The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 13, 1907, Image 7

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Handy for the Toilet Articles, and
Can Be Made Decorative One
Color Scheme Will Be Found
a Pretty Idea.
Once u girl acquires an assortment
of bags and receptacles for toilet ar
ticles she will never he without a bag
for everything. They arc handy ntul
help hor to keep a room orderly. Also
they may be fashioned In a way to make
them decorative.
One of the most satisfactory to have
is a comb and brush bag, which may
be hung beside the dresser or chlf
fonler and leavo more spaco In the
drawers for one's other belongings.
This bag is made deep enough to hold
the brush and comb and It looks like a
section of u shoo bag. The founda
tion Is a long, straight piece of the
material, on which Is sewn a pocket.
The pocket and foundation are bound
all around with ribbon or colored
tape to match the predominating color
In the cretonne silk or tapestry. Two
little ribbons, one at each corner of
the top, will serve to hang It up by. A
bedroom may be made to look very
dainty by having all the bags made of
pink, blue or yellow llowered chintz
or cretonne.
A pocket that will Hud many uses is
made of cretonno laid over an oval
shaped piece or cardboard and bound
on the edge with a small cord. The
lower half of the oval, which is used
lengthwise, has a pocket of cretonne
shirred to it. The upper edge of the
pocket is hemmed and an elastic run
through the shirring.
A whisk-broom case is another re
ceptacle which may be made orna
mental, nnd besides' this 11 is a good
thing to have a wall pocket with two
sections in which to keep one's shoo
brushes and shoe cloths. s
When the white of a fresh egg Is
beaten to a froth nnd added to the
cream it will whip much more quickly
and easily.
Use fine wire for hanging up such
articles as rolling pins, chopping
knives, potato mashers and pastry
boards. The wire loop is perfectly
To cut cheese smoothly and with
out breaking, fold tissue or paraffln pa
per over the knife blade.
For a good substitute for paraffln In
sealing jelly jars use plain writing pa
per dipped in strong brandy and
placed on top of the jelly In the same
way as paraffln. To quickly mend tin
paste a piece of brown paper across
the hole by means of cold water paste.
Pour boiling water into the pan and
allow to stand awhile. The pan can
be washed In hot or cold water.
Deviled Chicken.
Pluck and draw the chicken, truss
as for boiling, cut in two down the
middle, flatten the pieces; spread the
chickens lightly witlrva layer of mus
tard, pepper and cayenne, sprinkle
them with breadcrumbs, and plnce on
a gridiron. When they become a lit
tle dry put them upon a plate, baste
them with butter, and strew a little
salt and pepper over the inside, the
part which is laid first upon the grid
iron; basto frequently, and let them
broil for about half an hour, tinning
occasionally. Serve very hot with
either clarified (oiled) butter poured
over them, or with plenty of stewed
Buttermilk Cookies.
cup (scant) buttermilk, two eggs, one
cup( scant) buttermilk, two eggs, one
cup chopped raisins, one-third tea
spoonful soda, one teaspoonful baking
powder, flour to mix very soft. The
cookies should bo light and soft and
will keep for weeks. The secret is in
using the soft sugar..
Creole Egg Plant.
For six persons, threo egg plants;
slice ono inch thick; lay them in salt
water two hours. Sauce. In a deep
iron pot, one cooking spoon of olive
oil, four cloves of garlic cut fine; let
brown; then six or eight large toma
toes, or one large can, half pound of
olives, half pound capors, a pint of
water, salt and pepper to taste; let
simmer for one hour, then fry egg
plants In hot lard, then drop them In
sauce," simmer for one hour. Serve
with grated Italian cheese.
White Fruit Cake.
Two cups of sugar, one cup of but
ler, stirred to a cream; one cup of
sweet milk, three cups of Hour
(pastry), three small teaspoons of
baking powder, sifted in the Hour;
whites of threo eggs, beaten light and
stirred in last. Now stir In a, grated
cocoanut two pounds of almonds
blanched nnd cut tip and one pound of
citron cut in small pieces. This makes
a largo cako. if one-half the recipe Is
used take - two teaspoons of baking
powder and two eggs,
No Need to Suffer Every Day from
Mrs. Joannah Straw, 526 North
Broadway, Canton, S. D., says: "For
three years I suf
fered everything
with rheumatism In
my limbs nnd a
dull, ceaseless ach
ing In my back. I
was weak, languid,
broken with head
aches and diz?y
spells, and the kid
ney secretions were
thick with solids.
