The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 10, 1907, Image 2

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It, .
Nebraska Advertiser
W. W. SANDER8, Prop.
The Montrcalcr who got lost In
Labrador Ihib to eat candles. A light
lunch, bo to apeak.
Tho fnvorlto Bon crop Is liable to
bo scarce. Nearly all tho states aro
soro on their favorlto bohb.
A financial pago BayB that Stuyve
sant Fish has Joined tho Goulds.
Does that mean that ho Is to bo a
Gould llBh?
Ono allenlflt declares that there Is
really a dlseaBO called "circular In
sanity." It Is commonly called
Since Franco has been tied up bo It
cannot gain anything In Morocco Ger
many Ih perfectly willing to havo It
bring the sultan (o time.
Edison's Ingenuity Is ub nothing
compared with Hint of a baseball re
' porter who can get up a new slang
phrase meaning baso hit.
Admlrnf SchToy dcclnroB that under
no circumstances would ho run for
vlco president. Tho ndmlral 1b al
ready on tho retired list.
It may bo true, as that Yalo pro
feBBor says, that vegetarians show
moro endurance than flesh-eaters, but
do they enjoy II fo aB much?
To tho question whoro the milk
came from in the milky way, it might
bo observed that it probably came
from tho cow that jumped over tho
A patent for paper waistcoats has
been taken out In Switzerland. They
will cost only four cents, and aro
Bald to bo warmer than a woolen gar
ment. Mexico is to be allowed to partici
pate in tho Central American inter
vention. It is to bo hoped that sho
will introduce some of her soothing
and justly celebrated salve.
And now even Turkoy has appro
priated additional, money for the Im
provement and increase of its army.
Nevertheless that Hague conference
will be a very pleasant outing for thq
A Yale professor asserts as a result
of Investigation that vegetarians can,
endure moro than other people. The
other peoplo nro able to reply that
the vegetarians not only can enduro
but do endure more.
Tho Baltimoro Sun oxpresseB tho
opinion that lawn tennis is a molly
coddllsh game. We suspect that the
editor of tho Sun bases his opinion,
upon tho fact that some tennis players
wear white flannel trousers.
Col. Joseph Leffel of Springfield, O.,
is said to be tho smallest business'
man in the world. Col. Leffel is just.
46 inches in height, weigliB 65 pounds,'
has reached the ago of 73 years, and
is still the possessor of remarkable
physical and mental activity.
That Boston street car conductor
who found a package containing al
most 96,000 and received a smile from
the owner in payment for his honesty
may have been thankful aB ho thought
the matter over that ho wasn't
charged interest on the funds for the
half-hour that he held them.
A Pennsylvania man has discovered
how to burn ashes so that they will
produce as much heat aa may bo ob
talncd from coal. His invention wll
not bo likely to find favor with cor
tain Chicago peoplo, remarks tho Rcc
ord-Herald of that city, for ashes can
not bo expected to produco much
Mrs. Hetty Green is regarded aB a
good deal of a nulsanco by employes
of tho Chemical National bank In New
York. This does not worry Mrs. Green
a great deal, howovor, and every day.
or so sho appears inside tho railings
and aBks a few inclslvo questions of
bookkeepers and clerks. As she kcopB
a balance there of somowhoro near
15,000,000 all tho whllo, tho employes
carefully conceal their lack or rover
ence for the richest woman In Amer
New York city 1b making an oxperl
ment in tho disposition of refuse. Most
of this Is always paper, which Is un
Hlchtlv. and when loaded on tho strcot
collecting carts, easily blows away to
litter other streets. Tho gnrbage
gathering cans are movod about on a
nair of wheels to which is attacne
an Iron rack or frame for holding
tho can. Tho experiment consists In
putting two sheet-iron cans together,
nnn Invm tod abovo the other. The
lower ono contalnB a grato and per
foratlona for draft; jtho upper ono mi
door for tho receipt of tho roruBo.
A constant Are is maintained in this
furnace, as it is wheeled about, and
tho refuse is consumed as it is thrown
The Daffodil Grows to Beauty With
Very Little Trouble Nasturtiums
and Dahlias Have Much to
Recommend Them.
With the spring the housewife has
a longing to dig in her garden and
plant her various seeds and bulbs. Tho
old-fashioned Blglo hollyhocks, cosmos,
golden glow and asters havo been un
UBiinlly popular the past few years.
Popples, sweet-peas, asters, cosmos,
and nasturtiums bloom through to
September. Asters aro gotting larger
and moro beautiful every year.
