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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1908)
VOL. Lll SO. 45 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1908 . i St ) A Jy J SATURDAY APRIL 1 1 Will be the Second Anniversary of the opening of THE NEW STORE We feel proud of the growth of the business which is largely due to the loyalty of our patrons. To show our appreciation of this loyalty, we invite one and till to a public reception in our store between the hours of 1 p. m. to 10 p. m., April 11. At this time we will show the finest line of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to Nemaha. Varieties, Styles and Prices too num- EARLE GILBERT I Both Phones NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn Old papers for sale at this office. A nice new lot of furniture at E. B. Lbr. Co. Don't fail to get our prices on furniture before buying. We can save you money. E. B. Lbr. Co. Criley, photographer, Auburn. See M. T. Hill's sample books for wall paper, at Mrs. Theo. Hill's. E. B. Lbr. Co. have a fine line of harness on display. Don't fail to see them, if in.need of harness this spring. Miss Minnie May went to Peru Tuesday evening, returning the next morning. Mrs. C. T. Minick came in from DeWitt Monday afternoon, returning Tuesday. J. S. Hadlock, painter, paper hanger and decorator, had some business cards printed Tuesday. Miss Lissa Colglazier and Miss Clara James of Stella visited Mrs. 0. E. Houtz a few hours Sun day. An extra train Sunday brought in a number of loads of rock from the west, leaving them on the sidetrack here. Mrs. Geo. Yackley, who has been visiting in Kansas for three or four weeks, returned home Friday afternoon. St. Deroin now has two gener al stores, Ira Lunsford having recently opened a store in oppo sition to Wm. Filmer. Jv 4444 I CALL AX And See the Beautiful Display of . I ! Easter Millinery ! Louie Kerker has been on the sick list this week. Smoke La Rosa 5c cigars, by all dealers in Nemaha. Sold Miss Inda Thorn is now clerk ing in Wm. Filmer's store. J. N. Colglazier of Shubert visited Nemaha friends Tuesday. Miss Jessie Withee of Stella has been the guest of Miss Anna Knapp since Sunday. Harry White and Ivan Had lock went to Dawson Thursday to go to work on theBurlington fence gang. Our Harness are made of good leather, first rate workmanship, and the price is right, too. E. B. Lbr. Co. Mrs. Willard H. Dressier of Omaha arrived in Nemaha Wed nesday on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Dressier and family. Received a car of pure Michi gan salt in barrels, or 25, 50, or 100 pound sacks. Also some nice ' ump rock salt. E. & 13. Lbr. Co. . The A. K. Sunday school class in the Christian Sunday school had 42 members present last Sunday just two-fifths of the entire attendance that day. Mrs. 0. E. Houtz is the teacher. Read the advertisements. Next Tuesday is village elec tion day. W. F. Keeling returned from Lincoln Saturday. Fred Crane has moved in the Stilwell property in the west part of town. Mrs. Florence Jarvis went to Wabash, Nebr., Saturday to visit relatives. Miss Daisy Clark returned to her home in Glen Rock precinct Saturday, after a six days' visit in Nemaha and vicinity. M. C. Gaskill, a former resi dent of Nemaha, but who has been living near Syracuse, has moved to Nebraska City. Jas. A. Stephenson has had a part of the large porch on the west of his house enclosed and finished up for a kitchen. C. W. Robertshas had a small addition built at the northeastern corner of his house, over the cis tern. C. F. Zook did the work. The name of C. A. Curtis was accidentally omitted when the directory of the Auburn Tele phone Co. was printed for Nema ha. Ho has No. 57. Homer Stokes, deputy for the Modern Woodmen of America, was in town over sunuay. uo mer has secured a class of over 20 for a new camp at Howe. Mrs. G. W. Chapman, who has been visiting Mrs. S. Yates and other relatives for a week and a half, returned to her home at Pleasanldale, Nebr., Monday. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A FOR ONE WEEK We will put our Armor Side Corsets on sale. These are regularly worth $1.00. Our price will be for this week only, sizes range from 19J to 30 inches in size 79c. We have some very pretty things in Goods for making Spring Skirts. Gome in and see them, Bring Us Vour Chickens, Butter and Eggs. JNO. W. RITCHEV J Both Phones No. 20 it it it it it S : S it A A At Ar NEMAHA, NEB J A Mr. and Mrs. Prank Sherwood went to Shubert Tuesday even ing to visit friends, returning Thursday morning. w The Methodist Sunday school contributed two cases of eggs to the Methodist hospital at Omaha. They were shipped Wednesday. Mrs. W. W. Seid has about a hundred little chicks that are now two weeks old and getting along line. They were hatched in an incubator. Ralph Ritchey went to Lincoln . ... . . , . Monday to take the civil service Dr W. W Frazier started for examination the next day for Frankun, Nebr., luesday even :i tt 1 i 1 ing, where he was called to as- Wednesday evening. Mrs. E. A. Ebbs of Shubert sends us $2 on subscription. New directories have been printed for the Nemaha exchange of the Auburn Telephone Co. They can be had on application to the central office. C. J. Skinner, who is teaching the McCandless school in Aspin wall precinct, went to Omaha Wednesday to take the examin ation for mail-clerk. The rain Monday and Tuesday made the roads rather muddy for a little while. Alf Kinton came to town Mon day forenoon to tell us we were having a nice rain. Mrs. E. H. Knapp went to Brownville Tuesday morning, re turning in the evening. J. S. Hadlock has been doing considerable painting and paper ing in Nemaha and vicinity re cently. Mr. Hester, a prominent farm er and stock raiser of Dundy county, was a Nemaha visitor Saturday. Elmer E. Allen has bought the Galbraith property in the north east part of town. He will have it thoroughly repaired and put in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Rowen, who went to Colorado a month ago, did not like the sand hills and re turned to Nemaha Wednesday. They think more of old Nemaha county than ever now. Misses Lulu Hess and Laura Klein of Shubert, after a visit with Mrs. O. E. Houtz and Miss Ethel Sherwood, returned home Sunday. Melvin Houtz came up sist Dr. Smith in a surgical oper ation. He expected to visit E. L. Paris near Long Island, Kas., before he returned. The argument frequently ad vanced against the Poland China hogs, that they are not prolific breeders, is certainly not the case with J. H. Seid's strain. He has four sows that have had 4G pigs this spring. Two sows had 10 pigs each, one 11 and one 15. There are 33 of the pigs liv- after them and also to visit his ing and doing well an average brother. of over 8 to the sow. M---: TO BE GIVEN AWAY One Fine Oak Rocker To the person purchasing the largest amount of goods for cash; j at our store at Nemaha, Nebr., between March 28 and April 2o, 1908. Sale closes April 25, at 5 p. m. Also FREE GUESSING CONTEST on the number of kernels of popcorn in a ' quart jar. Every- I body from 12 years of age and older is permitted to make one $ guess free of charge- Each one making a guess will be required j to register 1 heir name and guess. The following prizes will be given: t One Fancy Nickel plate Coffee Pot, for the nearest guess. $ One Good Enamel4 qt. Merlin Kettle, for 2nd nearest guess. J I One White Enamel Meat Platter, for theod nearest guess. $ This Contest closes at 4 o'clock'p. m. April 25. Free gifts on exhibition n our window. Come early and try to get one of these prizes. $ i Edwards Bradford Lbr. Go. 1 fi.44i i-