I was really in a
critical condition when I begnn with
Doan's Kidney Pills, and they certain
ly did wonders for me. Though I am
81 years old, I am as well as the
average woman of 50. I work well
ent well and sleep well."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-MUbum Co,, Buffalo, N. Y.
Papa Had Extreme Views on the Sub
ject of Marriage.
Miss Marie Cahlll, the actress, chose
the chorus girls for her new play,
"Marrying Mary," by measurement.
The BertllldTl system was employed.
"By this excellent system of meas
urement," said Miss Cahlll the other
day, "one gets, in a chorus girl, the
real thing. Mirage is avoided. You
know what a mirage is? Quite sure?
Well, at any rate, I'll point out its
meaning to you with a story.
"A boy looked up from his book
one night.
"'Father,' he said, 'what is a mi
rage?' "Tho father answered glibly from
behind his paper:
" 'The union of a man and woman
till death or the law them do part.'
"'But,' said the boy, 'that's mar
riage, ain't it?'
'"Same thing, sonny; it's the same
thing,' replied tho father. 'A man
Imagines he sees wonders and delights
where there Is nothing. Fight shy of
'em both, my boy.' "
Fins Recipe for the Quick Cure of
Coughs and Colds.
Mix half ounce of Concentrated oil
of pine with two ounces of glycorlno
and half a pint of good whisky; shako
well each tlmo and uso In doses of a
teaspoonful to n tnblespoonful every
four hours.
This Is tho formula prescribed by
the renowned throat and lung special
ist who established tho camp for con
sumpt,lves In the pine woods' of Maine
and whoso ronmrknblo cures attracted
widespread attention among the med
ical fraternity. Ho declaros that it
will heal tho lungs and euro any
cough that Is curable and will brenk
up an acute 'cold In 21 hours. Tho in
grcdlents can ho secured from any
prescription druggist nt a smnll cost
and is easily mixed at homo.
Be sure not to buy tho ordinary
bulk oil of plno nor patent medicine
imitations, as thoy will produco nau
sea. The real "Conccntrated'-oll of pine
Is a product of tho laboratories of tho
Gloho Pharmaceutical Co., Dayton,
Ohio, and is guaranteed under the
National Pure Food nnd Drug act. It
comes put up for medicinal uso In
half-ounce vials enclosed in tin screw
toi cases which protect it from heat
and light.
Minister's Amendment to Usual Grace
Fitted Circumstances.
A Pennsylvania divine formed one
of a house-party in Philadelphia
where the younger son, in accordance
with what the clergyman observed to
be his constant habit, as soon as he
had seated himself at breakfast Im
mediately possessed himself of a largo
slice of bread, the quality or which he
proceeded to test by a liberal mouth
ful. The minister, a stickler in such mat
ters of propriety, 'gazed blandly- at
him for a moment or so; (hen he fold
ed his hands and closed his eyes in
preparation for grace.
"For what we are about to receive,"
he intojicd wltlt "painful emphasis,
"and for what our young friend has
already received, Lord, make us truly
thankful." Harper's Weekly.
No Need for Maiden to Seek Further
for Her Affinity.
Prince, Dabrc, tho young Egyptian
who has conio to Amoricn to study tho
cotton Industry, Bald in New York tho
other day:
"While we produce superb cotton In
Egypt, tho Industry is not regulated
thoro with such wisdom as you em
ploy. Clever, Indeed, Is the conduct
of your American cotton industry iib
clever as tho conduct of a young Penn
sylvania ungrnduato whom 1 heard
about the other day. V
"This young man sat in n Louis
Quinzo drawing-room in conversation
with a beautiful girl. The girl, look
ing pensively Into tho fire, said:
"'Tho man I marry must bo both
bravo and clover.'
" 'Well,' said tho young man, 'when
wo were Bkntlng on the Wlssahtekon,
and came to the dangerous .spot and
broko through, 1 saved your life, didn't
"She smiled at him roguishly.
