The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, February 07, 1908, Image 7

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UCH quaint and attrnctlvo.
valentines nro shown in
the shops this season that
the giving of them will
doubtless llnd more favor
with children and grown-
ups, too, than It has In
many years. For, unlike tho average
type, that Is so perishable, theso are
more substantial like pictures and
arc really ornamental enough to hang
on a wall or to uso on a bedroom
table. They differ from tho ordlnnry
styles in that there are comparatively
few verses or lines relating to the
clay or conveying messages of love.
In addition to these changes, there Is
another marked one, that Is the ah
sonco of glittering gold or sliver
decorations, which savo the valen
tines from being gaudy. Tho colors
used are conservative, too, and alto
gether they will mako desirable pres
ents for girls nnd young women, for
they are free from silly sentimen
tality and arc quite artistic in de
sign. y
A strikingly pretty valentine that
Is fraught with meaning but unaccom
panied by v6rses is a splendid repro
duction of an old English coach, cor
An Old English Coach.
rect In every detail, even to the step
and the shield on tho door. Tho win
dows in the coach are heart shape,
as is the door, while tho wheels are
most elaborate and full of significance,
for each spoke is an arrow and is
apparently run through a dark red
Three pretty girls look out of the
windows, while the coachman and
footman on top, garbed in white, drive
.three white woolly lambs that are har
nessed to the coach with red silk
.white and red, with a touch of blue.
As a wall decoration this valentine
'would be most appropriate.
Though not as unusual as the coach,
a fan valentine made of a series of
heart-shaped frames inclosing pretty
A Valentine Fan.
children's faces in colonial headgear,
Is decidedly effective and really ser
viceable, for It is made of stiff paper
and could be used.
Cards that may be used as book
marks or to hang on gas jets, a knob
or a dresser or bureau, are always
acceptable. Some of these, made in
Dutch designs that aro so popular, aro
stunning because of tho combinations
of colors and the quaint costumes
worn by the peasant children, who
are shown in tho act of carrying wa
ter. Heart cards, with cuplds, red
hearts and arrows are also pretty and
are always in demand.
In Honor of St. Valentine All Should
Treat of the "Gentle Pasilon."
Even if nothing stronger than cof
fee be on tho table, a dinner is not a
dinner unless some toasts be offered.
There are many books from which ap
propriate toasts may be given,
For Instance, there is tho sailor toast
"Here's to our sweethearts and wives;
may tho latter always remain tho
former, and tho former soon become
the latter;" and there is dear old Rip
Van Winkle's sentiment:
"Hero's to your health and your
family's, and may you live long and
But sometimes something a trlfio
out of the ordinary seems to bo in
order, and such an occasion, surely,
is St Valentine's day. All tho toasts
on this occasion should, of course,
treat of "the gontlo passion," and tho
moro original they are the better.
Often, If tho toastmakor is clever,
he or she can glvo tho toast a personal
turn. Often, too, tho simpler It is the
better, especially for amateur speak
ing. Looking Forward.
Perhaps tho day will come when
Cupid muBt don evening dress for din
ner, make his rounds Jn an automo
bllo, and Use a smokeless rifle to fire
his love arrows.
A Fearfully Long Siege of Dally Pain
and Misery.
Charles Von Soehnen of 210 A St.,
Colfax, Wash., Bays: "For at least 1
thirty years I suf
fered with kidney
troubles, and tho at
tacks laid me up for
days at a tlmo with
pain in the back and
rheumatism. When
I wns up and aroundx
sharp twinges caught
me, and for fifteen years tho frequent
passages of kidney secretions an
noyed me. But Doan's Kidney Pilis
havo given me almost entiro freedom
from this trouble and I cannot speak
too highly in their praise. S
Sold by all dealers. BO cents a
box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffulo, N. Y.
Sho I wouldn't cry for tho best
man living, so there!
He You don't have to cry for him,
dear, you'vo got him.
For 12c ,
nnd this notice the John A. Snlzcr Seed ,
Co., La CrobHC, Wis., in order to gain
250,000 new customers during 1008. will
nmil you free their great plant ami seed
catalog together with !
1 pkg. "Quick Quick" Carrot $ .10
1 pkg. J'-arliest llipe I. a Ullage IU
1 pkg, liarliest Emerald Cucumber.. .15
1 pkg. La Grouse Market Lettuce.
1 pkg. iumv Dinner Union...
1 pkg. Strawberry Muskmelon.
