Miss Blanche Williams came up from Shubcrt this morning. John Ackorman of Brown villc, has been bound ovor to district court on the charge of complicity in the burning of his livesy barn in Brownvillc. 'His bond has been fixed at .$1000. Peter Carey, the veteran dray man of Peru, was badly injured in a runaway last Saturday. One leg was broken in two places. He was taken to Omaha Monday and that afternoon his leg was amputated. His injuries may prove fatal. Thursday night of last week Charles G. Brockett, a floor walker in a Chicago store, and Mrs. Ruby Pishzak, wife of an Illinois state bank examiner, were found unconscious from bullet wounds in Grand Park, Chicago. Notes found in Brockett's cloth ing showed that the shooting wes in pursuance of a suicide pact. Brockett died a few minutes after being taken to the hospital. Mrs. Pishzak was shot above the heart and is in a critical condition. Mrs. Pishzak is a stepdaughter of John S. Furnas of Brownu lie. Mr, and Mrs. Pishzak have be( n estranged for some time, but the tragedy has effected a reconcilia tion, and the husband watches at the bedside of the wounded woman at the hospital. Mr. Furnas is in Chicago car ing for his stepdaughter. To cheek a cold quickly, got from your druggist some little Cundy Cold Tablets called Preventies. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Preven ties, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Proven tics contain no quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the "sneeze stago" Preventicg will pre vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, LaGrippo, etc. Hence the name, Preventies. Good for foverish children. 48 Preventies 25 cents. Trial boxes 5 cents. Sold by All Dealers. I Slglfluan Pn'oyor "May the Lord help you make Buck o,i3 Arnica salve known to all," writes J. G. Jenkins of Chapel Hill, N. C. It 'quickly took the pain out of a felon for me and cured it in a worndorfully short time." Best on earth for sores, burns and wounds. 25c at the drug1 store. W. W. FKAZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr. All calls promptly attended Phone 2b fhoisinds Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it 1'revalenuy of Kidney DUciikc. Most people do not realize the alarm ing increase and remarkable prcvnlcncy oi Kiciney disease. Whilckiduey dis orders are the most common diseases that pre vail, they are almost the last recognized by patient and phy sicians, who eon.' tent themselves with doctoring the effects, while the orig itutl disease undermines the system. What To So. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water " and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, apd overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild ami the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soou realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a noon mat tens an about it, both sent free by mail, Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. When writing mention this one of iwunp-Root, paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the ' name, Dr. Kilmer's iSwamp-Koot, ana the address, Binghamton, N. Y, mm Miss Essie White is quite sick. Clyde Hill drove up from Shu bcrt Thursday. Theodore Hill of Shubcrt was in Nemana Wednesday. Mrs. Ray Anderson has an at tack of the grip, but is 'getting better. Geo. S; Smith of Table Rock is visiting his sister, Mrs. Walter Hadlock. He came over Thurs day. F.L.Woodward went to Omaha Tuesday morning and from there to Kansas City. He will probably return today, Josiah Frazier of Pattonsburg, Missouri, came to Nemaha Tues day and has been visiting his grandson, Dr. W. W. Frazier. Two mutual insurance compa nies have suspended in the past month the National of Omaha and the Nebraska Mercantile of Lincoln. The Modern Woodmen of America has set another new rec ord for increase of membership. Djring the year 1907 the society issued 147,843 beneficial certifi cates. Mr. and Mrs. David Frazier of Atwood, Colorado, arrived in Ne maha Thursday evening on a visit to their son, Dr. W. W. Frazier, and thair many Nemaha friends. The Harry Kimmel Co., assist ed by home talena, will give a play in the' opera house Monday night. They play at Auburn Tuesday night and at Johnson Wednesday night. Tickets for Monday night's en tertainment on sale at the post office. Lew Elliott, his son Harry and daughter Mable arrived in Ne maha Thursday afternoon. Lew was one of the old timers in Ne maha. His wife was a daughter of the late Jas. A. Titus. He has been living in southeastern Wy oming for several