The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 10, 1908, Image 9

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In Spite of His Many Handicaps, He
Battled Successfully with Disease
His Limited Knowledge of
Materia Medlca.
The pioneer physician waged an un
equal war against disease because of
his limited knowledge and equipment,
for fighting it. He was something of
u botanist and gathered many of the
herbs he used in the woods during
mild months, and from his book of
recipes compounded many a drastic
dose. He relied largely on his com
mon sense, the rarest quality to be
found in men to this day.
This self-reliance built up an indi
viduality, a strong personality, often
peculiar and sometimes eccentric. Ho
knew his patients, he studied their pe
culiarities as well as their ailments,
and the combined knowledge gave him
n marked degree of success.
The early doctor had limited knowl
edge of materia medicai His supply
consisted of medicines of his own com
pounding; also calomel, Dover's pow
ders, lobelia and tartar emetic, which
took hold; powerful, blistering salve,
a pair of old turnkeys for extracting
the most recalcitrant root, and spring
and thumb lances for bleeding. Every
body had to be bled, sick or well.
The treatment of some cases well,
typhoid fever, for instance, was heroic
and unique. Every particle of water
was taken away from the patient being
consumed by the awful fever. Wasted
with the disease and weakened by its
ravages, ho was bled for a half-pint to
a quart to further weaken him.
He was dosed with calomel till he
was a robin's egg blue and his teeth
loosened. But, notwithstanding, ho
generally got well, in spite of the doc
tor, rather than with his assistance,
for he was of a hardy race.
But this treatment was the excep
tion rather than the rule. The doc
tor's doses were drastic and mainly
of his own compounding, and being
vegetable and from the earth, earthy,
they were well suited to man's needs.
Bleeding commenced to go out of
general fashion about 1850. Twenty
five cents was the bleeding fee. Visits
in town, a similar amount, and coun
try rides, 25 cents a mile; obstetric
fee, five dollars. There were few med
ical colleges in the land and some of
the most successful country doctors
never saw the inside of one.
When the law was passed requiring
the registering of diplomas with the
prothonotary of the judicial district,
some of the most expert of the old
fashioned doctors had none to regis
ter. The law allowed them to prac
tice as before, which thoyadid to the
end, which leads to the suspicion that
some of our best doctors are born, not
made. ,
No preliminary education was re
quired. A man went and read in the;
doctor's ofllce and a few text-books
the early doctor had, followed his pre
ceptor around and watched him care
fully, studying his book of recipes for'
compounding dope.
Then the doctor started out his stu
dent on some of the simpler cases,
like measles, whooping cough and'
mumps, till the young man thought
himself qualified to do the triclc alonei
and then went elsewhere and hungj
out his sign with "Dr.'Mn front of his'
It is amazing to think how some of
these doctors, with limited advan
tages and crude equipment, tied ar
teries, set difficult fractures, ampu-.
tated limbs by the light of burn lan-1
terns with instruments and bandages
fished out of saddlebags or greatcoat,
They must have been reeking with
germs, if there Is anything In the germ
theory, and yet cases of blood poison
ing were comparatively unknown then.
The Heritage of the Centuries.
Every city in Australia should bo an
ideal and model municipality. The
cities of that vast commonwealth are
holrs to the greatest heritage of the
centuries. In planting their centers of
human life and activity they have had
tho best of all forms of government to
draw from rind living Illustrations of
tho worst to avoid. But the seeds of
an old world city are not only sown,
but, alus! the tree of city problems
nourishes on nil sides. Yes, the ovll
of human beings sweated into eternity,
looms largo upon the horizon of city
reforms. Tho unbridled spirit of
gflftihliug is abroad. Youths arc iu
the Bwiin of the relentless desiro to
get "something for nothing." Tho
drink curse has created the slum.
The Sunday Strand.
Wise Move.
Dumley I don't understand how
you could possibly laugh so heartily
at. that poor joko of Mutley's.
Wise I had to, In self-defense.
Dumley In self-defense?
Wise If I hadn't laughed he'd hvo
repeated it, thinking 1 hadn't seen the
point. Philadelphia Press.
Bob Say, ma, were men very
scarce when you married pa, or did
you Just feel sorry for him?
Bad Case of Eczema on Child
Disease Had Reached a Fearful
State His Order Resulted
in Complete Cure.
"When I was small I was troubled
with eczema for about three months.
