The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 03, 1908, Image 4

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Instrumental In the Downfall of the
Combine, Having Furnished Much
of the Evidence on Which It
Was Prosecuted.
Thomas 15. Worrall. n
train merchant of Nebraska, commit-
led suicide In hla ofllce In Lincoln by
ilrliiktug carbolic acid.
ile had been In ill health and it
i.ii..v..,i iiii.i ii m minimi, iiw
torture of sciatica that, he drank the
lendly poison.
.Mr. Worm II was last seen probably
by S. K. Hemau, watchman
federal building. Mr. Worrall
the federal building between
7:110 Friday evening, where be
.ome letters.
at the
was at
7 and
In a letter written
T. S. Allen, It was
mind whs not cleat
to his attorney,
shown that his
ft was written
upon two sheets or
paper, the llrsl
luted .January 1,' 1003, and the second
was dated January 2, IS107. in this
letter instructions were given to the
often that all of the property was to
go to Mrs. Worrall, and In the event
of her death It was to be divided be
4 went the two sons, Hymn and Mark
will. Mr. Worrall was the son of one of
Lancaster county's earliest settlors.
Isaac Worrall, who nettled in West
Oak precinct in 1SU7 after living two
j ears In Otoe county. He was the
oldest of twelve children.
The details of ltis life lie was reti
cent about divulging, disposing .of
them as follows in the preface to bis
book. "The Grain Trust Ex posed:"
Mus where and when I was born. Denver's Newspaper Row.
and what the name of the attending UenvPr. Col.-A warrant was sworn
phjslelnn nn;l nf.rse arc matters of out ThMvsaav night for the arrest of
little Interest to you. You are not Fr0ll G Uonm one of tho 1)ronrlelors
concerned whether that important of thj? Denvt,r rost; The warrant was
oen. lot-It plac? m a scM house, a log SWOrn to by ex-United States Senator
bouse or a palatial mansion. Yor. Thomas M. Patterson ns the result of
don't care whether J emi trace my u- :m enCounter between the two men at
tistry back to the" Pilgrim Fathers oarly hour Thursday morning dur
aiul the Mayflower or not. Perhaps I in5 which Senator Patterson was
could If I tried. 1 never tiled. For I knocked down and painfully injured,
don't care either. The encounter was the culmination of
What you are hue: fg'td In Is the a newspaper light which hat? been co
st. -ry I have to till It U for that you ins on for some years between the
ae pn.ung yo.r noney. Hefoie you proprietors of the Post and Senator
pay it you may want to
tl;e story is, why 1 haw
. ml why I nm competent
That is what 1 purpose
right here, and in the fewest words 'Reprimand for Capt. Kulp.
possible. ' Pes Moines, la. The court martial
Mv story is of a- band of broad trying Capt. Kulp of Company B, f.4th
clothed 'respectables who have grown regiment, for alleged failure to stop a
rich at. the expense- of the farmers, prizefight upon the orders of Adjutant
Unlike the .Jnmcs gang this band has General Thrift on the night of Novem
not ridden the prairies armed with her 21, returned a Verdict late Friday
Winchesters.' taking their lives in holding that Capt. Kulp. while he may
hand, to commit crimes in bold and not have intentionally disobeyed the:
open violation of the law. Methods orders of Adjutant General Thrift, bad
now are more u Ddern. A plan has done so, and the court recommended
been envolved for obtaining the maxi- that he be reprimanded,
mum of loot with the minimum ot
Mr. Worrall started the campaign
against the trust which led to its dis
Governor Sparks of Nevada to
mon Legislature.
A Mi-clal session of Hie Wv:u1:i
legislature will be called by Governor unlon-
John Sparks. The governor said
Sunday that he. would issue the proc- Something New for Japan's Navy,
tarnation and the date of convening Paris. The Echo de Paris an
will be In about two weeks. The call ounces that the Maxims are con
will be made at the request of Presl- structinp for Japan a new type of
dent Hoosevelt, who has notified Ne- sh,n for ,lu transportation of small
VMla's governor that such action
must be taken or the troops now
stationed at Goldfield will be re
moved. Notification of the decision to as
semble the legislature has been trans
mitted, GoTOrnor Sparks says, to
Washington. County Commissioner
Rosenthal of Goldfield, whose resig
nation haa been requested by Gover
nor Sparkt, has refused to vacate his
Inventor Claims to
Be Able
to Produce Them.
