The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 15, 1907, Image 8

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    Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tears of
Howe wore the guests of Rev.
and Mrs. G. W. Ayers Thurs-
day. Mrs. Tearc remained over
night and the next morning, with !
Mrs. Ayers. went to Nebraska
City, the latter lady returning in
the afternoon by way of Auburn.
The Auburn city council is cer
tainly a business-like body of
men. At a recent meeting one
of the questions debated at
length was whether they would
allow a bill of 50 cents presented
by one of Auburn's enterprising
citizens for burying three dead
rats that had laid in the streets
until they became offensive to
eyes and nose. The bill was fi
nally disallowed. Another ques
tion that caused lengthy discuss
ion was whether the city would
have a piece of sidewalk that
hud been overturned Holloween
night put back at the expense of
the city, or require the owner to
put it back. This was left unde
cided and the walk left in the
Brownville may have its
mine, with coal and iron and all
sorts of other metals and min
erals ready for the hand of man
to exhume and transform into
Jesse Ellis, residing two miles
south of the historic Nebraska
town, has come upon a most cur
ious geological or mineralogical
formation which he believes to
be of value. In a letter to the
Star he describes the formation
verv carefully. The letter has
been turned over to Prof. Erwin
Hinckley Barbour, head of the
department of geology at the
university, and Mr. Ellis will
receive a learned opinion, with
possibly a visit to his place by
the geologist.
a . t
Mr. mills soys there is six
inches of bright rust over the
layer of what he believes to be
iron ore. Under this is a deep
blue rock and a steel colored
shale which is very hard. The
rock looks like blue marble or
gpanite. Right underneath, says
Mr. Ellis, is a formation of
petrified stratum, three or four
inches thick, which has a grain
like wood, the grain running up
and down. It is very full of
glass, he says, which breaks
out tin small chunks, and is of
a deep blue color. It is very
easily split up and down, and is
very hard. Any of this will heat
red hot, he says, very red.
This vein starts in from the
creek like the coal vein at Peru,
except that Mr. Ellis feels that
he has a good prospect for min
eral and is anxious to get samp
es of his ore analyzed by state
geologists and chemists. His
coal lead, while good, he does
not believe to be extensive
enough to make it worth while
to mine for it. The other form
ation, however, extends back in
to the bluff an indefinite dis
tance. Lincoln Star.
He Fought at Gettysburg
David Parker, of Fayette, N.Y., who
lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: "Elec-
trie Bittors have done mo more, good
than any medicine I ever took, for
several years I had stomach trouble,
and paid out much money for medicine
to httlo purpose, until I begun taking
Flectric Bitters. I would not tako $500
for what they havo dono ferme."
Grand tonic for the aged and for female
weaknesses. Great alterativo aud body
builder; best of all for lame back and
weak kidneys. Guaranteed by all drug
gists 50c.
Trial Catarrh treatments aro being
mailed out free, on request, by Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests aro
proving to the people without a penny's
cost tho great value of this scientific
"prescription known to druggists every
where as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy.
Sold by All Dealers.
Consolidation of
School Districts
A meeting has been called by
County Superintendent Carring-
ton, to bo held at the opera house
in Nemaha Monday, Nov. 18, at
8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose
of discussing the question: Shall
districts No. 33, 35. 36, 37, 59
and GO consolidate, and build a
large twelfth grade high school
in Nemaha? Supt. 0. J. Kern of
Winnebago county, 111., will lec
ture on consolidation, using ster
eoptican and showing pictures ex
plaining how the plan works in
Illinois and Ohio. Everybody in
these districts invited.
District No. 33 is Happy Hol
low, two and one-half miles north
of Nemaha; 35 is the school in
the bottom three miles northeast;
3G is the Nemaha district; 37 is
Maple Grove, two miles north
west; 59 is Champion, four miles
southwest; 60 is Larkin, three
miles southwest.
As we understand the proposi
tion, it is to establish a twelfth
grade school in Nemaha, just
what they have in Auburn, and
do away with these outside dis
tricts. Enclosed wagons will
go after pupils living very far
from the school, going after
them in the morning and return
ing them after sohool. No tui
tion, of course, would be charged
any pupil living in the consoli
dated districts, and they would
have the benefit of just as good
schools as Auburn has. We be
lieve the plan is a good one, and
hope to see it adopted.
What Nebraska Soil Can Do
There has been much said
about what Nebraska soil can
raise, but from Talmage comes
tV.e best story backed up with
good substantial proof as to its
truthfulness. H. G. Tait, who
resides on what is known as the
second table land along the Ne
maha river, planted eleven acres
of corn in the spring and his
sons planted larger tracts.
