The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 06, 1908, Image 1
VOL. Lll XO. 41 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1908 - i Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn Old papers for sale at this office. A nice new lot of furniture at E. B. Lbr. Co. Joe Littrell and Harry White took a load of fish oyer to Stella Monday. Mrs. Seymour Howe went to Stella Monday, to visit relatives for a few days. Mrs. Isabel Seabury went to Auburn Monday, and is visiting friends for a few days. Jimmy O'Hara, who is now at Elsie. Nebr., writes for us to send him the Advertiser. Don't fail to get our prices on furniture before buying. We can save you money. E. B. Lbr. Co. Miss Maude White, who has at.Shubert for some time,, re turned home Wednesday morn ing. . The article on consolidation of school districts was crowded out this wee but; will be given next week.' - . Our Harness are made of good leather, first rate workmanship, and the price is right, too. E. B. libr, Co. Miss Laura Klein',' of Belvidere, Nebr., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Klein, near Aspinwall. - E. B. Lbr. Co. have a fine line to see them, if in need of harness this spring. t - Mr. and Mrs Alf Rowen start ed for Laird, Colorado, Monday, near where they expect to make their home. Harry Baldwin went to Verdon Tuesday evening, haying accep ted a position in a barber shop in thot village. Harry is a good barber. John C. Strain has bought an eighty acre farm near Valley, Nebr. He went out Tuesday to make arrangements for Staking possession. He expects to move next week; IF YOU NEED WALL PAPER We have it from 5 cent to $1.00 per double roll.' Our prices are one-half and less what, you will pay when ordered from sample books in room lot. Measure your rooms and come down. Our line is complete. Paints, Oils nnd Glass, SHERWIN-WlLUAMS kind. :: M X. HILL SHUBERT , , NEBRASKA- N. B. If you need Drugs, Medicines or any thing in our line, call No. 6, our expense. Mrs. Andrew Aynes has been very sick with heart trouble for several days, but is getting a little better. V. P. Peabody and Harry Rus sell started for Texas Tuesday evening. Harry will invest there if he likes the country. W. W. Liebhart shipped four fine WhitePlymouth Rock hens to a man living at Castleton, North Dakota, a few days ago. W. S. Argabright has bought the old Wixon farm, one mile and a half east of Stella, on the Shubert road, and has moved onto it. It is a good farm of 120 acres. W. W. Liebhart has two fine cockerels at the head .of his two -pens of White Rocks. One scores 95 1-4 Domts. . and one 95 3-4 points. Both are matedto high scoring hens. Mrs. John Clemans came down from Peru last Friday evening to visit her parents, Mr: and Mrs. I. N. Cooper. Mr. Clemans came down Saturday evening. They both returned Monday morning. We notice that Will J. Davies, formerly of Brownville, is com ing to the front politically in Kimball county. That county has only one delegate to the re publican state convention, and Will was selected as that dele gate. . . The old friends of, Dave Ste phenson, who formerly lived, in Richardson county, will sympa ejYitfe J mUy. in the deaj& of Mrs. "Stephenson and Tier daughter, Miss Mattie. The daughter died Feb. 9, and the mother Feb. 14, both from pneu monia, at their home at St. Marys Kas. I ii i r The republican primaries were held at Nemaha Saturday after noon,, and the following delegates elected: C. L. Russell, Jas. A. Stephenson, D. W. Maxwell, W. W. Sanders, G. N. Titus, F. E. Hoover. A resolution endorsing Taft was carried, after a motion to endorse -Roosevelt was voted down; only two voting for the latter motion. 1 r Ned Maxwell, who has been visiting in Colorado, returned home Wednesday night. Received a car of pure Michi gan salt in barrels, or 25, 50, or 100 pound sacks. Also some nice lump rock salt. E. & B. Lbr. Co. The members of the A. K. club are invited to meet Mrs. Houtz and Minnie May at the Park Hotel, Friday evening, March 7, from 7:30 to 10 p. m. John I. Dressier has been a populist for many years, but has evidently concluded there is no use of keeping up two party or ganizations, especially as the populist party appears to be rap ibly disintegrating, so he has gone" over to the democratsr-at least he was elected a delegate to the state convention at the democratic county convention held at Auburn last Saturday, and went to Omaha Thursday, morning to attend the state convention. . . Resolutions. Since God, in His yli dom and mercy, has taken the father of our beloved sister, Mollie Rowen, and uncle of qur beloved sister, Anna Knapp,- Archibald Young, from our midst; Therefore, $te it resolved that Bena Rebekah Lodge) No. 166, extend to thejjn and theirs in this hour of sorrow, our heartfelt sympathy. That these resolutions be sent to the Advertiser for publication, aipd that a copy be sent to Sister ftowen' and Sister Knapj), jind4;hat saitf-rtjeoJutiona becme a part of the' minutes of this lodge. Minnie May, Belle Dressier, -: J. A. Stephenson. A recent ruling of the postal department, to take effect April 1, makes it necessary that all newspaper subscriptions be paid in advance, or not later than the end of the first year. The de partment will not carry papers at the prevailing rate of postage if over one year in arrears. This makes it necessary for us- to re quest all our delinquent subscrib ers, to pay .up during the next month, or necessarily the' paper will have to be discontinued. This is not our ruling, but, neverthe less, we believe it is a good thing for all concerned. But good or bad, in the .words of the great democratic, ex-president, it is " a .condition, and not a. theory, that confronts us: It is necessary for us to comply with the law. It Is ;Uptoou subscribers to. fall 'in line, pay upr and thus not em- barass lis. - Get busy! u. . . 