The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 10, 1907, Image 7

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    Dm U
What Shall We Do? I've Got to Build
A letter written to a Canadian Gov
ernment agent from Tipton, Indiana,
is but one of many similar that arc in
the hands of the Canadian government
agents whose privilege It Is to offer
one hundred and sixty acres of land
free, and low railway fares. But here
Is a copy of tho letter:
"Tipton, Ind., Nov. 28, 1906.
"At your earnest solicitation a party
of us from Tipton left May 15 for
Western Canada. Our Interviews with
you and a careful study of your liter
ature led us to expect great things of
your country when we should arrive
there, and we wero not disappointed.
We went prepared to make a careful
examination of the country and its re
' sources, and we did so. At early dawn
tho second morning out of Tipton wo
awoke in a new world. As far as the
eye could reach' was an apparently
limitless expanso of new sown wheat
and prairie grasses. The vivid green
of the wheat just beginning to stool
out, and the Inky blackness of the
soil contrasted ih a way beautiful to
ice. An hour or two later wo steamed
Into Winnipeg. Hero wo found a num
ber of surprises. A hundred thousand
. souls well housed, with every con
venience that goes to make a modorn
up-to-date city banks, hotels, news
papers, stores, electric light, street
railways, sewerage, waterworks, as
phalt pavements, everything. With
eyes and ears open we traveled for
two thousand miles through Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta, going out
over the Canadian Pacific railway, via
Oalgary to Edmonton, and returning
to Winnipeg over the Canadian North
ern railway. In the meantime we
made several side trips and stopped
off at a number of points where we
made drives into the surrounding
country. On every hand were evi
dences of prosperity. The growing
wheat, oats, rye, flax, barley, not lit
tle patches, but great fields, many of
them a square mile in extent, the
three, five and sometimes seven-horse
teams laying over an inky black rib
bon of yellow Btubble, generally in fur
rows straight as gun barrels and at
right angles from the roads stretching
Into the distance, contrasted strangely
with our little fields at home. The
towns both large and small were dou
bly conspicuous, made so, first by
their newness and second by the tow
ering elevators necessary to hold the
immense crops of wheat grown in the
immediate neighborhood.
The newness, the thrift, the hustle,
the sound of saw and hammer, the
tents housing owners of buildings in
various stages of completion, the piles
of household effects and agricultural
Implements at the railway stations
waiting to bo hauled out to the
"Claims," the occasional steam plow
turning its twenty or thirty acres a
day, the sod house, the unpaintcd
house of wood, the up-to-date modern
residence with large red barn by, all
these were seen everywhere wo went,
an earnest of prosperity and wealth to
be. We talked with men and visited
their places that four years ago was
unbroken prairie. Their houses,
barns, implements and live stock were
the equal of anything in Tipton Coun
ty, and why not, when they were rais
ing five, ten and twenty, yes, in one
instance, forty thousand bushels of
wheat a year. The fact that such
large yields of wheat are raised so
easily and so surely impressed us
very favorably. And when we saw
men who four or five years ago com
menced there with two or three thou
sand dollars, and were now as -well
fixed and making money much easier
and many times faster than lots of
our acquaintances on" Indiana farms
fifty years cleared and valued at four
times as much, we decided to invest.
So we bought in partnership a little
over two thousand acres, somo of It
improved and in wheat.
Before leaving Indiana we agreed
that if the opportunities wero as great
as they were represented to be, that
wo would buy, and own in partner
ship a body of land, and leave ono of
our number to look after and operate
it. This we accordingly did.
,Just before time to thresh I re
ceived a letter from him. "What shall
we do?" said he; "I've got to build
granaries. Thero's so much wheat
that tho railways are just swamped.
We can't get cars and the elevators
are all full. I never saw anything
like it." In reply wo wrote, "Good for
you. Go ahead and build; your story
sounds better than the letters we used
to get from our friends in Kansas
when they bewailed tho fact that tho
hard wheat had boon destroyed by the
chinch bugs and tho corn by hot
winds, and that they must sell the
stock for means to live on. Yes, build
by all means." And he did, and our
wheat put in by a renter made twenty-seven
bushels per acre.
Very truly yours,
Tho easiest way id Interest a wom
an in a one-dollar article is" to
mark it down from $1.50 to $1.29.
Unable to Do Even Housework Be
cause of Kidney Troubles.
Mrs. Margaret Emmerich, of Clin
ton St., Napoleon, O., says: "For
fifteen years I was a great sufferer
from kidney trou
bles. My back pained
mo terribly. Evory
turn or move caused
sharp, sheeting
pains. My eyesight
was poor, 'dark spots
appeared before me,
and I had dizzy
spells. For ten years I could not do
housework, and for two years did not
get out of tho house. The kidney se
cretions wore irregular, and doctors
were not helping me. Doan's Kidney
Pills brought me quick relief, and
finally cured me. They saved my life."