years. It has been thirteen years since he was in Nemaha, and of course he sees, many changes. A Large Land Deal A deal was completed Wednes day whereby William C. Juhl be comes the owner of the west ne half of section 34, township 5, range 15 the north quarter sec tion being the old Chris Shuck farm and the south quarter the o'd Zegefuse farm. This prop erty was owned by Marshall Pryor. It lies three miles north east of Nemaha.. Mr. Pryor re ceived $87.50 per acre for the 320 acres-a total of $28,000. The same day Mr. Juhl also bought the bid Jerry Marlatt farm of '80 acres of R. I. Brown, paying $70 per acre for it a to tal of $5,600. Mr. Juhl thus shows his confi dence in Nemaha county land by investing $33,600 in one day in jfarm land. He also owns the old J. W. Argabright farm of 200 acres in Asginwall precinct, so he is now the owner of 600 acres of Nemaha county farm land, all of it within less than six miles of Nemaha. He Fought at Gettysburg David Parker, of Fayette, N.Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: "Elec trie Bitters have done me moro good than any medicine I over took, for several years I had stomach trouble, and paid out much money for medicine to little purpose, until I begun taking Flectric Bitters. I would not take $500 ,gr what they have done ferme." Grand tonic for the aged and for female weaknesses. Great ulterative aud body builder; best of all for lame back an weak kidneys. Guaranteed by all drug gists 50c. Dan Maxwell has had one piece ' of good luck, A few months ago he bought the Fuller farm at roerce's sale, but as there was some trouble about the title he had paid no money on it. Thurs day he was offered $600 for his bargain and accepted it. A clear profit of $600, without having paid any money down, is pretty good, and Dan would like to run across a few more such bargains. 1 We understand a Mrs. Robinson of Peru is the last purchaser. - Nemaha People in Montana A recent issue of the Missoula (Montana) Herald contained an account of the meeting of the Golden Rod club, an organization of former Nebraskans. This club holds regular monthly meetings. The first meeting of the year was , held on the evening of new year's day. At this meeting officers were elected, and we notice that J. H. Veeder, for four years principal of the Nemaha schools, was elec ted president. The other officers are W. E. Hassler, formerly of PawneeCity, vice president; Mrs. Carl Seeley, formerly of Lincoln, secretary; and John Valentine treasurer. A committee was appointed to see about securing a hall, as it is expected the membership of the club will reach at least 100 before the end of the year. The meeting in Febuary will be held at the home of Mrs. H. A. Wheeldon, who was at one time a teacher in Nemaha, and who married Mr. Wheeldon here, 'her maiden name being Maud Moore. If real coffee disturbs your stomach, your heart or kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Dr. Shoop has closely matched old Javn and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet it has not a single grain of real coffee in it. Dr. Shoop'g Health Coffee Imitation is madminute. pure toasted grains malt, nuts, etc.- ft! a s No tedious long wait. You will from like it. Get a free sample at our store. Earle Gilbert. PET Ell KERKER. Dealtir 111 LLigliOBt market pi ice paid for Hides, Lard, Tallow, etc, THE WONDERFUL BIG HORN BASIN I have a selected list of ir rigated farms in the Basin for rent; why not rent Cor a year or two and learn the profits from irrigated farm ing in tho Basin, and be come acquainted with tho climato and desirability of settling in that region? We also heip you homestead irrigated lands, or to buy thorn at prices that will mako you money. Millions of dollars are now being spent irrigating Basin lands. Homeseekers' excursions tirst and third Tuesdays of 1008, Write D. Clem Deav. or, General Agent, Land- seokers' Information Bu reau, Omaha. Winter Excursions:' Cheap rate excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month this autumn to Kansas, Oklahoma, the Gulf country, Col orado, Utah, Wyoming, Big Horn Basin, Montana and the North west. Ask your nearest acreiit or write the undersigned. 0 V. GLENN, Ticket ient at Neinaha.1 L, W WAKELEY. 0, P, A,. Omaha, A Fire at Stella Stella Nebr., Jan. G.