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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1908)
Nebraska Advertiser W. W. SANDERS, Prop. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Purity of thought evolves purity or notion. Still, it pure-food law might hnvo navod Socrates, Russia, fortunately, has ti perfect climate for nipping conspiracies. Hvoii thQ challenges by Sir Thomas Upton luivo not yet. become auto matle. All true patriots should give Ad- mlral Hvuns absent treatment for his rheumatism. If tough luck" Is the inspiration for Mark Twain, misfortune has points of merit worth high praise. Pardon the apparent Irrelevancy of the query, but Is not a mosquito also a purveyor qf living iuubIc? , The bargain counter crushes make the trade depression look like a night mare that, met Its death in infancy. Spain Is to havo a new ?80,000,000 navy, to bo built In England. Tinder tho circumstances, wo could hardly oxnoot narf nf tho order. ; : The New York wlgmukers appear to have won their strike without making any threats that they would Jerk the i, 1 1,1 umiiu oujummuii imm-..Cm... A Frnnnli nrinv transnort has run ashore. Tho army naturally doesn't . . I Intend to let the navy get tho better of it in the matter of disarmament. That woman defendant who threw ancient eggs at tho Judge probably was surprised when oven that act was not accepted as proof of bur Innocence. If it Is notTliouglit wise to create a now cabinet olllccr why not make tho proposed national health bureau a de- partment under the secretary of tho Interior? Bibulous Georgians Will now have to devise new methods of getting It when they want It. Hlbulous neces sity knows no law, and is tho mother of invention. When it comeB to preparing to be gin to make ready to send a chal lenge, Sir Thomas Upton has our most distinguished prize fighters hanging on the ropes. Probably it required millions of years to produce tho potato bug, use less, and worse than useless, as it seems to be. Science- is wonderful, but discouraging. An automobile seems to ho easy prey for a sneak thief. The more like a tramp the driver looks tho more arc observorB Inclined to think he Is the millionaire ownor. And still another iconoclast charges that Washington did not write his justly famous farowoll address. It now remains to demonstrate that George was a myth anyhow. Mark Twain is said to have had $5i,109 in ono of tho Now York banks which shut up during the panic. If bo, UiIb will furnish an Interesting chap ter in IiIb aublography. The pure-food exports of Pennsyl vania have tested 83 breakfast foods. All tho heroes, ready and willing to die for their country, uro not confined to the army and navy. King OBcar of Sweden left an es tate of only six and a quarter mil lions. Somo of his former subjects now in tho United States must hnvo beaten him 40 lengths. Novertheloss, it must bo admitted that three or four of tho American heiresses who bought titled husbands aro atlll living with them. But they are supposed to bo exceptionally hardy. As an Alabama senator explains it, the south la going "dry" in order to keep liquor from tho colored man. Then will thoro or will thoro not bo a color lino when it comes to enforce ment? A butler with $17,000 worth of dia monds In his possession has been ar rested in the east. If ho can prove that nt some former time ho was a head waiter somewhere, It's a cinch ho'll got off. A New York Juror throw a lit tho other day during a court trial. New York lawyers aro tho limit, but this Is tho first timo a juror has had tho courage to express his opinion of thorn in an adequate manner. Tho Princo do Sagan says ho would havo challenged Count Boni do Cas tellano to fight a duel if tho count had struck him with his. glovo in tho faco. Ab Bonl merely knocked' him down and kicked him into tho gutter, tho prince considers tho count to bo un worthy of notice. Wo cannot holp regarding tho princo as tho world's leading unconscious humorist. MICROSCOPE WITHOUT A LENS. You Can Make One at Cost of Little Time and Trouble. Nearly everyone ban heard of the pin-hole camera, hut, the fact that the Haine principle can ho used to make a microscope, having u magnifying powerofelght. diameters ((51 times) will perhaps he new to some readers. To make this lenslcss microscope, procure a wooden spool, A (a snort spool, say one-half or three-fourths Inch long, produces a higher magni fying power), and enlarge the bore a little at one end. Then blacken the Inside with India ink and allow It to dry. From a piece of. thin transparent