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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1907)
VOL. Lll XO. 20 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCT. 4, 1907 NEW MIX. We are ready for the rush. 75 Trimmed and Pattern Hats to select from. Prices Always the Lowest MRS. TIIEO, HILL Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn Oil cake for sale by W. F. Keeling. The postoffice 7:30 p. m. now closes at Best photos in Nebr., at Criley's. southeastern So Auburn. Evening services at our churches now begin at 7 :30 p. m. The sun is shining bright this morning for the first time in week. Rees Leslie went to River ton, Iowa, Thursday to visit his brother Bob. Leslie Woodward recently bought another drug store in Kansas City. Wm. Filmer has sold his farm near St. Deroin. Miss Nora Aynes burn Wednesday. visited Au- Grandpa Lester returned Brownville Tuesday. to E. E. Rumbaugh was Omaha two or three days first of the week. m the Grandma Seabury went to Peru Tuesday afternoon to visit her son, Fred Seabury. Mr, and Mrs. F. B, Lowe of Peru were in Nemaha from Sun day until Tuesday afternoon. Let us figure your lumber bills and show you we can save you money. E. & B. Lbr. Co. Joe Lindsey, who has been visiting in Chase county tor a few weeks, returned home Wed nesday. Our draymen say they always have coal, lumber, or sand to un load when the roajls are in the worst condition. C. L. Russell went to Omaha Tuesday, to see what kind of per formance they go through at the Ak-Sar-Ben fertivities. Parties who raised a good crop of potatoes this year are like those having a good crop.of fruit they have a bonanzo. The best and strongest fence is the American. Get our prices. A full stock on hand. E. & B. Lbr. Co. Marion Minick went to Nebras ka City Tuesday and has gone to work in Wash McCullum's livery barn. ;He will probably stay there this winter. J. W. Courtney is a new sub scriber to The Advertiser. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hawxby went to Omaha Monday. Dr. J. W. Bourne of Auburn was a Nemaha visitor Wednesday D. E. Littrell went to Omaha Monday, returning Wednesday morning. Miss Minnie May went to Peru Wednesday morning, returning in the evening. v Mrs. Lee R. Parriott went to Peru Tuesday to visit her parents for a few days. Charles P. Thompson and Ray Anderson went to Omaha Mon day to buy some cattle. Miss Hazel Parker f Auburn visited her grandmother, Mrs. J. B. Berger, from Saturday until Monday. W. S. Argabright started for Jeff erson county, Kansas, Wed nesday, to look at some land with a prospect of buying a farm there, Mail clerks are now weighing all the mails on trains. The weighing commenced at mid night Monday and will continue 30 days. The Clarinda Poultry Co. have made arrangements to buy poul try in Nemaha again, beginning next Wednesday. See their ad-vertisment. W. H. Barker and Alva went to Shubert Monday night, re turning the next morning. Rev. J. W. Sapp closed his meetings at Phelps, Mo., Sunday night and returned home the next day. Our fisherman are bringing in sme nice fish these days. JoH Littrell caught a sixteen pound carp Sunday morning. Mrs. J. H. Linn of Lincoln was the guest of her friend Miss Minnie May Monday and until train time Tuesday forenoon. Miss Jessie Speecc of Ord, Nebr., was the guest of her friend, Miss Mamie French, Fri day and Saturday of last week. The roads were nasty and muddy the first of the week. But it has been only a few days since we were kicking about the dust. We had slow drizzling rains from Sunday moaning until Thursday, and the weather was so cool that fires were necessary for comfort. Mr. and Mrs. John I. Dressier went to Omaha Friday of k last week to visit Willard for a few days. They returned home Thursday afternoon. Rev. G. W. Ayers returned home Tuesday morning after a week's absence at Lincoln attend ing the annual Methodist confer ence. He was returned to Ne maha for another year. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Russell, who have been visiting at Guide Rock and Custer county, Neb-, for the past two weeks, returned home Wednesday. They are well pleased with the country they saw on thoir trip. Steve Cooper returned home Thursday morning from Nemaha countv. Kansas, where he has been looking for a farm. He bargained for one ot lbO acres, eleven miles south of Sabetha. His own farm is now for sale. Winter is Coming1 So you had better You will not find your wants, than begin to get ready for it. abetter place to satisfy our store. We buy Butter, Eggs and Chickens We learn that Ora Thorp has sold his Colorado farm. He paid about $22 per acre for the eighty about two years ago. and sold for $100 per acre. That ing money pretty fast. Jno. W. Ritchey went to St. Joe Saturday morning and bought a good stock of fall and winter sroods. He returned Tuesday evening. His father in-law, Geo Crow, who has been stopping in St Joe for some time returned home with him. JNO. W. HITCHED Both Phones No. 20 NEMAHA, NEB. A copy of the Review of Ver- non, rsevaaa, oi oepi. o, svo notice of the organization ot a strong mining company, to be mown as the Vernon Mining i 1.1 r company, witn a capitalization ui 1,000,000 shares of a par value ot $1 each. The new compauy has bought two valuable mines and leased others. What makes this of interest locally is that Bert Smith, a nephew of Mrs. Dan Maxwell and a brother of Ed Smith, of the firm of Smith As Lynch of Auburn, is secretary- treasurer of the new company. Ed Bourne, of Comanche, Okla nwivorl in thn p.if-.v t.VlO ln.f-.tftvnn.rfc is mak- of last week to attend the fu neral of his mother. He was a candidate for state senator in his C. F. Zook,who has been work- district in the recent election but ing at Peru, came home Wednes- was defeated by his democratic day forenoon. The work he has opponent. - Auburn Republican. ueen uumgis uuisiueanu it was so slippery and wet he concluded to lay off until the weather got better. SATURDAY, OCT. We will have on display at the store of Jno. W. Ritchey, Nemaha, Nebr., a fine display of C. P. Barker had two break downs Tuesday. First his mail wagon broke down, while going over a bridge. He fized 4J up with wire, but shortly after as he was pulling through a mud hole one tug gave way. Press fixed this up and then took the shortest route home. Ready Trimmed Hats and Fall Millinery We invite ladies to come and see us ROBERTS & DYE Hon Church Howe left Auburn for Washington Tuesday, being called there to accompany a company of English manufac turers to New Orleans. He had i ' expected to stay here about two weeks longer but could not re fuse when duty called. The trip will be a very pleasant one, un I doubtedly. Methodist Appointments. The annual Methodist confer- i 1 i J T ! 1 ence, wmcn mec at .Lancum vvuu nesday of last week, adjourned Monday afternoon. The appoint ments were read just previous to adjournment. Rev. Geo. I. Wright is returned as presiding elder of the Nebras ka City district. ftftv. CI. W. Avers returns to Nemaha. The following are the appoint ments for places near here, and of pastors that our readers are acquainted with: Auburn H. G. Wilcox. South Auburn C. L. Meyers. Brock J. C. Street. Brownville G. W. Hawley. Peru W. A. Tyler. Johnson Samuel Keiser. Stella and Shubert-E. H. Gould. D. B. Lake returns to Elm wood. A. V. Wilson goes to Hardy. J. S. W. Dean Crete. J. M. Darby Friend. Peter Van Fleet Emanue church, Lincoln. E. B. Maxcy Palmyra. C. E. Ruch Table Rock. B. W. Marsh Aurora. M. S. Foutch Giltner. E. D. GideonBellwood. J. G. Walker Phillips. Philip H. Smith Seward. J. G. Day is put on superan nuate list. Hogs continue to die south of Nemaha. Alf Kinton has lost a number, Roy Rogers also lost some, Henry Seid has had a lot die, Steve Cooper has lost ovqr a hundred head, and other farmers are losing some. tfhe pigs and shoats are effected worse than the older ones. Mr. Seid has not lost any old ones at all. Last Satnrday W. S. Arga- bright deeded to Fred C. Arga bright the former's home place, the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 15, own 4, range 15, receiving $4,- 200 for the forty acres-$105 an acre. Scott now wants to buy a good eighty somewhere in this section. Freji gets a good home with good improvements. The only difference between sewing machines, you pay $50 for and our E. & B. ball bearing is the Drice. Our price is less than one-half. E. & B. Lbr. Co. Poultry Wanted The Clarinda Poultry Co. will pay Highest Market Price for Poultry Wednesday Forenoon of Every Week delivered at Nemaha. Remember the day and bring us your poultry. Craws to be empty. Sick and un marketable poultry not wanted. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Preven tics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preven tics contain no quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will pre vent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, LaGrippe, etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Uood for feverish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial boxes 5 cents. Sold by All Dealers.