The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 08, 1907, Image 7

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Appetizing Preparations from Canned
FUh Good Way to Prepare Rice
"GrladeB" a Popular Diah In
the 8outh.
"Something nuw!" "Something
new!" Is the eternal cry of the house
keeper. Truly, every woman who keeps
hotiso must tire of preparing or even
ordering the sumo old things. Some
very famous creole recipes thnt have
come direct from old families may an
swer this cry. Surely the southern
ers live well, and theso recipes .nre
delicious from the old test, "the
proof of the pudding Is In the eating."
Canned fish of all kinds, if the best
brands are purchased, help to change
the menu during the cold winter days,
and the recipe for shrimp fricassee
that follows will make a very appe
tizing dish when old recipes have
grown stalo:
Shrimp Fricassee Put a teaspoon
ful of lard In a saucepan; when It is
hot stir In one spoonful of flour; stir
over the flte until the Hour is a rich
browu; thou add ono onion chopped
fine and when that has fried a little
(but before it browns) add two table
spoonfuls of tomatoes. Let It stew
a little with the saucepan covered op
a slow fire; then when the tomatoes
have melted down add two cups of hot
water, soason to tasto with salt, pep
per and cayenne. Let it stand a few
minutes before dinner, then put In the
shrimps, one or two cans, according to
the number of guests. The shrimps
will bmak If put in too early.
Rico Is such a substantial and
healthy vegetable and yet when
served just plain boiled the men In
the family generally say: "No, thank
you." Some time try the following
for a change and sje what they will
Creole Rice Wash one-half cup of
rice and cook in a double boiler until
tender. Lay "two good-sized pieces
of bacon Into a hot frying pan and
cook to a crisp, but do not. burn. Add
to these drippings half an onion
sliced line and brown, then add half
a cup of tomatoes and the, rice, sea
son witli cayenne pepper and salt and
Btew together until it has all blended.
A very populur dish of beef, known
In the south as "Grlades," Is an ap
petizing dish that is easily prepared
as follows: (
Griades Take two pounds of beef
(the bottom round If possible), slice
thin, trim off all the fat and euf in
pieces about the size of the inside
of your hand. Put one spoonful of
lard In a saucepan. When the lard
Is hot drop your meat, which must
be first properly washed, in the hot
lard, add u little salt, black pepper
and cuyenne; cover tho saucepan and
let the meat stew, or rather, boil, for
the juice of the meat will boll out,
stir occasionally and let all the juice
of the meat boil out; when It begins
to get dry stir it till it browns. When
it Is of a nice brown color sprinkle in
tho saucepan about one teaspoouful of
flour; when that Is brown move it off
the hot fire so that it will not burn
and add three or four good-sized
onions sliced, and three or four large
tablespoonfuls of tomatoes. Let It
all smother with tho cover on tho
saucepan, stirring once in awhile, till
the onions and tomatoes are all melt
ed to a rich gravy, then add two tea-
spoonfuls of boiling water and season
to taste and let It boll about one hour
or more. A tiny bit of garlic adds
flavor If you like It.
To Clean Front Steps.
To remove green mold and olher
Htains from brown stone steps use 20
cents worth" or oxalic acid dissolved In
two quarts of boiling water. Scrub
hard "with a broom, then wash with
cold water and wipe with a sponge
and tho steps will look like new
Excellent Potato Soup.
A well-made potato soup is Just the
thing for luncheon some day when you
are at a loss for something, hut and
wholesome. A quart of milk, six large
potatoes, one stick of celery, an onion,
a tablespoonful of butter. Put milk to
boll with onion and celery; pare tho
potatoes mirt boll them until they are
thoroughly dono; tuni otr tho water
and mash fine; add milk and butter,
popper and salt; rub through a strain
or and servo immediately. -This -soup
must not bo allowed to stand.
, Keep Juice In Pies.
