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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1907)
y A VOL. Lll NO. 30 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DEC. 13, 1907 V 'TT'T-TTTT'T'T'''" T T -V T T T T T T T T T T -1 -1 -1 I 1 0BMMflMMflBMMMHflBMMflBMi s Beautiful Gifts Christmas Weddings PRICES & STYLES TO SUIT EVERYONE Join the "Sihiling" club and be t cheerful. i Two inches of water fell dur- y i . J ing the storm Sunday night. District court adjourns this week until after the holidays. Eli Knapp and Perry Rowen went to Nebraska City Tuesday. Rev. G. W. Ayers began a pro tracted meeting at Howe Sunday evening. Sweet potatoes for salecan be had at any time all through the winter. Wm. Rossell. A. N. Harris of Aspinwall pre cinct called in Tuesday and paid his subscription for another year. J. L. Curttright, who has been visiting his son Walter, near Syr- acuse, reiurneu nume muuuuy , evening. J.D. Graves of Peru came to Nemaha Tuesday to look at hid Moore's herd of Duroc Jersey hogs, with a view of .buying sev eral head. Evangelist Samuel Gregg left for his home at Fremont Monday morning. From there he was to go to Oxford to begin a meeting Thursday night. f ! I 5 i I Special for Saturday AH of our Bedspreads, fringed and not fringed, some with cut corners for iron beds, large size, regularly worth $2.25. Saturday only - $1.89 A CHOICE COLLECTION $Ol HandKercnietS, Mufflers, t10Ves, Jmrs, Mrs. E. S. McCandless came Dress Goods, Silks, Bugs, Pictures, China down from Thurman, Iowa, $ Etc. J in the north window. Out Glass. Silverware. Table Linen. Dolls Thursday evening of last week, i (minir lu auuuui oatuiuaj, nu i a o . - - . irom tnere nome. A- M i TUNE OMCCT TirI T 5 Mrs. Gertie Galbraith and her . A M l-fSM-il-t Utile daughter started for Du m JNemana counuy may oe seen on display mtn, Minnesota, Monday, wnere . t i ' - T 1 r i n t Mrs. uaiuruim win juin ner nua- band, Warren Galpraith. All persons indebted to me are requested to call and settle, for I am bound to collect what is due me in order to pay my bills. Andrew Aynes. I need money and must have it. Those indebted to me will nlease call and settle their ac counts at once. W. H. Barker. COME EARLY to select your Gifts. They are going fast. GILBERT Both Phones. Nemaha, Nebr. EARLE t t ' Men's Wool Sweaters in bright colon, cheap at the regular price of $2.25. Saturday only, $1.78 Remember our Grocery department. Don't forget that Christmas will soon be here. J1TO. W. RITCHET Both Phones No. 20 NEMAHA, NEB. Dr. Bourne fits glasses. Old papers for office. So. Auburn sale at this Rev. J. W. Sapp preached at Shubert last Sunday. Mrs. Mead of Indiana arrived, in Nemaha Thursday on a visit to her son Norman Mead. AjTva T T?. T.ifffnll line honn nf Mrs. C. L. Russell and daugh- m, Mm i,0i; ter, Miss Neva, united with the rV"""'"' JI, ' Methodist church Sunday morn- Nate-Sedoras who has been very sick but who is now some better. ing, Mrs. Fuller Burns went to Dunbar, Neb., Thursday morn ing, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Frank Burgess. Sunday night we had a regular thunder shower, interspersed with hail, and accompanied by a hard wind. It commenced rain ing about 8:30 and continued all night with brief intermissions. Tuesday morning it snowed quite lively for a little while. The oyster supper held last Sat urrday night at the home of Mrs. Earle Gilbert (sy class No. 8 of the M. E. Sunday school, was a very pleasant and succeessful event. The receipts were a little over $22 and the net proceeds were over $17, which will be donated for some useful purpose, to be decid ed by the members of the class. J. H. Seid got one bone broken in his left arm, between the el bow and wrist, last Saturday. He was helping load some calves into a hog rack on a wagon, at Alf Kinton's, and had his arm thrust through between the slats, tying a calf; when it threw its head around, striking the arm and breaking one bone. Dr. Kay was called and reduced the f rac- ure. Henry says it doesn't pain him much except when he moves around and jars it. Attention is called to the state