Sold by all dealers. GO cents n box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Costly Cyclopedia.
The revision of the great Korean
cyclopedia called Munhon Plgo, which
was ordered by the government some
months ngo, Is now completed, and It
consists of an edition of 29 volumes,
which will be published at an expense
of 47,500 yen. Korean Daily News.
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as tho
steam laundry enn; It will have tho
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
Knew It by Heart.
"Do you think you could learn to
love meV" the young man inquired.
"Learn to love you?" exclaimed the
rapturous maid. "Harold, I could give
lessons at it."
Instead of experimenting with drucs and
strong cathnr tics which nrc clearly harm
ful tnko Nnture'B mild laxative, Garfield
Tea! It is made wholly of Herbs. For
constipation, liver nnd kidney derange
ments. Rick-headache, biliousness and in
digestion. When a woman pays a man a com
pliment she expects it to be returned
with compound inteerst.
Don't Sneeze Your Head Off.
Krause'H Cold Capsulex will cure you al
most instantly. At nil Druggists, 25c.
It goes without saying that a talking
machine does not say without going.
Lewis' Single Binder the famous
straight flu cigar, always best quality.
Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, ill.
Most women are proud of their
ability to humbie a man's pride.
Mr. Wlnalaw'a Soothing; Hyrap.
For children teething, softens the gurus, reduces !
flmmtlon, allays pala, cures wind colli). 25c tjottla.
Anyway, .the rolling stone doesn't
get Into the mossback class.
that period of its terrors. Women who are troubled with puinful or ir
regular functions should take immediate action to ward otf tho serious
consequences and bo restored to health and strength by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Miss Adelaide Nichols of 324 "West 22ud Street, New York City,
writes: Dear Mrs, l1inkham:-"lf women who Buffer would only rely
upon Lydia B. 1'inkhatn's Vegetable Compound their troubles would bo
quickly alleviuted, I feel greatly indebted for the relief and health
which has been brought to me by your iiiesthnublc remedy."
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints
such as Falling and Displacements, and Organic Diseases. Headache,
General Debility, Indigestion, nnd invigo. ates the whole feminine
system. For the derangements of the Kidneys of either sex Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is excellent.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakneos are invited to
write Mrs.Pinkham, at Lynn,Mass.From the symptoms given, tho trouble
may be located and the quickest and
Ail Cloth Hats. Children's Dresses, etc,
ifiiln i t lnrl unit?
A fruit tree In tho bnck yard Is
worth two family trees In a glaa case.
Smokcra appreciate the quality value of
Lewis' Single Binder cigar. Your dealer
or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Be generous In judging tho faults
of othors. Most of -us can only seo
our own shadows.
Kill the Flies Now
before they multiply. , A DAISY FLY
KILLER kills thousands, leasts the ecu
foil Ask your dealer, or rand 20c to IT.
Somcrs, 140 Do Knlb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y .
Tho Toklo Nichi Nichi remarks
that "one day's pay for an American
workman in San Francisco represents
a fair monthly stipend for a Japa
nese." Garfield Ten, Nature's Remedy, brings
relief from many nilments; it overcomes
constipation, regulates the liver and kid
neys, purifies the blood and clears tho
complexion. It is made of Herbs, nnd is
absolutely Pure.
How inconsistent your neighbors
are! Tltoy refuoo to say thr.t you are
a good man, but after tho undertaker
gets you thoy delight in saying that
you wero a good man.
It Cures While You Walk.
Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for
hot, sweating, callous, nnd swollen, aching
feet. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25c .-Don't
accept uny substitute. Trial package FREEh
Address Allen S. Olmsted, l.e Roy, N. Y.
In Northeast Australia.
NortheiiBt Australia develops very
slowly. Farmers grow malzo in tho
old-faBhioned way. The maize crop In
Queensland thiB year is a record one.
Cunning pineapples is becoming an
important industry in Queensland.
Opnl mining is growing steadily.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readern of this paper will bo pleated to leant
thai tbero Is at lean one dreaded dlaeaie that science
has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tho only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
bolng a constitutional dUcase, requires a constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and uiucoui
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and Riving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature In doing Its work. The proprietors bare
so much faith In Its curative powers that they offef
One Hundred Dollars for any ctao that It falls to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CilKNKV CO., Toledo, O.
Hold by all Druggist', 75c.
Take flail's Family Pills for constipation.
Labor of the Novelist.
"The way of the novelist must be
hard," said a librarian of an uptown
branch. "The other day an immacu
lately gotten up individual came into
the libiary and announced that he
was a writer with a specialty of dia
lect stories. We got him several books
that he asked for, and little by little
he took me into his confidence. 'I
want the Scotch dialect for the stern
father,' he explained; 'then when I've
got enough of that I want some dia
lect for u sea captain, and then I want
a duke or maybe you can tell me,
would a duke drop his h's'?" N. Y.
