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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1907)
"U 6 CsutL, VOL. LI SO. 50 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1907 fleftfaffa :j 2 . t s s .- r t Hiknest Prices paid for Produce HAULS GILBERT $ NEMAHA, NEBRASKA s i J Rev. G. W. Ayors preached at Beatrice Thursday evening of ast week, at tho meeting of the loliness association. He re turned home Friday. Richard Slagle of Barada stopped in Nemaha a few hours Monday morning. He was on his way to Auburn where he is attending the high school. Miss Grace Woods came in from Auburn . Tuesday evening, stopping here until the next i i j morning, wnen sne went on to her father's north of Nemaha. PATH PtlftWFS 4 ;Dr. Bourne fits glasses. Cane seed for Keeling. sale So. Auburn by W. F. Valley Lily Gilbert's. flour at Earle Garden and flower W. F. Reeling's. seeds' at For harness go to Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co.--- i. ' Post card views of Nerriaha at postoffice bookstore. Get our prices on furniture. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Best Michigan salt, both rock and barrel, at Earle Gilbert's. Best line of harness in Nemaha county at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Mrs. J. A. Titus went to Shu- bert Saturday evening, returning Monday morning. Miss Belle Galloway of Auburn visited Miss Maud Burns Satur day and Sunday. New comic post cards received Tuesday at the postoffice book storea big assortment. Louie Kerker has been on the sick list for a week, with the grip, but is getting better. T. J. Rumbaugh orders The Advertiser sent to his sister-in-law, Mrs. L. E. Rawson, Swan, Iowa. Paper covered books good ones only 7 cents at the post office bookstore. Will Cochran of Auburn was the guest of Ole Roberts Satur day night and Sunday. Miss Ruth Williams of Shubert visited her grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Titus, last Saturday. "Newb661cs both paper covers and cloth bound just received at the postoffice bookstore. Potatoes for Sale Eureka and Early Ohio. ones. Rev. G. W. Ayers, W. W. Sanders, Mrs; Geo. Yackly and Mrs. F. L. Woodward attended the M. E. district conference at Auburn Tuesday and Wednesday. We had another hard snow storm last Friday morning, be ginning at 5 o'clock. It snowed nearly all forenoon. By night, however, the snow was 'about all gone. Dr. V. M. Boal of Auburn was a Nemaha visitor Friday, coming down to consult with Dr. Frazier in the case of Ruth, the little daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Peabody. For Sale or Trade Two mares weighing about 1000 pounds apiece, both blacks, coming 8 years old. John T. Webber. Good F. L. Woodward. Ralph Ritchey was sick for several days with the grip but is feeling well enough to be at the store again. Ralph E, Harrington came in from Crab Orchard Friday after noon, returning the next forenoon. Two fine 160 acre farms for sale, none better, 2 1-2 and 4 miles from town, for only .$85, Kindig & Peabody. Earle Gilbert has bought 20,000 bushels of corn .in the last two weeks, paying 40 and 41 cents for it. Otto Barker and Pinckney Shiveley went to Falls City Tues day evening. Otto returned the next morning. ... . Mrs. A. V. Walsh of McCook arrived in Nemaha last Saturday on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Wm. H. Hoover. Miss Rose Seabury, who has been a waiter at the hotel at DeWitt for some time, returned home Saturday. The Missouri river is encroach ing on the meadow land east of town. Already many acres have gone and it is still cutting. miss nazei rarKer came in irom Auourn Tuesday evening and is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Alf Rowen, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. P. Thomp i i. T i m i son went to Lancoin Tuesday, on train 128, to attend the meeting of the Eastern Star grand lodge, WANTED : I want to hire a man by the month to care . for an orchard, "etc. I furnish houce and fuel. John s. Stull, Auburn. F. L. Woodward is having a wareroom built back of the hotel to be used as a wash house, store room, etc. Fuller Burns