celluloid or mica, cut out a small disc, It, and fasten to the end having the enlarged horo by means of brads. On the other end glue a piece of thin cardboard, C, and at the center, D, make a small hole with the point of a Nino needle. It Is very Important that the hole D should he very small, other- wise the image will he blurred. mum(lln ..i., n small rilimnt . llin tinni!ii(ii.niit illun iir hin t I . ,,,., ,M .,. n. nhnt vw - ""J ntlhnrn. ami look thifiueli thn hnln D. It Is necessary to have a strong light J 1 I j I .11 1 io get. goon results, aim, as in an mi croscopes ol any power, the object should be of a transparent nature The principle on which this Instru ment works is illustrated in Fig. 2. Phe apparent diameter of an object Is Inversely proportional to its distance from tho eye, i. e., if the distance Is reduced to one-half, the diameter will appear twice as large; If the distance Is reduced to one-third, the diameter will appear three times as large, and so on. As the nearest distance at Details of the Microscope. which the average person can see an object clearly is about bIx inches, it fnllmvH Hint tlin illinnntm- nf im nhlnnl throe-fourths of an Inch from the eyo would appear eight times the normal Hi'n Thn Vihinnt wnnii Mmn im m,ir.ii. fled eight diameters, or 04 times. (The area would appear 04 times as Jarge.) But an object three-fourths of an Inch from the eyo appears so blurred that none of tho details are discernible, and It is for this reason that the pin-hole is employed. Viewed through this microscope, a .lly's wing appears as. largo as a per son's hand, hold at arm's length, and has the general appearance shown In Fig. 3. The mother of vinegar ox amlncd in the same way Is seen to bo swarming with a mass of wriggling lit tie worms, and may possibly cause the observer to abstain from all salads tor- over after. An innocent looking drop of water, In which hay has been soaked for several days, reveals bun drods of little Infusoria, darting across the Hold In every direction. These and hundreds of other Interesting objects may bo observed In this llttlo lustra ment, which costs llttlo or nothing to make. No church is more needy than the ono that neglects the needy. KNIFE RACK. Handy Kitchen Article Which Can Make for Mother. You By using a rack similar to that accompanying sketch shown In the Kitchen Knife Rack. for holding largo butcher knives, thoro is no danger or dulling them as when they aro thrown into a drawer or knlfo box, and they are also out of reach of small children. It Is sim ply a notched piece of wood, explains D J SOMEWHERE LAND. nV aiAUIK I.OUI8K WARD. Onn you hIiow inc lho way to Somewhere land? A very HlnniKe pliu-p It intiHt he, Kor there we would lltid all the thlriRfl wo iiiIhIiiIcI, I'crhupx growing fnt on u treo. It can't ho ho fur far away, after all, Kor Tcihlli', Ho nifiiiitH ugo, wns tossing hl cap, and It landed "Houiowlipre." Hut wheru Is somewhere, do you know? And Dorothy's mltliMiH can nowhere bo v.i..l She's Htiro that h laid them away. If only wo know where that Somewhere .., ,. ..,.,.., land 1k, We'd find where tho iiiIhhIhk thlm?H stray! Detroit Free I'reHB. WHAT THE BOOK SAID. It Makes an Appeal to the Carelesa Little Boy. Once upon a time a book was over- heard talking to the little boy who had just had it. given to him. The words scorned worth recording, and here they are: "Please don't hnndle nie with dirty hands. I should feel ashamed to be seen when tho next little boy reads me. "Or leave me out in the rain. Books can catch cold, as well as children. "Or make marks upon me with your pen or pencil. It would spoil my looks. "Or lean on nie with your elbows when you are reading me. It hurts. "Or open me and lay me down on the table. You wouldn't like to be treated so. "Or put in between my leaves a pen cil or anything thicker than a single sheet of thin paper. It would strain my back. "When you have finished reading me. if you are afraid of loslnu your place, don't turn down the corner of mv InavPH hut linvn n nrat llttlo hnnk- mark to put in where you stopped, and then close me and lay me down nn mv sldo sri that t nan havn n irnmi comfortable rest. "Remember that I should like to visit a great many other little boys after you have done with me. Be M8J mm '.Y.V. I.'