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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1907)
f Id VOL. Lll XO. 1G NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 6, 1907 r i . lilt r. A m 9 rtl-tfVTI A A IhKIDAY-and SA 1 UKUAY, Sfcr 1 , 1014 We will have on display at the store of Jno. W. Ritchey, Nemaha, Nebr., a fine display of Ready Trimmed Hats and Fall Millinery We invite ladies to come and see us. ROBERTS & DYE 1 Best line of lawn mowers at reasonable prices. E. & B. Lbr. Co. D.Bour.i3 fits ?lm33. So. Auburn School begins next Monday. Oil cake for sale by W. F. Keeling. v Today Is circus day at Nebras ka City. to Miss Maud Peru Tuesday. White went F. E. Hoover has been appoint ed suustitute carrier on rural route No. 2, in place of Richard Knapp, resigned. Miss Anna Knapp, who has been visiting her uncle at Hardy, Nebr., for the past month, re turned home Monday. Lester M. Peabody Omaha Monday. went to Fine gift books on sale at the postoffice bookstore. Wanted An enterprising drug gist, to open a store in Nemaha. There is a good opening for the right kind of a man. Miss Grace Peabody went to Beatrice Manday to attend busi- For school supplies go to the aollege The postoffice is a Postoffice bookstore. We sell carpet and linoleum. E. & B. Lbr. Co. Mrs. Chas. Auburn from Monday. Clark visited in Saturday until Mrs. Elmer E. Allen went to Auburn Wednesday, returning the next day. I Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marlatt of Brownville, were Nemaha visi tors Thursday. Rees Leslie returned home home Monday after a two week's virit tn Missouri. Miss Pearle Roberts came in from Auburn Saturday evening, resuming Monday. Wesley H. Clark has moved on the farm south oj town, recently s)ld by John M, Clark. The annual conference of the Methodist church convenes at Lincoln Wednesday, Sept. 25. Still have a few set of harness left, will sell cheap. E. & B. Lbr. Co. Mrs. E. H. Knapp went to Kansas City Wednesday to visit her aunt for a couple of weeks. lonesome place without her. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John T. Webber, Wednsday, Sept. 4, 1607, a fine girl. John was kept buisy "setting them up" Wedns day. J. W. Sapp was called to Peru Saturday morning, to hold serv ices at the funeral of Sylvester Huston, -an old' jcitizen of that place. The passenger trains have con tracted the habit of being from 15 minutes to two hours late but more often the latter, near it. E. B. Sperry of Aspinwall pre- ciat started for Custer county, Neb., Tuesday, to visit a brother. Miss Belle Galloway of Aubu rn was the guest of Miss Maude Burns from Saturday until Men- day. Robert Stephenson ran a ten- penny nail in his foot Monday evening, making a very painfu wound. Mr. and Mrs. Martz and dauguter came in from Aubnrn Thursday evening, to visit Mrs. Ellen Howe. The new lights for the Chris- am cnurcn nave arrived ana will be installed before the nex evening service. Fly time will soon be here; now is tne time to get your screen doors, etc. E.& B. Lbr. Co. The rural carriers did not get started on their route 'until about one o'clock Saturday, on account of the train being late and did not get back until nearly eight. John and Miss Vera Minick came in from Auburn Thursday afternoon and visited with their aunt, Mrs. Elmer E. Allen, until evenintr. when they went on to Salem. Pinkney Shivley has been suf fering severely for several days with erysipelas In his face. His eyes were swollen shut for awhile. He was able to be out Thursday. Harry Baldwin, Ned Crother and Frank Aynes, who have been working on the Burlington fence gang, have "yumped their yob, " and returned home Tues day morning. Miss Nettle Bunn of Brock came down to Nemaha Wednes day to make preparations for the opening of school uext Mon day. She is boarding with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark. Nemaha is without a drug store. Hill Bros, have packed heir stock of goods, and are getting ready to ship it to some other boint, where they think they can make it pay better. Otto Barker who has been Monday was a legal holiday- "siting a w!rk,n fo' n!s T.aW navPnnRpmiPnflv them- uncie, r. canter, near naru- iWt aw w. mnu thpir ington, Nebr., returned home trips. On account of the rain and Wednesday night. He informs muddy roads they think the holi- or Dan Holmes is circulating a petition asking to have his name put on the ticket as a candidate for road overseer for Nemaha precinct. ' Mrs. Alice A. Minick, Mis Perle Minick and Miss Helen Hitte were guests of Mrf . F. L. Woodward from Saturday until Monday. Get the children ready to start to school Manday morning. See that they are not tardy, and keep the practice up throughout the school year. See the advertisement of Miss et Roberts ffi Dye, who will have a display of millinery at Ritch ey s store Friday and baturday of next week. We would gently remind our delinquent subscribers that an editor occasionally needs money and this is one of the occasions with this editor. Miles and Ed Knapy -were pretty badly stung by bees Mon day while taking honey from the hives. Their faces and hands were badly swollen. Mrs. Anna Caldwell and her little g'rl, Mary Catherine, and Mint Nicholas of Auburn have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M Clark