While no woman is entirely free
from periodic suffering, it does not
seem to be the plan of nature that
women should suffer so severely. Ir
regularities and pain are positive
evidence that something is wrong
which should be set right or it will
lead to serious derangement of the
feminine organism.
Thousands of women, have
found relief from all periodic suf
fering by taking Lydio 13. Pink
hum's Vegetable Compound, which
is made from native roots and herbs,
us it is the most thorough female
regulator known to medical science.
It euros tho condition which
causes so much discomfort and robs
surest way of recovery auviscd.
Irregularity is bad in every department of life, in meals, in sleeping hours,
but especially when it is a question of womanly habit. Not only is it a sign of
female disease, but, unless cured, it will cause dangerous troubles, because of
the poisons thus allowed to remain in the system.
If you suffer in this way, get a bottle of
ine o
Mr3. Lucinda Johnson, of Fish Creek, Wis., writes: "I suffered for fourteen (14) years with Irregu
larity, causing great pain. At last I tried Cardui, and now I am cured." At all druggists, In $1 bottles.
lifDITf? IIC A I CTTCD Wr" toiy for LW of valuable M-pace Illustrated Book forWornen. If you 'need Medical
IfKllaC U3 t LlL I I ELK Advice, describe lyourS symptoms, statins age, and reply will be sent In plain sealed envelope.
M "M " Address! Lidlrt Aitvlwrv hont.. Tln t h.itl.inftOM MedlrlnP Crt.. fh.-ill.innnM. TVnn.
AVctfc ablePrcparatioiirorAs
slmi aiHicKioffantlRcdtila
lint (lie Stomachs andDowcls of
mm !SlHiMHaIMdB
ness and Kest.Contatus neither
OpntnuMoiphinc norMtaeral.
Not Narcotic.
flsnplxi &rtf
jllxJiramt JtttCrjtsndcSik
Auerfcct Remedy for Constlpa
I ion , Sour Stowacli.l) larrtoca
Facsimile Signature
Guaranteed under the i oodj
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The Health
of your families by insisting on
Pure Food. When it
Baking; Powder, it means a saving
of health and money if you use the
standard article of purity and effi
ciency the wonderful
An absolutely pure baking powder
scientifically combined 25 ounces
for 25 cents Your grocer
your money it you are
isfied. Don't accept
tute! They are impure and a men
ace to health
the standard
To oonylnae any
woman that Trx
KBsIIh tlnoAnUsoptlo Will
Wm improve her health
bhm cud do all wo claim
.for it. Wo will
send lier absolutely free a largo trlul
box of Paxtlno with book of instruc
tions and genuine testimonials. Bond
your name ana address on a postal cuid.
fectlons, such as nasal catarrh, pclvlo
catarrh and inflammation caused by femi
nine Ills ; soro eyes, sore- throat and
inotitli, by direct local treatment Its ctir
atlyu power over tlicso troubles Is extra
ordinary und gives Immediate relief.
Thousands of women Rro using and rco
OmiPI'nillllf? it. OVfrv H'lV M nniit.
READERS sfrin(:ltoPbuyrany"
thins advertlsedln
Its columns should Insist upon havlne
whal they ask for, refusing all substi
tutes or imitations.
ton top wrecks unci utvn lolinr on fti-ins. MANOX,
PKVWIOR . LAW II FN!I:. r.l.ntUwjer., Bol
t. Wuhlaston.l). O. bl.ltiat. BooLUt fr. h.t rtter.ueri.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Yeers
comes to
not sat
a substi
Ask for K. C,
of quality
nrfflflanrsaraKTI R find additional inllea
mMfnSUft 9UUU ot railway this)
lJ uE?Q R I year liuro opened up a
tlhjtKrKJ A I largely Increased terrl
AJsT at I ,5rtHJory t t"c progressive
Jfflfe'Xf aK2rl farmer of wwlern
if Nlffl3 Canada and the Got
" fiff!2if9t3fl eminent of the Domln
dMMMMMB ion continues to give
SIXTY ACKl'.S I'Rl'.H to every settler.
Coal, wood nnd wafer In abundance; churches
ami schools convenient: markets easy of access)
taxrn low; climate Die best in the tioitbern tent,
peratczoiic. Law and order nrevailsevcrywliero.
I'or advice and information ndilresH th
Ottawa, Canada, or any authorized Canadian
Government Agent.
W. V. BENNETT, 801 Nw York Life tutiimg,
Omaha, Nebratka.
Why notlmvo It cured! Send ntonco, by let
ter or postal, your Hddrefis with particular, and
without cost to you, wo w 111 mall trial package)
that will Klvoyou linmetllutn relief from trip
"fleet of cumtwrHomo and ilnnirerana triieaMS
nnd our freo hook on "Cause, Cans and Curn.of
ltupturc," which must cormncArouthatyoucaa
ho entirely euiel at small cost.
HEKNIA HEALEll 00., 8-SB9 W. 8. ERIE, FA.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 19, 1907.