The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 22, 1907, Image 8

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    There will be preaching nt the
Methodist church next Sunday
at 11 o'clock a. m.
12. E. Hill, the druggist, is
moving to York, where he has a
position in a store.
It is probable the protracted
meetings at the Christian church
will close Sunday night. .
Miss Esther Gillespie went to
Shubcrt Tuesday evening, re
turning Friday morning.
Mrs. Wesley II. Clark went to
Nebraska City Saturday after
noon, returning Monday.
-Examine the chimneys to your
houses occasionally and see that
they are safe. It may save you
a costly fire.
T. J. Rumbaugh is able to be
out again, after being confined
to , the house for over a week
with stomach trouble.
Wm. E. Smiley of Wymore
came to Nemaha Friday morning
to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. T. Smiley, and see his wife
and son.
Homer Stokes of Brownvillo
made his usual semi-weekly trip
to Nemaha Thursday evening, re
turning Friday morning. Homer
always did think lots of Nemaha
or of some of the people here.
Mrs. Sumner, living a mile
from Stella, died Thursday night.
She was an aunt of L. D. Rogers
and Mrs. Chas. G. Duerfeldt, her
husband being a brother of their
mother, Mrs. E. D. Rogers of
Miss Hazel Parker, who has
been visiting in Nemaha and vi
cinity, returned to her home at
Auburn last Friday, and the next
day went to Fairbury, where she
has a position in the News print
ing office.
Wesley H. Clark went to Ne
braska City Wednesday after-
noori, returning Thursday even
ing. His nephew, Joe Clark's
son, is very low from hemor
rhage of the bowels, with slight
hopes of recovery.
Miss Ida Young, who recently
moved from Auburn to Nemaha,
making her home with her sister,
Mrs. Rufus Rowen, returned to
Auburn Thursday to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Thompson, moth-
er of Mrs. Dr. Boal.
James A, Stephenson, who has
been at Lincoln for some time as
a juror in the United States dis
trict -court, returned home Wed
nesday, having got excused by
the 'judge, and the next after
noon started for his old home in
New York state.
Mrs. Dr. Lutgen and Miss
Mary Parker of Auburn drove
down to the poor farm Tuesday
and visited Mrs. Brown and her
daughter, Mrs. Sadie Scott, until
Thursday. Mrs. Scott was re
cently a patient a Dr. Lutgen's
hospital and Miss Parker was
her nurse.
No services have been held at
night at the Methodist church
while the protracted meetings
have been going on in the Chris
tian church, but pastor and mem
bers have attended the other
church and assisted in the servi
ces, We are pleased at the
Christian spirit manifested.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sherwood
of Pleasant Valley, Oregon, ar
rived in Nemaha Friday forenoon
and will spend the winter with
their daughters, Mrs. 0. E.
Houtz and Mjss Ethel Sherwood.
Their coming at this time was a
pleasant surprise, as they were
not expected for two weeks yet.
Marion Minick, who has a good
position with a livery barn in
Nebraska City, came home Wed
nesday of last week to help his
father get things on the farm in
shape for winter. He returned
to the city Thursday afternoon.
Joe Bunger came down from
Peru Wednesday forenoon, re
turning in the afternoon. Joe
informs us that he is gohig to
quit working at the carpenter
trade and be a farmer, having
bought a half section of land in
Sheridan county, Kansas, where
he expects to move next fall.
He has sold his residence proper
ty in Peru. The widow of the
man who" wns killed while work
ing for Joe on the normal build
ing, and who started a suit for
damages, has withdrawn the suit
as her attorney, after investigat
ing, informed her she had no
grounds for damages.
Ex-Governor and ex-Senator
Dietrich, in an interview in the
Lincoln News, claims that he was
forced to retire from politics be
cause he found in office a nest of
skunks and went after them
with a club. He claims that his
actions both as governor and
senator were above reproach.
He lays the blame for his politi
cal downfall primarily on W. S.
Summers, formerly U. S. attor
ney for Nebraska, and generally
on a lot of postmasters who
failed of reappointment and oth
ers who did not get places at his
hands. He does not regret that
he entered politics, and says he
is a republican yet. He believes
Gov. Sheldon is a strong and
growing man, absolutely honest
and wanting to do what is right.