It was nil over my face and covered
nearly nil of my head. It reached
such a stale that It was just a largo
scab all over, and the pain and Itching
were terrible. 1 doctored with an able
physician for some time and was then
advised by him to use the Cutlcura
Remedies which I did and I was en
tirely cured. I have not been bothered
with it since. 1 used Cutlcura Soap
and Cutlcura Ointment but do not
know exactly how much was used to
complete the cure. 1 can safely say
that Cutlcura did a lot for me. Miss
Anabel Wilson, North Branch, Mich.,
Oct. 20. 1907."
Office Boy's Little Coup.
The ofllce boy in a downtown office
has framed up the following schedule
of the firm's olllco hours, which Is dis
played in a prominent place on tho
wall: "9-10 reserved for book agents
and people with various things to sell;
10-11 for insurance agents; 11-12 bores
with long stories; 1-2 solicitors for
church and charitnblo institutions;
2- 3 discuss sporting news with callers;
3- 5 miscellaneous social visitors. N.
B. We transnct our own business at
night." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Sheer white goods, In fact, any fino
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done in a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at tho
Improved appearance of your work.
and tho
Traveler's Picture Books.
Picture books for the benefit of trav
elers are kept in the Paris police sta
tions. It frequently occurs that for
eigners lose things which they aro
unable to describe, because of their
unfamiliarity with the French lan
guage. The picture books contain
rescntations of various articles,
the inquirer has only to turn
leaves and point out the illustrations
which resemble the property he lost.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
bjr local Applications, a tlioy ennnot Tcich the dl
enicd portion of tho ear. There Is only one way to
cure cleHtnetm.ancl thut In by conttltutlonal remedies.
Deafness I canned by an Inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube U Inflamed you have rumbling tound or m.
perfect hearing, and when It 1 entirely closed, Dcnf
nog It tho result. and iinlcmtlio luiliunmntloii can be
taken out and this tube restored to lis normal condi
tion, lieurlDB will bo denroyed forever; nine cases
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which In nothlqi?
but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will Klve One Hundred Dollars for uny cne of
Deafness (caused by caturrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hentl for circulars, free.
a,., . ' (JHKNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by DrtUfftlsts, ;r.c. '
Tuke Hall's Family 1'IIU for constipation.
t Crusher for Papa.
"Chalmont, you don't know your
geography lesson at all to-night," said
Gunson, Sr. "When I was your age I
could answer practically every ques
tion in the book."
"Well, pa," retorted Gunson, Jr., "I
guess you had some intelligent person
to help you with your home work."
Why 8loan's Liniment and Veterinary
Remedies Are the BeBt to Use.
Let me tell you why Sloan's Lini
ment and Veterinary Remedies are
the safest and most prnctlcal on tho
market to-day. In the first place, Dr.
Earl S. Sloan is the son of a veterin
ary surgeon, nnd from his earliest in
fancy he was associated with horses.
He bought and sold horses while
yet very young. Ho practiced as a vet
erinary for 20 yenrs and lias battlod
successfully with every disease to
which that nnlmnl Is subject.
All his remedies are the result of
experiments nindo to save life or re
lieve suffering while he was practic
ing his profession.
Any render, by writing to Dr. Earl
S. Sloan, OlR Albany Street, Boston,
Mass., will receive "Slonn's Treatiso
on the Horse," free. This book tells
how to treat horses, cattle, hogs, and
The Golfers' Limerick.
A well-known Derbyshire doctor hna
just resigned his membership of a Mid
land golf club, his letter to the secre
tary of tho club reading:
A canny old Scot writes to say
Thut til Rolt bo no more will piny;
llo thlnku nowt of tho ruiiio,
Ho plctiHo Htrlko out IiIh ittuiio
And wlfo'H from tho club right away.
The secretary of tho club was not to
ho outdone, nnd ho sent the doctor the
following reply:
A canny old Scot like you ouht '
To play golf like a Vanlou untuiiKhl;
Ah I've now Kot to rub
Your name from the chili
Your subscription amounts to 0.
London Daily News.
With n smooth iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at homo as tho
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness nnd finish, thero will
bo less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
! use a Starch that does not stick to tho
The Other Side.
Lnndlndy Are you so particular
' about having a quiet room because
! you sleep in the daytime?
j Do Toot No, muam. 1 practice on
! the (Into several hours a day, and any
other sound jars on my sensitive soul.
) Harper's Weekly.
Lemon, Chocolate and Custard Pies.
It docs not renulrc an experienced cook
to make good pies from "OUH-PIR." Just
the proper proportions of till Ingredients
are In tho package ready for immediate
use. At grocers, 10 cents per package.
