The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 24, 1908, Image 2

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    Hcbr aska Advertiser
W. W. GANDERS, Prop.
Work n.ud nutionco propel tlio plow
of prosperity.
Tho liuarty dully laborer In liapploi
than a dyspeptic prince.
Zanoavillo (O.) eggo are puhhIiib foi
currency. Got chungo for an egg 7
Gold Ih sllll coming our way
Hpeaking, of course, nationally, and
not personally.
New York, It "is ropoTted7roBtB upon
a bed of garnets. Still, tho pickings
ubovo ground aro richer.
A coal man has been lined for sell
Ing J.91G pounds to the ton. That's a
weigh thoy have sometimes.
A bulldog ilgurcd aa a witness in a
Chicago case. Opposing counool ro
fralned from crossoxamlnation.
It is unsafe to trifle or tomporizo
with anything that makes a nolso liko
a grip germ getting In its work.
Spain produces over three billion
corks every year. No wonder poten
tates regard Alfonso aa a corker.
A Dotrolt prisoner has admitted
stealing 3,000 fountain pens. A fitting
punishment would be to make him 1111
them. t
Somo Ohio authorities aro UBlng
pictures in an attempt to euro tho
insane. Not, however, souvenir postal
If tho sultan of Turkey 1b not per
milted to niako overdrafts on his bank
tho poor man In horribly clrcum
A Philadelphia man has just given
Ills daughter a $100,000 coming-out
party. That's right. Put the money
in circulation.
Tho czar, by banishing all tho cd
itors from Russia, would Icavo tho
political novelists in exclusive pes
session of tho Hold.
A wise porBon should ever bo in
confidential relations with his digos
lion and not allow any tough traveler
to hinder its felicity.
Variety of thought Is as universal as
tho leaves, blades of grass or Innu
merable stars that glitter in tho
Bpheres of omnipotence.
Over 27,000 women in New York
support their husbands. A husband
is a convenience about tho Iioubo if
a womun can afford ono.
Peoplo aro now utilizing tho tele
phono to talk through their cheats,
but tho process of talking through
tho hat roqulrcs no telophone.
A lady poet declares that "it is
pleasant to die for those wo love." If
It Is not importlnont wo would like to
ask whother sho has over tried It.
Eleanor Qlyn, tho English novelist,
has called tho "Pilgrim Mothora" of
Now York a parcel of "tabby cats,"
and a Kilkenny time of it impends.
When tho Rev. Dr. Akod wants to
raiso a specific sum of monoy ho ro
fuses to dismiss tho congregation un
til ho gets It. Put up or stay shut up.
Ono hundred brand-now ton-dollat
gold pieces. Con you Imagino a prot
tier sight? Atlanta Georgian. Yo.s
Two hundred brand-now ten-dollai
gold pieces.
Although clouds, rain and stornu
prevail In tho rcnlm of Damo Naturo
there can ever lingor In tho brave
heart and soul tho sunshine of im
mortal hope.
According to the annual report ol
the Pinkerton agency, thero doesn't
seem to have been any decline in the
prosperity of the bank-burglary busi
ness, anyway.
In Pittsburg a man refused a pros
ent of $100 In gold coins becauso thoy
did not bear tho motto: "In God Wo
Trust." Ho was a minister, however;
not a millionaire.
A Kansas man killed himself bo
cause ho was-tired of getting up at
three o'clock in tho morning to milk
the cows. Apparently it novor oc
curred to him to get married. w
Tho cigarmakers' union of Boston
has decided to bar married women
from tho shops unless their husbands
are Invalids. What a shock for those
poor men who married for homes.
A prominent Washington physician
fiays that "mince pie is not injurious
If you can digest It." It might be add
ed neither are carpet tacks so much
depends upon that little word "If."
Affiliated with the University of Nebraska at
Lincoln. Ureatest College of Muiio in the
West. Bend for beautiful catalog to
WILLAKD KIMBALL, Director, Llncola, Neb.
