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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1908)
WINTER WHEAT CROP MamraW''i The Bible a Universal Book By REV. A. C. DIXON, D. D., Pastor of the Chicago Arm. Moodr') Church, Chicago. The Hiblo is tiol Intended oxcln sively for Chris tians. The word "Christian" occurs In It. only threw times. The read ing of It makes Christians, and Christians g e t most out of it, for they believe, love and study its pages. Iiut the Hible is for the wicked as well as for the good. Us law, as Paul declares, Is for evildoers, while its Gospel is for all who will accept it. If you would trace the history of the material universe, you may have any theory of evolution or mutation, hut you will come at last to a point where you need and must have the first words of Genesis: "In the beginning God." If you study the history of na tions and would trace them to their origin and early developments, you cannot do without the Bible. If you. would know the history of jurispru dence and would be a well-eimlpped lawyer or judge, you must study the Hible, for it contains the foundation of law and all civilized nations. History of Literature. If you would study the history of literature you must know your Bible, for hundreds of thousands of volumes in our great libraries were written bo cause the Bible exists. Theology, which Is the science of God, the great est science In the world, Is unintel ligible without the Bible; and arch aeology, that fascinating . science, which with pick and shovel has un earthed the burled treasures of Egypt and Assyria, is inexplicable without the Bible. The poet's corner cannot be appreciated without a knowledge of the Bible. It will be conceded by all lovers of poetry that among the great est lingllsh-speaking poets are Shakespeare, Tennyson, Longfellow and Browning, and a knowledge of the Bible is absolutely essential to an understanding of any one of them. They teem with Biblical allusions. Milton and much of Byron are sealed books to the man ignorant of the Bible. Indeed, if you would write poetry, you cannot become great if you ignore the great thoughts about God, eternity, life, love and immortal ity which the Bible contains. Take out of English literature the classic books that demand a knowledge of the Bible for their proper apprecia tion, and you have blotted the sun out of our literary sky. The History of Art. Would you study the history of art in sculpture and painting, you must be acquainted with the Bible, for the best paintings of the old masters and the finest statuary were inspired for the most part by scenes and ideals drawn from the Bible. You must re main ignorant of the genius of Raph ael and Michelangelo If you refuse to know the Bible, for tho scenes and characters they depicted with brush and chisel were Biblical. The paintings of Dore, Tissot and Sargent, modern master artists, cannot be understood without a knowledge of the Bible. The great musicians, whose master pieces have thrilled the souls of mil lions, cannot be interpreted and ap preciated without a knowledge of the Bible. Handel's oratorios of the "Messiah," "Esther," "Saul," "Joshua." "Jephtha" and "Israel In Egypt," all of them masterpieces of musical compo sition, cannot be understood without a knowledge of the Bible. Mendels sohn's "Elijah" and Beethoven's "Mount of Olives" are enigmas with out Biblical knowledge. lie is "the Son of Man." There is something exceedingly emphatic in that expression. "Son of Man," writes Frederick W. Robertson; "our Master is not called the Son of Mary, but as if the blood of the whole human race were in his veins. He calls himself the Son of Man. He was not tho Asiatic. He was not tho European. He was not tho .lew. He was not the type of that century stamped with its peculiarities. He was not tho mechanic. He was not tho aristocrat. But ho was the man." No one could mistake Mohammed for such a "Son or Man." He was a son of Arabia, and nothing more. The Koran Is, therefore, a sectarian book, and Mo hammedanism is cruelly sectarian. Buddha was a son of India, and noth ing more. No one could mistake him for a "Son of man." His writings are, therefore, sectarian. They are not adapted to the occidental mind. Con fucius was a son of China, and noth ing more. His writings are therefore sectarian in their national narrowness. Zoroaster was just a son of Persia. Only Christ is the universal Man. HE REALIZED $38 PER ACRE. HIS OAT8 $37 PER ACRE IN SOUTH ERN ALBERTA, WESTERN CANADA. Coaldale, AHa, Can., Nov. 19, 1907. Sir: 1 beg to say that this year wo had 349 acres of grain, consisting of I 197 ncres of spring wheat and 152 j acres of oats. The average yield of wheat was 38 bushels per aero and oats 74 bushels. We were offered $1.00 per bushel for wheat and f0 cents for oats, making tho acre val ues for the two crops $38.00 and $37.00 respectively. We also had 50 tons of hay worth $13.00 per ton, and 500 bushels of po tatoes, worth 60 centB per bushel, tho latter off 2 acres of ground. Our best yields this year were 107 : cres of wheat, making 41 bUBhels per aero nt $1. 