The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 20, 1908, Image 7

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Some Interesting and Peculiar Facts
as to the Feeling Among Span
ish Women Against the
Use of Water.
When I lived In Madrid the mother
of a very dear friend, Senora S.,
gave to me a terrible shock by tell
ing me that sho "never bathed in
water!" "Ah, in milk, then?" I had
exclaimed, wishing to make a record
as a guesser. "No, Indeed," was the
reply. "In champagne, no doubt!" I
bald, wishing to pay a compliment,
because tho family was fabulously
rich. "Wrong again," was tho quiet
reply. "I use an oiled towel, and
my maid rubs me down with a crash
hand cloth."
In Spain the dangers of bathing are
constantly set forth by some monks.
Originally the fair sex was warned by
monks, who practiced the doctrine
themselves, although tho reasons
therefor were not logical, that they
should remember the sad cases Of
Susanna Bathsheba and Count Julian's
beautiful daughter, La Caya, all of
whom owed the wreck of their lives
to too much bathing! To this hour
La Cava is mentioned as a warning
to all women not to wash themselves
with water. When one visits that
quaintest of all European cities, To.
ledo, ho is shown, upon tho banks of
the turgid Tagus, below Wamba.'s pal
ace, built In G71, an alcove In which
La Cava was wont to bathe.
One day Roderick, last of the Goths,
beheld her there, and the result was
quite similar to Hathsheba's experience
with the sainted David. To mo the
story sounded like a warmed-over ver
sion of the Judean escapade; but I
stood in the arched alcove, with tho
water llowing at my feet, and, al
though there is an Arabic inscription
over the Moorish arch that shields the
place from the sun, hut not from the
surrounding palaces, I am bound to
But I am not dodging the bathing
question. The aqueous anathemas in
Spain extended not only to public but
to private washings. Many Instances
of these injunctions are historic For
example, Isabella, daughter of Philip
II., mnde a solemn vow never to
change her undergarments until Os
tetnd was taken, and as the siege en
dured three years three months and
thirteen days the "royal" garments ac
quired a tawny color, known, as "Isa
bel" to this hour. Southey relates
that the devout SU Eufraxia entered
Into a convent of ISO nuns, none of
whom had ever washed. To mention
a bath was an abomination, only to
be atoned for by application of tho
In the land of Castile castlle soap
is bought and used chiefly by per
fidious English and Americans. The
The Spanish Goths, rabid Christians,
didn't believe In washing their bodies.
Many a good fellow with enough
traces of Arabic blood in his veins to
insist upon a daily bath went to the
flames of tho inquisition. .lulius
Chambers, in Brooklyn Engle.
The Noise Later.
Tess I bear she had a very quiet
Jess Quiet? Oh, very! She ran
away with a young scapegrace.
Tess Ah! that's the kind of quiet
wedding that leads to a noisy di
An Obstacle.
"People ought to be warned against
the danger of celluloid collars."
"I know it," replied the editor, "but
the trouble is that the people who
wear 'em can't read." Philadelphia
London's Congested Traffic.
"Viscount and Viscountess Falkland
have left 70 Eaton square and have
taken 2C Upper Grosvenor street,
where they will arrive the middle of
November." London Morning Post.
Most Familiar with That Kind.
"Pa," asked one of tho little girls,
who had been looking at tho advertis
ing columns of the paper, "why don't
you take us to one of these continuous
performances sometimes?"
"uecnuse, my dear, signed papa,
"I am running a continuous perform
nnco of my own. I have to buy shoes
and schoolbooks for 11$ children."
Automobile Language.
Dyer What do you call your ma'
chine, 'an automobile or a motoi
Hartley I call it either when it
runs. .When it doesn't I call it other
A Callous Crew.
"And you refuse to eat your rubber
"With provisions plentiful," persist
ed tho men, "we do."
"Bah!" snarled the arctic explorer.
"Do you care nothing for tho sue
cess of my lecture, then?"
Prolific Silkworm Eggs.
One ounce of eggs will produce 30,
000 silkworms.