A Second Resolution Passed the Sen
ate Directing Him to 8end In
formation About Banks.
Washington, D. C Senator Culber
son Wednesday accurrd tho passage of
his resolution directing tho secretary
or tho treasury to communicate to tho
senate tho nmount of circulating notes
Issued by each national bank to which,
was awarded Panama bonds In conse
quence of the award to them of such
bonds. Mr. Culberson first Inquired
whether the secretary had responded
to tho resolution adopted before tho
holidays calling for specific informa
tion concerning tho Panama bond is
sue, and was told by tho vice-presi
dent, that no such reply had come to
his desk. Senator Aldrich stated that
ho had expected that report Wednes
day and did ho not know tho reason
for Its delay. Ho withdrew his ob
jection to notion on the Culberson res
olution. Soldiers Demolished a Resort.
Leavenworth, Kan. A mob of 30
soldiers from Fort Leavenworth, en
raged by their suspicions concerning
tho lcath of a comrade, whose body
was found in a burning building in
tho tenderloin district Sunday morn
ing and by assaults on other of their
comrades, raided "The Gem," a resort
here. Wednesday night, driving out the
Inmates and demolishing the building.
Tho crowd of soldiers surrounded tho
place and gathering rocks from tho
street broke down tho doors. Tho oc
cupants of the house escaped unlu
'jured. The mob entered tho building
and exhausted its fury on the contents.
None of the soldiers are known to tho
police and no arrests have been made.
Colonist Rates to Continue.
Chicago. That the two-cent faro
legislation recently enacted by sev
eral western states will not operato
to do away with colonists rates on tho
railroads leading to the Paclllc coast
was tho announcement made hero
Wednesday. Independent notice to
this effect, has been given by tho
Southern Pacific and other western
roads nro expected to follow tho lead.
Heglnnlng March 1 and continuing un
til April 20, It is nnnounced, rates of
$.18 from the Middle West to the Pa
cific coast will bo in effect for home
seekers. From tho Missouri river
territory tho rate to California will bo
Troops Stay at Goldfleld.
Washington. President Roosevelt
Friday Informed Gov. Sparks, of Ne
vada, by telegram, that ho would per
mit tho troops to remain in Nevada
for such reasonable length of time ns
would give the legislature opportunity
to organize a force to perform the po
lices functions of tho stnte. This in
formation was in response to a com
munication from tho governor to tho
effect thai the legislature was perfect
ing legislation to the end stated.
A Hughes League Incorporation.
Albany, N. Y. Certificate of incor
poration of the Hughes league of tho
United States was tiled with tho sec
rotary of state Friday. Tho papers
stato its purpose to be "to a'd in cry-
stallzlng public sentiment and public
opinion and foster tho samo for tho
purpose of securing the nomination of
Charles Evans Hughes of New York
City, as the republican candidate for
president of tho United States of
America in tho year 1908 and to assist
In his election."
Price of Steel Products Stiffens.
Pittsburg, Pa. Wallace H. Rowo,
president of the Pittsburg Steel com
pany nnd tho Seamless Tube company
of America, not i lied tho Associated
ProBB Thursday that prices for all
wlro and steel hoop products have
been reafllrmod and there would bo no
reduction for tho spring trndo. All
tho plants of the company resumed
operations Thursday affording employ
ment to thousands of workmen.
Kansas Democrats Meet.
Topeka, Kan. The democratic state
central committee met hero Thursday
and selected Hutchinson ns the meet
ing placo of the convention to elect
national delegates. Tho date was
fixed for February 21 The central
commltteo will meet February 20 at
Hutchinson to fix the dato for conven
tion to nominate stato olllcors. Ilryan
was Informally Indorsed for president,
China Wants Guns Quick.
Paris. China has placed an import
ant urgent order for quick tiring guns
In Paris. Whother the guns are pur
chased owing to tho acule relatlpns
between China nnd Japan on account
of internal troubles in China is un
known here.
Makes France Nervous.
