TALE OF A SPOOK WOMAN SAW GHOSTLY VISITOR SHOOT HIMSELF. Spirit Tragedy Enacted In Indian Bungalow Proved Afterward to Have Occurred Exactly as She Had Witnessed It. This is the tnlo of a ghost who shot himself. The woman who relates it had accompanied her husband to Tlrzanur, India, says the Kansas City Star. Ho had been sent, there to under take the duties of an agent who had gone home on sick leave. The only accommodation they could find when they arrived was an inspection bun galow. They retired about ten o'clock, but Mrs. S. remained awake for some time reading a novel by the light of a lamp. She was just thinking of turn ing it out when suddenly a man hold ing a revolver appeared in the room, Bho says: "Before I could move or speak he said: 'Don't stop me; I am going to shoot myself.' As he put the revolver to his head I shut my eyes and was nearly deafened by the report that fol lowed. My husband jumped up,( wido awake at once, with a cry of ''Who fired?' and I opened my eyes expecting to see a ghastly heap on the floor. "To my amazement the room was empty and there was no sign of the tragedy that had just taken place in front of me. My husband said he had been awakened out of a sound sleep by the noise of the shot and when I told him what I had seen wo searched the house together. Neither the punkah coolie, who was sleeping in the veranda, nor the servants, whose houses were close by in the compound, had heard anything. Even the dogs chained in the veranda had not been disturbed. It all happened so sudden ly that I had no feeling of fright or terror. The man seemed to come from the direction of my husband's office, where there was a door connecting with the bedroom, in front of which we had placed a heavy wardrobe. He was a shortish, unpleasant-looking man and he held the revolver in his left hand. Neithor my husband nor I were at all nervous people and when we could find nothing to explain what had occurred we decided that it must have been imagination and that our being in strong sympathy with each, other had caused us to share the same hallucination." - Now for the sequel. Shortly after ward Mrs. S. accompanied her hus band on a tour of the district. Among; the hills they met a Mme. de Bevery who had been a widow for several; years. In the course of a conversa-j tion with her Mrs. S. discovered that; at one time she had lived In the bun galow at Tirzapur where the spectral suicide had manifested itself. "On hearing that she knew our bungalow and had actually lived in it," Mrs. S. adds, "I was impelled to relate our strange experience there, which hitherto my husband and I had kept to ourselves. She listened without comment, but when I ended my narra tive by saying that we had come to the conclusion it must have been either indigestion or imagination she turned very pale and said, 'You have related something that really hap pened ; my husband shot himself there before my eyes exactly as you have described.' "I was terribly distressed afhaving, all unwittingly, reminded her of such a painful episode, but she reassured me by saying: 'It is many years ago and I can talk about it now, though I was ill for months afterward from the ehock.' "She then told me that her husband had gone Into tho bedroom through the door which we kept closed and had used the very words I quoted and the; whole affair coincided exactly with. what I had seen, down to tho small est detail." ' Love's Service. The highest service of love is not to console but to inspire, not to com-, fort but to stimulate. Ho loves best who demands and secures tho highest from the loved one. The mother loves her child most divinely, not when sho' Biirrounds him with comfort and antici pates his wants, but when sho reso lutely holds him to the highest stand ards and is content with nothing less than his best. The immortality of love shines in a home, not when blindness shuts the eyes of tho mother and wife, but when the clear-sightedness of her love reveals itself in tho greatness of her demands and expectations. It Is a, fablo that love is blind; passion is often blind, but love never. They who, love are sometimes blind to the faults of those for whom they care, but notj because they love them. When love has its way, it grows more clear-sighted as it becomes deeper and purer. Fortunate tho man whose wife stands not for his satisfaction, but,' for his aspiration a visible 'witness to the reality of his ideal, and unflinch ingly loyal not only to him but to it. Hamilton Wright Mabie. It Makes Trade. Homer Folks, New York's noted au thority on charity, Bald tho other day of an applicant for help: "His recommendation was not very satisfactory It reminded mo of a woman I heard about recently. "Somebody said to this woman's husband: " 'So you've insured in the Blank company, eh? Who on earth In duced you to choose that of all con cerns?' " 'My wife,' was tho reply. 