Went Over the Narrow
John I. Dressier had an acci
dent Friday of last week that
might easily have cost him his
life. He had been hauling wood
from St. Deroin and was making
his last trip. He had on a big
load of wood. Men were at work
grading up the approach to the
bridge at "Bridge Hollow." One
wheel of Mr. Dressier' s wagon
struck a chunk, and as the team
was going pretty fast the wagon
tongue must have been cracked.
This side of the bridge, along the
narrows," as he started down a
grade, Mr. Dressier threw on the
brake and pulled up the horses.
The tongue broke and as a wheel
struck Ca chunk the wagon
ran into the bank and upset,
throwing Mr. Dressier over the
bank. Fortunately the standards
were wired together at the top,
which kept the wood from falling
on him, and the wagon stayed on
the top of the hill. Mr. Dressier
was not hurt, and with the help
of men who were working the
road soon got straightened out
and came on home rejoicing.
But he is not hunting for any
contracts for hauling any more
wood from St. Deroin.
Is due in a largo rncasure to abuse of
the bowels, by employing drastic pur
gatives. To avoid all danger, use only
Dr. King's new life pills, the safe, gen
tie cleansers and invigoratoi's. Guar
anteed for headache, biliousness, mala
ria and jaundice, at drug stores, 25c.
. A Hard Dobt to Pay
"I owe a debt of gratitude that can
never can be paid off," writes G. S.
Clark, of Westfield, Iowa, "for my
rescuo from death, by Dr. King's New
Discovery. Both lungs were so seriously
affected that death seemed imminent,
when I commenced taking New
Discovery. Tho ominous dry, hacking
cough quit boforo tho first bottle was
used, and two more bottles made a
complote dure." Nothing has ever
equalled Now Discovery for coughs,
colds and all threat and lung complaints.
Garranted by all druggists GOcjuul
$.0D. Trial bottle free.
The Youth's
It Comes Every Week
Among the contents of the New Volume
for 1908 will be
250 Good Stones
Serial Stories, Stories of .Charac
ter, Adventure and Heroism.
350 Contributions
Articles, Sketches, Reminiscen
ces by Famous Men and Women
1000 Graphic Notes
on Current Events, Discoveries and
Invention in Nature and Science.
2Q00 One-Minute Stories,
,. Bits of Humor and Miscellany,
the VeeklyHealth ArticleTimely
Iap! CoptM of Um Paptr nd IUnrtrnted Anaouc.
taent for 1(01 Mat Sim to any addrua.
Every New"' Subscriber
who cuts out and eenda this slip
at once with name aud address
and $1.75 will receive
All the Isfluca of The Companion
for the remaining: weeks of 1907.
The Thanksgiving, Christmas and
New Year's Double Numbers.
The Companion's Fottr-I,eaf Hang
ing Calendar for 1908, then
The Companion for the 89 weeks
of 1908 a library of the best read
ing for every member of the family.
Ntnv imbtiorlptlons received at thlaoSUc.
Ho Fought at Gettysburg.
David Parker, of Fayette, NiY., who
lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes : ' 'Elec
trie Bitters have done me more good
than any medicino I ever took, for
several years I had stomach trouble,
and paid out much money for medicine
to little purpose, until I begun taking
Flectric Bitters. I would not take $500
8r what they have done ferme."
Grand tonic for thcaged and for female
weaknesses. Great alterative aud body
buil der; best of all for lame back an
weak kidneys. Guaranteed by all drug
gists 50c.
Trial Catarrh treatments are- being
mailed out free, on request, by Dr
Shoop, Racine,. Wis. These tests are
proving to the people withouta penny's
cost tho great value of this scientific
prescription known,, to druggists every
where as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy.
Sold by All Dealers.
A Good but Cheap Dally Paper
The St. Joseph Star 14 Months for $1
Tho St. Joe Star is constantly mak
ing extremely liberal propositions for
new subscribers, and its latest offer to
send tho paper daily, except on Sunday,
from now until Jan. 1, 1909, to all new
subscribers for $1.00, is the best ever.
This will carry you all through the next
presidential campaign and will give you
a live, up-to-batc daily newspaper a
little less than 10 cents a month. Send in
your subscription to The St. Joseph
Dajly Star, St Joesph, Mo.,orgivoyour
subscription to eho editor of this paper,
A humane citizen of Richmond. Ind..
Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Maiif St.
says: "1 appeal to all persons with
weak lungs to take Dr. King's New
Discovery, the only remedy that has
helped me and fully comes up to the
proprietor's recommendation." It
saves more lives than all other throat
and lung remedies put together. Used
as a cough and cold cure tho world over.