To tho housewife who has troublo
with tho juice of her pies running
over Into the oven, the following sug
gestlon will prove helpful: Always
place tho sugar on tho bottom cruSt
before placing tho fruit Into the pie
and tho troublo will bo avoided,
Raw Potato Cakes, """
Peel enough potatoes for tho number
of persons you desire; grate on a
coarse grater and stir In threo to five
eggs; then add a little lloni;. Stir well
and fry in hot lard. ,
Doctor's Prescription Check an Acute
Cold In a Day and Cures
Chronic Coughs.
The following formula Is a nevBi-
failing remedy for coughs or colds:
Two ounces of glycerluc, one-half
ounce of Concentrated oil of pine,
one half pint of good whisky, mix and
shake thoroughly each tlmo and use
In doses of a teaspoonful to a table
spoonful every four hours.
This, If followed up, will cure any
cough that is curable or break up
an acuto cold In 24 hours. Tho in
gredients all can be gotten at any
drtig store.
Concentrated oil of pine comes put
up for medicinal uses only In half .ounce
vials sealed in tin screw top ca?es de
signed to protect It from heat and
light. Other oils of pluo are Insoluble
and are likely to produce nausea and
cannot give tho desired results.
One Waiter with Sense.
Man In a restaurant, hnppenlng in
'ust as a new shift of waiters came on.
And having eaten a very modest
luncheon this man laid down a mod
est tip, to be exact, five cents.
And did tho waiter shy off or sniff
at this nickel? Ho did neither, but on
the contrary he seemed to regard It
as an augury of good fortune that his
first customer should have given him
something, and
"Thank you," he said, politely, to
the customer, and as ho turned away
ho added to himself: "That's a start
er." N. Y. Sun.
Whole Head and Neck Covered Hair
All Came Out Cured in Three
Weeks by Cuticura.
"After having the measles my whole
head and neck were covered with scaly
sores about as large as a penny, They
woro just as thick as they could be.
My hair all camo out. I let tho trou
ble run along, taking the doctor's blood
remedies and rubbing on salve, but it
did not seem to get any better. It
stayed that way for about six months;
then I got a sot of the Cuticura Reme
dies, and In. about a week I noticed a
big difference, and In three weeks It
was well entirely and I have not had
the trouble any more, and as this was
seven years ago, I consider myself
cured. Mrs. Henry Porter, Albion,
Neb., Aug. 25, 19Q6."
Shy Amateurs.
"Splendid spectacles," that is the
definition towards which athletics In
England aro gradually drifting, and
chiefly, it Is to bo feared, upon the
current of highly trained profession
alism. Tho ordinary man, conscious
of his own mediocre ability, is afraid
to venture Into the field. North China
How's This?
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
eako of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. T. CHKXEV & CO., Toledo. O.
"We, the undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney
for tho last 15 yearn, and believe him perfectly lion'
oral) I e In all business transaction nud financially
able to curry out.any obligations inadu by his firm.
Wholesale- Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure In taken lutermilly, acting
directly upon tho blood and mucous surface ot the
syMcm. Testimonials eent free. 'Trice 75 ceuts pat
buttle. Sold by nil DrtlRKthtH.
Take Haifa Faintly I'llls for constipation.
There Is not a man In the world
but something Improves In his soul
from the moment ho loves and that
though his love be vulgar. Maeter
tho Mtrnuturo of K. W. OKOVK. Used tho World
ovor to Uuro a Cold In Ono J)ay, Wo.
If people would neither borrow nor
lend there would bo more life-long
Fmokcrs appreciate the quality value of
Lewis' .Single Binder cigar. Your .dealer
or Lewis' Factor)', Peoria, 111.
The Bank of England employs 1,000
General Demand
of the Well-Informed of .the World has
always been for a simple, pleasant and
efficient liquid laxative remedy of known
value; a laxative which physicians could
H.mction for family uao because its com
ponent parts aro known to them to be
wholesome and truly beneficiul in effect,
acceptable to tho system any gentle, yet
prompt, in action.
