of brick and Umestono, 12 stories in height, and will occupy a plot 100x100 feet. On the main floor will be the shipping bureau and offices. It will be used as an oxchango where seafaring men may obtain employment. Tho restau rants and kitchens will bo In tho base ment. Tho first lloor will bo dovotod to billiard and recreation rooms. The largo assombly rooms will occupy the second and third floors. Upper floorB of the Btructuro will be given up to sleeping quarters for 400 Bailors and 100 officers. Perhaps hard cash was so named becauso It has always been so hard to get. will bo able to mako himself hoard In all parts of the big auditorium. Just Retribution. A hostlor has just been admitted Into tho hospital at Cloveland, O., suf fering from severe injuries, the result of a horse's kicks. Tho horso be longs to a circus, and tho man states that ho waa trying to teach tho animal to "spell phonetically," whon It at tacked him. Illustrated Sunday Maga zine. A Novel Barometer. It hns taken a clover Frenchman to discover a kind of barometer which may bo safely called unlquo. An Eng lish Journal says it Is nothing moro nor loss than tho figure of a gonoral, mado of gingerbread. Ho buys ono evory year, takes It homo, nnd hangs It by a string on a nail. Uncle Eben on Talk. "A mau llkeB to hear hisso'f talk bo well," said Undo Ebon, "dat mos con vocation looks Jes' llko two peoplo Im patiently waltln' delr turns to Bay sum pin' !" Washington Star. A inlllli