There Is no blossom better ndaptod
for spring In the home, In city or coun
try, than tho daffodil. Thoro arc many
beautiful varieties, and they can bo
grown with little trouble. Whether
your grounds aro largo or small, a
space can always bo found for theso
bulbs, which are placed In tho soli In
tho autumn. Once planted, thoy will
bloom senson after season. Dnffodlls
will also grow Indoors, and will bo a
delight from Christmas until Easter.
These plants will blossom out of doors
n April and continue through May.
Nasturtium Is another easy plant to
grow. For the garden border, where
cut flowers are tho chief aim, tho
dwarf varletes aro the best. They will
bloom better If the soli Is not too rich.
Dahlias aro a decorative flower, and
are particularly deslrablo for use in
now places where the shrubbery Is not
advanced. They mako an attractive
display along tho wall or fence, and
aro caBlly grown. One can get the
tubers and plant them In May, but
some prefer to buy of tho florists the
young plnntB well started in small
pots, and transplant them to the soil.
Sweet-pens should havo a rich soil
and sunny spot, as tho vines need
plenty of heat to develop the blos
soms. A trench should bo dug about
Blx inches deep, and into this sow your
seeds thickly and cover them with
about two inches of soil. When the
plant is about three inches high, the
surrounding earth should be drawn
around It. Keep repeating this until
the trench Is almost full. Wire net
ting of coarse mesh or brush makes a
good support. Plenty of water is nec
eeBsary and let it run in the shallow
trench, so that the roots are benefited.
Simple Device That Will Be Found
of Practical Benefit.
A Blmple device for home physical
training consists simply of a piece of
wood four by two Inches and one
Inch thick, having two auger holes
ono inch In dinmeter and half an
inch doop, writes J. R. Wlnchlp, in
the BoBton Transcript. Nail or screw
It, with tho holeB exposed horizontally,
to tho side of n room or building as
high as tho shoulders of the person
who Is to use It. Tako two canes,
stick the ferrules In the holes and
stand with the hands -(holding the
handleB on the caries) nearly touching
tho breast. As you Bway forward tbP
hands separate, thus giving spuce for
the body to act freely in pressing the
shoulders back, tho head acting in
i ii
unison, wnne me Dreast extends for
ward, tho breathing conforming with
tho motion, thUB exercising in a
moro hygienic manner than weights
afford. Deep breathing can at tho
same time be practiced. Permanent
rods of wood, steel or brass tubes
may bo attached by swlvolB or ringed
scrows to the block and used instead
of tho auger holes and canes. The
rods aro to have handles fitted for
use. In my opinion tho dovlco Is
thoroughly practicable and should be
generally adopted, that strength and
beauty of form may be retained and
discaso lessened.
Cayenne Pepper for Mice.
Cayenne pepper sprinkled freely In
cupboards and shelves which mice an
known to frequent will aid consldor
ably in preventing them from spoiling
garments, shoo leather, naners. etc
Lumps of camphor placed among
.clothes nro also moBt useful as
menus of scaring away mice, while
books, especially when theso are put
away In shelves or boxes, should al
ways bo protected from possible dep
redatlons by intorsperslng tho layers
of books with small camphor bass.
Gingerbread Pudding.
Mix ono teaspoonful of baking pow
dor with onc-hnlf pound flour, ono-hnlf
teaspoonful of ground ginger, one-half
pound of treacle, two ounces butter
Just molted, ono egg, and a pinch of
Bait; put Into a well-lloured pudding
cloth, boll s hours.
When Houseclennlng.
Select bright days for cleaning, bo
that tho sunlight may ponetrato tho
dark corners, but windows to bo well
pollBhed should be washed on a gray
day or the glass will appear streaked.
Laundry work at ho:no would be
much moro satisfactory If the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness, It is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that tho
beauty and flnonoss of tho fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trouble
can be entirely overcome by uBlng De
flnnco Starch, as It can bo applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength thai other makes.
A Fish Story.
"Trout protection! Nonsense!" said
a gunner of local eminence. "Trout
aro amply able to protect themselves.
..ook at their depredations among
ducks, for example, and you will agree
with me that It's the birds that need
protection. It's a common thing for a
trout to jump from the water, seize a
duck by the neck, drag tho unfortunate
fowl into the depths sufficiently to
cave its feet sticking In the air, where
t can get no purchase upon the uni
verse, and thus drown It. Then tho
trout picks the feathers from tho bird,
cats it at its leisure and swims away
out of the jurisdiction of tho courts.
Aro there, any fishermen ? None? Too
bad. This would bo a match for one
of their fish stories."
SWe-Whetl Steamer Aroused Much
Interest in Japan.