Pascal Berjonueau, a Paris
tor. exhibited before the French post- offlcers anu men of the American bat.
master seneral and a number of per- t,eshJn fleet al thls p(m eJ tQ
sons Interested In scientific invest!- bc an onjovable om?. nright sunshine
Ration, a telephotography apparatus favored the visitors and after everv
which can be adapted to the wireless thln? was matle sui)Siiane on boaj
sstem or to the ordinary telegraph the battleships' 2.000 men were per
wire system. He transmitted the pic- mit(ed to come ashore.
ture of the postmaster geueral with-
out the aid of wires from one end Indians Make Raids.
Of the hall to the other. The Inven- cu rtah.Col0rado Vie
for claims that distance does not Inter-,ud,.uis are traveJin? in bands ln
fere with the effectiveness of Jiis soutkern Utah, raiding sheep and cat-
method. Photographs, he says, can tlemen according to a report received
be sent by it between New York nd Frl(lav bv Gov John c Culier
Pa j is-.
Dr. Delta" Unearths In Mexico Docu
ments Taken From Lieut.
Pike In 1806.
Mexico City. What Is con a I do red a
very Important historical discovery
hits resulted from the efforts of Dr.
Herbert 10. Holleii, the American his
torian, who Is here engaged In re
search work under the auspices of
the Carnegie Institute of Washington.
The discovery consists In the unearth
ing in this city of 18 or 20 docu
ments taken front the person of Lieut,
Zebulon Pike, of the United States
army by Spanish soldiers In 180(5 when
he was captured while making his
. famous t iI i up the Arkansas and Mis
souri rivers, visiting the Oaago and
prominent Coinmanche Indians, at the Instnnce
James iikinson, then gov-
i'''ir of Louisiana.
The whereabouts
of the other three documents cannot
be learned. So Important Is the dis-
eovery considered in
considered In the United
Stntos that Secretary Hoot has sent
Dr. Helton his congratulations.
Oklahoma Legislatur. Asks That Con-
ventlon of States be Called to
Amend Constitution.
(iuthrle, Ok. Gov. Haskell, after a
conference here, issued a statement
to the effect that he would ask the
8al"turo to-pass resolutions calling
on congress to assemble a convention
of states, ns provided in article five
V ",v ih.i,u..,
of tUn f' C.. ..... ......... I. ... I ....
LliL- IIUI Ul illllilllUIUK I lit' 1'
tntlon so ns to provide for the elec
tion of United States senators by
popular vote. The resolution also
provides for a commission which will
carry on the fight for the Oklahoma
plan in other states.
This is the first time in the history
of the nation that an endeavor has
been made to secure changes in the
constitution of the United States in
this manner. The governor states 11
states stand ready to follow the lend
of Oklahoma.
know what Patterson, who is the prlncipnl stock
written it. holder of tho News-Times Publishing
to write it. company. -tolllng
Would Dissolve a Union.
Goldfield. Nav To carry the 2ght
into the federal court will be the next
move of the Goldfield Mine Owners'
association. Thursday a suit will be
filed In the circuit court of the dis
trict of Nevada, asking not only for
an injunction against picketing and
interfering with, but for the final dis
solution of the Goldfield Miners'
? eeis io me scene oi Dai
tie. The submarine will be stowed
in a species of tunnels In tHe hold of
the vessel whence they can emerge
unperceived by means of locks.
Strong Gales at Boulder, Col.
Honlder, Col. For the past 24 hours
the wind has blown from 30 to 60
miles an hour here. At times dis
aster was threatened to the whole
town. No less than six fire alarms
were turned in while a forest fire Is
raging two mile? up Boulder Canon.
It Is expected the fire will burn Itself
out without serious damage.
Fleet At Trinidad.
Pnrt of Sivnln Th first ,1-iv f .Ym
Bursting of the Bubble of Freuzied
Finance Forgotten.
Never Before Had the Good Things
Been -Distributed So Lavish
ly in Gotham.
New York. There was no spirit of
depression in this city this Christmas
day. From the Bronx to the llattery
and over into Brooklyn to the point
where Coney Island points its nose
into the sea, there was merry-making
that must have satisfied the jolliest
soul and those who had no cheer of
their own were bountifully supplied
by those who had enough and some
to spare. Those In a position to
know, say that never before has the
good things been distributed with so
lavish a hand or so many of the less
fortunate made happy with gratuities.
The Salvationists, Volunteers, Young
Mens Christian association and 100
other public and' private humanitarian
organizations vied with each other in
supplying to all who would accept,
bountiful repasts, surprise gifts of
clothing and toys, with music and
bright lights and well wishes thrown
in. In fact the good cheer could not
be dispended with in the traditional
24 hours, and beginning at noon Tues
day, Christmas festivities were in full
swing. Even at the stock exchange
the scene of recent financial disaster
for many; the walls were hung with
holly and mistletoe and the brokers
proved they were not broke, by mak
ing a pool of $12,000 for the 360 ex
change employe.-. Nearly every pub-.