Writing from Saskatoon, Saskatche
wan, Canada, W. II. Ellwanger, who
was formerly a resident of Green
Mountain, Iowa, says: "The climnto
in summer is idoal for growing grain.
Long, elenr days of sunshine, no bad
stormr. Wo never need to guard
against cyclones; I never saw a better ,
climate in my life. We made more
money during the season of 1900 than .
any previous five years in central
Iowa one of the best districts in the
Btnte. But Mr. Ellwanger was a resi-
dent of the town, and it might be more J
interesting to rend what a farmer has
to say about Western Canada. From
hundreds of letters all lllled with
woVds of praise, recounting success in
Western Canada there has been one
selected. It is as follows:
Paynton, Sask., Canada,
Dec. 10th, 1907.
To Whom This May Concern:
I moved to this address February 3,
1907, from Montgomery, Iowa, and
took a homestead 35 miles north of
Paynton. It was cold when I moved
here but it did not stay cold long; it
broke up the 8th of February, and was
not so cold after that but the spring
was late on account of the heavy snow
fall, but in spite of tho late spring I
saw better grain than I ever saw in
the states, raised this year. I helped
a man finish sowing oats the lth of
July and they made fair oats. In a
good year oats will go 100 bushels to
the acre and wheat. 2f to &0; all root
crops do well here. I saw turnips weigh
7 nnd S pounds. I raised potatoes this
year that measured 11V inches
one way and lS1 the other in cir-
cumfcrence. This is a fine stock conn-,
t,,,.. 1...,. n ..hnnflntinn frnnil wnfni
tij. li.i In abundance, good vatci,
plenty of fuel, free and plenty of
building material the government
gives us timber to saw into lumber
., , ... . - - .
and we can get it sawed for about
?0.00 per thousand. All small fruit
grows wild here, then there are ducks,
geese, grouse, pheasants, deer, moose, ,
elk and fish in abundance. T was over
to Turtle Lake yesterday where there
is lots of fishing being done this win- i
ter. I saw about a carload of white
fish in one pile. I gave 25 cents for '
SO pounds of fish. What do you think
of that, Brother Yankee? I think this '
is a fine place both to make money
and to live. There was an old man up
here visiting his brother-in-law. Now ,
this man owns land close to Des
Moines, Iowa, and is in good circum- t
stances, .but Jie.took, a. homestead.. and
says he will be contented if he can
only put in tho rest of his days in
Canada. Ho would get up In the morn
and look out. of the door and say:
"Well, who wouldn't live in Canada?"
Now I have been In 13 different states
In the United States, and I never saw
tue cnance that there is here lor a
banco that there is here for a
,. . , , ,
that, has a little muscle and a
brains. Three cheers for Cana-
man t
da! (Signed.)
This Is the temperature through
November. I took it myself so I
know it is right, in the shade:
Morning nt
Morning Morning
Dnto at i,.;:' . Unto- t
1 27 37 10 28 35 ,
2 3G 40 17 12 20 1
3 20 37 18 12 29
4 29 34 19 20 33
5 27 30 20 2 24
0 30 38 21 IS 27
7 12 30 22 10 28 ,
8 28 34 23 15 27 ,
9 17 10 24 18 22
10 2 13 25 8 20
11 fi 20 20 32 28
12 28 . 20 27 20 1G
13 7 11 28 8 14
14 21 IS 29 18 20
15 20 31 30 IS 27
Result of Business Growth.
Recently a livery firm in a southern
town built a one-story frame addition
to its stable for the accommodation of
wagons, etc. Jerry, the night watch
man, whose long service has con
vinced him that he is part proprietor
of tho concern was overheard explain
ing tho matter to a couple of inmates
in this wise:
"Yes, our business done concreased
so dat wo'sbeen obliged to build dis
hyar substantial in do reah!"
$100 Reward, $100.