-Thn nlrl frame building north of the opera ' house and occupied by a barber ' shop and carpenter shop down1 stairs and Dr. G. M. Andrews' ! office in the front rooms upstairs, caught fire from a flue at 9:30 this forenoon. The fire was well started before it was discovered. The building was formerly fitt-1 ed up for a hotel and was covered with galvanized iron roofing, which held the fire in and enabled the occupants to carry everything out with the exception of the large desk in the doctor's office. The heat was so intense that only great effort saved the Overman hotel and opera house, as the windows were broken in by the heat. The 1 next building was occupied by Garrison Bros, as a confectionery and next was a buggy shop of F. H. Fankell. The contents of these two buildings were carried to the street and an effort was made to check the flames, which were threatening the Baptist church by blowing it up with dy namite. Then the crowd tore down the frame building used as living rooms and a milliner store of Lessie Colglazier and this gave a vacant space to fight the flames, which was confined to the.build ings mentioned. Appendicitis Is due in a large measure to abuse of the bowels, by employing drastic pur gatives. To avoid all danger, use only Dr. King's new life pills, the safe, gen tle cleanser's and invigorators. Guar anteed for headache, biliousness, mala ria and jaundice, at drug stores, 25c. Tour Bank We sell them hind in Buffalo, Custer, Dawson, Lin coln, Perkins, Keith or Deuel. We have some good bargains, Write us for list. Any amount at any price from $5 to $100. M. . FOUTOII, Agent, EEABNET, NEBR. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney ailments, can be quickly corrected with a prescription known to druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The prompt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the controlling nerves of the stomach, etc. -A weak stemach, causing dyspepsia, a weak heart with palpitation or inter mittent pulse, always means weak stomach nerves or weak heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see how quickly these ailments dis appear. Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis., will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by All Dealers. .X. Oi-otliei- -in the MRS. HILL BUILDING Shoe RcDairine Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specially RANK OF I L9 m NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Wf. CWI.'USr.h, Pro. Y. E. ALLEK, Ylce.Pres. KLMEK E. ALLEN, Cashlerl l'RANK TITUS, Ass't Cash Capital, $5,000 With Ample Facilities any Resolutions of Respect Tho following resolutions were adopted at the regular meeting of the Methodist ladies' aid so ciety last week: Whereas, Our most wise and merciful Father has removed from our midst our beloved sis ter, Julia M. Sanders, therefore be it Resolved, That we, the mem bers of the M. E. ladies' aid so ciety, extend to her relatives and friends our sincerest sympathy in this their sad bereavement. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be handed The -Advertiser for publication, and a copy be recorded in the minutes of our society. Fannie Yackly, President. Adeha Russell, Secretary. A Hard Debt to Pay "I owe a debt of gratitude that can never can bo paid off," writes G. S. Clark, of Westfifcld, Iowa, "for my rescue from death, by Dr. King's New Discovery. Both lungs were so seriously uffected that death seemed imminent, when I commenced taking New Discovery. The ominous dry, hacking cough quit before the first bottle was used, and two more bottles made a complete dure." Nothing has ever equalled New Discovery for coughs, colds and all throat and lung complaints. Garrantcd by all druggists 50c and $.00. Trial bottle free. Old papers at this office. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests arc proving to the people withouta penny's cost the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by All Dealers. Broke? Weak Kidneys Weak Kidneys, surely point to weak kidney Nerves. Tho Kidnoys, like tho. Heart, and the Btomach, And thoir weakness, not in tho organ Itself, but in tho nerves that control and guide nd strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nerves. To doctor tho Kidnoys alone, is futile. It is a wasto of time, and of money as Weil. If your back aches or is weak. If the urine scalds, or is dark and strong, if you have symptoms of Brights or other distressing or dangerous kid. ney disease try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month Tablets or Liquid and seo what it con and will do for you. Druggist recommend and sell Dr. Shoop's Restorative W. Wr KEELING. ,KNAPP & SON Proprietors of the Livary& Feed Stable NEMAHA NEBR. Good Dray in connection with Livery Satisfaction guaranteed, NEMAHA m X Surplus, $1,000 for handling Business entrusted to Us NO!