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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1907)
7 VOL. Lll XO. 3 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1907 IT. W.Jf, tShit.rlpliaH tt m ytmr In An dit rains. The drouth is broken. Garden and flower seeds at W. F. Reeling's. Sunday school convention Fri day of next week. Post card views of Nemaha at postoffice bookstore. Ruby harvester oil the best for sale by W. F. Keeling. The farmers smiled a broad smile over the rain Monday. Have patience. We will have warm weather after awhile. We sell carpet and linoleum. E. & B. Lbr. Co. John Sapp, of Shubert visited his parents, in Nemaha, Tuesday, in southeastern ! Nebr., at Criley's. So Auburn. Mrs. Sarah Roach of Nebraska City orders The Advertiser sent to her. Mrs. W. W. Seid went to Auburn Saturday, returning Monday. Mrs. J. M. Fuller visited Mrs. . .Cora Gongwer last Sunday and -Mpnday. jpvfc . Mrs. Frank Titus went to Papillion, Nebr., last Friday, to visit relatives. Our-fisherman are catching some nice fish now; nd a good many of. them. From present appearances hay will be a scarce article in this section this year. Will F. Keeling is stepping, proud because his cow had twin calves Wednesday. H. T. Minick presented Rural Carrier Barker with a sack of nice apples Monday. Home grown strawberries were on the market Tuesday for the irst time this season. Born Sunday evening, June 2, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson, a fine big boy. Mrs. A. R. Sayers of Aspin wall precinct went to Kansas City to a hospital Tuesday. Misses Stella and Bessie Wash burn went to Peru Monday to .attend the summer normal. Still have a few set of harness left, will sell cheap. E. & B. Lbr. Co. J. W. Ponn of Brownville is doing some painting and carpen ter work in Nemaha this week. A 120 egg Old Trusty Incuba tor, good as new, for sale cheap. W. W. Liebhart. Clarence Aynes, who has been at Mystic, South Dakota, for some time, returned home Tues day evening. Dees for Sale. I have eight stands of bees I want to sell. I. J. JARVIS. F. L. Woodward was exercising his white mules and himself Tuesday evening by using a drag on tne streets. good job. Try us for fresh groceries. Harrington & Sons. Best line of lawn mowers at reasonable prices. E. & B. Lbr. Co. See that fine line of bottled pickles at 10c bottle. Harrington & Sons. Miss Flossie Waterman of Au burn was the guest of Miss May Kerkerfrom Friday until Mon day. . Mr. and Mrs. J. F. LaFollete, who had been visiting in Lincoln, returned to Nemaha last Thurs day. C. H. Kindig has rented Mrs. Hill's house, south of the lumber yard, and will go to housekeeping soon. Miss Pearl Bums went to Syracuse Saturday morning to visit her sister, Mrs. Frank Bur- gess. Jno. W. Ritchey has The Ad vertiser sent for the next year to his son, Frank R. Ritchey, Yuma, Colo. John White has been at Wy uiore for two or three weeks, building a house for David Jack of Peru. Mrs. Wm. H. Hoover went over to Stella Wednesday to visit some of her Christian Science friends, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Wolfe of Aspinwall precinct, Wednesday morning, June 5, 1907, a big boy. Mrs. Cora Crother, Glendyn and Catherine Milhcent spent Wednesday with her friend Mrs. Alice Seid. Miss May Kerker, Angel No. 1, was able to resume her duties in the Advertiser office lastFri day morning. Home grown strawberries- fine ones are retailing at 15 cents per quart, or two quarts for a quarter. Mrs. Ann Maxwell expects to start for Pawnee, Oklahoma next Monday, to visit her son Alex. Maxwell. iviisses uiancne, Kutn ana Helen Williams of Shubert visited Hf! T1 1 -v-v , t their grandmother, Mrs. J. A Titus, Tuesday. Tir 1 1 n . - - we naa a nne rain Monday a good slow rain that all went in the ground. That night we had another good shower. Fly time will soon be here; now s the time to get your screen doors, etc. E. & B. Lbr. Co. We learn that Mrs. Georcre Loughrige of Aspinwall precinct, who is in Kansas City being treated for a cancer, is getting better. Mrs. Alice A. Minick of Brown ville was the guest of Mrs. Wm. H. Hoover and other Nemaha friends from Saturday until Mon day afternoon. Willard H. Dressier came down .from Omaha last Saturday even- ing and visited his father, broth - yq uvwjsttjCiB auu aisivr unci jnenas, re- turning the next evening. fountain postoffice pen ink for sale at the bookstore- E. G. Crother received a hand some boquet of violets through the mail Thursday, from a lady friend in Racine, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Connett of Chillicothe, Ills., visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rumbaugh from Wednesday afternoon until Thursday forenoon. Mrs. J. D. Rainey returned to Auburn Sunday, after two weeks' visit with her sister and brother, Mrs. J. Crother and Chas. Clark. Mr. Rainey came in after her. Mike Liebhart, wife and granddaughter of Marquette, Nebr., arrived in Nemaha Mon day evening on a