1 pkg. Thirteen Day Radish 10
J,UOU kernelK gloriously beautiful
ilower seed 15
Total $U0
Above is sufHcicnt seed to grow 35 bti.
of rarest vegetables and thousand) of bril
liant iiowerH and all is mailed to you
or if you send 10c, we will add a package
of Berliner EarlieHt Cauliflower. John A.
Salzer Seed Co., La Croese, Wis. K. & W.
Too Interesting to Bury.
There is a certain little southern
girl who Is very fond of her negro
mammy. The nurse's name is Sally,
and she is a large woman, so she is
known as Big Sally. Ethel, however,
calls her "Biggie" for short. One day
her mother took her to a museum,
where, among other things, there were
some stuffed animals. Ethel was
greatly interested, and for many days
she did not tire of talking about them.
Perhaps a week later, at the supper
table, after a preoccupied silence, sho
"Mamma, when Biggie dies I'm not
going to have her burled; I'm going to
have her stuffed!"
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder youj shirt
waist Just as well at homo as the
steam laundry can; it will havo the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will bo a positive pleasure to
ubo a Starch that does not stick to tho
Foolish Limerick.
There oneo was a foolish young spitz
Who chuscd a black eat und her kHz.
Ills mistress exclaimed:
"Well, now, I'll he blamed,
I'll spunk that darned dog where ho
Brown's Bronchial Troches
havo a world-wide reputation for cur
ing coughs, sore throats and relieving
bronchitis and asthma.
Keep Tobacco at Home.
Tho Turkish government absolutely
prohibits the exportation of the seed
of Turkish tobacco.
tho nljrnnturo of K. W. UllOVK. Um-U tho World
Tor to Curo a Cola In One l)ur. 26c.
Some finished orators don't seem to
know when to quit.
B 21
Sorrowing Widow Had to Have Pic
ture by Which to Remember Hubby, j
To be exhumed nftor ho had boon I
burled for 20 days and told to Bit up
nnd "look pleasant" was tho tough
luck that befell n corpse out at Wood
lawn cemetery, Now York, tho other
day. Henry Brown, a train dispatcher
on the Ono Hundred and Twenty
ninth street elevated road, died De
comber G of rheumatic gout and was
burled decently nnd In order. Somo
two weeks nftor tho funeral It oc
curred to Mrs. Brown that she would
Hko a photograph of her husband,
having nono that did him justice. Im
mediately sho petitioned tho Bronx
health department for permission to
exhume Henry and snapshot htm.
The health department was somo- J
what dazed, but granted tho request, i
and so, with a photographer and an
undertaker, Mrs. Brown went to
Woodlawn and had the threo weeks'
corpse dug up. Brown was takon
both profllo and full face.
Body Raw with Ecrema Discharged
from Hospitals as Hopeless Cutl
cura Remedies Cured Him.
"From the age of threo months until
fifteen years old, my son Owen's life
was mndc Intolerable by eczema In its
worst form. In splto of treatments the
disease gradually Bprcad until nearly
every part of his body wns qulto raw.
Ho used to . tear himself dreadfully In
his sleep and tho agony ho went
through is quite beyond words. The
regimental doctor pronounced the case
hopeless. Wo had him in hospitals
four times nnd ho wns pronounced one
of tho worst cases over admitted.
From each ho was discharged as In
curable. Wo kept trying remedy
after remedy, but had gotten almost
past hoping for a cure. Six months
ago wo purchased a set of Cuticura
Remedies. The result was truly mar
velous and to-day ho is perfectly cured.
Mrs. Lily Hedge, Camblewoll Green,
England, Jan. 12, 1907."
She Was In No Hurry.
Rev. Dr. Wallace, new piiHtor of the
East End BaptiBt church, brought a
new ono to Cleveland with him.
According to tho story, a Boston
girl got on tho street car one day car
rying one of those muffs the size of an
ordinary hassock. She had only one
hand In the muff. A young man sit
ting next to her took advantage of tho
opportunity to slip his hand into the
unoccupied end of the muff.
Tho Boston girl turned upon him
severely. "I could havo you arrested
for such a familiarity," said she.
"But," she added, "I'm from Boston
nnd I purpose to keep calm. Now, I'll
just give you ten minutes to let go of
my hand." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Kvery Woman In this vicinity will bo glad
to know that local Krocers now have in
stock "OUR. PIE," u preparation in three
varieties for making Lemon, Chocolate
and Custard pies. Each 10-cent pacluure
makes two pies. Be sure and order to-day.
'Tls Human.