Paris. Tho news that a Gorman
fleet will crulso in tho Mediterranean
next spring has created somo anxiety
In government circles here, whoro it
is thought thnt the presence of tho
warships may moan a "renewal of
German meddling In Moroccan af
The Experience of Mr. Woods Is the
Experience of Thousands of Others.
Bernard P. Woods of Jackson street,
Lonaconlng, Md., saya: "Hard work
and heavy lifting
vt'eakoned my kid
neys. I was tired
every morning and
my limbs stiff and
Bore. Dizzy spells
nnd headaches were
frequent, and tho
kidney secretions
m u c h disordered.
This continued for fifteen years and
until I began using Doan's Kidney
Pills. Then I improved steadily until
cured, and naturally, I recommend
them strongly."
Sold by all dealers, r0 cents a box
Foster-Milburn Co., IJuffalo, N. Y.
Disappointed Youngster Discriminated
In His Prayer.
For several weeks, little Ralph had
enjoyed tho use of a Shetland pony,
tho property of a horse dealer who
was a friend of tho family. Rut much
to Ralph's sorrow, thero camo a day
recently when the pony was sold, and
the delightful horseback rides came
to a sudden end. Tho purchaser, as
Ralph found out by Inquiry, was a
little girl of about his own mature
ago of flvo. Ever sinco his acquaint
ance with tho pony began, Ralph had
included him in his bedtime prayer,
and "God bless tho pony," was an
earnest nightly petition. The first
evening after the sale of tho pony,
Ralph hesitated when ho reached his
pot's place In the prayer. Then, after
a moment's thought, ho continued:
"Please, God, bless the - pony just
tho same; but, God, don't you bless
the little girl what's got the pony."
Mr. Woodson resolves that ho will
never again wear a high hat when
snowballs aro rlpo.
Went Him a Few Better.
A very dapper looking young mn
entered a Chicago hotol a few days
ago, followed by a middle-aged man
who seemed to bo just a little care
less concerning his personal appear
ance. Tho affable clerk offered a
pen to tho carefully dressed young
gentleman, who registered himself as
"William Henry Tylor III." When he
had stopped aside tho other man
reached for tho pen and under Mr.
Tyler's namo wrote: "John Smith
Coffee Finally Had to Go.
Tho way somo porsons cling to cof
fee oven after they know it is doing
thorn harm, is a puzzler. But It is an
easy matter to glvo it up for good,
when Postum Food Coffee is properly
mado and used Instead.
A girl writes: "Mother had been
suffering with nervous headaches for
seven weary years, but kept drinking
"Ono day I asked her why sho did
not glvo up coffeo as a cousin of mine
had done who had taken to Postum.
But Mother was such a slavo to coffeo
sho thought it would bo terriblo to
glvo It up.
"Finally, ono day, sho mado tho
change to Postum, and quickly her
headaches disappeared. Ono morning
whllo she was drinking Postum so
freely and with such relish I asked for
a taste.
"That started mo on Postum and I
now drink It more freely than I did
coffeo, which never comes into our
houso now.
"A girl friend of mine, ono day, saw
mo drinking Postum and asked If it
was coffeo. I told her it was Postum
and gave her somo to take homo, but
forgot to tell her how to mako It.
"Tho next day sho said she did not
seo how I could drink Postum. I found
sho had mado it like ordinary coffee.
So -I told her how to mako It right
and gave her a cupful I mado, aftor
boiling it fifteen minutes. Sho said
sho nover drank any coffee that tasted
as good, and now coffeo is banished
from both our homes." Nnmo given
by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Michigan
Read tho little book "Tho Road to
Wellvlllo" In pkgB. "There's a Reason,
bbbb" I
Explanation Satisfied Policeman That
Punishment Was Due.
Policeman Knclrem, of tho Tender
loin precinct, saw an old man beating
a small boy on Seventh avenue re
cently In a Tashion that reminded tho
officer of tho happy days when ho used
j to boat it from tho parental beating,
j So with a cheerful smile, having chll-
dron of his own, the policeman ap-
proached tho old man.