This eleven acres was tended by
Mr. Tait according to his ideas
of farming, and recently he had
his corn husked and cribbed and
he finds that he has eleven hun
dred bushels of corn from the
eleven acres, which is 100 bushels
to the acre. That what his sons
planted was not so good, because
after they had plowed it and
laid it by after a heavy rain fell
and they never stirred the ground
This is the biggest yield of
corn that we have heard of in
this section of the state.
William Gehm, who resides in
the city, did nearly as well from
the five lots he farmed during
the season. Jle raised two
crops of potatoes from the same
ground and each was a large
one. He dug the first crop
early and sold it and prior to
digging it had planted potatoes
vi ii .i
iDeiween xne rows ana tie
second crop was growing when
the first crop was dug. He
never allowed a weed to grow
but kept stirring the ground at
all times and the result was
1 that he raised more potatoes in
i i ....
( one row in nis paten tnan a
man across the street grew on
six lota. This simnlv cWvs
' wharcan be dono ith Nebras.
i, mi i 1
anu iookcq aiter. mere is no
1 I 1 1 ni mi
finer, more productive soil than
that in eastern Nebraska and
winch pays a better return for
the seed planted and the labor
put on it. Nebraska City News.
Notice to Taxpayers.
All taxes for the year 1907 are
due November- 1st. Personal
taxes become delinquent Decern
ber 1st.
D. J. A. Dirks. Co. Treas.
The exoneration of Prof. Sear-
son of the Peru normal school by
,a jury in district court at Auburn
from serious, charges preferred
by a young woman pupil of the
scnooi win De source oi sincere
gratification to the friends of
Mr. Searson everywhere, none
of whom ever believed that the
charges were founded on any
shadow of fact and all of whom
knew Prof. Searson to be incap
able of the offence charged
against him. The evidence pre
sented at the trial however in
dicates to the observing eye
that there are some busybodies
connected officially with the Peru
institution who will not hesitate
to expand a dangerous scandal
from the most flimsy pretext
and the be3t interests of the
school will demand that all such
should sever their connection
with the school without delay
or have their connection severed
for them by short and sharp
official action. A co-ed school
like tho Peru Normal is a dan
gerous place for an official scan
dal-monger who is ready to be
lieve and circulate anything
about anybody, regardless of
proven character and years of
clean, upright and manly life.
Nebraska City Tribune.
A Hard Debt to Pay
' 'I owe a debt of gratitude that can
never can be paid ofl" writes G. S.
Clark, of Wcstfield, Iowa, "for my
rescue from death, by Dr. King's New
Discovery. Both lungs were so seriously
.irected that death seemed imminent,
when I commenced taking New
Discovery. The ominous dry, hacking
cough quit before the first bottlc was"
used, and two more bottles made a
complete dure." Nothing has ever
equalled New Discovery for coughs,
colds and all throat and lung complaints.
Garranted by all druggists 50c and
$.00. Trial bottle free.
A Good but Cheap Dally Paper
The St. Joseph Star 11 Months for $1
The St. Joe Star is constantly mak
ing extremely liberal propositions for
new subscribers, and its latest offer to
send tho paper daily,except on Sunday,
from now until Jan. 1, 1909, to all now
subscribers for $1.00, is the best ever.
This will carry you al! through the next
presidential campaign and will give you
a live, up-to-uaie daily newspaper a
little less than 10 cents a month. Send in
your subscription to The St. Joseph
Daily Star, St Joesph, Mo., or give your
subscription to ehe editor of this paper,
A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind.,
Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main St.
says: "1 appeal to all persons with
weak lungs to take Dr. King's New
Discovery, the only, remedy that has
helped me and fully comes up to the
proprietor's recommend v.tion. " It
saves more lives than all other throat
and lung remedies put together. Used
as a cough and cold cure the world over.
Cures asthma, bronchitis, croup, whoop
ing cough, quinsy, hoarseness, and
phthisic, stops hemorrhages of the
lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed
at Hill Bros, drug store. 50c and $1.00
Trial bottle free.
Is due in a large measure to abuse of
the bowels, by employing drastic pur
gatives. To avoid all danger, use only
Dr. King's new life-pills, the safe, gen
tle cleansers and invigorators. Guar
anteed for headache, biliousness, mala
ria and jaundice, at drug stores, 25c.
Notice of Tax Sale
To whom it may concern:
Notice is herebv friven
that on tho
5th day of March, 1906, tho undersigned '
bought at tax sale lots 9 and 13, section
35, township 4, range 1G, east, that he
has paid the taxes for 1905 and all sub
sequent years, aud that unless redemp
tion is made on or before the 5th day
of March, 1905, ho will apply for a tax
deed to said property.
