The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 16, 1907, Image 7

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Small Amount of Nutmeg Added to
the Seasoning Making the Little
Fancy Cakes To Add Choc
olate Coating.
Down in Delaware, where they prldo
themselves on being good housekeep
ers and cooks, they mnke their angel
cake like everybody else except one
little point about the seasoning, which
Is this: Whether vanilla or lemon be
used for flavoring a very little nutmeg
is added, for it Is considered that it
improves either one. If you do not
wish to use grated nutmeg in light
cakes an Infusion of it in spirits will
make a flavoring that is handy at any
time for cookies, or spice cakes, or
fruit cake.
If little fancy cakes are desired it
is well to make a good light loaf cake
and cut it in cubes and finish these lit
tle cakes with different icings white,
chocolate, green and rose color In soft
tints with a nut or cherry or bit of
citron in each.
Anothor thing to do is to make a
delicate sponge cake mixture and bake
it in small drop cakes, evening the
edgeB with a round cutter when baked.
Spread them with apricot marmalade
or something similar and put two to
gether. Now prepare to dip these little
cakes, called boucheos, In a chocolate
coating. Make a gill of sugar and
water syrup, flavored with vanilla, In
a double boiler, and add a fourth ol
a pound of chocolate. Add sufficient
-very fine confectioners' sugar to form
a stiff paste. Stir over the Are until
it is warm. Dip the little double cakes
in this and lay on a siovo to drain.
Dry the chocolate glaze in a warm
oven. Leave the door open rather
than allow it to become too hot.
To make the sponge cake part use
six eggs. Break thorn separately. To
tho yolks add two tablespoonfuls ol
orange-flower water and one-half a
pound of fine sugar. Beat with a
spoon for five minutes. Whip the
whites until firm. Mix these lightly In
with tho yolks and sugar before add
ing tho flour. Five ounces of flour
will suffice, and It must bo sifted.
Make a cone out of a stiff sheet of
white paper which is sized. Fill with
tho sponge cake mixture. Fold over
the top and then cut off tho point so
the batter can be squeezed out by
pressing the top. Squeeze out into
rounds upon white paper laid on a
baking sheet. The same mixture can
bo made Into lady fingers. Many of
the lady finger cakes have an admix
ture of corn starch instead of all flour,
as it makes a fine grained cake. Baku
a short time to a light color.
Chill Sauce.
One dozen good, fully ripe, large
elzed tomatoes, peeled; four medium
sized onions, peeled; three large pop
pers, green; chop fine nnd boll from
one to two hours In cider vinegar,
enough to prevent burning. When
thoroughly tender add spices as fol
lows: One level tcaspoonful of salt,
one-third teaspoonful of ground cin
namon and allspice, one-fourth tea
spoonful of ground cloves, and tho
same quantity of cayenne pepper, one
half teaspoonful of black pepper, and
one-half teaspoonful of ground ginger.
Boll the whole ten minutes longer;
then seal in jars while hot. It is bet
ter to add the pungent spices gradu
ally, tasting now and then to obtain
the desired pungency. This will make
one quart of Chili sauce.
To Preserve Grapes.
There are several methods, but it
would bo impossible to recommend
any one of them without first making
tho experiment. If you like, however,
you might try an old-fashioned rule:
Place the bunches of grapes gently
between layers of cotton that havo
been arranged in a largo glass, or
earthenware jar. Seal this jar so se
curely that no air can reach tho
fruit. Then keep In a cool closet.
Tho Delineator.
Berry Pudding.
Place one quart of berries In a pud
ding dish and put over them sugar
enough to sweeten. Then take one
cup flour with salt and ono teaspoon
baking powder thoroughly mixed
through it, and work In a little but
ter. Stir up with sweet milk to make
a thin batter, pour over tho berries
and bake a half hour. Servo with
cream and sugar.
Dried Cherries.
Wash and stone tho cherries and
place in slnglo layers on plates.
Sprinkle generously with granulated
sugar and dry In tho sun till thorough
ly cured. Heat carefully in tho ovoA
boforo putting away In jars. This
makes a delicious confection.
Banana and Prune Salad.
Toss together equal quantities of
cooked prunes, cut in bits, and sliced
bananas, Servo with a blond of or and lemon juice, with pineapple
4uico or cream dressing.
"Wldder's" Sympathy Went Out to
Fellow Passenger.