Order a few packages to-day.
Pa Was Bald.
"Sny. ma?"
"Well, my child?"
"Why doesn't pa gild his dome?"
That Dry Hacking Cough
needs attention. Ask your druggist
for Brown's Bronchial Troches which
will quickly relievo the cough.
Nevada sc&ms apt to targe to the
first place in the production of pre-!
clous metals. I
tho lKniituri of K. W. OltOVK. Uwd tho World
bver to Curo u Cold In One Day. isic.
Every woman thinks she" has a right I
to make a fool of some man. !
Lewis' .Single Hinder straight .le cigur
niude of rich, mellow tobacco. "Your deal
er or Lewis' Factory, I'coria, III.
Too many people feather their nests
with borrowed plumes.
Mm. Whitlow's Soothing Syrup.
For children toethliiK, Hoftcns tho kiipih, reduces In
flammation, allays pain, cures wind collu. ysca bottle.
Political conventions seldom go un-bossed.
f 1 i in
"What does your brother do for a
"He's an nrtlst."
"I know, so am 1. Hut what does ho
do for a living?"
To livo for others, to suffer for
others, is tho inevitable condition of
our being. To accept the condition
glndly, is to llnd it crowned with its
own Joys. Westcott.
One of -the
of the happy homes of to-dny Is a vaal
fund of informu.tion as to tho best methods
of promoting health and happiness nnd
right living and knowledge of tho world'
best products.
Products of actunl excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
antl which have attained to world-wido
acceptance through tho approval of the
Well-informed of the World; not of indi
viduals only, but of tho many who hav
the hnppy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best tho world affords.
One of the products of that class, of
known component parts, an Ethical
remedy, approved by physicians and com-,
mended by tho Well-informed of the
Worldasavnluablo nnd wholesome family
laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs
and KUxir of Sr una. To get its boneficinl
effects always buy the genuine, manu
factured by th California Fig Syrup Co.,
only, und for Hide by all leading druggists.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 2, 1908.''
The Pe-ru-na Almanac in 8,000,000
The Peruna Lucky Day Almanac has
become a fixture in over eight million
homes. It can be obtained from all
druggists free. Bo sure to inquire early.
Tho IflOS Almnnnc is already published,
and the supply will soon be exhausted.
Do not put It off. Speak for one to day.
Great beauty and great virtue aro
always inaccessible except to those
who strive, who learn to accept, un
derstand and enjoy them. Sterne.
FITS, St. Vitus Dance and nil Nervous
Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve ltestorer. Send for Free $2.00
trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. II. Kline,
Ld 031 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Be proud ol the achievements. of
others. Their success is making your
work worth while.
s Another I
Every Washburn Sell
you CAN
at the West Chicago price and on the
most liberal terms of monthly payments.
This Ih the piano Hint Is known as "America's
Home I'lium", Ik'cmiihc It linx the true ainaina
tone and s guamutvrd for life ly Lyon IJtaly.
who tire the world's lnrt:ivWniisic house. The
Washburn catalog explains everything.
tdVn ,"mkfA for n "i;"10' n,,,il this nilvcr
tisetncnt today with your name and mhlrcKi unci
receive catalog nnd name of local piano dealer,
nm! Mx pieces of beautiful now piano music.
Your Baking
K C Baking Powder will do it I Get
a can. Try it for your favorite cake. If
it doesn't raise better, more evenly, higher,
if it isn't daintier, more delicate in flavor,
we return your money. Everybody
agrees K Cas no equal.
The United States Pure Food
Law insures its purity.
in..'""' r.o
I This Is Wfmt j"&?"fcM
Catches Me! IJERg
K IGoas. Ona-Tlilrd Mora Starch. mi0
I Jly iji ' P0UND
mKSA Ill Wv Pfemum8 kyt one third
WmJmMf&l I wW morc March than you get of
mWriilliIMMj I J llfP tncr brands. Try it now, for
mMlllSM hot of cold starchin8 has no
Pj ty equal and will not stipk to the iron.
A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not
blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the
article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head
ache and Sciatica . We recommend it as the best and safest external counter
irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach
and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what
WuCiij ior iU and 11 wil1 be ound t0 bc Invaluable In the household and for
children. Once used no family will be without It. Many people say "It Is
the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless
the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine.
Send your nddres and we will mail ou- Vutellno BookUt dorlblna
our preparations whloh vlll Interest you.
17 State St. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. New York City