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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
ffeWafti lltefttfet VOL. LI XO. 52 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1907 Ruh$crlpl n, f 1 Mr intidr The last day of school. Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn Cane seed for sale by W. F. Keeling. T. J. Rumbaugh has repainted his house. , Garden and flower W. F, Reeling's. seeds at The hand organ man was in Nemaha Thursday. Post card views of Nemaha at postoffice bookstore. Jimmy Jones, from near Howe, was in Nemaha Thursday. Jos. W. Ponn of Brownville visited Nemaha Thursday. We sell carpet and linoleum. E. & B. Lbr. Co. Mrs. Carl E. Sanders returned from Falls City Tuesday morn ing. m W. H. Morrow, Shubert's at torney, was a Nemaha visitor Tuesday. Grandpa Lester of Brownville has been a Nemaha visitor this week. Paper covered ones only 7 cents office bookstore. books good at the post- Mrs. Ralph E. Harrington came in from Crab Orchard Wed nesday afternoon. We save you money on shoes. Come in and see. Harrington & Sons. Best line of lawn mowers at reasonable prices. E. & B. Lbr. Co. Mrs. N. B. Scrivoner, who had been visiting at Auburn for a few days, returned home Monday. visited Satur- Miss Florence Denny Brownville friends from day afternoon untiUMonday fore noon. A. L. P. Thompson -went to Kansas City Monday night with a car load of cattle. Mrs. Elizabeth Murr of Brown ville was the guest of Mrs. W. H. Hoover Monday. " F. E. Allen of Bracken went to St. Joe Wednesday evening with a car load of hogs. Mrs. Henry Clark, Mrs. John M. Clark and Miss Daisy went to Peru Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Knapp ani Mrs. Wm. Paul of Stella visited Nemaha friends Sunday. Miss. Minnie May went to Peru Tuesday morning to attend the commencement exercises. Ernest Galloway and sister, Miss Belle, of Aubnrn, drove down to Nemaha Sunday. . New books both paper covers and cloth bound just received At the postoffice bookstore. Charley Smiley, wife and son of Shubert were visiting D. T. Smiley and wife Thursday. Rev. J. W. Sapp will preach the memorial sermon at Brown ville next Sunday morning. Look over our line of summer dress goods before buying. Harrington & Sons. Still have a few set of harness left, will sell cheap. E.jc B. Lbr. Co. A 120 egg Old Trusty Incuba tor, good as new, for sale cheap. - W. W. Liebhart, Fly time will soon be here; now id the time to get your screen doors, etc. E. & B. Lbr. Co. WANTED I want to hire a man by the month to care for an orchard, etc. I furnish houce and fuel. k, John s. Stull, Auburn. W. H. Lemon of St. Deroin was a pleasant cauer Tuesday morning, lie was on his way to Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rumbaugh visited Mr. Rumbaugh's brother, A. J. Rumbaugh, at St. Deroin, last Sunday, P. V. Morton of Omaha came to Nemaha Tuesday evening to visit his cousins, Misses Dora and Cora Morton. Miss Rosa Munn of Shenandoah I Iowa, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Dressier. She came Wednes day forenoon. J. D. Rainey came in from Auburn Tuesday afternoon to visit his daughter, returning the same evening. Tnentteentn annual commen- cement of the Nemaha high school will be held at the opera house tonight. it was uncomiortaoiy warm Wednesday, as well as very windy and dusty a very dis agreeable day. The outside lights at the Meth odist church and the Odd Fellows hall make a brilliant light and can be seen for miles. John M. Clark had a car of hogs shipped to Kansas City Monday. Ray looked after the loading and snipping. The republican state central Fountain pen's and fountain pen ink for sale at the postoffice bookstore- Miss Maude Burns went to Auburn Sunday and the next day went to Syracuse to visit her sister, Mrs. Frank Burgess, for few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parriott and Mr. and Mm. L. R. Parriott went to Peru Tuesday afternoon to attend the normal commence ment exercises. The Maple Grove school, two and a half -miles northwest of Nemaha closes today with an entertainment. Miss Jessie Smith is the teacher. Mrs. M. J. Hoover and Mrs. J. D. Rainey of Auburn came in to Nemaha last Friday to spend a week with their daughter and sister, Mrs. J. E. Crother. Walter Starry, who lives in Oklahoma but who has been in Auburn for some time, was shaking hands with old Nemaha friends Thursday of last week. H. R. Howe of Auburn gave us a pleasant call Tuesday after noon. In company with W. H. Bousfield he had been to Shubert returning by way of St. Deroin and Nemaha. Miss Roxie Parker and Harry of Auburn .visited their grand mother, Mrs. J. B. Berger, Fri day and Saturday. Miss Roxie is one of the graduates , of the Auburn high school this year. 1 v j ; nc utui j'uur iiLLUiiLiuii tu uui nub