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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1907)
Nebraska Advertiser W. W. SANDERfl, Prop. NEMAHA, NEBRASKA Uravory blackens this eyes of bnd tuck. Dogged endurance defeats even despair. Tills In tlio tlnio for every wlso wire lo husband lior resources. PROOF FOR TWO CENTS. U is never hard times to tlio man who finds pearls in his oytor Btow. Tlio big" battleships are to liavo liavo blggor battleships to smlto 'em. Yon nover hear of a dlvorco in a family where tho shelves aro loaded with preserves and pickles. ''OecnBlomrrHOpanitlonBlirc good for married couploii," says a woman writer, flood or unavoidable? A descendant of an IrorjuolH clilot made a million out o Uio market. HIb specialty doubtleau Ih acalplng. PinnlHts aro Insuring their hands and dancers their feet. Thorn IB novel any telling what Insurance will do next. The fact that buttor iB to bo ud raiiced to no cents a pound by tlio trust Is likely to cow tho economical housewife. Gladys Vnndorhllt'H nance is being criticised for his exlromo economy. This is a very unusual fnult in a for eign husband. A ChInmmiTlnNow York kissed n whlto woman In public. Thon ho took his ouo and departed boforo the mob could get at him. While the coat of living may go down tho weary householder is afraid It will take a distressingly long tlmo to puss a given point. Tho "bigger" tluTmen TiTthc crlmo business, the more essential it is that (hoy bo run in and locked up, tho Bamo ns the smaller fry. The sultan is putting up telephones In Turkoy, but it is snfo to say that ho will do nil of his talking to the harem In the good old way.- Lillian Russell snys that dlvorco is a blessing, but sho would probubly feci Irritated If her cx-liusbnnds should publicly express the same opinion. After a little wlillo tho possibility of war may become so romoto that thero will 'bo no need of repeating the assurances that thero will bo no win: An Englishman ia going to seek the south polo In an automobile, possibly In an effort to emulate the glorious achievements of Mr. "Wollmnn at the north polo. Tho oldest newspaper In China, and tho oldoBt also In tho world, ia to bo modernized. This means tho breaking down of the strongest ChlncBo wall ever 'erected. The popularity of bridge in Chica go was nover inoro strikingly illus trated than by tho fact that CG.349 wagons crossed cloven bridges in eight hfcirs tho oilier day. It is always well not to rejoleo too Boon. It turns out that the Florida man who was sent to jail for writing poetry will not bo there long enough to got tho ailment out t his system. If You Suffer with Your Kidneys and Back Write to This Man. G. W. Wlnney, Medina, N. Y., in vites kidney sufferers to wrlto to him. To air who enclose postago ho will ro ply telling how Doan's Kidney Pills cured him after ho had doctored and had been in two different hospitals for eighteen months, suffering intense pain in tho back, lamenesB, twinges when Btooplng or lifting, languor, dizzy Bpells nnd rheumatism. "Deforo I UBod Doan'B Kidney Pills," sayB Mr. Winncy, "I weighed 1-13. After taking 30 pr 12 boxes I weighed J 02 nnd was completely cured." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Huffalo, N. Y. A Fascinating Game. A precocious little girl living on ono of tho crowded business thorough fares of tho city was in the habit of gazing out of the window at the busy street below for hours at a time. "What Ib it, Gladys, that you find so constantly Interesting In tho street?" asked her mother ono day. "Oh," camo tho wlso rojolnder, "Just watching the cars go pro and con." Harper's Weekly. laundry work at home would be j much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order 'to get. tho desired Btiffnciis, It is usually neces sary to use so much stnrch that tho Wauty and fineness of the fabric Is hidden behind a paste or varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects tho wear ing quality of tho goods. This trou bio can bo entirely overcomo by using Deflanco Starch, as it can bo applied much more thlnl because of its great or strength than other makes. tho That an arliclo may be good as well as cheap, and glvo entire satisfaction, is proven by the extraordinary sale of DoJlance Starch, each package con taining one-third more Starch than can bo had of any other brand for tho tame money. Japanese Men Outnumber Women. Japan is one of tho few countries whero tho men outnumber tho women. The ratio thero is 980 to 1,000. His Chronic Panic. "I'm a panic victim," began mendicant. "Lost your position?" queried tho kind citizen, handing over a dime. "No," replied the other, pocketing tho coin, "but I'm scared to death of work." "With n smooth Iron al jDcflonce fJtarch, you can launder your shirt waist Just ns well at homo as th steam laundry can; it will have tho nroner stiffness and finish, there will j ho less wear and tear of the goods, and it will bn a nosltive measure to usd a Starch that does not rtlck to tho 1 iron. Training Lion for Exhibition. It takeB four years to train a Hon for exhibition work, but only one animal in four is available for training. A few aecompllslinionts Increases the animal's value live fold. I'll.KS CltKKI) IX O TO 14 DAYS. l'A.O OINT.MKNT Is puarnntiMtl to cutn nny cam or JtttliltiK. Illlnil. IUhhIIih; or rrotrudlr.s l-llns In G to tidily or ninnc) refunded. 