! '. mm lltil'.i. H The Heart-to-Heart Talk. sides, you will want me again some day, and you would ho sorry to see mo looking old and torn and soiled. Help me to keep fresh and clean, and I will help you to be happy." Prairie Farmer, fastened to a board of any desired shape, for a back. Dot's Worry. Teacher I hear your hen has ten little chicks, Dot, is that so? Dottle Yes; but, toucher, could you toll nie how tho old hen can bathe all those babies? Teacher I dare say she'll have her hands full. Dottle She ain't got no hands! She only has wings, and what, can she do with thein. poor thing? Seemed Right. ieiue, said the teacher, "you may give the plural of the word ox." "Oxen," answered Nellie. "That is right. Now, Robbie, what is the plural of tho word fox?" "That's easy," replied Robbie. "Why foxen, to be sure." In the Form of Strength. It Is better that joy should bo spread over the whole day In tho form of strength, than to bo concentrated Into ecstaclos, full of danger and fol lowed by reaction. Emerson. mm rnm&snmmwMK FINE RECIPE KOR COLDS. Mix two ounces of glycerine with one half pint of good whlBkey and one half ounce of Concentrated Oil of Pine. This latter is a product of the Globe Pharmaceutical Co. of Dayton, Ohio, and comes In one half ounce vials and packed in tin screw top cases. Any druggist should have It. This slniplo mixture Is to be used In doses of a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful four times a day. The bottle should well shaken each time. bo Meat of the Cocoanut. "Your honor," said the lawyer, "I ask the dismissal of my client on tho ground that the warrant fails to stato that he hit 1)111 Jones with malicious Intent." "This court," replied tho country justice, "ain't a graduate of none of your technical schools. I don't caro what he hit Pill with. Tho pint Is, did he hit him? Proceed." How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for nn caKe or Cftlnrrh I but c nil not bo cured by Ilall'i (jatarrti euro. F. J. CHENEY ! CO.. Toledo. O. We. tho undcrstencd. Iihvq known J. Cheney for tho lust lsvoarn. ana ucucvo nitu roriocur non- ornbln In nil uurIuckb trammutlorm and financially nuiu to carry out uny uniiKatiune inauo iy nn nrm. WALI) NO. KIMNAN .MARTIN. Wholesale DruRclrtR. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoim eurfacca of tho Dyotciu. Testimonial gent free, I'rlco 75 cents pel uotue. now ny nil DriiRgm. Take llsH'n Family rills fur constipation. Sees America a Heaven. Prof. W. P. Elkin of the University of Missouri believes that Ameriea will be a veritable heaven on earth within 100 years, and he goes on to tell why In an article which ho has written for Mm ArnnrtfMin Tnnvnnl nf Hnnlnlnrrv Among other things which will be. a fontnrn of tho mlllantilnm l.o nlnlnrno Is a reformed press. Newspapers, he says, will' be printed and edited by the colleges. Modus Vivendi. Tho handsome but impecunious young chap who had married the rich and elderly widow began to hint that it was time to give him the control of mlnutes. Add one-fourth level tea her funds and the management of her 8poon pepper and vinegar to taste, estate. silm hot. boiled notatoes. Stir th "Launcelot," she said, "I shall allow you a sufficient income for the supply of your wants, but I expect to keep my business affairs in my own hands. This is not a consolidation. This is a limited partnership." HOW DO THEY GET IN? Physiological Problem That Nora Could Not Solve. A Philadelphia physician tells of an amiiBing conversation between two Irish girls in domestic service who, while on the board walk at Atlantic City one day not long ago, were ex changing views as to their various Physical ailments "It,s a sthrange thing, ain't it, iSOrail, aSKeu One 01 U16 glrlS, now manny new koinds of diseases people 8et tnese llys. Only this mor-rnln' I were readin an advertisement ot a new mldicine. It said it were wonder- rful for a sluggish liver." "Gwan!" exclaimed the other girl, scornfully. "Liver trouble ant no now disase. Me own grandfather was bavin liver trouble whin I were not moro'n tin years old." "Maybe," was the laconic response. But," added Norah, "what I want to know is: how do thlm slugs get inside the liver, anyhow?" Illustrated Sun day Magazine. BRAIN POWER increased by Proper Feeding. A lady writer who not only has done cood literary work, but reared a family, found in Grape-Nuts tho ideal food for brain work and to develop healthy children. Sho writes: "I am an enthusiastic proclaimer of Grape-Nuts as a regular diet. I for merly had no appotlto in tho morning and for S years while nursing my four children, had insufficient nourishment for them. "Unable to eat breakfast I felt faint later, and would go to tho pantry and eat cold chops, sausage, cookies, dough nuts or anything I happened to find. Being a writer, at