In supplying that demand with its ex
cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, tho California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relics
on tho merits of tho laxative for its remark
able success.
That is ono of many reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given
the preference by the Well-Informed.
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuinemanufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for eale
by all leading druggists. Price fifty centa
per botUa,
Was Holding His Own.
A wealthy man, revisiting his natlvo
village, was telling his old cronies
around tho store stovo how ho had
achieved his great success. At tho
oloso of. his recital an old vlllago char
acter that ho had known as a boy en
tered. "How aro you, Tom?" said the great
man, holding .out his hand. "And
how have you been getting along all
theso years?"
Tho old fellow shifted his quid
and spat.
"Wa'al," he said, "when I hit this
town moro'n -10 years ago I didn't
have a rod cent, an' now wa'al, I
guess I'm holdln' my own all right."
To prevent that tired feeling on
Ironing day Use Defiance Starch
saves time saves labor saves annoy
ance, will not stick to tho iron. Tho
big 10 ov!. package, for 10c, at- your
He hath a tear for pity and a hand
as open as tho day for molting charity.
Money Scarce
in winter? Better turn, your
extra time into cash. I pay
$3.00 per day, in cash, for good
work, and supply all the capi
tal besides. Write for details
to-day. This offer will not ap
pear again.
ATKINSON, i024K:iccSt., Philadelphia.
Every Father, every
Mother, every reader
of this paper who is
interested in home amuse
ments should read this
grand offer. I know what
the Edison Phonograph
means in the home and
aebody CAN know
until after a trial in your
own home.
districts up
hh,V'. 'jtfijjmmM
mmj' yjamMwmmMmmm
minstrel dialogs, old-fashioned hymns and, other religious
music, beautiful vocal solos, operatic airs and other beautiful Edison gold-moulded records.
Play all these, and if than you do not care to keep this wonderful Edison outfit, send the
instrument back at oar tjeperueand tve built charge you nothing for the trial.
$2 a Month
and at surprising rock-botlom
Besides sending phonographs direct to the home wo sell to dealers.
Our wholesale business is enormous. We invite music dealers to write us,
bhowing how you can sell on easy payments while wo carry the account.
Cflst PACU III Till I "o mnnycaOi purchasers are taktna;
rUn UMen III rULLs advantage of this opportunity to
spcu redirect the nnnstlSdlton outfits that we are often askvd what dis
count we can allow for canli. W?jm otilltred affuln to say that we can
Klve no eauli dltcuilnt.a we have allowed the lo went possible prion to
those ntio buy on time uu J we mutt treat all Kdlsoncuslotners alike.
You should see and hear
tbcHnost Edison Outfit which
Is recoBnlzedns tho best phono
grapn out tit in tue woriu.
We Illustrate here the mru
Jar outllt, nut the KPiciul
elreular we will sent! you
illustrates also our now
special Ktandard outllt
with our special Parlor
O rand cqulpweut tiud
tho lurjro hand deco
rated Parlor Qrund
Florul Horn. Wo will
fiend you this maunl-
llcent circular free wltn
our KUlson catalog-.
Better write
at once.
Ammrjr av iaaaaaaaaaamnaaMLaamaannaTvcnwrM..n-r,vi,vaammz9aaaaam
riiB--TTrrarair v 'tii'i-bbbbbbbbbst
amaaaaaaaav",,i '.Aaaatwaaaaaaaamm wBiHaMw.,''' .raaaaaaaaaaaamnmmmwrawa
is moM pnlniul.
What's good?
Gives Instnnt relief,
Removen the twinges.
were W. L. uovQlma insures ana mmir m
mmn'a S!Sm a it. as. uu ana
than any othar manufarttxer
sfffiT" warld. baoauao thav hold
ahamm. fit mmitar. mrast Innaar.