Dated this 9th day of October, 1907.
I Significant P'ayor
'May the Lord help you make Buck
len's Arnica salvo known to all," writes
J. G. Jenkins' of Chapel Hill, N. C. It
quickly took the pain out of a felon for
me and cured it in a wornderfully short
time." Best on earth for sores, burns
and wounds. 25c nt tho drug store.
Special Rates
To the East:
The low rate Jamestown Exposi
tion tickets can be used for your
Autumn trip to New York, Bos
ton, and other Eastern cities.
These l'ates expire November 30.
Winter Tourist Rates
Daily, commencing Novemper 15,
to Southern, Southwestern and
Cuban resorts.
Cheap rate excursions the first
and third Tuesdays of each
month this autumn to Kansas,
Oklahoma, the Gulf country, Col
orado, Utah, Wyoming, Big Horn
Basin, Montana and the North
west. Ask your nearest agent
or write the undersigned.
Big Horn Basin and
Billings District:
I conduct landseekers excursions
to this country the first and third
Tuesdays during November and
December to help you secure irri
. gated lands at the cheapest price.
An excellent chance for you is
one of the four hundred 40-scre
government irrigated farms in
YellowstoneValley, Montana, near
Ballentine, on this road, for which
you can make homestead entry,
for 31 dollars per acre, including
perpetual water rights, by paying
this price in ten annual install
ments without interest. Write
me and join these excursions. No
charge for my services. Write
D. Clem Deaver, Agent, Burling
ton Landseekers Bureau, Omaha.
0- V. GLENN. Ticket & ?ont at Nemaha.
L, W WAKELEY, G. P, A Omaha,
Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney
ailments, can be quickly corrected with
a prescription known to druggists every
where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The
prompt and surprising relief which this
remedy immediately brings is entirely
due to its Restorative action upon the
controlling nerves of the stomach, etc.
1 A weak stomach, causing dyspepsia, a
I weak heart with palpitation or inter
mittent pulse, always means weak
stomach nerves or weak heart nerves.
Strengthen these inside or controlling
nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative
and see how quickly these ailments dis-
BlinmlnB ,rn WJ, f'i
J them A te3fc wiU ten y heaUh fa
certainly worth this simple trial. Sold
by All Dealers.
Wo havfc for stile, cheap, three
good farms in Nemaha county;
also two splendid residence
properties in town.
Physician and Surgeon
Nemaha, Nebr.
All calls promptly attended
Phone 28
Ill ELMER E. ALLEN, Caslil
II Capital, $5,000
M With Ample
m any
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who rends the news
papers is sure to know ot the wonderful
cures niaue dv ur.
Kilmer's Swamp
ttoot, the great kid-
IJt. ney, liver anu uiau-
ri It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century ;
discovered after year
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing lame back,
uric acid, catnrrh of the bladder and
Hright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be
found just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and hi private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading this
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co.. BiiiKhamton, i
N. Y. The regular
fiftv-cent and one-
dollar size bottles are Homo of Swamp-Root,
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
aud the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
If real coffee disturbs your stomach,
your heart or kidneys, then try this
clever Coffee imitation Dr. Shoop's
Health Coffee. Dr. Shoop has closely
matched old Java and Mocha Coffee in
flavor and "taste, yet it has not a single
grain of real cofTee in it. Dr. Shoop's
Health CofTee Imitation is made from
pure toasted grain
malt, nuts, etc. Made in one minute.
No tedious long wait. You will surely
like it. Get a free sample at our stoi'e.
Earle Gilbert.
l'roprlctoraof the
V ivary&r Feed Stable
Gcod Dray in cennoction with Livery
Satisfaction guaranteed.
To check a cold quickly, get from
your druggist some little Candy Cold
Tablets called Preventics. Druggists
everywhere are now dispensing Preven
tics, for they are not only safe, but
decidedly certain and prompt. Preven
tics contain no quinine, no "laxative,
nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at
the "sneeze stage" Preventics will pre
vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, LaGrippe,
etc. Hence the nanie, Preventics. Good
for feverish children. 48 Preventics 25
cents. Trial boxes 5 cents. Sold by
All Dealers.
bealer In
nighest market price paid for Hides,
Lard, Tallow, etc,
-in the
Shoe Rcnairinec
Harness Repairing
Hand Made Harness a Specialty
V. E. ALLEN, Vlcc.rrcB.
ci JFRANK T1TU8, Aas't CnBU
Surplus, $1,000 1
for handling
Business entrusted to Us