The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 06, 1908, Image 2

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    Anollcatlon Put on File.
The Needy One I nay, old man,
could you lend me a dollar for a day
or two?
The Other One My denr fellow, tho
dollar I lend 1b out at present, and I've
uevornl names down for It when it
cornea back. Harper's Weekly,
Hog Cholera,
The Greatest drawback to the hog
Indufitry which breeders In this coun
try have to contend with Is what Is
known as "hog cholera" and "swine
Hog cholera Is a highly contagious
disease and unless checked Is liable
to carry off a groat number of hogs in
a very short time.
Mr. A. P. Williams, of Uurnetts
Creek, Ind., tells of an experience
which he had with somo hogs that
had the cholera. "Five years ago,"
says Mr. Williams, "I was in tho em
ploy of Mr. J. D. Richardson, Lafay
ette, Ind., as his barn foreman. Some
fine hogs that I was feeding took tho
cholera. I gave them Sloan's Lini
ment and did not lose a hog. Some
were- so bad they would not drink
sweet milk and I was compelled to
drench them. I have tried It at every
opportunity since and always find It
O. K."
Write for Dr. Sloan's free book on
the treatment of Horses, Cattle, Hdgs,
and Poultry. Address: Dr. Karl S.
Sloan, Gin Albany Street, Boston,
Sunday School Lessons for the World.
A power greater than that of kings
BoomB to havo been wlolded by tho
little group of thoughtful men who
gathered at tho Fenway rcsidenco of
W. N. Hartshorn to select the les
eons for tho Sunday schools of tho
world, sayB tho IJoston Herald. Every
year they gather to make this cholco,
and when a decision has been reached
tho lesBons aro handed out to the
printers and by them literally scat
tered over tho planet. Tho word thua
goes forth not In one hut in scores
of languages. Europe and Africa, east
and west, north and south, get theso
helps to religious study in tho vernac
ular. There is a supply for Hawaii,
Japan and tho islands of the sea. For
India alono 40 dialects havo to be pro
vided for. Somo noo.OOO.OOO Sunday
echool leafiots aro thus distributed
every year.
The Flatterer.
The tramp had applied to tho farm
er's wife for assiBtance.
"You havo a beautiful voice, lady,"
he said.
She looked interested.
"Havo 1?"
"Yes, ma'am; I'd rather hear you
say no, lady, than most other women
say yes."
Then she drove back tho dog and
gave the wanderer half a loaf and a
chunk of cold bbef.
On the Briny Deep.
Holma Leo (romantic and full of en
thusiasm) Isn't It delightful to sit
hero on tho deck and watch tho sun
sink to rest in tho boundless deep?
Hardy Porte (entirely empty) You
bet! It'll bo timo to eat again pretty
Pound Coffee Caused Hands to
The Burgeon's duties require clear
Judgment and a Bteady hand. A slip
or an unnecessary incision may do ir
reparable damage to tho patient.
When he found that coffeo drinking
caused liis hands to tremble, an Ills,
surgeon conscientiously gave It up and
this is his story.
"For years I was a coffee drinker
until my nervous system was nearly
broken down, my hands trembled bo I
could hardly write, and Insomnia tor
tured me at night.
"Besides, how could I safely per
form operations with unsteady hands,
UBing knives and instruments of pre
cision? When I saw plainly tho bad
effects of coffeo, I decided to stop it,
nnd three years ago I prepared some
PoBtum, of which I had received a
"The first cupful surprised mo. It
was mild, soothing, delicious. At this
timo I gavo somo Postum to a friend
who was in a Bimilar condition to
mine, from tho ubo of coffee.
"A few doyB after, I mot him and
he was full of praise for Postum, de
claring he would never return to cof
fee but stick to Postum. Wo then or
dered a full supply and within a short
time my nervousness and consequent
trembling, as well as insomnia, disap
peared, blood circulation became nor
ma, no dizziness nor heat Hashes.
"My friend became a Postum en
thusiast, his whole family using It ex
clusively. "It would be tho fault of the one
who brewed the Postum, If It did not
taste good when served.
"Tho best food may bo spoiled if
not properly made. Postum should be
boiled according to directions on tho
pkg. Then It is all right, anyone can
rely on It. It ought to becomo tho
national drink." "There's a Reason."
Name given by Posturii Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to
Wellvllle," in pkge.
Nebraska Advertiser
W. W. SANDERS, Prop.
Happy is the fnl victual who has
no grievances to mdress.
Japan will first make war on that
largo and overshadow;; deficit.
Billy Lush has resigned from tho
Ynlo football team. Hut lushing will
continue in the same old woy.