and; family. J. H. seid went to Lincoln Saturday, taking with him thir teen head of his fine thorough bred Poland China hogs for exhibition at the state fair. 5 i i Saturday Specials A nice assortment of G-LASSWARE on display we will offer on Saturday, Sept 7, at 2 p. m. at 10 cents per piece. Many pieces of this assortment would or dinarily retail at from 15 to 25 cents, We are headquarters for ? ! i I S We have a nice line of Tablets, Pencils, Rulers, etc. BRING US YOUR PRODUCE $ ?! t f NEMAHA, NEB. JNO. W. RITCHEV J Both Phones No. 20 We received a letter from J. J. Alexander, of Frankton, Ind., a few days ago. Mr. Alex ander says to "tell the people of Nemaha and vicinity that they are still remembered by me." He says times are fairly good there. Cosn is a little late. day came just right this time. Mrs. E. H. Knapp ran a nail in the bottom of her foot last Fridav morninc. The nail broke in three pieces but fortun ately all the pieces were taken nut. It made a nainful wound though. Monday. Mrs. Gertie Galbraith, who has been visiting her uncle, expects to return home the first of next week. The Fuller farm of 80 acres, southwest of Nemaha, was sold at referree's sale last Saturday. Dan Maxwell was the successful pidder, paying $5066 for it $63.33 sn acre. Most of the farm is rough, but there is a good or At a meeting of the members of the Methodist church Thurs day evening W. W. Sanders was chard or it, and the price is low elected lay delegate and Mrs. G. jn comparison with the way farms W. Ayers alternate to annual have been sellincr. Dat will not conference which commences at Lincoln Sept. 25. Mrs. Collie Mclninch of St. Joe, who has beed visiting old friends at Brownville, came to Nemaha Sunday to visit Mr. ad Mrs. John W. Ritchev. She re move on it but will rent it. Monday was the fourth anni- vessary of the marriage of E. H. and Eva Knapp, and Ed invited us to dinner. It is needless to sav that we accepted, and in comosny with Mr. and Mrs. turned to Brownville Monday Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. and to St. Joe the nsxt day. Knapp, Mrs. M, A. Curtis, Carl Bennett, Ruth, Imogene and Jefferson Knapp we sat down to a snlendid renast. It is our private opinion publicly ex nressed" that Ed was a fortu New Time Gard A new time card went into effect last Sunday. Train 128, going north, now leaves at 7;55 a m No 97, gomg west at 10:14, mm fc he uaded his AO n.Mnro v-ivuf-h of I'll! I vr iNu. vo, Kim. w wife t0 say yes to his pleadings, going south, at 7:05. Npmfiha had the annearance Mr. and Mrs. August Quiller of a raiiroad town Monday morn and Mart, Mrs. Jane I. May and iug Train 128 ieft here about 7 Alf B. Kinton, who have been ftV1nnic. In rbout an hour the in Colorado and as far west as engine and coach for the stock Salt Lake City, returned home extra came in from tho Uorth, Monday. They say they had a , whilG this Gnine was at the good time but were glad to get rfc taking water a work train back home again. me in from tfce north. The Rev. J. W. Sapp" goes to stock extra took four cars of cat Phelps, Missouri, the last of this tie shipped by John M. Clark week, and on Sunday will begin and went back north. The work a nv ntraeted meetiner. Elder train, in charge of Conductor Bover of Lincoln.Ipastor of the Hohaus, took on board the No Christian church at Shubert, maha section men and went on will fill Bro. Sapp's appointment to Verdon to work on the track at. Nemaha durincr the latter's that was washed out sometime absence. ago. The Holiness Church of Christ is holding a ten days' camp meeting in the park, begining last night. They have a large tent and a number of ministers are present Bros. Orr of Thurman, Iowa, Lane and Force of Belle vue, Nebr., Rumbaugh of Shu bert, Shafer and Vice of St. De roin and others are expected. Everybody is invited to attend the meetings, John M. Clark shipped four car loads of fine cattle from Ne maha Monday morning. At Brownville seventeen or eighteen more loads were shipped by Messrs. John Bath, Thos. Bath and E. C. Magor, the whole mak ing a train load. A crew came down from Nebraska City and went to Chicago with thorn. Mr. Clark and Ray went with the train from Nemaha. Joseph Thompson of Talmage, Neb., paid us a pleasant visit Tuesday. Mr. Thompson is an old settler, coming to this county in 1856. In 1861 he married the daughter of Uncle John Shuck, living then in Nemaha, but af terward moving on the farm at present owned by August Quill er, west of Nemaha. Mr. Thompson expects to move to the state of Washington soon. Married At the court house in Auburn, Sanurday, August 31, 1907, by J. M. McCarty, county judge, Mr. Harry Cowell and Miss Mary Buell. The bride was under age, and though his mother was with her and gave her consent, they had to phone down to Nemaha and get the consent of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Cowell have our best wishes for a happy married life. OTOE STOCKBREEDERS' ASS'N LIVE STOCK SHOW and SALE NEBRASKA CITY, NEB., at the Union Stock Yards, 6ptmbr 10-19 1907 One Thousand Dollars in Premiums for Pure Bred Cattle, Horses, Hogs Our Stock Show last year was the best i i 1 i.-n m JNcnrasKa it is Digger unu ueiier this vear. For mium list or information, Lathrop, secretary, Nebraska City. any particulars, pre- wnte orln