"'That was bravo,' sho said, 'but It
was not clever, was It?'
" 4Yes," said he, 'It was. I led you to
tho dangerous spot on purpose'
"She threw her arms about him,
'"You dear.'"
Truth and
, Quality
appeal to tho Well-informed in every
walk of life and are essential to permanent
success and crcditnblo standing. Accor
Ingly, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the only remctry of
known value, but ono of many rensons
why it is the best of personal nnd fnmily
laxatives is tho fact that it cleanses,
sweetens and relieves tho internal organs
on which it acts without any debilitating
after effects and without having to increase
the, quantity from time to lime.
It nrti pleasantly nnd naturally nnd
truly ns a laxative, and its component
parts nro known to and approved by
physicians, ns it is free from all objection
able substances. To get its beneficial
effects always pt -chase the genuine
manufactured by t'io California Fig Syrup
Co., only, and fqr c.tlo by all leading drug
sioic nil
: i sver
Tlicy regulate tho lio
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They nlno relievo Dla
irons from Dyui'iNlii, In
illKeritluiinml Too Hearty
KulIiiK. A perfect rem
edy for Dl7,y.lncn8, Nun
sen, DrowMiiesM, Jlud
Taste In the Mouth, Corn
ell Tongue, P.. In In tho
.vols. Purely Vegetable.
Mr. Jerome Evidently Was Aware of j Laundry work at home would bo
His Wife's Culinary Ability. j much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
Some weeks ago the wife of Judge desired stiffness, it is usually neces
Blank, or Pacific avenue, lost her cook, J sary to use so much starch that tho
and since she had no other resourco j beauty and fineness of the fabric Is
phr rnllnil 1111 linr ulpnvon ntul fnr :i lilllti )lli,l . .,.i,.t, ,.r .,...,.,.
week provided such meals nc the judge thickness, which not only destroys the SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE.
t.n.l . I ...... .1 , 1 I. - I . M t MMaHMMHnMNMnMnnMnMnn
iiuw iiul uujujuu auiwu must; ii.tiijiy , appearance, out niso auccts mo wear
days when the Blanks did not keep a j ing quality of the goods.. This trou
cook. Tho judge's delight was so great j ble enn be entirely overcome by using
that by way of appreciative acknowl- j Defiance Starch, as it can bo applied
edgment he presented Mrs. Blank i much more thinly because of its great-
wun a ueauiuui ermine cioaK. wuuo er strength than other makes.
What a Sottlor Can 8oouro In
1(50 Acre Grain-Growing- Land FREE.
20 to 40 Duthnlt Wheat to tho Acre.
40 to 00 Bushel Oat to the Act.
35 to GO Uuihol Unrlcy to the Aero.
Timber for Fencing nnd Buildings TRUE.
Good Laws with Low Taxation.
Splendid Railroad Facilities and Low Rate.
Schools nnd Churches Convenient.
Satisfactory Matkolt for nil Production.
Good Climate and I'erfrct Health.
Chance for Profitable Investment!.
.Some of the ehnleeHt arnttfprodui'liiKlmiilHlu
.SiiHtoiteluMvan and Alberta may now be ac
quired In thrne most healthful and prospcroiin
M'OIIoiih under tho
Roviscd Homestead Regulations
1 by which entry tiuvy bo made by proxy (on eer
tutu eondltloiiK), by tho father, mother, hod,
' daughter, brother or sinter of Intending home
, mender.
, Kntr.v fee lu cneh eune Ih 110.00. Kor pamphlet,
"Last IlfMVcnt,")iU'tlMtliirniiH to iiitrn, ronton,
bent tiinjj to o and wheru to loeate, apply to
801 New York Lite Buildlmc. ' Omaha, Nebrnsla,
naturally, the Incident was a good
deal noised about anions: tho social
acquaintances of the Blanks and a
spirit of envious emulation was de
veloped in certain qunrters. It was In
this mood that Mrs. Jerome recited
Woman of Economic Strain.
Of small economics the following
will be difficult to beat for smallness.