He school had Its Christmas pro
gramme. The Dutch Cabinet Has Resigned.
The Hague. The Dutch cabinet, or
council of ministers, comprising nine
members, by whom the executive au
thority of the government Is admin
istered. Wednesday presented its
resignation. It is thought that the
dissolution of the parliament is likely
to follow. The resignation of the
cabinet js due to the defeat of the
army estimates in the second cham
ber of parliament. The opposition in
the discussion of these estimates con
tended that the efficiency of the
Dutch army was not proportionate to
its cost.
Need More Locomotives.
Fargo. North Dakota, Twenty
trains are tied up on the division of
the Northern Pacific between James
town and Mandan, N. D., for lack of
motive power. Nine engines left here
Christmas morning to relieve the con
gestion. Every effort will be made
to move the trains as soon as possible
as a snow storm is now raging in
North Dakota.
A Great Maneuvering Field.
St. Joseph, Mo Major D. H. Boigh
ton. U. S. A., head of the war college
at Fort Leavenworth, has plans for
a great maneuvering field in Platte
county, to be used jointly each year
by the National guard of Missouri,
Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa. He has
recommended to the war department
that 12.000 acres of farm land be pur
chased In Platte county, Mo., adjoin
ing the reservation already owned bj
the government in connection with
Fort Leavenworth. Altogether the
maneuver field would Include 19,00
acres of almost every conceivable
typographical formation.
Supreme Court Reporter Dead.
Washington John Chandler Ban
croft Davis, for the past 24 years re
porter for the United States supreme
court, and formerly United States
minister to Germany, died here Friday.
Speaker Cannon Declares He Won't
Even Wear a Silk Hat When
He Becomes President.
Washington. Uncle Joe Cannon
has never worn a silk hat, and never
will. "I won't even wear one when I
become president," said he the other
day. "1 am agin 'em."
There is an unconfirmed rumor that
once upon a time, far secluded in his
chamber when the lights were burn
ing low and the bands were playing
funeral inarches in a soft key, he tried
one on and looked at himself in tho
mirror. Immediately, says the rumor,
the lights went up and the noise of
the bands was drowned by his expres
sions of opinion concerning the appro
priateness, appearance and beauty of
silk hat.
Ile is a sworn enemy of silk hats.
He never has worn one. He never
will. The persuasion 'of relatives, the
arguments of friends and the calls of
custom have faUed to put a silk hat
above his beard.
Mine Swindlers Sentenced.
Denver. Col. Promoters, mining
engineers and other persons convict
ed of using the mails with Intent to
defraud in connection with the sale
of stock in the Lost Spnnish Bullion
Mines company, were sentenced by
Judge R. E-. Lewis in the United
States district court here Thursday
as follows: George S. Dubois,. Lee
Dubois and C. L. Blackwell. 150 days
in jai! and $l,o00 fine each; Win. H.
Wilson, W. B. Cameron, A. K. Keables
and Arthur Lawrence, 15 days' im
prisonment and ?o00 fine each; Arthur
Levan and E. W. Sebben, $100 fine
and costs amounting to $200; R. C.
Hunt and Danton Pinkus. $."i0 fine and
$lo0 costs.
A Special Session Probable.
Topeka. Kan. Gov. Hocli Friday, in
discussing the probability of a special
session of the legislature, said:
"Something must be done. If I knew
the legislature would pass the right,
kind of a guaranty deposit law and
enact into law the other measures
that are needed 1 would not hesitate
to call a" special session." The gov
ernor further declared he had not
definitely made up his mind. Attor
ney General Jackson declared there
will be a special session "and soon"
The Kansas Teachers.
Topeka. Kan. The enrollment ol
the teachers at the annual state as
sociation is smaller this year than
usual, less than 1.000 being present.
The nominating committee Friday re
ported the following officers for the
ensuing year: For president, J. E.
Boyer. Kingman; first vice-president.
C. E. St. John. Marion: second vice
president. M. G. Kirkpatrlck. Frank
fort; third vice-president, H. H. Girar
dy, Norton: auditing committee, W. S
Reese, F. L. Plnet and E. G. Kellv.
Accepted Jesse's Resignation.
