I. Thousands Have Kidney ' Trouble and Never Suspect it. How to Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your -water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or. sct tliugindicatesan , unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To So. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the jjreat kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many limes during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root tii soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine vou should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may nave a sample uouie ami a book that tells all about it, both sent free i by mail. Address Dr. i Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton. N. Y. When -writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but renieniner tne ame, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingliuiuton, N. Y. J. JE. Oi-otlici- Homo of Bramp-Root. in the MRS. HILL BUILDING Shoe Repairing? Harness Repairing Hand Made Harness a Specialty We have for sale, cheap, three good farms in Nemaha county; nlso two splendid residence properties in town. STULL fc HAWXBY ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AUBURN, NEBRASKA The question of keeping the children fairly prescntnblo during their play hours ia always doubly difltcult m tho summer. Half an hour's romping in the garden will soil and rumple any frock, Until it is only fit for the tub, so i all sensible mothers devote a large share of the summer's outfit to strong, easily ironed dresses in which their little ones can play in peace." Thus says the nuthority on "Practical Clothes for Little Girls" in the July number of the New Idea Woman's Magazine, and common sense is tho keynote of her article. The President's Name It is indeed strange that the namo of a man who has been written about as much as President Roosevelt should still be mispronounced by so largo a number of people. And stranger is it that the pronunciation which is farthest from right is the one most frequently heard as though it were spelled Ruse velt. A Washington writer says tho Presi dent took a few minutes "off" the other day to explain the pronunciation of his name to a visitor. He spelled it out thus: "Ro-zie-velt." "It is more nearly Ro-za-velt than it isRo-zie-velt," the President explained, "but if I should syllable it that way for you and you should follow my spelling in an effort to convey to others the historically correct pronunciation of my name somebody would be sure to give tho broad sound to the 'a' and make it 4Ro-zah-velt, ' so that it is safer to use the dipthong 'ie' in order to avoid worse confusion. So, remember that in my nam? the double o is just o, the s is z and the e following the s is short a." Lincoln Star. JONG SPECIALS Opening of Huntley Lands: 33,000 acres Government irrigat ed land near Billings, Montana, opened by .lottery system June 2(5th; cheap excursion rates to register for these rich irrigated lands. Finest prizes yet offered ' by the Government. Cost ap proximately $30.00 an acre, di vided into ten yearly payments. Get details. To Pacific Coast: Specially low round trip Califor nia rates June 8th to 15th; June 22nd to July 5th. Also to Port land, Seattle and Spokane June 20th to July 12th. Daily low rate Coast tours commencing June 1st Slightly higher via Shasta route. Good Chances Eastward: Daily low Jamestown Exposition rates with side trips available for New York, Philadelphia, Boston. Atlantic Coast resorts. Also July 3rd to 6th very cheap to Saratoga . with side trips to New York, also July 11th to 13th to Philadelphia. Big Horn Basin: We run personally conducted homeseekers' excursions June 4th and 18th, under guidance of D. Clem Deaver, General - Agent Landseeker's Information Bureau Round trip $20,00. Call or write for details. 0- V. GLENN. Tioket A Teat at fanahcT L, W. WAKELEYi G, P, A.. Omabd,, Hints in Using Telephone ! From the Brooklyn Eagle. 1 The art of telephoning is still an ac complishment that few people regard as a necessary part of their education. The way to use the transmitter is to t place the lips within half an inch of the mouthpiece and speak in a considerably lower tone than you ordinarily use in a face-to-face conversation. The reason for this is simple. Just behind the mouthpiece is an aluminum diaphragm backed with a very thin sheet of hard carbon. Between this sheet of carbon and the pont of contact of the wires is a space filled with finely powdered carbon. The sound waves of the voice make the aluminum diaphragm vibrate 'and this in turn affects the carbon sheet, which stirs the granulated carbon be hind it. The electrical current that is passing through the carbon power feels all these vibrations, however slight, and reproduces them in the receiver and the other end of the line, setting in motion sound waves corresponding to those in the transmitter. If you shout at the transmitter the vibrations