Breathes there- a man with soul so dead
Who never to himself hns said,
As ho stubbed ills too against the bed:
We Sell Guns and Traps Cheap
Buy fui'H and hide, or tan them for robes
& rugs. N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis.
It is easier for a man to acquire a
bad reputation than it is for his chil
dren to live it down.
Color more toodt kriohter and filter colors thin any other dje. One lOe MCkaoe j colon all libera. Thai ojw In cold water better than any other dyo. You Can dr
Uj garment without ripping apart Write (or Irto bookltt How to One, Watch and Mu Color. MOM ROE DRUG OO.. Qutnov. Hlkimlm
Probably tho best salve for healing
the broken heart of a woman Is a
mixture of time and another man.
Little wonder Hint Outfield Tea nteetH .
!At. 1 1- !i . il II .1 I
wiin approval evcrywneru ih uiu milmi
Laxntive; pure, mild, liuallh-pviiiK! It reg
ulates the liver and overcoincH constipation.
Most people who talk too much get
It where Tessie got tho beads, sooner
or later. "
Lewis' .Single Hinder Cij,'ar Iihh u rich
titHte. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory,
Peoria, 111.
No, Alonzo, a nervous woman Isn't
necessarily nervy.
PatyIiiI thf wnman'c rpmpHv Viae hpAn rnrximi.4rr
Relief," because of its great value in the treatment of female diseases.
'Twill help you, if you are a sufferer from any "of the ills peculiar to women;
which can be reached by medicine. Why ? Because it has helped other sick women.
... j
for headache, backache, pressing-down painsr nervousness,' irritablity, and other
symptoms of general female weakness. Mrs. R. L. Denney, of Huntsville, Ala.,
writes: 'Cardui does me more good than any medicine 1 have ever taken.", Try.
IW Ml1 I'LL1 VA11 17DI7E DAAV Write for Pro 64-pa Book for Women, giving; symptoma, cauaea, homo tTaatroct and
VKIIr. rllK IKlX IHNIH valuabl Wnto oo diet, cxerciaca, etc. Sent free on reauiit la pTalo wrapper, by awUl
Awgctablc Preparation Tor As
similating theFoodandRegula
ling (he Stomachs aiul Bowels or
Promotes Digcstion,Cliccrful
ncss and Rest. Contains neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narc otic.
AWrjpr cfOld UrSAMVEl fffCER
MtMUStHs -Anit
fkpptrmiiU -
Worm St J -Carfitt
Wtnkryrren 7nvr.
A perfect Remedy fdrConsHpa
lion i Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Fevcriah
ncss and Loss of Sleep
Facsimile Signature of
Tire Centaur Company,
Guaranteed quder tho Food am
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
vs. Quality
In the matter of food
sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Economy
Is right and good but
are dear at any price.
is economical
Jounces i
it. The best at any price or
your money back.
wtS MAN'"
II ut ilriigKlntH or liy innll.
Sample FltKK. Attilrcm,
Trluuno Uldg., New Yuiik.
"n Krcut tarlrly fur nalo at tlio loMmt price liy
r A. .. KKMXMJti ,KM MM I'KH ( 0. , 7 8 W. idmi 81., Ulraf.
If afflicted with
soru eyuj,ubo
Thompson's Eye Water
fm mmn'u 2ZBO. MS.OO mull MS. MO
roan mny ornaw mmmnamwurw an
wmrtd, Jbmqaumm ihmy Aoaf fAatfrgQ
rnhmpm, tM brnttmr, wmmr lonmmr, mnm
MOP mrm proMter vmlum than anyothmmmam,
sisata; In thm world lo-dav.
W. L. Dowlas $4 and $5 Gilt Edce Shoes Cannot
o- tlAUTION. W. T Dotwlaa namo and prlco U ataraped on bottom. Tnkr No Huhatlttiie.
Bold Iit the bent Mioe dealers everywhere, bhoea mailed from factory to any part of the world, lllua
iratcd CatalOK free to any addresa. W. JU. JIOlMJI-AN. Ilrockluii, Aluaa.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
you can't afford to
inferior -food products
not Cheap, Try
Pure and
Clrontrf ana bcautlflrt the hair,
l'roinotcf a lumrlant growth.
Novor Valla to Itnitore Dray
Hair to Ita Youthful Color?
Cure, acalp dlwtwi hair lalUna,
Mc,andl.ouat DrugltU
other tri!h') only 12 ounce nanio prlco and
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 6, 1908,
Be Eaualled At Am Prloe