St. Louis, Mo. At a meeting horfi
Friday of the board of curators of the
University of Missouri, located at
Columbia, the resignation of President
R. H. Jesse was accepted. A commit
tee headed by C. B. Farls, of Caruth
ersvllle. was appointed to choose a
successor to the presidency of the
state university, it is stated that
.President Jesse's resignation was
tendered because of -ill health.
A Test of Executive Power.
Washington. War department of
ficials are much interested in the re
ported action of a firm of New York
lawyers in bringing a test case in a
federal court in New York to deter
mine the right of the executive to
discharge a battalion of the 2."th in
fantry as an outcome of the rioting
at Brownsville, Texas.
The Citizens of Camden Point, Mo.f
Called to Arms in the Night.
fter Hot Chase Two of Three Men
Engaged Were Captured Part
of Money Found.
St. Joseph, Mo. The Bank of Cam
den Point at Camden Point, Mo., three
miles southeast of here, was robbed
by three men at .'5 o'clock Friday
morning and ?2,T00 in currency was
taken. A fierce battle between citi
zens and tho robbers took place In
which many shots were exchanged,
but the robbers escaped. They were
pursued by a posse. The robbers were
discovered by Prof. Barhan, president
of the Camden Point college, who saw
u light in the bank and aroused the
citizens. Three explosions occurred
after the alarm was given and the
safe and interior of the bank were
Mr. Perrin armed himself, called J.
E. PulHns and M. S. Wilson to his aid
and hurried to the bank. Two rob
bers could be seen at work inside the
Institution. Another was on guard at
the door. Mr. Perrin and the officers
concealed themselves on the college
campus and opened (Ire in the bank
shooting through the windows.
In the meantime the night telephone
operator had been busy arousing the
town. Men were called from their
beds and told to arm themselves and
hurry to the bank. Quite a group ot
residents had answered the call when
the robbers, having secured all tho
money in sight, about $2,700, emerged
from the front door. Calling back an
airy good-bye to the townspeople in
distinctly to be seen in the darkness,
the robbers started on a run to the
northward. The telephone having done
its work well a posse was quickly or
ganized for the pursuit.
About $1,000 of the money that the
robbers secured was in silver, and the
weight of the metal retarded them In
their flight and enabled their pursuers
to get within sight of them. Perceiv
ing that they must part with the
heavier part of their plunder if they
could hope to escape, the robbers hid
the silver in a haystack on the farm
of John McCain near Edgerton Junc
tion, where it was recovered later.
The fleeing men had unburdened
themselves too late, however. Their
pursuers were upon them, and two of
them gave themselves up. The other
one escaped.'
Great was the' surprise of the cap
tors, when the two robbers had given
themselves up. to discover that one
of them was Clyde Reed, son of John
Reed, owner of a farm near Edgerton
Junction, and one of the most widely
known men of this section of Platte
Liquor Business Did Not Pay.
Raleigh, N. C. By a majority of
"4r Raleigh Thursday voted out its
liquor dispensary and becomes a pro
hibition city, the dispensary to close
at "noon Friday. In the city there
were !)2S votes for prohibition, SSI
for dispensary and two for saloons.
The dispensary lias been in operation
here for four years. The sales have
amounted to about $250,000 a year,
with about - $7o,000 profit, this be
ing placed to the credit of the school
fund, the road fund and the city ex
pense account. It reduced taxation
but the voters here felt that its in
fluence was not for the city's best
Missouri Teachers' Meeting.
Joplin, Mo. The Missouri State
Teachers' association met In 46th an
nual session here Thursday. About
,500 teachers, representing all parts of
the state, were In attendance and the
three days' convocation promises to
be of exceptional Interest, and profit
to the pedagogues. The opening
meeting at the high school auditorium
Thursday was preceded by an Inform
al social session during which the
teachers proceeded to meet on a basis
of friendly terms or equality which
augurs well for the attainment of the
entire meeting.
Jury Must Decide.
Boise, Ida. Judge Wood Thursday
morning denied the motions filed by
the defense In the Pettlbone trial that
a verdict of ncuuittnl be advised by
the court. In considering the motion
to advise acquittal for want, of suf
ficient corroborative evidence, Judge
Wood reviewed the Independent testi
mony on each of the crimes confessed
by Orchard and stated that In his
opinion there were tmttlclont corrobor
ation of each of them to require tho
submission thereof to the Jury,
Attended Races at Port of Spain.
Port of Spain, The captains of the
American battleships and their staffs
were entertained at luncheon Thurs
day by Sir Henry Moore Jackson, the
governor of Trinidad, and later wore
the guests of the governor at. the
races. The weather was Ideal and
the race course was thronged with
officers and men of the licet together
with a holiday crowd from tlu olty.