'Sho says they issue the pretttiest calen dars.' " Something New Under the Sun. A lady in Illinois eent us 12c a year nao for our remarkable collection of vegetable nnd flower seeds and sold $37.70 worth therefrom, or made 314. That's new. Just send this notice with 12c and re ceive the most original seed nnd plant catalog published and 1 pkg. "Quick Quick" Carrot $ .10 1 pkg. Earliest Ripe Cabbage 10 1 pkg. Earliest Emerald Cucumber.. .1(5 1 pkg. La CroKse Market Lettuce 15 1 pkg. Early Dinner Onion 10 1 pkg. Strawberry Muskmclon 15 1 pkg. Thirteen Day Radish 10 1,000 kernels gloriously beautiful flower seed 15 Total $L00 Above is sufficient seed to grow 35 bji. of rarest vegetables and thousands of bril liant flowers and nil is mailed to you POSTPAID FOR 12c, or if you send 16c, wc will add a package of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower. John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. K. & W. An Ancient Instance. Belshazzar was giving his great feast and the wine flowed like water. "Inasmuch as I'm the wholo works," he said, "I don't think a proclamation by a chief of police or anybody else is going to stop this affair at one o'clock a. m. or any other hour!" No sooner had he uttered this boast than the handwriting appeared on the wall. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, os thoy cannot reach tho icat of tho dlieaso. Catarrh In a blood or consti tutional disease, and In order to euro It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, and acta directly on tho blood and tnucout surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi cine. It was prescribed by one of tho best physicians in till country for years and Is a regular prescription. It Is composed of tho best tonics known, combined with the best bloodpurlflcrs, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of tho two Ingredients Is what produces such wondorf ul re sults In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. c ,.. F.J.C1IKNEY& CO., Props., Toledo, O. BoldbyDruKKlsts. prlcoMc. ' Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation. A very stout person named Gray Was asked why ho stood in this way. "It is," lie replied, "A matter of pride; For It makes me look taller, they ayl" The Pe-ru-na Almanac In 8,000,000 Homes. The Peruna Lucky Day Almanac has become a fixture In over eight million homes. It can bo obtained from all druggists free. Be sure to inquire early. The 1908 Almanac is already published, and tho supply will soon be exhausted. Do not put it off. Speak for one to-day. Centenarian Likes Tobacco. Mrs. Mary Ellen Barraby of Brock ton, Mass., has just "celebrated" her ono hundred and fifth birthday. She began smoking a pipe when sho was 80, and regrets she didn't begin when she was 40. Important to Mothors. Examine carefully every bottle oi CASTOItIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that It SW7 SJ . sr Signature In Use For Over Hi Years. The Kind You Have Alwnya Bought Inactive Koreans. A German tourist expressed the opinion that doing nothing is the na tional occupation of Koreans. Who Likes Lemon Pie? You should try at onco "OUR-PIB" Preparation for delicious Lemon pies. A lady says: "I will never again try to mako Lemon pie in the old way while I can get 'OUR-PIE' Preparation. ,T Try It und you will say the same. At grocers, 10 cents. All growth and achievement depend very largely upon knowing ourselves and how to apply that knowledge. French. FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free $2.00 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. II. Kline, Ld 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tho greatest is he who is most true to tho principle of duty. Channlng. Are You Sick? B 10 REMINDED HIM OF HOME. New Yorker Saw Beauty In Sign, Where Maiden Lady Could Not. A party of tourists was being shown nround Cludnd Juarez, the Httlo Moxl can town Just across tho Rio Grando from El Paso, Toxa3. Every ono was delighted with its picturesqueness, and in particular u maiden lady, who went Into raptures about each now sight. "It Is all so quaint," she said. "These adobe houses, tho old church, the nar row streets, tho little plaza, thoso dreadful-looking men wearing som breros; everything breathes the spir it of an old-world clvlllzntion. It is so different from our United States." "That's so," assented a "Now York man who had been listening. "For instance, where In all the world could you find anything so antique, so full of Inherent beauty, so charged, as It wore, with the essence of puro joy, as that sign over there." lie pointed toward a whitewashed mud houso on whoso exterior was painted: "BIGGEST BEER IN TOWN, 5c." The woman eagerly turned to look. Then she froze the horrid man with a glance and did not speak to him again during tho whole trip. Frank If Not Complimentary. Her brother, aged 17, had been mado captain of tNilgh school football team And consequently had become sudden ly popular with the girls in tho neigh borhood. Becauso of this tho man ager of a skating rink presented broth er with a season pass. Sister, who had attained the tremendous ago of 20, was truly flattered when brother asked her, rather than some of tho younger belles of his acquaintance, to share tho privileges of that skating rink pass. But brother's explanation removed all danger of the immediate growth of sister's vanity. "You see," he told her with frank simplicity, "I'm not used to skating with girls. I'll practice on you for n month or two, and then when I can do it real well I'll ask some of tho other girls." Merely a Plain Statement. - The principal was called beforo the school board. "Professor Mentor," said the president, "Miss Squirming complains that sho was grievously in sulted by Mr. Dennis, who visited her class last Friday. What do you know about it?" "As you are aware, gen tlemen," explained the principal, "Mr. Dennis is a poor man and the father of a very bad boy. This boy