The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 20, 1907, Image 1
m 12 VOL. Lll XO. 31 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FKIDAY, DEC. 20, 1907 ;rbrapKa Beautiful Gifts )M $ t I FOR Christmas Weddings PRICES & STYLES TO SUIT EVERY ONE A CHOICE COLLECTION 5 Of Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Gloves, Furs, Dress Goods, Silks, Bugs, Pictures, China, J Out Glass, Silverware, Table Linen, Dolls, T $ Etc. THE FINEST DOLL in-Nemahaounty may be aeen on display in thft nnrf.H window' 1 S s COME fcARLY to select your Gifts. They are going fast. GILBERT Nemaha, Nebr. EARLE Both Phones. Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn Next Wednesday is Christmas. Old papers for sale at this office. Miss Ida Young burn Monday. went to Au- Have you got all your Christ mas presents readyi The school closed Friday two weeks' vacation. . for-a J. M. West of Brownville was a Nemana visitor Monday, We had a snow storm Tuesday, but not enough for sleighing. Both Sunday schools are prac ticing for Christmas entertain ments. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rumbaugh returned from Omaha Tuesday evening. Marion Minick came down from Nebraska City Wednesday forenoon. The school held Christmas exercises Friday afternoon of this week. I need money and must have it. Those indebted to me will please call and settle their counts at once. W. H. Barker. ac- Swset potatoes for sale can be had at any time all through the winter. Wm. Rossell. John and Von Farson and Ed Yackly went hunting Tuesday afternoon and brought back 23 rabbits. Mrs. E. C. Hodkm went to Auburn Wednesday to see her husband, who is clerk at the Byers hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Thomp son, who have been visiting in Shenandoah, Iowa, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Fuller was quite sick for two or three days this week, but we are glad to learn she is now better. For sale Plymouth Rock cock erels fine ones. G. E. N. Sanders. R. F. D. No. 1, Brownville, Neb Mrs. Wm. H. Hoover and her daughter, Mrs. Helen Matthews; started last Saturday for Denver, where they will spend the win ter. All persons-indebted to me are requested to call and settle, for I am bound to collect what is due me in order to pay my bills. Andrew Aynes. John Dorram of Neck. Mo., arrived in NehSaha Monday on a visit to his many friends. Mrs. E. A. liowe went to Ves ta Tuesdsy to visit relatives a few days. - J. D. Graved came down from Peru Tuesdajand bought two fine brood soyis of E. E. Moore. Ml Miss MinniefsMay went to Oma ha Monday, visiting there and at Plattesmouth until'-Thursday af ternoon. Jas. A. Stephenson, who has been visiting in New York state for several weeks, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. A. L. Thompson came a rii i i -r down irom onenanaoan, xowa, riday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. M. Sanders. Mr. and' Mrs. J. F. LaLollette, who have been visiting 'in Lin coln for some time, returned to Nemaha last Saturday. Mrs. M. C. Scott, who has been visiting at Covington, Ind., or several months, returned home Friday of this week. John Owens of Stanberry,Mo., arrived In Nemaha Wednesday of last week on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Will F. Keeling. J, H. Linn came down from incoln several days ago and ,is doing some carpenter work on his farm southwest of town. We have just a few pieces of pyrography goods left which we will sell at Hair price. . ' Earle Gilbert. Brownie spring 'skates are easy on vour teet and cost no more than the common kind. E. & B. Lbr. Co. Cyrus G. Minick, night oper ator for the Burlington at Beat rice, came in to Nemaba Tues day, having a ten days' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Lukens of Kansas City, Mo., arrived in Nemaha the first of last week on a visit to Mr. ana Mrs. a, u Woodward. Our store hat always been recoguized as HEADQUARTERS HOLIDAY GOODS 444444444 I f 1 5 t and this year we live up to our reputation. J We have a large display of Holiday Goods $ which we invite you to see. J ; -1 5 Cups and Saucers Bread and Milk Set $ Sauce Dishes, Chocolate Pots, Berry Sets; rt , t Bread and Cake Plates Japanese China Plates and Dishes, ... v- ' ' S t it ! it H it it i s 4 t i it Handkerchiefs Men's and Women's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs Men's and Women's Silk Handkerchiefs Men's Fancy Border Handkerchiefs Women's Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs ' Fancy V.1 Collar Boxes Cuff Bbxe Trinket' Boxes Glove Boxes Handkerchief Boxes Japanese Wicker and Wood Boxes Necktie Boxes JXTO. W. RITCHET NEMAHA, NEB. Both Phones No. 20 Harry Rowen came near hav ing an attack of pneumonia the first of the week, but by prompt aid of Dr. Frazier it was checked before it got very bad. Carl E. Sanders of Garretson, South Dakota, arrived in Ne maha on the 7 o'clock train Fri-1 day morning, called here by the death of his mother, Mrs. J. M. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Roberts came up from Kansas City Sat urday morning to attend the wedding of their brother, Ole G. Roberts, and Miss May Kerker. They returned Sunday night. ,i Elmer E. Allen & Son, Bankers This is a new sign on the door of the Bank of Nemaha. The junior member of the firm ar rived at 3:30 a. m. Thursday weighs 7 1-2 pounds. Elmer is about as proud as anyone can be. Mrs. J. M, Clark was on the farm in Glen Rock precinct last week, keeping house for John and Will Clark and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Warren, who were doing carpen ter work and papering the house, getting it in shape for Mr. and Mrs. Clark to move in, which they expect to do next month. STOVES! On account of the mild fall so far wo'havo too many stoves loft on hand, so wo will make prices on them tojsell them' If you need u stove now or in the near future it will pay you to got one right now. Remember, Winter is Just Commencing One 18-inch Ideal Leader base burner, was 844.00, now $37.00 One 16-inch Illinois heater One 18-inch Prize Oak heater Two 14-inch Prize Oak heaters One 15-gnch Hardy Gak boater One 13-inch Rival Oak heater One 13-inch Boss Oak heater Two 11-inch Boss Oak heaters was - was were was was was wore 28.00, now 21.00, now 17,00, now 12.50, now 8.50, now 7.50, now 0.75, now 22.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 0.50 6.00 5.00 We also have a few ranges and cook stoves which we will sell at the same liberal discounts. Don't fail to get ono of these stoves. They wont last long at those prices. Edwards & Bradford Lbr.Co. 5 ! 5 5