may be so violent as to result in only a confusing jumble at the other end of fhe wire. Besides, loud talking through a telephone is distressing to the listener, who, you must remember, gets the full volume of sound very close to the ear. If you hear a telephone man talking by wire you will notice that he drawls his words a little not enough to make conversation noticeably slow, but suffi ciently so that one word is started on its way before another can tread on its heels. Clipping words, which is sometimes done under the impression that it gives them a sharper sound, is a mistake. Even for talking over considerable dis tances the voice should be lowered in telephone conversations. . .. Poorly Paid Teachers." Wymoro Wymorean: Thai teaching is an underpaid profess ion there can be no doubt, and the wonder is that it is possible to find enough people to fill the positions. The average monthly salary for the common schools of Nebraska is .$44.07 and the aver age for the high schools is only $53. 38. Any effort upon the part of school directors to increase salaries should be commended. The Missouri river, which cuts queer capers when it is on a bender, is still doing some ec centric stunts in the neighbor hood of St. Deroin. That precinct is already small enough, but the insatiable appe tite of the river is still further causing a diminuation of its area. It commenced cutting into the Van Osdel place some months ago and is still at it. The fine peach orchard and the grove of trees have all tumbled into the river and only a few trees remain to mark the spot that was once a. pretty piece of ground. 'Repub lican. State Holiness Camp Meeting The thirty-sixth annual camp meeting of the Nebraska State Holiness association will be held at Epworth Lake park, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 14-24. The managers of the camp meet ing have made special arrange ments to make the meeting this year the very best in its history. Rev. Joseph H. Smith, of Cali fornia, and Rev. H. C. Morrison, of Louisville, Ky., two of the most successful camp meeting leaders in the United States have been secured to do the preaching and C. E. Rowley and wife, from Ohio, will be leaders in song. Good board for 0 cents a meal can be had on the ground, and lodging can be-had for those who do not care to tent. Information may be had by addressing Rev. W. H. Prescott, 1210 O. St., Lincoln, Nebr. Geo. D. Carrington, jr. has been county superintendent for' over three years. During, that time he has worked hard for the interests of the schools of the , county, and has never hesitated when he saw anything that needed doing for fear it would be unpopular, He has" enthused the teachers and inspired the school officials until the schools are now far ahead of anything in the past. He has not spared himself in the least, but has always been a hard worker, visiting every school in the coun ty at least once a year and when occasion required many times. He has helped and encouraged young teachers, advocated re forms, and kept the schools up to the highest standard possible. Under his supervision the Ne maha county schools have been made the best in the history, and Mr. Carrington has more than a state wide reputation as an educator. Yielding to the solicitation of many friends, Mr. Carrington has consented to be a candidate once more for this office, and his name will be before the repub lican voters at their primaries. We do not believe he will have any opposition. Free Samples of "Prcvcntics" and a booklet on Colds will be gladly mailed you, on request, by Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis. simply to prove merit. Proventics are little Candy Cold Cure tablets. No Quinine, no Laxative, nothing harmfu whatever. Proventics prevent colds as the namo implies when taken early, or at the "Sneeze State." For a seated cold or LaGrippe, break it up safely and quickly with Proventics. Sold by All Dealers. Fresh candies at the Postoffice Bookstore. W. W. FKAZIER, M. D, Physician and Surgeon Nemaha, Nebr. All calls promptly attended Phono 28 PUT tilt K tilt K tilt. Denier III Highest market price paid for Hides, mid, Tallow, otc. can be greatly Increased by giving special care to tho health of every animal and fowl on tho farm.' Sick poultry, sheep, cattle, hogs, horses, etc., depend on their livers to keep them well. Black-Draught1 Stock and Poultry Medicine keeps their livers working and therefore keeps them well. Ulack-Drnught Stock and Poul try Medicine Is a pure, natural, vegetable, blood purifier, and acts by regulating the stomach, liver 'and bowels. It prevents and cures Hog Choi-, era, Chicken Cholera, Colic, Dis temper, Coughs, Colds, Constipa tion, Fever, Loss of Appetite, Wasting Away, and all the com mon stock diseases. It Is a perfect medicine for gen eral farm use. Try It. Price 25c for a large can, at all druggists and dealers Let me mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart, or