00 per bushel, would bo $41.00 per acre; 17 acres of oats, yield ing 95 bushels per acre were sold for 50 cents per bushel. Proceeds, $47.00 per acre. I might add that 50 acres of our oats were "stubbled in." During tho spring of 190C, we hired about 300 acres broken by steam. We put in and harvested 55 acres of grain last year, did the remainder of our breaking, worked up tho ground and seeded this year's entire crop, put in seven acres of alfalfa and five acres of garden potatoes, trees, etc., all with one four-horse team. During har vest we hired other teams, but, aside from this, and part of the breaking, the one team did tho work of raising practically 19,000 bushels of grain, worth $12,000. Yours truly, W. H. PAWSON, JR. WINTER WHEAT 25 TO 30 BUSH ELS TO THE ACRE IN SOUTH ERN ALBERTA. Give Them Titles? By granting titles of nobility to American men wo might stop tho flow of good American monoy Into tho coffers of titled foreigners who mnrry American girls, but tho remedy would bo worse than the disease. In Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smart ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It's the groatcst comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating foot. Sold by all Druggists. 25c. Accept no sub stitute. Trial package, FREE. Ad dress A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. Gone, Anyhow. Mr. Jawback That boy gets his brains from me. Mrs. Jawback Somebody got 'em from you, If you over had any that's a cinch. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Chocolate Pie Is Healthful. Choeoluto Im healthful and nutritious and chocolate pIch arc becoming very populnr. They arc uusy to ninko If you uso "OUK P1T5," Chocolato flnvor. Directions on pack age. Contains all Ingredients ready for In stant use. At grocerH, 10c. Order to-day. Comments. "Gertie He tried to kiss me! Mollle How impudent! Gertie But ho was interrupted! Mollle How annoying! Sudden Changes of the Weather often cause Bronchial and Lung trou bles. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" al. lay throat Irritation and coughs. Wo are told that a good name is more to be desired than great riches, but great riches will bo more success ful in keeping a man out of jail. 11 V the judgment of many smokers that Lewis' Single Binder fie cigar equate in quality the best 10c cigar. Quality Purity Warner, Alta, Canada, Jan. 9, 1908. Dear Sir: This Is tho first year of farming in this settlement. Mr. A. L. Warner raised twenty-live hundred and fifteen bushels of fine winter wheat on one hundred acres of break ing and Tenny brothers had sixty acres that went thirty bushels per acre. The winter wheat that is in this year looks fi ne. Spring wheat here went thirty bush els per acre, oats fifty to eighty, bar ley fifty, and flax ten to fifteen on sod. The settlers here are all well pleased with the country. The stock have not required any feed except the grass up to this date and are. all fat. Yours truly. F. S. LEFFINGWELL. (Information as to how to reach these districts, rates, etc., can bo secured from any agent of the Canadi an government, whose advertisement appears elsewhere. Ed.) It is her winning ways that often enable a woman to get the hotter of a man in the matrlmonaial game. ONLY ONK "IIKOMO OIIININK" That Is LAXATIVH 1IUOMO QllNlNK. 1,00k foi tho Hiftnuturn of K. W. UHOVI5. UsuU tho World over to Cure u Cold In Ono lhy. 'iov. Young: None think the great un happy but the great. .cflaBBBsBBsv aW H zSL i" a r aH HJk v.v.v.v 'wsjPHSBBBySBBBBfcaM' ' ' SBBB7 Heard at the Drama. Mrs. Ryetop John, how much time elapses between the second and third acts? Mr. Ryetop The program says six months, Maria. Mrs. Ryetop (aghast) Six months, John? Lands, we can't wait! Why, them buckwheat cakes I left to riz will have gone clear through the roof by that time. Billion Dollar Grass. Most remarkable grass of the century. Good for three rousing crop annually. One Iowa farmer on 100 acres sold $3, 800.00 worth of seed and had 300 tons of hny besides. It is immense. Do try it. FOB 10c AND THIS NOTICK send to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., Ln Crocse, Wis., to pay postage, etc., ana they will mail you tne only original seed catalog published in America with sam ples of Billion Dollar Grass, Macaroni Wheat, the sly miller mixer. Sainfoin the dry soil htxuriator. Victoria Rajie. t lie 20e a ton green food producer, Stiver King Barley yielding 173 Im. per acre, etc., etc., etc. And if you send 14c we will add a pack age of new farm seed never before seen by you. John A. Salzer Seed Co., La (.Youre, Wis. K. & W. The end and object of our existence should be work, or the legitlmate em ployment of all our faculties. H. R. Hawels. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. P.A:0K0,NT.KTJ.I, Kuaranteert to euro any cam f I chlDg. Blind, niaedlnit or I'rotrudlnic l'lles In 8 to 14 day or moner refunded. 60c. Some silence may be golden, but much of it is ironical. When Run Down After suffering for seven years, this woman was restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkliam's Arcfctnble Compound. Itcad her letter. Mrs. Sallie French, of Faucuunln, Ind. Ter., writes to Mrs. Pinkham : " I had female troubles for seven years was all run-down, and bo ner vous I co.uld not do anything. Tho doctors treated me for di ff erent troubles but did mo no good. While in this con dition I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for ad vice and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, and I am now strong and well." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been tho standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inllmnmal ion, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indies tion,dizziness,ornervous prostitution. Why don't you try it? Don't hesitate to 'write to Mrs. Pinkham it' there is anything about your sickness you do not understand. She will treat your letterin confidence andadvise you free. No woman ever regretted writing her, and because of her vast experience she has helped thousands. Address, Lynn, Mass. The Power Behind the Dough!. KC BAKING POWDER WE .OUNCES A)jH 25 Ounces for 23 Gents A real power that raises and sustains the dough with absolute certainty. No failures. A cake made with, K C cannot fall. We insist upon refunding your money if a trial does not con- vince you. MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC $worthof MERRY WIDOW F55ct,. On account of the fact that there is no copyright on tho music of this wondorful opera, wo aro enabled to mako this unusual offer. 25c Merry Widow Vocal and Instrumental Gems 25c THIS BEAUTIFULLY BOUND BOOK CONTAINS NINE NUMBERS "For I Love You So" "The SUly Cavalier" "For I'm a True Loving Wife" "Land of Our Home" "My Vllia" "The Lovely Women" "I'm Happy at Maxim's" "I'm So Parisian" and the celebrated Merry Widow WalU. All for 25c, postpaid 40 pages In all. I grow Inf, for yoa Lamp are glow Inf, love Merry Widow Gems complete, 26c. Postpaid. 6copiosfor$1.00. 10 copies for $1.50, ALSO 3 BIG HITS. 25c EACH "Dreaming" "Swecthoart Days" "I'm Afraid to Como Homo in tho Dark" ThtiiMj !l Souk IIKh mill Mnrry AVIilmv Hook 91.0(1 ontiull. Address JEROME H. REMICK &. CO., 1?1 West 41st St., NEW YORK The largest publishers and retailors of popular music In the world. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT mmm ii i i mo Capsicum-Vaseline. EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE . A 1 rm .ii DON'T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES KEEP A TUBE HANDY A QUICK. SURE. SAPE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.-PRICE 15c. IN COLLAPSIBLE TULiES MADE Of' PURE TIN AT ALL DRUCCISTS AND DEALERS, OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article arc wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head ache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children. Once used no family vill be without It. Many people say " it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise It is not genuine. Send your address nnd wo will mall our Vaseline Booklet deoorlblnn our preparations which will Interest you. 17 State St. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. Now York City MEMBER OFTHE FAMILY. MEN, B0Y8, WOMEN. MI80E8 AND CHILDREN. HgO IV. L. Oouglaa makam and mmllm mora man'm$2.BOf $3.00 and 93.BOahoaa than any other manufacture Inth MaW world, kaqauaa thay hold thalr1fo ahapo, ill battor, waar longar, and ttm aro of aro at en valua than any othar acrsr. ahoaa In tho world to-day. W. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Any Price HI!A II'PIIIV W T nnmli.-n.mA.n.l n.lnn ! .tn.firtAil fill tinttnm. HP; Hold bjr the N-st shun dcn'lrra rwywliere. Bboes wailed from furtory to any purl of the worlil. J tiated Catalog free to any uddren. W. Is. IIOIJUI.AN, llrnrkion, Mu 'nil llsnl Jixrlutmelus nke !V Nulittltiiti. I Utlt. PAPER'S HAIR BALSAM Rltititri ond tirautlflcs t htlr. Promote n lumriaiit growth. Hcvor Valla to Ilettoro Oray Hair to its Youthful Color. Curn ct!p dlirttrc It linir lulling. gQcDdtl-0t DruggltU PILES ANAI(E6l8Klvvn(isunt rullef. IH A HIMl'I.K CUHK. II at ilruirirlKtit or by mall. Bauililo KHKK. Aililrnn, "ANAKE8IS" Trlborio lildir., New Yohk. READERS of this paper da slrlnc to buy onv- thlnff advtirtlseri In Its columns should insist upon havinc what they ask for, refusing all substi tutes or imitations. with W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 10, 1908. Write for free Booklet "How to Dye, Bleach and Mix Colors." Color double quantity of goods and better for same price of ordinary dye At your druggists, 10 cents, or sent on receipt of price. Putnam Fadeless Dyes Monroe Druii Company, Quincy, Illinois Dye Successfully b as 'Nerve Prostration is one of the great troubles that come to weak women, as a result of neglected womanly ills. Pain acts on your nerves, like rust on steel, and some to take they simply go all to pieces. You can't build rusty steel back-again, and times you can't renew your nerves, so it's best to begin in plenty of time Wine of Cardui It will build up the resistance of your nerve substance. Mrs. J. Bennett, of El Paso, Tex., writes: "I suffered from pains in the back, and nervous prostration. 'After being laid up for three weeks, I took Oar- uui. j.NOWamingoocineaitn.77 Try Cardui. Sold by druggists, everywhere. WKIlfc FOR FREE BOOK Write for Fre 64-page Book for Women, giving symptoms, cautea, home treatment and aiuaDie ninia on met, exercttea, etc. Sent free on requeat in plain wrapper, ny nan io. iaiea- Advisory upi me cnattanooca aaeaictn no. cnauanooga, i enn.