"I saw the first steamship flying the
American flag that ever crossed the
Pacific ocean enter the harbor of
Hongkong," Bald Frederick R. Ster
ling, a merchant of Hongkong.
"That vessel was the Colorado, and
it landed in Hongkong in 1869. It was
the first day of January, and there was
a big crowd of people of all nationali
ties to see her. Being a side-wheeler
of the old-fnshioned type, she was a
curiosity. At the request of Isaac J.
Allen, the American consul general,
the ship gave an excursion around the
Island on which the city is situated. I
was among tho 1,200 on board. It
was a gala day. Whistles blew, people
shouted, and numerous, small sailing
boats and tugs escorted us.
"As I remember now, the vessel be
longed to the Pacific Mail Line and
sailed from San Francisco. She made
the trip of 8,000 miles in 30 days, and
when she arrived was in perfect trim
and good order. Everybody realized
that it means the beginning of the
great development of the Pacific."
And Many Greenbacks.
SS5 boxes of Gold and Greenbacks
will be sent to persons who write the
aaost lpteresting and truthful letters
of experience on the following topics:
1. How have you been affected by
coffee drinking and by changing from
coffee to Postum.
2. Give name and account of one or
more coffee drinkers who have been
hurt by It and have been induced to
quit and use Postum.
3. Do you know any one who has
been driven away from Postum be
cause It came to the table weak and
characterless at the first trial?
4. Did you set Bitch a person right
regarding tho easy way to make it
clear, black, and with a snappy, rich
5. Have you ever found a better
way to make It than to use four heap
ing teaspoonfuls to tho pint of water,
let stand on stove until real boiling
begins, and beginning at that time
when actual boiling starts, boil full 15
minutes more to extract the flavor
and food value. (A piece of butter
the size of a pea will prevent boiling
ovor.) This contest Is confined tq
those who have used Postum prior to
the date of this advertisement.
Be honest and truthful, don't write
poetry or fanciful letters, just plain,
truthful statements.
Contest will close June 1st, 1907,
and no letters received after that date
will bo admitted. Examinations of
letters will be made by threo judges,
not members of the Postum Cereal
Co., Ltd. Their decisions will be fair
and final, aud a neat little box con
taining a $10 gold pioce sent to each
of tho flvo writers of the most Inter
esting letters, a box containing a $5
gold piece to each of the 20 next best,
a $2 greenback to each of the 100 next
best, and a $1 greenback to each of
tho 200 next best, making cash prizes
distributed to 325 persons.
Every friend of Postum Ib urged to
write and each letter will be held in
high esteem by the company, as an
evidence of such friendship, while tho
llttlo boxes of gold and envelopes of
money will roach many modest wrlterB
whoso plain and sensible letters con
tain the facts desired, although tho
sender may havo but small faith In
winning at the time of writing.
Talk this subject over with your
friends and see how many among you
can win prizes. It Is a good, honest
competition and In tho best kind of a
cause, and costs tho competitors abso
lately nothing.
Address your letter to tho P.ostum
Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.
Writing you own name and address
The Prospects for a Large Acreage to
Be 8own in Wheat.
St. Paul, April 24, 1907. Word has
been received at tho office of the
Canadian Government In St. Paul that
seeding has commenced at various
points throughout Manitoba, Saskatch
ewan and Alberta.
Tho heavy snowfall during tho past
winter lias left the ground In splondid
shape for successful seeding opera
tions. The fine weather of tho past
few days has taken much of the frost
out of tho ground and during next
week there will scarcely be a district
n which the seeder Is not being oper
ated. The most optimistic conditions
exist and in all districts the farmers
are busy getting things in shape.
There will be a very large acreage
sown in spring wheat, oats and barley.
At ninny points throughout the three
provinces tho newcomers aro busy un-
oadlng their stock and effects, work
ng night and day in-order to get on
their farms and become active agen
cies In the effort to make tho year
1907 the banner year in grain produc-
ng In Western Canada. As compared
with districts many hundred miles
further south than this, It will be seen
that Western Canada ranks amongst
the first In the line of seeding opera
tions for the present year. It Is safe
to say that farmers who get In their
crop before the 20th or 24th of May,
will receive magnificent returns. A
number of those coming in this spring,.
who had not their land prepared last
fall, will break up enough land to get,
n a crop of oats and barley and prob
ably some flax. This, together with
the vegetables they will plant, will
give them ample food for themselves
and stock during the coming summer
and winter. These early -seeding oper
ations are not confined to one district,
but are spread over a country 900
miles long by 400 miles in width.
The agents of the Canadian Govern
ment, located at different points
throughout the United States, are
busy giving information regarding the
many new districts that aro being
made available for settlers. Low rail
way rates, information and literature
are given on application to the agent,
whose name appears in advertisement
elsewhere In this paper.
tern Laws of Business Come First,
Says Austrian Court.