receives deserved punishment daily. Mr. Den nis simply told Miss Squirming that he couldn't afford to have her wear out his son's pants. It was a poor interpretation of a just protest." The Hard Loser. Goodart Brewder was tolling mo to day about his hard luck last spring. He certainly did lose a great opportu nity. Wise Yes, and think of what ho's lost since. Goodart Why, what's that? Wise Valuablo time talking about It. A suggestion for 1008: Tako Garfield Tea to establish nnd maintain a normal action of the digestive organs, to purify the blood, cleanse the system and to brinit Good Health. Bring to bear upon thyself tho reso lution of a noblo mind; thou mayest bo what thou rosolvo3t to be. Men ciua. If You Suffer from Asthma or Bronchitis get immediate relief by UBlng Brown's Bronchial Troches. Contain no harmful drugs. Let no man presume to give advico to other who has not first given good counsel to himself. Seneca. ONLY ONK "IIKOMO QUININH" That is LAXAT1V15 1IUOMO QllNINH. lxok for tho slgniituro of K. UltOVH. Used tho World oyer to Curo u Cold In Ono Day. 21c. In common things tho law or sac rifice takes the form of positive duty. Froude. It's the judgment of many smokers that Lewis' Single Binder 5u cigar equals in quality the best 10c cigar. Cheerfulness Is an offshoot of goodness and wisdom. Boveo. Mn. Wlnslow'R Soothing Hymn. For children teething, suftnuB the gums, reduces In flammation, allays pain, cures wind collu. 25c a Ixntlo. Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power. Mann. If you have female troubles which need attention, take Cardui. The ingredients of which Cardui is composed, have a strong influence over the womanly organs and build up the womanly strength. They are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and act in a scientific manner on woman's vital energies. If sick, you are urged to try Wine of Cardui Mrs. Annie Hamilton, of Stetsonville, Wis., writes: "As a result of womanly troubles, I could not sleep, eat, or stand on my feet, without suffering terrible dis- tress. WRITE FOR FREE BOOK REV. TR0UTM AN SENDS BEST WISHES FOR PE-RU-NA Rev, George A, E, Troutman, Mt Washington, Mo,, Writes, "My Wife and I Are Strong Believers in Pe-ru-na." Catarrh and Ln Grippe. Iter. Goo. A. E. Troutman, Mt. -nr.. ..l.i nr .-.-t j . ti-r.. ... i. II uamutUMi, wiliut.; IHJ WHO and I nro ntroiu? hnllovnrn In Pornna. I was cured of a had case of catarrh when nothing else that I tried had any effect. My wife was cured from it severe case of la grippe, and wo feel that tho least we can do is to gratefully acknowledge tho merit of Vermin. "My wife joins me in sending best wishes for your success." Throat Trouble. Rev. n. W.Tate, 020 Lincoln Avenue, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio, writes: Hp mmt AskrYour Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1908. For Curb Iiivim,eivt is unsurpassed Impenetrates and relieves pain very quickly-needs very little rubbing - ana does nol leave a scar or blemish. An anHsepMc remedy for thrush, fistula ana any abscess, PRICE 25. 50$ Z jU)0 SloorvsTreoHse on Horses. CaMe.Hogs ond Poultry" 5enr Free Address Dr.Eorl S.Sloon, Boston. Mo&s.U, 6.A. ""MEMBER OFTPE FAMILY, MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. cd W. Lm Oouglmm mmkma and mm IIb mora CSft v mma'm$2.B0,$3.00 and S3.0U mhoam than anym othmr manufacturer In ffi- world, baqauam thmy hold Aej-"l& ahapm, fit bmttar, wmar longmr, mnd wgy. arm of armmtmr valum than any other mary. ahoaa hi tho world to-day, stt W. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot W- UAUTIOW. W. U DoubUs name and price la stumped on bottom. Take Wo Ralittltiitfi. Sold by tho best shoo dealers everywhere, Shoue mailed from factory to any part of the world. Illus f.rnted Oatalotf frco to any aUdrcw. V. J-. JOijoi.AHi Tllrocktou, JUum. Write for Ftm 64-pa Book for Women, cl via symptoms, cause, horn treatment and valuable hints on diet, eserciaes, etc. lent free on request in plain wrapper, by small prepaid. Ladles' Advisory Dept Tbe Chattanooga Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Teon. J.j jl "For several yearn I have been troubled with a peculiar spasmodic affection of the throat. It would seize me suddenly and for a few minutes 1 would bo urt able to Hpeak audibly, nfid my breath would bo greatly interfered with. I would be obliged to (rasp for breath. 1 finally concluded that, it was somo catarrhal affection which probably ex cited the KpnHm. It interfered with my vocation as a preauhor, attacking mo oeeusi6nnlly in the pulpit. "1 had hoard so much about Vcrunn. as a catarrh remedy that I determined to try it. After talcing two bottles, my trouble hits iflsnppcaretl. I feel Sure that Vermin has greatly benefitted me." ltev. V. E. Swanstrom, Swedish Bap tist Va st or, Box 238, Grantsburg, Wis., writes that from the use of Vermin ho is perfectly well, entirely cured of chronic diarrhea and catarrh. Peruna In Tablet Form. For two years Dr. ITurtman and his assistants luivu incessantly labored to create Verunu in tablet form, and their strenuous laborHhave just been crowned with success. Vooplu who object to liquid medicines can now secure Veruna Tablets, which represent tho medicinal ingredients of Verumi. Each tablet 1a equivalent to one avcruge doso of Veruna. 11, Spavin or SDlinr i.-iu-Jiaiti.im, Foil Color (led JSzduiivclu, 'ltd Be Equalled At Any Prlos i i f .v.vwlJUau:oMUMMJBBBiBBBB i