Ccu arm of areata vafua if inn any athar "cXW 220
W.L.Ooumfaa $4 and $H Gilt Ettoa Shoaa nannmt km mmuafladat any mrfom
trfr CAUTION. W. L. DouuIrr imuio nud tirloo Is stamped on bottom. Tnlto No Hu1
fttltuto. Sold by tho lost shoo (loHlur.i oTorywliow. Shorn imllnd from fnotory to nny pari
ol the world. J Illustrated catalog Iroc.
Hits Uoer
Tnkon In
Willi Our
Wo nliso innmifiirttiro IIiim.1i' Dimlcii. Strikers, eks
DllttlWr. IH'Ut. M. NllHTllTu.VOWA.NDA.N. V.
DEFIANCE Gold Water Starch
maltCH luuutlry work n pleasure. 10 oz. pU. 10o.
rum Mtwnr, ihi rimiirr iuiw
aawmaaama'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamraawamaaaawr HHHMITv'
maaaaaaaamaMaaaaaaaaaaaamzaauMinamaaaamr aaaaaan. 1 1
Mr. Edison Says:
"I want to sec a Phonograph in
Tha Thonoirraph Is Mr. Edison's pet and hobby. Though hn linn Inrotitfd hundreds ot
other "omlurful patent ho has retained bis Intorrst only In tliorhonoKiaph Company,
or wtitcii no owns practically fiery snaro of stock. Mr. lllon knows or uio uon
derful pleasure his Instrument tuts provided and Is providing to thousands of homes.'
fLatest Style Edison Standard
PARLOR GRAND Equipment LoUof Fun
The latest perfected product of Mr. Edison's factory
also our own splendid Parlor Grand equipment
new features exclusive points of superiority!
Sec It Hear It!' Get this remarkable instrument in your
own home then you will see how far superior thia is to tho
ordinary talking machine far superior even to the fine
Edison Machines you havo heard heretofore.
While This Offer Lasts, every responsible person can get
on free trial a genuine Edison Phonograph Vittit, including
12 genuine Edison gold-moulded records, direct from U3 to your
home: positively not a cent in advance no deposit no
bother with C. O. D. no formality of any kind. We allow
(.S) hours' free trial at your home; and in
to a week if necessary for convenience of
Try tho tnilummnt in your home, play the
stirring waltzes, the two-steps, concert pieces,
Now Pays For a
Genuine Edison
Phonograph Outllf
price without even interest on payments,
This Easy-Payment Offer
places a genuine Edison Pho
nograph within reach of evorv
It.. l... -f.. t. i.i, horolno of tho whole neighborhood. Tbui
We charge only the lowest net cash prices can tho concerts uo on mubt after night.
toilhoul Merest on monthly
SIGN Ywum Nmtm
and Jatlrfff: p'iiy wit'
ell or nen
on this Pree Coupon, cllpor tour Itout,
it in anonvoiorwatiumauittous.
receive ireo t)7 return mull our beautiful
KdlBoncatalotr andolrculurdcscrlblnpln
luiitno wonuonui kuisod ruonosraphH.
iu may taito uny outut on
vnii niv nn.Viint fni n Ur.u 'ivini
j a- j ss w vase s v i s vv s4i4)ju . jw JCT .
If you do not want tho instrument 0f,"' dn ' 3
aftor you huvo clvon It u fair trial In 1 " o0' .
your homo you may roturn It utour lh't '" . jct a' A
nr... .t . i . after .'V . V .
i;iiou3i,, tun uo uui. uuto
louown, you no not iiavotornalte a
nuarantoo und wo cuurce no O. O, D.
Sign and Mail
this coupon now
Edison Phonograph DUtrihuter
EdUon Bulldinr.
f n Suito437" e
WrUWU .UUWU- Chlceto.IIl.