6Q. j.-rnrii'tnn"nni'iin'PnflTTiTTTnTT luviivi, .J J'ER CUNT. A gclablc Pr cparalionfoiils similalinSHicroodandKci'tila linrjllic Sioiimchs flitdBwcisof It sometimes happens that a man stops work after securing a political job. Lewis' Single Binder I lie famous straight. Sc c-ijjar, always best quality. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. The statesman leads tho masses. The masses lead the politician. Promotes DigostioiiClwciFtd! ncss and Rcst.Contalnsneittvcr Opium.Mor)hirtc norMfocral. Not Narcotic. ItoipecfOhlDvSLMTLimm lakh Sttd uUx.Snutn Hirm&fd VlanM SUiiar hfaftyttrn flanr. Anprfpci Remedy forCcmsliita lion, Sour Slomach.Dlarrhoea Worms,Coirvulsions,rcvensu uessandLosSQFSHKHP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. ,l (Gunrnntced undSFtKcjjJ Exact Copy of Wrapper. CAST0R1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCNTAUH COMPANY, NCW VONK OITT. DEFIANCE STARCH I w- N- u- Lincoln, no. 49, 1907 First Thing I Do "When I feel bad," writes Mrs. R. H. Cox, of Jasper, Ala., "t&e first thing I do is to" take a dose of Cardui, and it relieves. What a wonderful medicine Cardui is I I wish I could put it into every home in the world. When any woman is at my house, and complains, I just give her a dose of Wine of Cardui "I am glad to tell other women what it has done for me. Before I began to take Cardui I was very sick with female troubles. The doctors said I needed an operation, but 1 took Cardui, which cured me sound and well." Sold everywhere. Try it. wrnarrnp wikfrt wmfiri IIAAI Write for Free 64-page Book for Women, giving symptoms, causes, home treatment and WKI I r I4 1 IK rKrr IfllllH valuable hinta on diet, exercises, etc. lent free on request In plain wrapper, by mall WfflmllAJ IVll lEUiU UVVD prepaid. Ladles' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga. Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. It will bo Bomo ttnru before Uio Im pulsive lover can Barely propose by wireless, Tor the wrong girl might pick up tho message and think sho had causo for a breach of proinlso case. PURE FOOD ASSURED The National Pure Food Law has stopped the sale of all im pure food products. No more need for worry on that score! It's now a question of efficiency and good value for your money. BAKING Hazors "wove assessed $11,000 dam nges by a morry court at Kewanec, 111., which entered right. Into the spirit of tho fun. Making hazing come high Is Iho only way to break some peoplo of tho hubtt. POWDER OUNCti Lord Rothschild says governments all over tho world aro hissing at cap ital. That hissing sound you hear comes from the water in the capitali zation as tho white-hot probe of In vestigations Is rammed Into it, Thero would he nothing wrong with tho nihility Idea In matrimony if only there were a little more earo and a little more strenuous determination not to make a bad start, by tying up with an nihility that belonged to somo body also.' That Cincinnati man who quit when ho had $1,000,000 might find othors to follow his example provided they had tho monoy. Mauy of our millionaires uro thankful If th'ey liavo 110 or 10 cents in loose change after settling up their weekly accounts,- Another Aurora man is going to see if ho can sustain Hfo on sauerkraut. That is no exporlmont. Not only will tho man who feasts exclusively on that delicacy live and wax fat, but ho will also begin to think in Jong, in volved sentences interspread with compound and tylple-oxpanBlon words. for years has stood every test for purity and wholesomeness. Its superior quality shows in the delicious cakes and biscuit that K C is guaranteed to make. The price is a saving of over half your baking powder money 25 ounces for 25 cents. If you have never tried K C, do so now under the following guarantee; Your Grocer will sell you a can of K C on trial. Use it for your favorite cake. It will be lighter, tastier, more delicate, or we pay him for the can It will open your eyes. Try it quick. Don't delay. You are missing much. JAQUES MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Chicago. US MAN YORK, KAN MAJtKlf1