the Kidneys. Address me, Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating the result of ypur ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach nerves the inside nerves means Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart, arid Kidneys as well, have their controlling or inside nerves.. Weaken these nerves and you inevit ably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write for my free Book now. Shoop's Restorative sold by All Dealers. Paper covered books good ones only 7 cents at the post office bookstore. Democratic papers very gener ally were very much incensed last fall when it was indicated in the republican press of the capi tal city and generally that Chair man Allen of the democratic state committee was a railroad attorney and that the democratic committee had access to the books and records of the rail roads. Indeed this was so ap parent, when they gave the number and date of issue of a pass presented to Governor Shel don, though the same had nqver been used, that the burden of proof immediately shifted to the democratic committee, which was utterly unable to. clear itself. Now comes tli2 publicity feature of the anti-pass law, passed by a republican legislature, and shows that, at least on the Missouri Pacific, Mr. Allen is a pass holder. He is in possession of a pass issued to him as an attorney for the Misfojri Pacific. This in itself is legitimate. It is only! interesting and otherwise thtt Mr. Allen, his friends and even his relatives, including Mr. Bryn, should have denied that Mr. Allen had any railway connections whatever. Grand Island Independent. Call at our store, please, for a free sampleof Dr. Shoop's "Health CofFeo." If real colfee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart, or Kidneys, then try this clever coffee imitation. While Dr. Shoop has very closely matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee in fluvor and taste, yet he has not even a single grain of real coffee in it. Dr. Shoop'a Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains' or cereals, with Malt, Nuts. etc. You will surely like Health Coffee. Sold by Earle Gilbert. 7 7w-S9r25PJ)PH ' GOLD COIN HEAVE CURE IS GUARANTEED fit USE AF HEAVES Too fast driving, shortly after a hearty vwytpfc vr nmiw meal, is tho moat common cause of Heaves. Driving too long when a horso ia not fueling well, dus ty bay or grain. Horses with naturally weak lungs are easily given the Heaves by dusty feed or too fast or long driving. All Htoekmen who believe In using the BEST when nn article Ih needed find that "Gold Cola Heave Cure" gives far better re sults, both for quick action and continued, than any other Heave Cure now on tho market. Test it on our Gold Coin Guarantee money back if found unsatisfactory. 5f"Wrlte to the Gold Coin Veterinary Department for any special Information regarding sick stock. No churge Is mude. HOW 50C EARNED $110 SO Cents 50o and 91.00 Mr. A. Watzke. of Morris. Minn., savs; "Dkau Siub: My driving mare got the heaves so bad I offered her for sale for $15.00 and oould not sell her. I have used Gold Coin Heave Powders on her for two months and now I wouldn't take f 1S3 for her. I highly recommend your Heave Cure. Anton Watzke." SYMPTOM'S OF MffliMS The coat becomes rouuh: thcui yimriyimp yy itywfw tea dry hacking cough: the up petite Is irregular: sometimes poor, other times oravlng; the bowels sometimes loose, other times constipated. A yellow mu cus collects around the anus. The animal is likely to rundown, become thin and poor, the breath gonerally has a foul odor; the bolly may become largo, "pot belly." The horso turns up its lips and rubs them against tho wall, or licks the manger and shows uneasiness. Worms may appear In such enormous num bers astoinvudo thn ntnmiinh nn1 lurnnmn vrw ilnni'RrmiH tn iuo uuuuui. nucro aucuvcu wiui Miircuu worms, wniuu uneois the rectum, the intense itching onuses tho horse to rub Its tail against the wall, or to keep switching It constantly. DON'T LOSE MONEY Horses, colts, and other animals If TVT 1 fcyfr WVWH stunted in their growth; unthrifty and misshapen by tho clogging of worms In tho Btomach und bowels are not worth as much ns thrifty, spirited, healthy, glos sy coated horses. "Gold Coin Worm Powder" makes extra money for you by keeping your animals f reo from worms. TESTIMONIAL The Western Union Telegraph Co, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Dec. 0, 1005. Gold Cola Stock Food Co., St. Paul, Minn. Express two barrels of Worm Powder today. Send balance' of Worm Powder by freight. HOG SAVEIt CO. SO Cents We personally guarantee the Gold Coin Remedies Call at our store and get a beautiful picture of Lou Dillon free. The picturt U 14x10 inches, in 2 colors, ready for framing. It is a most life-like motion picture showing Lou Dillon in action as in above picture. W. F. KEELING E. D. BERLIN Dr. Bturne fits glasses. So. Auburn Nemaha, Nebr. Brownville, Nebr. llr. 1 If ft.