ment of the condition of the Bank of Nemaha, in another col; umn. This shows the bank to be in a splendid condition financially, with a reserve fund of over .57 per cent of the" amount of depos its. The business is steadily growing. The members of the Rebekah Lodge gave Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howe a. pleasant surprise Wed nesday evening". Twenty-five of the members went to their home northeast of town, with fresh oysters, celery, pickles, etc. It was a total surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Howe expect to leave for Oklahoma in about a week. The evening was greatly enjoyed by all present. . A mir of crlovea was left lirin in i x i - ' win r. reeling came aown Mrs. Earle Gilberts Saturday T i Ci.. i 3 ; ...... xiuixi inuum oamruay evening, njght which the owner can get by calling for them. Mrs. C. M. Keeling of Spring field, South Dakota, visited her husband's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Keeling, from Tuesday at evenincr until Thursday morning. returning Monday morning. Mrs. Will F. Keeling has been quite sick for several days, with grip, 'pleurisy, etc., but is now better. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rumbaugh went to Omaha Thursday morn ing to visit their daughter, Mrs. Horner. Postmaster Titus has put in a money order window and thus improved the furnishings of the postoffice. Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. are selling all their stoves at greatly reduced prices. Don't fail to get one. Miss Pearl Burns, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Frank Burgess, near -Syracuse, Nebr., returned home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerker m m - came nome Monday evening, after a week'e visit witn relatives Invitations have been issued t Des Moines and Council Bluff u .J.1 "II i I ' for two weddings on Christmas day, and it is rumored there is to be at least one more. Iowa, time. They had a pleasant Mr. arid Mrs. F. B. Lowe of Peru, and Mr. Lowe,s mother, We have just a few pieces of pyrography goods left which we Mrs M K Lowe and his niecG Miss. Ida Caldwell, of Craig, Mo., visited Nemaha relatives Wed will sell at half price. Earle Gilbert. Brownie spring skates are easy nesday and Thursday. on your feet and cost no more than the common kind. E. & B. Lbr. Co Dr. Haggard, the occulist, of Nebraska City, was in Nemaha between trains Tuesday. He is For sale Plymouth Rock cock- thinking of making regularjvisits erels fine ones. G. E. N. Sanders. R. F. D. No. 1, Brownville, Neb. Elder Gregg denies that he was responsible for the storm Sunday night, even if there was a good deal of water in his ser mon, i Some of the people who were at church Sunday night had quite a time getting home. It was raining and pitch dark except when the lightning flashed. Some of the people got lost, others got off the walk and fell down in the mud and had a bad time general ly. Some of them declare they will never go to church again if it looks the least bit like a storm. STOVES! On uccount of the mild fall so far we have too umnystoves left on hand, so wo will make prices on thorn to sell them' If you need tj stove now or in the near future it will pay you to get ono right now. Remember, Winter is Just Commencing One 18-inch Ideal Leader base burner, was 844.00, now here. The doctor made this of fice a pleasant call. T. J. Hall, one of the old tim ers in the vicinity of St. Deroin, and who owns a fine fruit farm a short distance south of that village, moved to Nebraska City the latter part of last week. One 10-inch Illinois heater One 18-inch Prize Oak heater Two 14-inch Prize Oak heaters One 15-Jnch Hardy Gak heater One 18-inch Rival Oak heater One 13-inch Boss Oak heater Two 11-inch Boss Oak' heaters was - was were was was was woro 28.00, now 21.00, now 17,00, now 12.50, now 8.50, now 7.50, now 0.75, now !37.00 22.00 10.00 13.00 10.00 0.50 0.00 5.00 We also have a few ranges and cook stoves which we will sell at the same liberal discounts. Don't fail to get one of these stoves. They wont last long at those prices. Edwards & Bradford Lbr.Co.