Tho rcftdern of tills paper will bo pleaded to learn
that there In at lean one dreaded dUuii'-e Unit aulunco
liui been nlilc to euro lu all Its utaKew. ami that la
Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is the only potltlvo
euro uow known to thu tuedluul fraternity. Catarrh
helrw u uoiiHtltilllomil dlni'iisa, reijulrurf n coiittltu
t Ion n I treatment. M'ltl'H Catarrh Cure In taken In
ternally, acting directly upon Urn blood and mucous
ourfucoH of tho ityKtom, thereby destroying the
foundation of tho disease, anil Klvlin; thu patient
ftreuKth bybulldlui: up tho constitution ami attaint
lni! nature f dolnit ltn work. Thu proprietor havu
no much faith In Itucurutlvo powora that thuy offor
One Hundred Dollars for any cao that It fall to
cure. Send tor llt of testimonials.
Addrcsa l .1. CHUNKV & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all DruKKltfts, 75c.
Tako Hall's Family 1111 for constipation.
The Only Way.
Cassldy Ah! well, no wan kin pro
vint w'ut'H past an' gone.
Casey Yo could if ye only acted
quick enough.
Cassldy Go 'long, man! How
could yer?
Casey Stop it before it happens.
Philadelphia Press.
This is really Hhcumatlsm of tho
MubcIcs of tho IiOlns and is character
ized by a severe, at times, agonizing
pain In the small of the back, allow
ing the sufferer scarcely a moment's
rest, while the nilment is at its worst.
It can como from cold, exposure to
draft, from getting feet or wear
ing wet or damp clothing. It causes
acute suffering, and if allowed to be
come chronic it may permanently dis
able tho sufferer. The way to securo
nl.l.l.....! ....)!.. I. i ..,..1.1 11..
"" ; l"
ovr tlie painful part by rubbing with
u 1 Irtish or piece of flnnnel rag,
m,,,,1t,,0n. "V,,ly S, C0tns IL b'
w" '
nu n-u...i
0ne of the conan,a t() , d rf
, ..... ,., . .. .'. .f?
a recent visit home, snld at a dinner in,
"The present shah will nevor be tho
equal of his predecessor. What a char
acter tho late shah was. Ho never
opened his mouth without saying
something worth repeating.
"Lady Drummond Wolfe once got
permission to visit tho shah's harem.
She took a friend with her, a MIbs
Blank, w'ho was about to be married.
The two English women wandered
over the splondld palace, among tho
hundreds or beautiful girls, and pres
ently the shah encountered them.
" 'Come here,' he said to Miss Blank,
in ills crude French.
"She approached. He looked closely
at her.
"'You are about to be married?' he
" 'Yes, your highness.'
"'It's late!'
Something New Under the Sun,
A lady in Illinois Hcnt tie I'Jc a year nco
fnr mil' ipiii:i rknlili' collection of Vi'ioliilili
and (lower mud and sold .IT.TO worth
therefrom, or made JHVfe. I Hat k now.
''Ust fi(-Mltl t'"S "otiec With J'JC Utld 10- ,
ccivo tllc mmt orif,ilmI ,ml nml I)Iunt
cattiloir published and
1 pkg. "Quick Ouick" Carrot $ .10
1 ,ri,!Ht1 V,'l,e 9,,b,,,l.,gc,,Y 12
1 pkg. kar befit Lnierald (ueumher. . .15
1 ,.. Ul CroKSC Markct u.tUlL.c I5
1 pkK. Early Dinner Onion 10
1 pkg. Strawberrv Mupkinelon 15
VVn ,itt:;rhVV..V!W.i ,10
flower beed 15
Total $1.00
Above is sufficient need to mow 35 Int.
nf rni'f.kit viuwt niilitu mill t limiwimrla n f liril.
ijnt flowers and all in mailed to you
postpaid fou 12c,
or if you kciuI 1(5c, wo will add apneknge
of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower, .lolm A
Salzcr freed Co., La Crosse, Wis. K. & W.
Out to Be Some Special Place.
On the way across the Styx a dia-
pute as to precedence arose.
"I used to put pig iron into life
i preservers," declared one shade,
j "I made rotten Hie hose," said tho
' other.