A couple recently married had just
entered the train that was to bear
them to tho mountains on their honey
moon, when they beenmo aware of tho
close scrutiny of them by a female pas
senger, who had evidently "spotted" a
bride and groom. The young wife, on
opening her handbag, let fall some
rice on tho floor, and the woman
smiled. The other passengers regard
ed tho couple with Interest. Seeing
that the bride was every moment be
coming more flushed and uncomfort
able by reason of their scrutiny, the
woman in the goodness of her heart,
leaned across the carriage.
"Never mind, my dear!" she said.
"I'm a widder now, but by this time
next week I'll bo In the same fix my
For Over Two Years Patent Medi
cines, Quack Cures and Doctors
Fail Cutlcura Succeeds.
"I was very badly afflicted with ecze
ma for more than two years. Tho
parts affected were my limbs below
the knees. I tried all tho physicians
in the town and some In the surround
ing towns, and I also tried all tho pat
ent remedies that I heard of, besides
all tho cures advised by old women
and quacks, and found no relief what
ever until I commenced using the Cu
tlcura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment, and
Cutlcura Resolvent. In tho Cutlcura
Remedies I found Immediate relief,
and was soon sound and well. C. V.
Beltz, Tippecanoe, Ind., Nov. 15, '05."
Awful Warning.
Pa Yes, my son; the Egyptians
were the most Intellectual people on
the face of the earth at one time, but
finally the nation decayed.
Tommy And what caused them to
decay, pa?
Pa Smoking loo many Egyptian
cigarettes, my son.
Grand opening Sept. 5th under Carey
Act. Little Snake River Valley, Routt
County, Colo. $25.50 per acre for land
and water. $5.25 per aero down. Ex
cursion rates. Routt County Develop
ment Co., Sll 17th St., Denver, Colo.
Without content, we shall find It al
most as difficult to please others as
ourselves. Grevllle.
Guns, Traps, Decoys, Etc.
Lowest prices. Write for Free eatnlog
No. 1. N. V. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis.
Hold on, hope hard in the subtle
things. That's spirit. Pacchiarotto.
Lewis' Single Binder costs more than
other 5c cigars. Smokers know why.
Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, ill.
They havo hope of victory who en
dure. Perslus.
BilTTi r
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Uuarty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Bad
Taste in the Mouth, Coat
ed Tongue. Pain In the
They regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
To oouvince any
Tliri woman that rax.
mm BC tine Antiseptic will
BT Mm improvo her health
mm "'"I do all wo claim
TIor u- "Wo will
send her absolutely free a largo trial
box of l'axtino with book ot Instruc
tions and cenulno testimonials. Bend
your namo and address on a postal card.
and heals
m o in -
. IJI.1I1U 111-
rections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvlo
catarrh and Inflammation caused by femi
nlno ills; soro eyes, soro throat and
mouth, by direct local treatment its cur
attvd power over these troubles is extra
ordinary and gives immediate relief,
thousands of women are using and rec
ommending it every day. co cents at
ISCV' ,Tml!' 'tinombpr, however,
THIS It. lAXTO 0., Uostou, Mass.
your namo and address on a pc
What is Castoria.
QASTOm is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and
Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
"other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allaya
Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoaa and Wind Colic. It roliovcs Teething Troubles,
cures Constipation and Eatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's Panaoea Tho
Mother's Friend.
The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over
SO years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under
Lis personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with
and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Dr. F. Gerald Blattncr, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: "Your Castoria la good
for children nnd I frequently prcscribo it, always obtaining tho dealred
Dr. Gustavo A. Eisongraohor, of St Paul, Minn., says: "I havo used
your Castoria repeatedly in my practico with good results, and can recom
mend it ns an excellent, mild nnd harmless remedy for children."
Dr. E. J. Dennis, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I havo used and proscribed
your Castoria in my sanitarium nnd outsldo practico for a number of ycara
and find it to bo an excellent remedy for children."
Dr. S. A. Duchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I havo used your Cas
toria in tho caso o my own baby and find it pleasant to tako, and havo
obtained excellent results from its use."
Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago, 111., says: "I havo used your Castoria in
cases of colic in children and havo found it tho best mcdlclno of its kind
on tho market."
Dr. n. E. Eskildson, of Omaha, Neb., says: "I find your Castoria to bo a
standard family remedy. It Is tho best thing for Infants and children I
havo ever known and I recommend it."
Dr. L. R. Ilobinson, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria certainly
has merit. Is not Its ago, Its continued uso by mothers through all theso
years, and tho many attempts to imitato it, sufficient recommendation?