Hlghenrt, who died the other day,
was the richest Indian -in America.
An Indian doesn't have to live tip to
his name, any more than a whilo
Now York women may have tab
leaux vIvanlB as interesting as Chi
cago's, but It will be everlastingly
remembered in the smart set that
Chicago got there first.
The man with the hammer doesn't
always hit the nail right on the head,"
says tho Washington Post. This is
very true; he is engaged most of the
time knocking his fellow-man.
A bigamist in Britain is said tp have
married r00 times. And yet, so stub
born is tradition, they will probably
continue, In. England, to give the palm
of bravery to Xelson and Gordon.
Another Well-known French writer
on international politics declares that
war between the United States and
Japan Is Inevitable. Couldn't we get
the French to let us have peace If we
pal'd them well for Jt?
The World almanac gives tho stand
ing army or Japan as 220,000, figures
indicating that, a great part, of it is in
tho United States acting as spies anc
getting arrested to help out the poor
but deserving, newspaper correspond
According to a St. Louis physician
no scientific practitioner of medicine
recognizes any such disease as tho
grippe. But it Is pretty safe to sup
poso that they get rather angry il
their bill for its treatment is not
Gertrude Atherton has announce'.!
that "New York never makes up Us
mind about anything." After all, re
marks tho Baltimore American, It it
really interesting to discover that
New York has a mind. Tho general
impression is that It Is entirely
Tho Mont Cenis route, the oldest of
the Alpine through lines, is to follow
tho lead of the St. Golhard and Sim
plon routes and employ electric trac
tion on its mountain division. Under
the stress of competition of the more
recent lines, the French government
has also double-tracked tho approach
to tho tunnel on Its sido of the moun
tain, and the Italian government will
carry this double-tracking to Turin.
Ono of tho English "suffragettes,"
who tried, but vainly, to start tho doc
trine of forco In this country, has been
telling London that suffrage Is
checked In this country by tho gallant
ry of tho men, who say the women
can havo anything they ask for, and
by the folly of tho women, who reply
that they have already everything
they want. She seems, with true
British densenesB, to be utterly obliv
ious of tho excellent showing she Is
making for us all around.
Cable lines look straight enough as
seen on the maps, but they are any
thing but straight as they He on the
ocean floor. Dr. Klotz of Canada salt!
In a recent lecture that tho great. Pa
cific cable, 8,000 miles long, between
Vancouver and New Zealand was
timo and again dollcctcd from a
straight line between the island sta
tions at which It touched In order
to avoid towering submarine moun
tains or craters or ground that was
hard or otherwise undesirable as a
resting place for the cable.
Tho Ohio state flro marshal has been
looking up the records and makes the
announcement that last year In the
United States parlor matches caused
a loss of $2,000,000 and 500 lives.
That is a serious and trogic mattor.
But it is not fair to lay the blame
wholly on the matches. They may
bo dangerous, but as a rule they do
not start tires spontaneously. It Is
tho human factor that must, bo reck
oned with, and unfortunately, there
is a great deal of carelesness,
thoughtlessness and stupidity In tho
According to a tablo contained in
tho annual report of tho Carnegie
Foundation showing tho annual in
comes of nearly 500 colleges and
universities in this country, thoro
aro only four with Incomes above
a million dollars. Theao four aro
not specified by name, but tho Bos
ton Herald suggests that presum
ably they aro Harvard, Columbia,
tho University of Chicago and
tho Stanford university. Tho In
comes of half of the wholo COO
raugo all the" way from $10,000 to
$50,000 only.
'Attack on Hla Home and Family
Caused Him to Resign.
In tho lobby or the New Wlllard 1
found an elderly gentleman who had
been a friend of Hoscoe Conkllng. Ho
"It does not seem like Washington
to mo without Roscoe Conkllng. I
miss that imperious form stalking
above tho avenues. Never," ho con
tinued, "can I forget the day that Ros
coe Conkllng resigned. There was
great, excitement over President Gar
field's appointment of tho Now York
collector of the port, and that was
the last straw that, decided Conkllng
to act. His feud with Ulalno was then
at its hvlght, and as Roscoe Conk
ling sat that morning in his accus
tomed place, It was noticed that his
face was paler than usual as ho
pointed out a newspaper paragraph.
" 'I can bear It all until It comes to
that,' ho said. 'When they attack my
home and my wife that 1b tho end of
public llfo ror me.' When the sacred
ness of my family lire Is trailed In
tho dust, that Is too much I am
going home, never to return here.'