is doing the work. i I or ! If you are warm thirsty, drop in to u, O. E. Houtz's Restaurant and got cool. ICE CREAM SODAS are now and soft drinks ready. I I Estruy Notice Came into my enclosure in Ne maha, Tuesday morning, May 8, 1907. a small black pig, which owner can have by proving prop erty and paying for this notice. C. W, Roberts. Some long pieces of piling have- been taken out of the river recently by those who look after such matters. One piece was about sixty feet long and very straight. Another on.e was al most as long. D. D. Houtz of Verdon and his nephew, John Deeker of Indiana were visiting O. E. Houtz last Friday. Mr. Deeker was on his way to California and stopped over in Nebraska to visit relatives for a few days. 44 I GIVEN AWAY ! iff Last week we gave our magnificent Range away absolutely free. Of course a great many thought they would get it $but Wilma Maxwell was the one who? I got it. Now we are not going to give any thing away this week, but if vou will J j come and buy some of our fine summer 5 4r I . . S goods it will be Jike giving them away,? i compared to whatohers will ask you for $ ni" otiiiiu qualities, we are always me lowest m price. J1TO. W. RITCHET Bot,h PlmnftPi Nn. 9.0 "Ml?. TWA TT a nrv.i It - w rvv t 1H. ifc IUJ,. XI JLJAJ i T- Three new invoices of new and ntvlinh goods. Call early for first choice. MRS. THEO. BILL Beat photos jn 'southeastern Nebr., at 'Criley's. So Auburn. Rev. D. B. Lake, who has been pastor of the M. E. church at Sterling for the past year and eight months, has been moved to Elmwood. This is a better point with a better salary. The west bound freight train ran into the passenger near Graf Tuesday afternoon, crippling the passenger engine so much that it did not get to Nemaha until after nine o'clock, being over five hours late. F. M. Emerson of Kansas will deliver an address in the opera house on Thursday evening, May 23, in the interest of the prohi bition party. He is said to be an entertaining speaker. Every body is invited. Fountain pens and fountain t pen'iiik foFsaleal' the "postoffice bookstore- The Champion Sunday school, that has not been meeting for some time, reorganized last Sun day and elected Miss Elsie Cope- land superintendent, Mrs. A. L. P. Thompson assistant superin tendent, and Pearle Thompson secretary. Mrs. Allen, national organizer of the Women's Home Mission ary association of the M. E. church,' will give a lecture at the Methodist church in Nemaha tonight. Mrs. Allen is a very interesting talker and we fed sure every one who goes will be entertained. She has been in Nemaha before. Everybody is invited. Arrangements are being made for a district Sunday school con vention to be held at Nemaha on Friday, June 14. The Sunday schools in Nemaha, Aspinwall and St. Deroin precincts will unite in the convention. Special Offer To any subscriber of The Ad vertiser who wishes to send a The strawberry and ice cream social given by the Christian ladies' aid society at the hotel Saturday night attracted a large crowd. Over $18 was cleared, and more would have been made but the strawberries gave out. Sherwin-Williams Paint Elmer E. Allen received an im-!copy or copies to friends, we will proved road scraper and grader make a special price of only 75 Wednesday. He will try it on cents per year . for additional the streets and roads in Nemaha ' copies. Take advantage of this and vicinity. It. is said to, do offer and send The Advertiser to excellent work." . friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Allen took the early train Tuesday morning for Lincoln, stopping there until evening, when they went to DeWitt and visited C. T. Minick and family until the next afternoon, when they re turned home. Jno. W. Ritchey had the draw ing last Saturday afternoon for the kitchen range offered with baking powder. Miss Wilma Maxwell, daughter of Dan Max well, held the winning number, and is now the proud owner of a good range. It will be several years, however, before she will want to use it in her own home. Fleck's Stock Food Little Chick Feed Cracked Corn Bran & Shorts Wall Paper W. F. Keeling 'i.Y