What can a physician add? Lcavo it to tho mothers."
Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of New York City, says: "For sovoral years I havo
recommended your Castoria and shall always contlnuo to do so, as it haa
invariably produced beneficial results."
Dr. N. B. Sizcr, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I object to what aro called
patent medicines, whoro maker alono knows what ingredients aro put In.
them, but I know tho formula of your Castoria and adviso its uso."
-ALCOHOL i iLM i'll,J!L
thS a,?Slcfoo(Ian(IRciula-NngiiieSiontacIisandBowelstf
ncss and Rcst.Contalns neiihcr
OpiimuMorphtac nor Mineral.
" " 1 ""
UnruJtm Serem
Handed 'Sugar .
m mm. I
Anerfeci Remeilv fnrf rmsllna.
Hon .Sour Slninnrh.Tliarrliopa
ness andLoss of Sleep.
.. i
Facsimile Signature a j
atmj xieara trm ssirrnntTirA nr
:, Guaranteed, under
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Tie KM You Have Always Bought
I would llko very much to personally inert every
rcadorof this paper who owusany horses ttiut have
soro shoulders nnd tell lilm uhout Security tiull
Halve. Tills Is impossible so I am going to tell you
tliroiiKli tlio paper.
You and I both know that horses working with
boro shoulders aro In pain, anil that they can't do
as (imcli work without running down as when they
arn free from pain. I also know purfectly well that
Security (Jail Halvo will cure theso shoulders, hut
you do not know It. If you did you would buy n box
of your dealer nt once and euro them up, tor you
havo nodoubtoften wished that you knew of tome
thing you could rely on. Vou can rely absolutely on
Security Gall Salve. It will do Its work every time,
or If you prefer to try It tlrst I will mall you a
sample cun free. Jim write for It It will go to you
on tlrst mall.
Also I wnnt to toll you that Security Antiseptic
Healer Is us good for barb wlro euts us Security
Gall Halvo Is for harness k;i I Is. Dealers carry them
In ic, 60c and ft .00 sly.e. t'se them for your needs;
I guarantee you perfect satisfaction.
Frank II. Denote, President.
8KCUUITV ItKMKDV CO., Minneapolis, Minn.
AGENTS to sell nnd distribute Holler's Cele
brated remedies, Toilet Articles, Spices nnd
Extracts. Good salesmen make large earnings.
The moat liberal terms given to Agents.
this pacer de
rail: to buy nnv-
thlni? advnrtkflrl In
its columns should insist upon having
what they ask for, refusing all substi
tutes or imitations.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 33, 1907.
mm i
9 Iii eemPjK
In Use For Over 30 Years.
n J&itcj (ASH.
r. '
TW Tit (j.
cr hy r t&faz sxd&
7 -c .
$3.00 & $3.5 SHOES tRITd
TP aW on3 wha ca" Prove W. L.
&g1JiliS$ )"ics' Man's $3 & $ ahocm
rfcepcsee 3f (ftafJ any other manufacturer.
TJ I1J HKASONW. L. Douglas kIioch tiro worn livinoro iiootilo
in all walks of lifo than any other tnalto, is hccWo of their
oxcellent stylo, caxy.llttlnjj, ft ml Etiporlor woarini; finalities.
J ho selection of tho leathers iiml othur inatorlals for each tiait
of tho shoo, nml every ilctall of tho inaklng is looked after by
tho iniwt ciiinpletoorcanlzatloitof HUieiintfiiiilontK,foreiiiunitniI
Pkillud MioeiuakcrH, who reeetvo thu hlehvst wages paid in tho
Bhoo Industry, mid whoso workmanship cannot ho e.xeolled.
If I could tako you into my largo factories at llrnckliiii.MaM,,
find show you how carefully W,l Douglas shofisaro niiiilo, you
ivotili then um lorstaml why thoy hold tholr shape, fit bottur,
wear Jongur anil aro ot greater valuo than anv other make.
M&S fuooanUSS Gold Bond Shotta cannot bm mmumlMmt mvwm.
W. U Doug as stamps his namo and prlcoon tho bottom to protoct yu agahnst IiTrlooa
'i";,orA?l";,;s- ri,U' No I"t.-. Sold by tl, bent s L deafors orywhoro 1
tail WybViMiusedwluHnly. Caiulvt, mailtdjne. W. I.. IIUUUI.AN, Urockio Mm.