"Tears glistened in his eyes as he
pushed back the half from his fore
head and said: 'Now I am going home
to earn monoy in my profession and
pay the debts that have accumulated
while I have been trying to help
"He retired from public life, and it
was a great satisfaction to him that he
paid $40,000 of accumulated debts
within one year; no lawyer at that
time could command a higher fee than
Roscoe Conkllng." Joe Mitchell Chap,
pie, in National Magazine.
Strong Passion for Gold.
Don Marino Torlonia, of the ducal
ramily or Torlonia or Rome, said at a
dinner party in New York that a cer
tain American millionaire reminded
him or the famous Roman miser, Ar
pngnio. "Let. me," said the tall young man,
smiling, "show you what a tremendous
miser Arpagnio was. As he lay dy
ing In his cold, dark, bare palace of
stone on the Corso his one thought
was that, since he was too ill to eat,
a full lire a day was being saved on
the food bill. The doctor was an
nounced. The doctor, after feeling
Arpagnio's pulse, looked grave.
" 'Well,' said the miser, 'how much
longer have 1 to live?'
" 'Only half an hour,' was tho reply.
"Arpagnio's eyes Hashed lire.
" 'You 'scoundrel!' he cried. 'Why
do you let things run on to the last
minute like this? Do you want to
ruin mo? Send for the barber at
"The barber arrived post haste.
'"You charge.' said Arpagnio, '20
ceutcsimi for shaving?'
" 'Yes, signor.
" 'And for shaving a corpse five
" 'Yes.'
"Arpagnio glanced at the clock.
Seven of the 150 minutes left him still
" 'Then shave me quickly,' he
"As the operation finished Arpagnio
died. But. with his last breath, smil
ing happily, ho murmured, whilo the
barber dried his cold, pale cheeks:
'"How splendid! Four lire and 80
ceutcsimi saved! "
Church Suppresses Melodrama.
The Russian church has intervened
to suppress a melodrama played to
crowds of the poor In St. Petersburg
and the provinces. It deals with the
precepts of the Johannltes, who ex
ploit the fame of Father John of Cron
stadt. They exhort all believers to
make confession to Father John, who
will gather together In Cronstadt 144,
000 of the blessed and then "leave the
earth." Moreover, all children, ac
cording to their afllrmatlon, who are
now born are "little devils," who must
be "stamped out" Immedlatelv after
The Sphinx and the Infinite.
I can Imagine tho most determined
atheist looking at tho sphinx and, In
a flash, not merely believing, but feel
ing that he hud before him proof of
the lire of the soul beyond the grave,
or the life of the soul of Khufu beyond
tho tomb of his pyramid. Always as
you return to the sphinx you wonder
at it more, you adore more strangely
its repose, you steep yourself more
intimately in the aloof peace that
seems to emanate from It as light
emanates from the sun, And as you
look on it at last perhaps you under
stand the intlnlto; you understand
where is the bourne to which the
Unite flows with all its greatness, as
tho great Nile (lows from beyond Vic
toria Nyanza to the sea. From Rob
ert 1 lichens' "The Spell of Egypt," in
the Century.
His Regret.
She Did you toll papa tho lib about
the raise you expected in your salary?
He (gloomily) Yos, I did.
She And what did he say?
He He borrowed $20 off me on tho
Poet Banker Threw Awayand Bought
Back His Own Property.
Edmund Clarence Stedman, the poet
banker, had a high temper and was
exceedingly sensitive. One day, exas
perated by tho crass stupidity of a
servant, he threw a book at his head.
Tho boy ducked and the book sailed
out of the window. After It hurried
tho menial, but ho was too late; a
passerby had picked it up and walked
off with it. Stedman began to wonder
what book he had thrown away, and
to hlB horror discovered that It was
a quaint and rare little volume for
which he had paid $50. His chagrin
was Intense, as tho work was almost
unique and the prospects of replacing
it were remote.
Some time afterward, when brows
ing In a second-hand book shop, our
splenetic poet banker perceived to his
great delight a copy of the very book
ho had lost. Ho asked the price. "It's
very rare," replied the dealer, "but as
you are an old customer I'll let you
have it for $40; nobody else could
havo it for less than $G0." Stedman
gladly paid the $40, got home with his
treasure as soon as possible, and sat
down to gloat over it. A card dropped
out of the leaves. It was his own.
Further examination showed that he
had bought back his property. It
cured him of casting books at serv
ants' heads. New York Press.
Mrs. Intheswim Intended to Draw So
cial Line in Heaven.