uij NEW SHOES s These are made by SELZ, SCHWAB &5 f CO,, who are the largest makers of good; shoes in the world. We do not hesitate to recommend them to our customers be-5 $ cause they always give satisfaction J wear and comfort. Do not forget us for Dry Goods and! 5 Groceries. Our line is clean and upto in I 9 i Both Phones No. 20 committee of Kansas has declared for Taft for the next republican nominee for president. G. N. Titus visited his Glen Rock orchard a few days ago and says the indications are good for a fair crop of Winesap apples. An admission fee of 15 and 20 cents will be charged for admis sion to the opera house tonight, to the commencement exercises. John M. Clark came down from Lincoln Saturday but had to re turn Monday morning to resume his duties as juror in the federal court. Mrs. Rose Gilbert has had some changes made in her house, changing a bedroom into a bath room and pantry. T. L. Williams is doing the work. 25 cents buys 3 cans pumpkin, or 3 cans peas, or 3 cans beans, or 2 cans sweet potatoes, or 5 cans sweet corn, or 2 large cans salmon, or 5 1 lb. packages soda. at Harrington & Sons. If you aro warm or thirsty, drop in to J O.E. Houtz's Restaurant and got cool. ICE CREAM SODAS and soft drinks are now ready. A. A. Mclninch of St. Joe has been visiting relatives in Nemaha county for several days. ZHe was the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrr. J. W. Ritchey, Thursday afternoon. Geo. N. Sanders of London precinct says he is going to have a fair crop of Winesap, Jonathan, Missouri Pippin and Ben Davis apples, a good many plums, and some peaches. The firm of F. L. Woodward Charley Hunt, and the white mules has dissolved partnership and Charley is no longer a mem ber of the firm. Phil Shuck takes his place. Mrs. Laura i5iacK, a sister o V. P. Peabody, and her son-in law, Alex Sloan, of Unadilla Nebr., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peabody from Saturday evening until Monday. While in Kansas City last week F. L. Woodward had a long visit with Rabe Elliott. Rabe's many old friends in Nemaha will be pleased to learn that he is pros pering. He fed a large number of cattle during the winter and was in Kansas City with the last shipment. He owns a nice home in Pawnee, Oklahoma. Rabe buys stock and is said to be making money. V "i ' ' ' J1TO. W. RITCHET NEMAHA, NEB. 5 S IMI ILLI 1ST 3U IR, IT Three new invoices of new and stylish goods. Gall early for first choice. MRS. THEO. HILL Alva Buell says if Job suffered Marshall Webb, Elmer E. Al as much with each boil as he haa len, August Quiller, Geo. Yackly, with the one on the back of his neck, and never -complained,.he certainly had all the patience he is given credit for. On Monday evening a surprise was given at the home ot Mrs. Sherman Merritt in remembrance of her thirty-third birthday and a fine supper was served. About sixty were present. All stfent a very happy evening. C. H. Kindig went to Auburn Monday and from there a day or two later to Lincoln. He was assisting in getting a lot of land seekers started for South Dakota. About ninety left Omaha Tues day for the promised land. Owing to being invited to preach the memorial sermon at Brownville Sunday there will be no preaching at the Christian church at 11 a. m. Services in the evening at the usual hour. Subject "Men in the church." J. W. Sapp. J, H,?Littrell, Fred Hoover and RufuiRowen went to the Niahna river in Missouri Tuesday to en joy themselves fishing for a few days. They took tent, cooking utensils, etc., and expected to have a grand time. While at the depot Wednesday afternoon we had the pleasure of meeting our old friend Rev., Peter Van Fleet, D. D., who for the past six years has been mis sionary in Porto Rico. Dr. Van Fleet was on his way to Nebras ka City. He promised to visit Nemaha before his return and deliver a lecture. , He has a large collection of curios that will be exhibited at that time. Dr. Van Fleet was presiding elder of this district for six years and has many friends here who will be glad to meet him again. Sherwin-Williams Paint Notice. Nemaha, Neb., May 20, 1907. Notice is hereby given that I will not pay any debts contracted by my" wife Maud Minick she having left my bed and board without just cause. M. T. Minick, Nemaha, Neb. A number of our base ball en thusiasts went to Peru Tuesday and Wednesday to see the games. They were a disgusted lot of fellows when they returned, and roast the teams playing and the umpire to a finish. The first day the game was between the Peru team and the Fort Crook team, and the umpire made a present of the game to the Peruvians. But neither team played good J ball. Fleck's Stock Food Little Chick Feed Cracked Corn 4. Bran & Shorts Wall Paper W. F. Keeling t . f 4' 2. V t 0; ft i irk ff Km: t.. 7 t