1 cood For Everybody! ' - Mr. Normaji Kl Coulter, a prominent architect, in the Delbert Bnilding, San Francisco, says : "I fully endorse all that has been said of Electric Bitters1 "as1 a tonic medicine. It is good ,for every body. It corrects stortjach, liver aud kidney disorders in a prompt and 'effici ent manner and .builds up the system." -Electric Bitters is the tyest spriugjmcd icine'ever sold-over, a druggist's count er; as a blood purifier it -is uriequrled. 50c. 'at all drug stores. i The Lucky Quarter Is the one you paid out for a box of Pr. King's New Life Pills. They bring you the health that's more precious than jewels. Try them for headache, biliousness, constipation and malaria. If they disappoint you the price will be cheerfully refunded at all drug stores. I LADIES WRAPPERS What we hare left' of these are regular 85 cent kind, in medium colors, Saturday only Our regular 50 cent window 4 Ai shades, Saturday, only V V Try our fancy Japan tea, per PAn pound vll Bring us your Chickens, Butter and Eggs it i it it it it it J2TO. w. f Both Phones No. 20 w Republican County Convention. The republican county conven tion met at Aqburn Monday af ternoon. Hon. Thos. J. Majors was elected chairman, and H. R. Howe secretary. The following resolutions were read and adopted unanimously by the convention: "Whereasj We have in our county superintendent, George D. Carrington, a candidate , for the officio! state, superintendent Of Jubhethartriic ; y ; ; " Whereas, tyeibeireye' h'ej has accomplished moF.e. in the. field of education during the past four years than any other'Scool 'man in the state; and ' ", "; - "Whereas, Many of his iflesb are now being used by many oth er county superintendents both in this and in neighboring states, thus proving his entitlements to leadership; and "Whereas, His accomplish ments, energy'and ability have been so widely recognized,' and we know he will bring to the of fice of state superintendent the best ideas, a strict and honest business administration, and that he has demonstrated his vigor and fearlessness in carrying out measures for school improve ments'; and . . f . I Whereas, We know himjto be one of the best vote getters Nem aha county ever had and that he also is a talented writer and pub lic speaker, for all of these rea sons we believe he will strength en the republican) ticket in Ne braska. .s i ' 'Resolved, By these" represen tatives of the republican party in Nemaha county that, we endorse Mr. Carrington's candidacy for the office of state superintendent unqualifiedly and recommend his nomination by the republicans of the'd his election by "the entire people. j "Whereas, We believe in the policies of Theodore Roosevelt arid heartily endorse his admin istration; and i 4 'Whereas, We believe Secre tary Taft represents those poli cies and is of all candidates for the high office of president of the United States best fitted and qualified to carry out our favorite ' f 66c i t S ritchey: NEMAHA, NEB $ in. policies and take up the adminis tration of President Roosevelt and. carry it on successfully; and , "Whereas, We know Secretary Taft to be a man of sterling worth andqne who has done great public services having been , often tried in many ' official ca pacities; be it L ' ''Resolved, By this republican convention that we endorse the crindaby of William JH. Taft for the presidency of the United' The.following'are the nances of delegates selected' to. the gtjite and congressional conventions: State: T. J. Majors I)avid Jack, T. J. Crummel, D. E. C. Long, J. W. Armstrong, George D. -Carrington. jr., Fred Mayer, John H. Polman, Joseph Guilliatt, A. L. Lawrence, C. E. Huston, David Lewis, G. N. Titus. , Congressional: H. R. Howe, S. W. Eustis, H. F. SHafer, B. F. Roberts, H. H. Whitfield, A. D. Majors, E. J. Tucker, John H. Pohlman, Peter Berger, R. H. Hamilton, George S. Christy, Wilber Whitten, F. L. Wood ward. Eitray Notice. Come into my enclosure Feb. ffL. 17, 1908, two red steers, coming two years old. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Chap. Howe. Tickling or dry coughs' will quickly loosen when using Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green" leaves and tender 'stemsvtrf a lung- healing mountainous shrub give ' the curative properties to Dr. Shoop 's Cough Cure. It calms .the cough, andheala the sen sitive bronchial membranes! No opium, io chloreform, nothing harsh used to injure or suj pres?. Demand Dr. Shbop's Take no other. Dr. W, W. Keeling. If you would like to fool some'' wise Coffee Critic, who "knows fine Coffee on taste and flavor," quietly make for him a batch of Drs Shoop 's ."Health Coffee" and serve it piping .hot It de ceived Mrs. Shoop, and will I believe deceive any one. And there is not u grain of real Coffee iti it. Health Cof fee is made from pure toasted grains, malt, nuts etc. ' Made in a minuteno 20 to 30 minutes tedious boiling. 1 1-2 pounds 25 c. All dealers.