A laborlngman who hands over his
weekly wages to his wife is allowed
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similc Signature
itwu iimt miu, i; vi vtiiu iVVilliu n vunij i iiun IU Jim tiliU in illlU YtjlI
iha Htnrv in hr hnchnrwl "Whnt fin I liv hnp nn niitwm tsiltn i nr.mb
get, Jerry?" she asked, "if I will do ( She buys, it herself in two separate
the cooking for a week?" "Well," j half ounces in order, she declares, to
said Mr. Jerome, "at the end of a get the advantage of the two turns of
week, my dear, you'll get one of those ' the scale. London Chronicle.
long crepe veils." San Francisco J
Argonaut. Deafness Cannot Be Cured
. tiy locul implications, an they enunut roach tho din.
e.,,.1,1... eai-ed Portion of tho oar. There I only one way to
ouspicions. cure deafness, and that I by constitutional remedies.
"What does old Symper use a cash p7iiiOT
register for.' He s the only person in ( tuboi inflamed you have, u rurahitwc mii or im-
hin nlnro nf busing, tint bnnillPR n ""u,ct.!'ottr,"K.'.aa J ,wncu u V lrely cloned, Deaf-
ins piace oi Diisinesb mar. nannies a nesniHtiiorcnuit.nuiiiiniesiithuiuiinaiiiiatioiicaniic
cent Of the money." !?kc,Yt",t.nml thhijtiberostunNlto It normal conill-
it V , , V , , r. .i. "on. hoarlDjr will ho destroyed forever; nine casoj
"I kllOW it, but Old Svmner Won t put of ten nre cutised by Catarrh, which Is notlilmr
triiKt nvnti hlrrtRPlf" 1 out n Inflamed amdltlon of tho inucoua mirfucos.
II USl evenynimseir. . , y0 WJ11 clve One Hundred Dollar for nv en ..r
Denfnoftfi ((ntisnH w uuirtii tim .
by Hairs CutairU Cure. Komi for circulars, fret?.
KOllI hi? Drllr.f.UtB 1 '
Take Hall Family Vim for constipation.
Man and Wife Fatten oh Grace-Nuts.
More Nervy Woman, Now.
The notion that meat is necessary Blobbs Don't you ever take your
ror real strength and the foundation who out in your automobile?
r u .1 a t. i. . . . t -. i .
The Coining Gold Mine of Arizona
Weaver Minimi District, Yuvnpul County
EJelulms. AcijreKnteof (I iiillcn on ttie vein. Mnu
iiltlcent locution. l'al! lor. IVrlYet title. I'. H.
Survey completed. riiteiitM upplled for. J.iirju'ly
n't iiuiii'u. r,tiiiiivi win, inoueui imieiunery.
liMtrt testB iiveniKCd IM.tO er toll. Ore itinn to
tlUOi) per toll. KiiKlneertiof Interim tlona I reputtitlon
include. Harked by A-l tiiiilneth men. A little
stock left lit K0i! n bhnrti for euMi. Quick rcMiHe.
l.nro profits. Write lit once for full Information
nnd stock rcservutloiiH. Thorough InveMlwitlon In
vited. Audits wmtiMl Address II. A. ISilMliKIKIKIt.
I'm:., Till! SO I'T J 1 W KNTJJ H N DKVKI.Op'
M ISN'T COJI PAN Y, 110-117 I'ouuylviinlu Uulld
liiK, rhllitdeliihlu, I'u.
It amictod With I Thnmnonnl. ?... Iif..
oro eye, use f snuiiifiauii o ugo ifdtBr
W. N. U., LINC'OLN, NO. 50, 1907.
Lyon 8 Hcaly's
Is the very pinna
vou want, for vour
home now offered at lowest net prices
and on easiest monthly terms.
The Washburn is guaranteed for Ufa and
h known far and wide as "America's Hotiiti
Piano", because of its lotting qualities and
its famous singing tone.
If hi the market fur u piano, mull Hits mlvcr
tisement todr.y with your mime mid iwhlreim nnd
receive enlaloir unil name of local dealer, mid Mr
imvcuh oi uc.iiiiiiiii new piano music.
phices. ran every 'vr u uaiwi' r a
Cleanses and beautifies Hi lislr.
17011 io tes a laiurlsut Rrnwth.
Kovnr Fat In to Itntoro amy
Hair to ita Youthful Color.