I hmWL s
In iha
that "ffttt
and WSrWJ&ftW (do
W. I.. DOUUKAS. ItrocUton, Muds.
Can 1) liftiitllot. rerv rMly Tli RlrH r uunvt, Ahl nil other in
rinnru, fci'i't 1 rum iiATin,r inv ni
Coihon, Ind., U. m. Ai
All feilnnil holrilc-rs mill hallnrsivlm sorved DO days
Imtwoon 1NII anil lhtliuxMvlio lioinoblcudnil lcMthnn
H'Uitoroshoforo.1imo2.l. IK74, urn entitled Jnnddltlorml
lioiiio.itcml r!iilitP)lilcli I buy, If nohller Is dead, hit
heirs Kin ho 11. 'Ai Ik toold soldiers, wldowsund heirs.
Kind wiiiio soldier ro utlvo who wunt Wont or Houttl
alter tho nnr tin I llotnen eudod goTrrnmont Isnd,
(let bo hy and iiiakeMimnensjrnionur. WrltoltrNltr
N Ctii'i1, WnMilnuton. I), t'.. for further particulars.
every American Home,
With an Edlamn Phenogramh
This Wonderful Instrument has been termed,
and rlKbtly, too, the "kiwi of onto.-talnsis."
fberols absolutely no one oldor younu whole
not nrnueed and delimited hy this greatest In
ventlon of tho "WtrAtiD or nisi Twkntistii
Ccntuiit." As Mr. lCdtfion has well said, no Am.
rlcanlionV) should bo withoutaplionograph.
. Lk at this hspsy name eesne df pitted
her. At this very momrnt thre ere thou,
sands of homes In tba United mates where
you might Had Just such scenes as this.
The baby, as you see. Is flllod with dollghs
attnodeep human sound which oomefrcm
the bin born ot too phonograph. Orandpav
Is as much pleased as the baby. Kvery mem
ber of the family Is happy. Don't you want to
brlngjust such scones Into your own boms
Think of tho many dslUhtful program you
could make up. Let us suppose you wsnt to
nave a dance. I'larothe phonograph In on
and of tho room, take up the carpets or rug
nd begin. You don't bare to wait for any
flddlor oiid you don't have to pay him 13 for
his work cither.
Nara la an llluitnllan nf Till it von ma da
wbon your frlonds calii Ono likes a coinlo
song. Outcomosaroconl lllkd by onsof tho
boit known mlnHtrels of the day. Kverybody
applauds, and white the baud clapping le
KoliiK ou you slip In aHousaintrchanawatch
the listeners stralshti'ii up. Tho applause be.
comon uearenuiK aim j o'j are mo nero or ins)
rB!r, iy HMiiK nn'iin n i.iyiii' im.i i r.Mrr.i. i. I'itr.. uit on
tlic tniitftir, or In frvd, Art on tlm IjIoimI Ami nxpfli) nrrma of
ll form nf iltntxtnpnr. Uwt remrdj- i'rr known Inr nisrt In foci,
One iKiltld Kti!ntrKl to 'iir olio rmr. Uk'tntl II ft lititlUi Uftliil
NOitoren or lrn(ilt and harnr ilwilnr. or int ommcsi lit f
innmifurliirrm. I'nt uliuttn how in ponltlci throat'. Our fro
lli,i.LlM rl.murP'tliliti. I iu,.f watlf Mfl 1 ...Kit .tll n,.
X BrS . m .
m Mm mr m m m w
And on Sunday you may have sacred musto
ot the very bes
t quality.
And don't hrtst tint you may sscure a
reconl.iof cvory member of tho orally,
Thiiso will keep for eara and yosrs, W
and after the dear onen havo departed
tholr volcos will he with you still.
and Ink
Let Orsndps lallr Into the horn '
and then ll.ten tu lili
lteu to his ext , .
'""p imij wuiiirj irom inr
nhonucranli a innmentlatnr. r
..Let the baby talk Into .O
tne unrn aim tlin iimii. V7 .n
inlrachi Is repeated. VK,
.ef '
a trim.
unn ine oo jpsn . w v' .vcr
.nni ndmal It nou -
r ,1- .jf.O
to pay vcv .