The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 14, 1907, Image 1

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T0L.L11 X0.4
Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn
More showers Sunday.
Hand in the news items.
Crops are now growing fast
Garden and flower seeds at
W. F. Reeling's.
John W. White returned from
Wymore Friday.
Post card views of Nemaha at
postoffice bookstore.
Ruby harvester oilthe best
for sale by W. F. Keeling.
Everything is growing fast
now including the weeds.
. We sell carpet and linoleum.
E. & B. Lbr. Co.
Best photos in southeastern
Nebr., at Criley's.;, So Auburn.
Mrs. Julia Frazier of Auburn
came in to Nemaha last Saturday
returning Tuesday.
A. L. P. Thompson went to
Shenandoah, Iowa, Saturday,
'returning Monday.
jlva Maxwell is now working
in a lumber yard at Olathe,
Colo., at a good salary.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hill went
to Shubert Monday evening, re
turning Tuesday morning.
Still have a few set of harness
left, will sell cheap.
E. & B. Lbr. Co.
-A120 egg Old Trusty Incuba
tor, good as new, for sale cheap.
' W. W. Liebhart.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Williams
drove up from Shubert Wednes
day and visited relatives for a
few hours.
Fresh candies at the Postoffice
Try us for fresh groceries.
Harrington & Sons.
Miss Eliza Farson, who has
been working at Peru, returned
home last Friday evening.
Best line of lawn mowers at
reasonable prices.
E. & B. Lbr. Co.
C. W. Roberts has been mar
keting some very fine straw
berries during the past week.
See that fine line of bottled
pickles at 10c bottle.
Harrington & Sons.
Mrs. Ann Maxwell started for
Stillwater, Oklahoma, Monday,
to visit her son, Alex Maxwell.
Rev. J. W. Sapp is building an
addition on his barn, getting
ready for an increase of pros
perity. Mrs. Frank" Titus, who had
been visiting at Papillion, Nebr.,
for a few days,, returned home
last Saturday.
Miss Gertrude Glenn of Table
Rock came to Nemaha last Sat
urday and is visiting her brother,
Chas. V. Glenn.
Frank Titus and Elmer Rum
baugh went to Omaha Sunday to
see a game of base ball, return
ing Tuesday morning.
Will F. Sanders, Burlington
freight man at Tecumseh, came
in to Nemaha, Saturday after
noon, returning Monday.
Fly time will soon be here; now
is the time to get your screen
doors, etc.
E. & B. Lbr. Co.
Fountain pens and fountain
pen ink for sale at the postoffice
i ii.
Miss Anna Morris, who has
been in Nemaha for two or three
weeks, giving lessons in dress
making, returned to Auburn
Mrs. Wm. E. Smiley came up
from Falls City Saturday morn
ing and Mr. Smiley Monday
morning. They returned Mon
day evening.
S. C. Shuck of Inavale, Nebr.,
came in to Nemaha Wednesday
afternoon, to look after some
business connected with his
father's estate.
.If you 010 warm or
thirsty, drop in to
O.E. Houtz's Restaurant
and got cool.
aud soft drinks are now
The children's day exercises at
the Methodist church in Howe
Sunday evening, were fine. The
church was crowded, many hav
ing to stand.
Mr, and Mrs. Lee Blacketer of
Lincoln arrived in Nemaha Mon
day evening on a visit to Dr.
Frazier and wife. Mr. Blacketer
and Mrs. Frazier are' cousins.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Liebhart and
granddaughter, of Marquette,
Nebr., who were visiting W. W.
Liebhart and family, started for
their home on the" early train
Monday morning.
For Saturday Only!!
Men's Dress Shirts, regular 75c, in plain $
t nrpnm. fnilPV in horka nnrl efvinnu in
i light and dark colors, at 53 cents
Husher cloth, a padding for under table-1
cloth, 54 inches wide, regular 45c, at 35 $
$ cents per yard J
Ladies' Sunbonnets, all colors, regular
i 25c, at 15 cents
ruones jno. gu
Miss Odus VanCamp of John
son, who was elected primary
teacher of the Nemaha schools,
has decided not to accept the
position, and has sent in her
resignation. The school board
have not yet selected a teacher
for that department.
Postmasters will have a job on
their hands after July 1. At
that-tinae they have to begin
weighing all mail sent out, keep
ing each class separate and have
to do this until Dec. 31. Orders
to this effect were recently re
cieved from the postal department.
Mrs. Dan Maxwell sent us in a
jug of buttermilk Monday, which '
was enjoyed much more than
that much whiskey or beer would"
have been, and had no bid after
effects. It was fine and tasted
like more.
Carl E. Sanders, now one of
the publishers of the Garretson,
South Dakota, News, came down
to emaha last Friday, and Mon
day morning started for Garret-
artn trt-Yt Viia xrifa aw1 ViaVkV Wa55
is well pleased with his new home.
The News is a prosperous news-
paper in a live town in a fine
country. j
Great June Unloading Sale
J ."" r -
Sale begins Saturday, June 15, Every department will unload all seasonable goods
at Bargain Prices, Here are a few Specials.
Saturday, June 15
Commencing at 2 o'clock
we offer 2000 yards of Ba
tiste and Lawns, all new
goods, 28 inches wide,
worth up to 10c per yard,
For Saturday pr yd 49c
Wednesday, June 19
Commencing at 2 o'clock
we offer 50 pieces Crash,
bleached or unbleached,
full 17 inches wide, worth
from 8c to 10c per yard,
For Wednesday pr yd 5c
N. B. All goods mentioned for Special Sale Days
will continue on sale until sold.
Red Letter arid Remnant Day
No use to mention this regular monthly event.
It is strictly the Big Bergain Day for yoji in
every department of the "Big Store, but to make
it more interesting we will sell for that day only
a 50 inch Chiffon Panama, colors black, blue
and brown, a cloth that retails the world over for
85 cents to $1.00,
For Wednesday, per yard, 49c.
Saturday, June 22 1 Saturday, June 29
Commencing at 2 o'clock!
wo offer 25 pieces of 19 toj
22 inch Corset Cover Em
broidery, worth up to 50c
per yard,
Commencing at 2 o'clock!
wo offer 8000 yards of(
Muslin, every yard worth
10c, we will selh 10 yards
to a customer until sold,
For Saturday pr yd 29c Per yard 6 cents
N, B. All goods mentioned for Special Sale Days
will continue on sale until sold.
Shoes and Clothing Bargains the Entire Month of June.
Gilmore-Armstrong Co.
West of Court House Square