Cure scalp diiesie to hair falling.
of solid flesh is no lonser as prevalent
as formerly.
Excessive meat eaters are usually
sluggish a part of the time becauso
they nre not able to fully digest their
food, and tho undigested portion is
changed Into what is practically a
kind of poison that acts upon the
blood and nerves, thus getting all
through the system.
"I was a heavy meat eater," writes
Slobbs I took her out once, but she
screamed so every time I ran over
anybody that It made mo nervous.
Any 12 Year Old Girl
Can muko Uioho delicious Lemon, Choco
late and Custard plus an well as the more
experienced cook If she uses "OUIt-PIK"
preparation, which Is now sold by nearly
all Krocern at 10 cents per packtiBo. Just
the proper ingredients In each package.
an Ills, man, "and up to two years ' Purchase unless she can make herself
n n iiiiiri Isn . 1 v m I 1 ttm i i .ilw. , . 4 mt.n. 1.
ago, was in very poor health. I suf- "d'ovo that she got more
digestion so that I only i money's worth.
than her
95 pounds. I
I heard about Grape-Nuts and ,vFiTfi5' St' vitus ?mw Vil "II iN:l;.V0lrt
to try It. My wife lane-hod at 1 Vmmh peniiuuuatly cittcd by Dr. Kline s
irst but when I I Nervo ntonr, bend for Fcc $2.00
fered with indigestit
weighed 95 pounds.
in a nt- 41n4- 1 . . 4- -..1. t f , .
l mm. uui, wiiuu i gumeu 10 izfi . . . . ... , . .. n i it t.-v.
nounds nnd Mt an flno uUn t rial liottle nnd Iroaltpe. l;r. K. II. Kline,
1III v? p fine, she thought ! Ld 931 Arch St Philadelphia, Pa.
sho would eat Grape-Nuts too. , .
"Now she is fat and well and has , Some people never fool themselves
gained 40 pounds. We never have in-1 more than when they think they are
digestion any more and seldom feel I fooling others.
ui uesire ior meat. A ne itrhbor of .
ours, C8 years old. was trnnhW wuu
indigestion for years; Avas it heavy
meat eater, and now since he has been
eating Grnpo-Nuts regularly, ho says
ho is well and never has Indigestion.
I could name a lot of persons who
have really been cured of indigestion
by changing from a heavy meat diet
,to Grape-Nuts." "There's a Reason."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
Read tho little book. "The Road to
Wellville" In pkgs.
That Ik I.AXAT1VK illtO.MO OU1NINK. 1,00k for
the fclKnntiiru of K. W. UHOVK. Um-U tho Workt
over to Cure u Cold In Ono Day. e.
If there wero not so many different
ways of lying moro people would tell
tho truth.
Smokers lmve to call for Lewis' .Single
Jiitidcr 'i(;nr to K't it. Vour dealer or
Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Insomnia is one of the infaut ail
ments that is contagious.
mco W. L. Ooumf mm mmkmm mud mmUm men agr
men's $2.GU, $3,OU and 33.50 mhomm
tnmnmnyotnmr manurmaturm hi thm
jfair world, bmpmumm thmy hold their
Bhmpm.flt BBttmr, wttmr lonmr, mnd
nap- arm of mrmmtmr vmlurn thmn any othmr -a
mnomm m turn world todmy.
W.L. Ooumimm $4 mnd $B OIH Cdmm Mhmmm mmnnmi km maumllmd ml mnv mrtam.
I if" CAUTION. W. I. DouelnH namo mid nrloo Is itnmpod on hottom. Tuko No Hiili
Htituto. Hold hy tho best hIioo dealorn everywhero. Hhoea mnllod from faetory to nny part
of tho world. IlluHtrated catalog free. r. V. DOUGLAS, Itrocktoii, Miina.
A 'J
A substitute for and superior lo mustard or any other plaster, and will not
bjlster tho most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the
article are wonderful.. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head
ache and Sciatica. We recommend It as the be3t and safest external counter
irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach
and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouly complaints. A trial will prove what
ve claim for It, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for
children. Once used no family vill be without It. Many people say "It is
the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless
the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine.
Send your address and we will moll our Vaeollne Booklet describing
our preparations which wilt interest you.
nsutosi. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. New Yo.k city