times my head felt heavy and my brain asleep. "When I read of Grape-Nuts I began eating It every morning, also gavo it to tho children, Including, my 10 months old - baby, who soon grew as fat as a litlo pig, good natured and contented. "Within a week I had plenty of breast milk, and felt stronger within two weeks. I wrote evenings and feeling the need of sustained brain power, began eating a small saucer of Grape-Nuts with milk instead of my usual Indigestible hot pudding, pie, or cake for dessert at night. "Urape-Nuts did wonders for mo and I learned to like It. I did not mind my housowork or niothor's cares, for I felt strong and full of 'go.' I grew nlump, nerves strong, and when 1 wrote my brain was active and clear; indeed, tho dull head pain never re turned." "There's a Reason." Namo given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. A Dining Room Novelty. A spoonrack Is something new. Where tho wainscot or furniture of tho dining room Is of Flemish oak, ono of these In a panel effect to hang on tho wall Is distinguished by Bavarian hand carving, the wood a deep smoke brown and the design antique and of Venetian suggestion. There are pegs that hold between them six pewter spoons eight Inches in length with -round bowls and apostle tops. It, of course, could be used for a collection of handsome silver spoons of odd shapes and foreign origin. Vogue. Three-Minute Date Cake. Two eggs, one-half cup sweet mlllt, ono and one-third cups brown st'gar, ono-third cup butter, melted, one ami one-third cups flour, three teaspoons baking powder, one-half teaspoon cin namon, half of a nutmeg, one-half pound or one cupful dates, cut fine. ThlB Is all put together and beaten three minutes exactly. Hake In two layers 20 to 25 minutes. Pilling Ono cup sliced dates, one- quarter cup granulated sugar, rind and Julco of one lemon, two table epootiB hot water. To Broil or Fry Bacon. Cut the bacon thin, not more than four Bllces to the Inch. Do not allow It to cook too much. Some tastes de mand it thoroughly crisp, but this is at the expense of all sweetness; its best flavor will be secured by serving It when It Is just cooked through. When taken from the fire, cut off with a sharp knife tho skin and outer edge all round and send to table at once. Paeon bo cooked will also nrove a J"08) "PPR relish to accompany HUIUIHUieu VS. not rotaio oaiaa. Cut one-fourth pound of sliced breakfast bacon Into one-eighth inch strips crosswise. Fry until a nlco, brown and remove thorn from the pan., Add to the fact one good-sized slice of onion finely chopped. Cook two vinegar and fat until well blended, anrf odd the potato. Serve on a bed oC lettuce and sprinkle with the scrapa of bacon. Spanish Cream. Take one level tablespoon pulver ized gelatin. Cover it with two cups (one pint) cold milk and let it stand minute on bnck of stovo in double boiler, then heat. Beat up the yolks Df three eggs with three tablespoons mgar and a pinch of salt. Pour the hot milk slowly over beaten eggs, then pour back in double boiler and stir jlowly over the fire until thick, but not curdled. Remove from fire and let cool. When cool strain over the beaten whites, flavor, pour in mold md set on ice. Serve with cream. After a turkey or a chicken has befen in tho oven an hour, remove and cover all over with a thin, wot, clean cloth, and finish roasting In this way, bast ing through tho cloth. The fowl will be wonderfully moist and tender. Maltre D'Hotel Butter (Cold). Rub one-quarter of a cup of butter to a cream, add one-half teaspoonful of salt, a saltBpoonful of pepper, a table- spoonful of minced parsley and one tablenpoonful of lemon juice. Spread on hot beefBteak. Supply Ship Sails. The supply ship and tendor for the torpedo boat flotilla, tho Arethusa, has Balled frdm Punta Arenas for Taliea hauno, the next stopping place of the flotilla. Bryce and Brewer Speak. Hon. James Bryce, the British am bassador to the United States and Jus lice David A. Brewer of the United States supremo court were among the speakers at tho twenty-sixth annual banquet of tho military order of the Loyal Legion at Washington. BEATRICE CREAMERY COMPANY Guarantees highest mar ket prices for your CREAM Call at our receiving station WE ARE EXPERT GLEANERS AND DYERS And Pressors ol Ladies', Gcntlemon's and Children's Clothing. Write for Price List. J. C. WOOD & CO. 1322 N ST., LINCOLN, NEB. A. 6, DAVIS & CO. Wall Pflltflr .Wholesale and Retail "P w" Oar 1008 Samplo Books aro now renuy lor Bhlpcaont to rut dealer or lmnor lintiKer. lJJIH O St., LlNCOL,., MCU. 1