An interesting case at law, which
centered on the observance of an old
Jewish custom, was decided in Vienna
recently. A merchant, says the Ameri
can Israelite, discharged a clerk on ac
count of neglect of duty. Among the
charges against him was that he came
to the store late in the morning be
cause he attended service at the syna
gogue in order to say Kaddish the
prayer for the dead for his father.
The clerk argued that It was his privi
lege and his duty to say the prayer for
his departed father, while the mer
chant, who was also a religious man,
maintained that "if Moses had known
that a man had to pay 8,000 gulden a
year rent he would have made differ
ent lawB." The judge would not allow
such an argument, but decided in fa
vor of the merchant, "because the
dally attendance at the synagogue
could not be considered the' right of
the clerk without the consent of the
Eczema, Heat Rash, and Scalp Affec
tions Afflict Different Members,
But Cuticura Cures Them.
"My wife had eczema for five or six
years. It was on her face and would
come and go. Wo thought we would
give tho Cuticura Remedies a trial. We
did so and she has never had a sign of
eczema for four years. I myself used
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment
some time ago for falling hair. I now
havo a very heavy head of hair. Wo
used Cuticura Remedies for our baby,
who was nearly bald when young. She
has very nice hair now. Sho Is very
fleshy, and we had so much troublo
with heat that wo would batho her
with Cuticura Soap and then apply
Cuticura Ointment, it would dry the
heat up so mush quicker than any
thing else. Mr. H. B. Springmlre, 323
So. Capitol Street, Iowa City, la., July
16, 1905, and Sept. 16, 1906."
A Sane Analysis.
He Won't you forgive me for kiss
lng you?
She No. If I did you'd kiss me
He I promlso I won't.
She Then what's tho good?
By following the directions, which
aro plainly printed on each packago of
Defiance Starch, Men's Collars and
Cuffs can bo mado just as stiff aa de
sired, with either gloss or domestic
finish. Try It, 16 02. for 10c, sold by
an good grocers.
Ono of the things a man can't un
derstand Is why bis enmies have any
Sheer white eoodo. In fact, any flni
wash coods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
aro laundered, this being done In a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Homo laundering would be equal-
v satisfactory If nroner attention waa
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to Btiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at tho
Improved appearance of your work.
Immense African Dry-Dock.
At Port Florence, on tho shore of
the great lake Victoria, which Is tho
chief source of the Nile, there is a
dry-dock cut out of solid rock by na
tives who had never before dono much
Eerlous work. ' Tho dock Is 250 ieet
long, 48 feet wide and 14 feet deep. It
is 3,700 feet above the level of tho sea,
or nearly three times the altitude of
Lake Chautauqua.
Llbby's Vienna
unequalled for their delicious
taste. They are put up in most
convenient- form for ready serv
ing, requiring1 only a few min
utes preparation. They have a
fine flavor and freshness which
will please every one.
An Appetizing unit. uron a tin 01
bby's Vienna sausage In boilin
until heated (about 15 minutes) and
serve as taken from the tin on a small
plate garnished with lettuce leaves.
Ask your ameer fbr Ltbky'
lasUt un cettlac Llbfcj.
Llkky, McNeill A Llbby, Chlcai
Peanut Candy.
For every cupful of shelled and,
blanched peanuts, allow one cupful
each of molasses and sugar. Boil
these together until the mixture is
brittle when dropped in cold water.
Add a cupful of prepared peanuts and
take from the fire. Pour into but
tered pans and mark into squares be
fore it cools. Hickory nuts, English
walnuts or almonds may be used in
place of the peanuts.
To Relieve Rheumatism.
Take half an ounce of pulverized
ealtpeter and mix with half a pint
of olive oil. Bathe the affected parts
and cover with warm flannel. Anoth
er remedy is to heat a flat iron and
cover with a flannel which has been
moistened with vinegar. Place as
near as possible to affected part Re
peat two or three times a day.
Positively cared by
tueso Aiittie ins.
They also rellCTO Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Hearty
1ITQ I Eating. A perfect rem
jf T I edy for Dizziness, Nausea,
'ILLS- Drowsiness. Bad Taste
in mo noma, voaiea
Tongue, Pain In the Side,
regulate too Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuint Musi Bear
Fac-Simila. Signature
ir mot on in youk tonn win tmo iou
CQ(-" MLI, II ,ou no i
1 I I IZm Cm ! Mint .1 tou d.el.r,
Put up In 20o, Coo end Sl.OO Can
krninri.Af'uuia Pn INN