The minister had drouned in to tea.
and tho conversation had drifted
through various channels to the oues-
tlon of whether or not we should know
each other in heaven. Presuming that
our physical beings would be perpetu
ated, and that recognition would be as-
sured, the minister had asked various
ones at the table among whom the Bib
lical characters thev would ha moat.
interested in recognizing.
borne mentioned one uronhet and
some another, but one lady, noted for
her social exclusiveness, had not
spoken. Turning to her the minister
said: "And who would you like to meet
In heaven, Mrs. Intheswim?"
Mrs. Intheswim pursed her Hdb. "I
really don't know," she said, "but there
Is one thing I do know, and that Is
that I shouldn't care to meet Eve. In
fact, I don't know that I would sneak
to her if I did!"
Where It Belongs.
"Excuse me." said the nlavwrieht to
Ills friend who1 was" hissing the piece,"
"do you think it is good form to hiss
my show when I gave you the ticket
that admitted you?"
"Certainly," resentfully replied the
friend. "If I'd bought a ticket I would
have contented myself by going out'
side and swearing at myself." Suc
cess Magazine.
All Beach.
Wilfred was sitting upon his fa
ther's knee watching his mother ar
ranging her hair.
"Papa hasn't any Marcel waves like
that," said the father laughingly.
Wilfred, looking up at his father's
bald pate, replied, "Nope; no waves;
it's all beach." Harper's Weekly.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully everv bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature olCttJtX77,
In. Use For Over iio Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Chance for Some One.
A New York man had forgotten all
about a $20,000 deposit he made in the
Knickerbocker Trust company back in
1884. Perhaps you have a foreotten
deposit somewhere. Think think
From October to Mny, Colds are the most fre
quent cause of Ilendaohe. LAXATIVE JUtOSIO
QUlNINKreniovescause. E.W.Uroveou box'JTK!
Why do people who pick quarrels
always select such ugly ones?
We Pay High Prices for Furs
mid hides, or tan t hem for robes, rugs or
coats. N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis.
If wishes were coal heaps we'd none
of ub freeze. Detroit Free Press.
Mn. Wimlow'a Soothing Syrnn.
For children teethlnp, softens tho gums, reduces tn
nmmtlon, allay i pain, cures wind coltu. -J&c a lxttle.
Goethe: There Is nothing more
frightful than Ignorance in action.
Tmmrm I Only Onm
Thmt Im
Laxative Bronte Quinine
Alway remember the full name.
for thia signature on every box.
Truth and
appeal to the Well-informed in every
walk of life and arc essential to permanent
success and creditable standing. Accor
ingly, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of
known value, but one of many roarer
why it is the best of personal and family
laxatives is the fact that it cleanses,
sweetens and relieves tho internal organs
on which it acts without any debilitating
after effects and without having to iucrcaio
the quantity from time to time.
It acts pleasantly and naturally nnd
truly as a laxative, aiid its component
parts aro known to and approved by
physicians, as it is free from all objection
able substances. To got its beneficial
effects always purchase the genuine
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists.
Typical Farm Scene, Showing Stock Raiting in
Somo of the choicest lands for grain growl up.
Block raising mid mixed farming In the new din
trietH of Saskatchewan and Alberta have re
cently been Opened for Settlement under the
Revised Homestead Regulations
Entry may now be made by proxy (on certain
condltloim), by the father, mother, son, daugh
ter, brother or nlHtor of an Intending home
steader. Thousands of homesteads of ICO acres
each arc thus now easily available in these
great grain-growing, stock-raising and mixed
fnrmltir kitintlniiu
There you will llnd healthful climate, good
elghbors, churches for family worship, s-hools
..1. f 1 .1 , .'. .
lu' j u- i-iiinirru, goou taws, spienuid crops
and railroads convenient to market.
Entry fee In each c.-irc is JI0.0O. For pamph
let, "Last Uest West," particulars as to rates,
routes, best time to go and where to locate,
apply to
69) New York lite Building Omtba. Nebraska
It Is marvellous what a
beautiful color effect can
be secured in a room
when the wall is tinted
with Alabastine. There
is a richness as well as a
freshness and a dainti
ness about it that no
other material gives.
Alabastine: Co.
grand Rapids, Mich. '
new York city
16 Beautiful
Tlnti. pkg.
covtri 300 to
All Good DmI
an Sell It.
Do Not Take
Any Substitute.
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dysnensln.ln-
d I gest iou a nd Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Nau
sea. Drowsiness. Bad
Taste in tho Mouth, Coat
ed Tongue, Pain In tho ,
Side. TOItPin I.IVKH.
They regulate the liowcls. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signature
-other starches only 12 ounce namo prlcn and
"sSSJtliSI Thompson's Eye Water
ibh itti r
LH am