week's visit with Mr. Liebhart' s brother, W. W. Liebhart. The Nemaha City cemetery association will hold its annual meeting next Wednesday, June 11, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the bank. All owners of lots are in vited to be present. Miss Elizabeth Hawxby, who S 1 I 1 1 is one oi tne teacners in tne York public schools, returned to Nemaha last Saturday to spend the vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawxby. J. H. Tdwnley, landlord of the Shubert hoteldied Thursday of last week He was- buried at Prairie Union cemetery Saturday the Masons having charge of the funeral. Several Nemaha Ma sons attended. If you are warm or thirsty, drop in to,, O. E. Houtz's Restaurant and get cool. ICE CREAM SODAS and soft drinks are now ready. Sold Frank Helmick a fine farm in Spink Co.,. So. Dakota, $35 up, every man bought. Fine 640 Homestead Relinquishment for sale, $1500, improved, near a good town in Nebr. Kindig & Peabody. Plans and specifications for heating plant for the school house have been submitted to contractors and bids requested. These will be opened and laid before the annual school meeting on the 24th of this month for action. Elmer E. Allen now has his house lighted with the "F-P" gasoline lights. This is the kind in use in the opera house, Metho dist church, Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges, Earle Gilbert's store and Hill's drug store. It is a fine light. Elmer E. Allen, cashier of the Bank of Nemaha, -was distribut ing some cards to patrons last Saturday. On one side of the card was the statement of the condition of the bank, as pub lished in last week's Advertiser. On the other side 'was "Honor 'thy Father and Mother, but not otranger s vneJKs a good 'motto. Fountain pens and s Specials For Saturday Only! I 5 i i ; Men's Dress Shirts, gutuaiii, jaiiuj in uueuitB uuu stupes, my i light and dark colors, Husher cloth, a padding for under table-? cloth, 54 inches wide, regular 45c, at 35$ cents per yard Ladies' Sunbonnets, $ 25c, at 19 cents JNO. W. RITCHEY1 Both Phones No. 20 Jacob Shuck received a letter I the first of the week from B. D. j Hayward, superintendent of the boys' industrial school at Kear ney, saying Johnnie was now ready to be paroled. The super intendent says he is a. good boy. He says if his father will send the railroad-fare Johnnie will be sent back here. Jacob Montsinger and Missv Bertha Shiveley, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Shiveley were married Sunday evening, June 2, 1907, at the home of the bride's aunt, nerr Shubert. The boys of the neighborhood gave them an old fashioned charivari the next night. The young peo ple have our best wisher for their happiness. Children's Day Service The annual children's day ser vices will be held at the Metho dist church next Sunday at It o'clock a. m. A good program has been prepared. The' collec tion which will be taken goes to the educational fund to assist in educating poor young men and women, especially inose desiring to enter the ministry. Mrs. M. C. Scott received notice a few days ago that her son, Jesse Scott, a member of Co. B., 18th infantry, located at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, had allotted to her 5 per month from his pay. We honor a young man who has this regard for his mother. Jesse is doing well in the army, and recently had an advance of $1 pe)r month in his pay. Thursday afternoon of last week Frank R. Lowe and Miss Rose Seabury went to Nebraska City, and at 6 o'clock that even ing were married at the court house by County Judge Wilson. Mr. Lowe, whose home is in Kansas City, has been in Nema ha for a few weeks, selling stock food. We understand he will continue on the road for awhile at least, his bride traveling with him, but talks of locating in Peru this fall. Go to the Postoffice Bookstore for your candies. t regular 75c, in plain J at 53 cents j all colors, regular! f I NEMAHA, NEB. J S Mrs. C. H. Kindig has decided to accept the position of principal of the Nemaha schools. She is a fine teacher and we believe the . school, under her leadership;. ; with thd cooperation of Misses Bellas and Vancamp, will be second to none in the county'sq far as grades taught here, We trust- the school board and, the j Mi i ii . -.- -ur' About two weeks and a half ago Mrs E. E. Rumbaugh and Miss Nora Aynes, while in Brownville, called on 'Dolph Farmer. At this time Mr. Farm er had been feeling bad for a few days, and later broke out with smallpox. Physicians said Mrs. Rumbaugh and Miss. Aynes were in little or no danger of contract ing the disease, but they quaran tined themselves until Tuesday of this week, when they unani mously voted the quarantine raided and are now going where they please. Miss Aynes stayed with Mrs. Rumbaugh and Elmer had to find a new boarding place 1 temporarily. Sherwin-Williams Paint Fleck's Stock Food Little Chick Feed Oracked Corn Bran & Shorts Wall Paper W. F. Keeling .3 Pi - 'V if -j. 4-i I A,