I "Listen," replied tho man; "half an
t hour ago I sent iBaac to tho delicates
sen. I gave him two quarters, ono
with which to buy bread, tho other
to buy fish. And now ho conies back
and says ho wants to know which
quarter is for the fish and which for
tho bread. Is it enough?"
"It is," replied Knclrem. New York
His Hands Were a Solid Mass, and
Disease Spread All Over Body
Cured In 4 Days By Cutlcura.
"Ono day we noticed that our Httlo
boy was all broken out with Itching
sores, wo first noticed it on nis uttio
mnds. His hands were not as bad
then, and wo didn't think anything
serious would result. But the next day
we heard of tho Cutlcura Remedies
being so good for itching sores. By
this time the disease had spread all
over his body, and his hands were
nothing but a solid mnss of this itch-
ng disease. I purchased a box of Cutl
cura Soap and one box of Cutlcura
Ointment, nnd that night, I took tho
Cutlcura Soap and lukewarm water
and washed him well. Then I dried
lim and took the Cutlcura Ointment
and anointed him with It. I did this
every evening and in four nights ho
was entirely cured. Mrs. Frank Don
ahue, 208 Fremont St., Kokomo, Ind.,
Sept. 16, 1907."
Italy Has Largest Churches.
Italy owns the world's three largest
churches St. Peter's, Rome; Tho Du-
omo, Milan; and St, Paul's at Rome.
We Sell Guns and Traps Cheap
Buy furs nnd hides, or tan them for robes
& rugs. N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis.
Happiness lies in the consciousness
wo have of it, and by no means In
the way the future keeps Its promises.
VA7.0 OINTMRNT Is mmrantei'd to euro anv casn
of ltchlnir, lillntl, lllccdlnu! or Protruding I'llcs in
U to 14 dnys or money refunded. fiOc.
The only greatness is unselfish loyo.
There Is a great difference between
trying to please and giving pleasure.
Rmnl;trn linvn to mil fnr T.p.ums' Rintflo
Binder cigar to get it. Your dealer or
L.ewi9 rnctory, l'eona, ill.
It's easy to swear off and just as
easy to fall off a little later.
Stands for
In providing the family's meals,don't
be satisfied with anything but the
best. KC is guaranteed perfec
tion at a moderate price. It
makes everything better.
. ....... .
A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, nnd will not
blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the
article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head
ache and Sdlatlca. Ve recommend It as the best and safest external counter
irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach
and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what
ve claim for it, and It will be found to be Invaluable In the household and for
children. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say Mitia
the best of all your preparations," Accept no preparation of vaseline unless
the same carries our label, as otherwise It Is not genuine,
Send your addreae and we will mail our VmunUn Booklet deacrlulng
our preparations which will Intereat you,
17 8UU81. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. N-w York City
aH"-' HaSlHB SJr-'-'-'--'k
K i ' v i WaM?:?BBW
Tl :?7 SXvkbbW
bbbb -;.y"v.".v.-iaaw
bbbv i y ijjaaw
This woman says that sick
women should not fail to try
Iiydia 13. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound as sho did.
Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrence
St;., Denver, Col., writes to Mrs.
Pinkham :
41 1 was practically an invalid for six
years, on account of femalo troubles.
I underwent an operation by tho
doctor's advice, but in a few months I
waa worse than before. A friend ad
vised Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound and it restored mo to perfect
health, such as I have not enjoyed in
many years. Any woman suffering ns
I did with backache, bearing-down
pains, and periodic pains, should not fail
to use Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetablo
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetablo Compound, mado
from roots and herbs, lias been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
Iis. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write licr for advice.
She ha guided thousands to
health Address, Lynn, Mass.
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They also relievo Dls-
tres.H from Dyspepsia, In
dlKeatlouaiulToo Ilearty
Eatltifr. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Kau
sea, DrowslnesH, Bad
Taste In tho Month, Coat
cd Tongue, Pain In the
They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 4, 1908.
Jaques Mfg. Co.
and see.
or Money
JL 1