Cures asthma, bronchitis, croup, whoop
ing cough, quinsy hoarseness, and
phthisic, stops hemorrhages of tho
lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed
at Hill Bros, drug store. 50c and $1.00
Trial bottle free.
I Significant Prayer
May tho Lord hoip you make Buck
len's Arnica salve known to all," writes
J. G. Jenkins' of Chapel Hill, N. C. It
quickly took the pain out of a felon for
me and cured it in a wornderfully short
time," Best on earth for sores, burns
and wounds. 25c at the drug store.
Special Rates
To the East:
The low rate Jarriestown Exposi
tion tickets can be used for your
Autumn trip to New York, Bos
ton, and other Eastern cities.
These rates expire November 30.
Winter Tourist Rates
Daily, commencing Novemper 15,
to Southern, Southwestern and
Cuban resorts.
Homes eeker's
Cheap rate excursions the first
and third Tuesdays of each
month this autumn to Kansas,
Oklahoma, the Gulf country, Col
orado, Utah, Wyoming, Big Horn
Basin, Montana and the North
west. Ask your nearest agent
or write the undersigned.
Big Horn Basin and
Billings District:
I conduct landseekcrs excursions
to this country the first and third
Tuesdays during November and
December to help you secure irri
gated lands at the cheapest price.
An excellent chance for you is
one of the four hundred 40-scre
government irrigated farms in
YellowstoneValley, Montana, near
Ballentine, on this road, for which
you can make homestead entry,
for 34 dollars per acre, including
perpetual water rights, by paying
this price in ten annual install
ments without interest. Write
me and join these excursions. No
charge for my services. Write
D. Clem Deaver, Agent, Burling
ton Landseekers Bureau, Omaha.
0- V. GLENN, Ticket A a;eat at Nemaha.
L, W WAKELEY, Qt. P, A., Omaha,
Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney
ailments, can be quickly corrected with
a prescription known to druggists every
where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The
prompt and surprising relief which this
remedy immediately brings is entirely
due to its Restorative action upon the
controlling nerves of the stomach, etc.
A weak stomach, causing dyspepsia, a
weak heart with palpitation or inter
mittent pulse, always means weak
stojnach nerves or weak heart nerves.
Strengthen these inside or controlling
nerves, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative
and see how quickly these ailments dis
appear. Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis.,
will mail samples free. Write for
them. A test will tell. Your health is
certainly worth this simple trial. Sold
by All Dealers.
We have for sale, cheap, three
good farms in Nemaha county;
also two splendid residence
properties in town.
Physician and Surgeon
Nemaha, Nebr.
All calls promptly attended
Phone 28
WM. CAMIM1BLL, I'rcs. P. E. ALLEN, VlccProe.
Capital, $5,000
With Ample Facilities
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who rends the news
papers is sure to know ot the wonderful
cures made by ur.
i Kilmer's Swamp-
Root, the great kitl
L ncy, liver and blad-
rj It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century ;
discovered after years
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidhcy and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing lame back,
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
Hright'a Disease, which i9 the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be
found just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
fmdoutif youhavc kidney or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading this
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co.. BiiiKhamton.i
N. Y. The regular!
fifty-cent and one
dollar size bottleB are
Homo of Strap-Root.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
aud the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
If real coffee disturbssyour stomach,
your heart or kidneys, then try this
clever Coffee imitation Dr. Shoop's
Health Coffee. Dr. Shoop has closely
matched old Java and Mocha Coffee in
flavor and taste, yet it has not a single
grain of real coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's
Health Coffee Imitation is made from
pure toasted graimll
malt, nuts, etc. Made in one minute.
No tedious long wait. You will surely
like it. Get a free sample at our store.
Earle Gilbert.
Proprietors of the
Livery& Feed Stable
Good Dray in connection with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
To check a cold quickly, get from
your druggist some little Candy Cold
Tablets called Preventics. Druggists
everywhere are now dispensing Preven
tics, for they are not only safe, but
decidedly certain and prompt. Preven
tics contain no quinine, no laxative,
nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at
the "sneeze stage" Preventics will pre
vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, LaGrippe,
etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Good
for feverish children. 48 Preventics 25
cents. Trial boxes 5 cents. Sold by
All Dealers.
Dealer In
Highest market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
JT. ID. Orotlieir
in the
Shoe Itoairinec
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
Surplus, $1,000 m
for handling
Business entrusted to Us