The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 27, 1907, Image 1
SteMaft VOL. Lll XO. 32 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FIUPAY, DEC. 27, 1907 ti lt. Li it ... i ' 1 1 A happy New Year to all. It will soon be leap year again. It was 'a black Christmas no snow. Old papers for sale at this office. John Vanderford went to Peru Monday. The Missouri river is blocked with ice. Do not forget to phone us any news items. A. R. Titus came down from Syracuse Monday evening. The passenger train was an hour late Tuesday afternoon. Elder and Mrs. J. W. Sapp spent Christmas at Brownville. Rev. G. W. Ayers closed the protracted meeting at Howe Sun day night. Celebrate ths glad New Year by paying a year ahead for The Advertiser. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Sanders returned to Garretson, South Da kota, Monday. One good resolution to make is that you will keep all your other good resolutions. Jake Handley and family went to Rockport, Mo., Monday, to spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kimmel -arrived in Nemaha Monday, to spend the holidays. Mrs. W. E. Smiley and Emmet came in from Wymore Saturday to visit Nemaha relatives. August Quiller shipped a car load of baled alfalfa hay to Kan sas City Tuesday evening. Miss Grace Peabody came in from Beatrice Friday afternoon to spend the holidays at home. Sweet potatoes for sale can be had at any time all through the winter. Wm. Rossell. Miss Jessie Smith returned to Dorchester Thursday after a few days' visit with Nemaha friends. We failed to mention last week that Roy Scott returned home with his mother, from Indiana, last Friday. Myrom Glenn of Table Rock, Nebr., visited his brother, C. V. Glenn, from Saturday morning until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Bacon of Shubert were the guests of the -latter's sister, Mrs. W. H. Barker, Monday. We had a snow storm Saturday night. Not so very much snow fell but it remained on the ground for two or three days. Theodore Hill came up from Shubert Wednesday morning to spend Christmas with his grand mother, Mrs. Theo. Hill. Miss Hazel Parker, who has been in Nemaha for the past three weeks, returned to her home in Auburn Tuesday. Frank -Scott came in from Pawnee county Monday to spend Christmas with his wife and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. 1 trow n. Elder Boyer and wife came up from Shubert Wednesday -morning, going on to Lincoln on train 97. Mrs. Jas. A. Titus and Mr. and ! Mrs. A. R. Titus went to Shubert Tuesday evening to spend Christ mas with H. E. Wiiliams and Mrs. 0. G. Whitfield went to an The returned to Nema Peni Tuesday to spend Christmas , ha th,s mornmg' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green Edwards. Rolla Morton, who has been railroading in Wyoming for sev eral months, returned home Mon day to spend the holidays. Robt. Stephenson xalled n Wednesday and paid for a copy ofThe Advertiser for a year, to be sent to his uncle. W. G.Steph enson, Hermon, St. Lawrence county, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burgess and the children came down Mr. and Mrs. Poh of Belvidere, Nebr., arrived in Nemaha Mon- fpm ovrfl(,n6fi MnnHnv PVAninrr day on a visit to the latter's sis-' and yisited Mrs Burgess's par ter, Mrs. Wesley tt. Clark. entg Mr and Mrs Fuller Burns Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kindig until Thursday morning,, went to Lincoln Thursday morn-1 Ephraim Cooper of Denver, ing to attend the meeting of the Colorado, arrived in Nemaha state teachers' association. Tuesday, on a visit to his broth- Brownie spring skates are easy er' saac N- hooper, ??" on your feet and cost no more nd Tthf wedding of his neice, We wish to thank our customers for the liberal patronage they have given us during the past year, aud we hope to merit a continuance of the same. : i t i t than the common kind. E. & B. Lbr. Co. For sale Plymouth Rock cock erels fine ones. G. E. N. Sanders. Miss Lulu Cooper, to John Clem- ans. ' Christmas oab, probably be tween the Christian church and her home, Miss Nora Aynes lost R. F. D. No. 1, Brownville, Neb. ? tan colored-pocketbook contain- mg some money, scamp jmotos, Claude Maxwell came in from etc. Finder will please return it Webber, Kansas, last Friday, to to her. attend the wedding of his cousin, M miss Kutn Maxweii, ana visit friends. Frank Maxwell Miss Lannie Noyes and Edgar Gates of Lincoln came to Nemaha W. W. Liebhart and daughter, Wednesday to attend the wed Mrs. Frank Titus, and Miss June dim? of Ray CIark and Miss Ruth went to Papillion, Nebr., Mo,n- Maxwell. They returned to Lin day, to spend Christmas with cln Thursday morning. relative; ' Mr. and Mrs. Clark will be at Frank Aynes, who has been home on Mr Rose Gilbert's staying with his brother-in-law, farm, northeast of Nemaha, where Frank Skeen, near Ord, for some John M- Clark is now living, time, returned home Friday of The S1"00 win engage in farm last week, ing, stock raising,' etc., in part- nership with his father. Mrs. a. Li. r. rnompson re- tvrned to Shenandoah, Iowa, Monday afternoon. Christmas exercises were held Her son ac the Rosefield school house on Walter L. Thompson, and wife Tuesday night. There was a Christmas tree tor the beneht of the general public, and the pn- went home with her. Nemaha property for sale A pils of the scheol and Sunday four room house, four lots, good 1 school were all remembered. " r"' TtreG S mC' I Ed E- Moore and family start- PnClr Inquire at this office ed for Island KansaS ast or of W. F. Gillespie. Saturday to spend Christmas All persons indebted to me are with E. L. Paris and family, requested to call and settle, for They stopped over Sunday in I am bound to collect what isdue.Red Cloud, Nebr., the guests of me in order to pay my bills. Andrew Aynes. I need money and must have it. Those indebted to me will please call and settle their ac counts at once. W. H. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Skeen. On their return they will visit Will and Jim Clark and families and other former Nemaha county people. The editor has had a time this week. On Christmas day we helped eat the wedding dinner at Will Clark, who has been here t n. Cooper's and a weddimr for some time, doing some car-'supper at Dan Maxwell's, and penter work for his brother, J. next day went to John M. Clark's M. Clark, returned to his home , to the -maY dinner, and we did in Smith Center, Kansas, Mon- ampie justice to tj?e good things day. each time. And yet we are able to eret the paper off, and are Miss Mav Kohlin wafc the guest of Mrs. C. P. Barke, Sat-dy to accept invitations for urday night. Miss Koblin has been staying with her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Ebnother of Aspinwall, for some time. Prof. G. E. Sanders, principal of the public school at Harris burg, county seat of Banner county, Nebr., returned to his home in London precinct last Saturday, to spend the holidays. Word was received the first of this week that Mrs. H. 0. Min- ick, who for some time has been visiting her daugeter' Mrs. J. W. Mouteith, in Chase county, "tfebr., is very sick. next week. Peter Kerker has been selling his customers some extra fine beef recently some young stuff he bought last summer and has fed ntil it is just right. It cer tainly makes mighty fine eating, and as good as you can find any where. Peter has one of the very best meat markets for a small town that we know of, but it is not appreciated until we go away from here awhile and find what they have in other places. Then we are always glad to sam ple Pete's meat, sausage, bologna and other good things. We wish all our patrons a happy and prosperous New Year. ' it I ! I s 5 i JHO. W. RITCHET I JBoth Phones No. 20 NEMAHA, NEB. J i John I. Dressier and family and V. P. Peabody and family attended a reunion Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Davison, near Stella. There are three sisters and two brothers living Mrs. Davison. Mrs. Peabody, and Mrs. H. L. Harford of Aspinwall precinct, John 1. Dressier, and H. M. Dressier of Bedford precinct. All were present at the reunion. Rev. G. W. Ayers spent a strenuous Christmas. At noon he married Mr. John Clemans and Miss Lulu Cooper, partaking of the fine wedding dinner. At 6 o,clock ho performed a like ceremony for Mr. Ray Clark and Miss Ruth Maxwell, and then, without stopping for supper, he drove twelve miles to the home of Mr. Mayer, where he married Mr. Harry Wheeler and Miss Hester J. Howell. He staved there that night and the next morning drove home and then to the infair dinner at John M. Clark's. He says he is ready to go another such round at any time for a similar purpose. Old papers at this office. May the coming year be to each reader of The Advertiser a year filled with happiness and prosperity. May each one of us do all in our power to make the world better and therefore hap pier. May we have more chari ty for each other and kinder thoughts one for the other. May we be more helpful, more consid erate, more loving. May we in every way try to do good and not evil; to build up and not tear down; to boost and not .knock. Mrs. G. W. Ayers, wife of the pastor of the Methodist church, teaches ths young people's biple class in that Sunday school. - In less than two weeks five members of the class have got married in two cases both the bride and groom were members of the class and of course Bro. Ayers mar ried them in each case. Mrs. Ayers denies teaching matrimony except by example. But it ap pears if a young man or a young lady is anxious to be married, it would be a good idea to join this class. Nat Titus says if a pros pect of which he is now hopefnl doesn't pan out he is going to join. STOVES! On account of the mild fall so far wo havo too many stoves loft on hand, so we will make prices on thorn to sell them' If you need u stove now or in the near future it will pay you to get one right now. Remember, Winter is Just Commencing One 18-inch Ideal Loader base burner, was 844.00, now $37.00 One 16-inch Illinois heater - was 28.00, now 22.00 One 18-inch Prize Oak heater - - was 21.00, now 16.00 Two 14-inch, Prize Oak heaters - were 17,00, now 13.00 One 15-Jnch Hardy Gak heater was 12.50, now 10.00 One 13-mch Rival Oak heater - - was 8.50, now 6.50 One 13-inch Boss Oak heater was 7.50, now 6.00 Two 11-inch Boss Oak heaters were 6.75, now 5.00 We also have a few ranges and cook stoves which we will sell at the same liberal discounts. Don't fail to got ono of these stoves. They wont last long at those prices. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co.