"Dump 'em both overboard, Charon,"
1 yelled Satan. "1 don't want em."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
' T., .. . . . ,, 0111l.(i
It h the judgment of many smokers that
( siiilo Binder 5c cigar equals in
quality the best 10c cigar.
Men make houses, but women make
homes. Danish.
? I raam wmaa-aamamwam rwi
Typical Farm Scene, Showing Stock Hailing In
Hoiiip of the cliolci'Ht IhikIk for jrruln tfrowlns- i
Htoek ralMiitf anil mUc-i liu inliiulii the new din
irli'lH or .siiKicatclicwan aim Aincrta nave ve
eeutl y been Opened for .Settlement under thu
Revised Homestend Regulations
Kntry may now Ix- made by proxy (on certain
roritlltioiiH), by the fnthei . moilii-r, Hon, iltttiKh-
ir, nrotnor or hister 01 an inuniiinir Home.
Ktcadcr. Thotihandu of licimi'HteiulHof 1UU aereH
fnc 1 1 an; thus now easily available In these
Trent, fjrnln-i.'i'nwlin,', Mock-raising nml mixed I
lannliiK hcutlons.
There yon will It ml healthful ollmate, kooiI ,
nel(:hboih,ihiii'iheF.foi' family woi'hhIt,helioolH
for your children, ;?ood Ihwh, Hplendld crops, I
and railroads veiilent lo market.
Kntry fee in eaell case is 10.00. Tor pamph- I
lot, "Last Hcbt Woht," pni'tlenlat'H tin to rates, (
roijteH, best tlino to o and where to locate,
apply t
801 New York Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska
Dye Successfully
Putnam Fadeless
I iimmm
Awtf etaWe Preparation Tor As
simitoting Hie Food and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digction,Checrful
nessandRcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narc otic.
Ffiip SOMDrSAWEimVirm
tin Sum
HormSrttd - ,
CUnfitd $kfr
Winkffrti. Yfitvr.
Aperfect Remedy forConstlp
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions .Fever i sh
ness and Loss of Sleep
Facsimile Signatuwjjf
Tire Centaur Company;
Jaranteed qndcr the Foodawjj
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Purest of the
in the land is not
always the
23 Ounces for 25 Gents
Is the result of
less. Does better work. You must
try it to see. Get a can on trial.
The baking will be vastly better,
lighter and tastier or we pay
for the
Ton si litis
is swelling and inflammation of
theglands al Hie side
used as a qargle and applied to
Hie outside of the throat reduce;
the swelling and gives instant relief.
for Croup, Quincy Sore Throat,
Drgncnins, Msrnma, rain in vnesro
Lungs this liniment is unsurpassed
5Ioon's Liniment is indispensable
when travelling because it is
penetrating , warming, soothing,
neoung ana unri&cpfic.
Price 2 5 50 i 61.00
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston.
MfTn. W. L. OoupFan muhna and sella morm "Tuft
mon'a Sit.SU, $3.0f) and $a.BOmhoom
man any tunnr- tnanutacturap in tna
Sko world, bacauso tticy hold their H&iJj
ah a no, fit battnr, warn longer, nnd
ro at araatrp valuo than any utlior htva
uhooB fn tho world io-dav. Wtt
W. L. Oouetas $4 and $5 Gilt Edcro Shoes Cannot
oWAVVtnfi. W. 1 DntmlaB namo nnd prlcolSBtamped on bottom. 'J'nlti'Rn Siili(lhttr.
hold lijr tho )( Bliofl dealer iTfrywliero. HUom mallpjl trotn factory to liny pint or thu world. Illus
tmtcd OatulOB In to any addiese, V. L.. liOlJUJ.AM, JUrocUtou, Muu.
Write for free Booklet "How to Dye, Blench nnd Mix Colors.''
Color double quantity of goods nnd better for same price of
ordinary dye At your druggists, 10 cents, or sent on receipt of price.
Dyes Monroe Drud Company, Quincy, Illinois
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
most costly.
modern Ideas. Costs
Jaques Mfg. Co.
of IhelhroaK
KVJFT ft P ?-Ji tvi u
'MM Fail
Bo Eauallod At Any Pice