The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 03, 1907, Image 1

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    LH rBL I i Jf f f I ' m IS t r,, r , I J
H ' BMW- 1- MM. J a M 1 it. - - ' . M
VOL. LI XO. 49
w. if. fji9nnt runt
4 4 )f
See the beautiful display of
Ladies' Furnishings
in our windows this week
Belts, Parasols,
IHose, etc
DiC Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn
Franklin ice cream at Houtz's.
Cane seed for sale by W. F.
Valley Lily flour at Earle
Garden and flower seeds at
W. F. Reeling's.
For harness go to Edwards &
Bradford Lbr. Co.
Post card views of Nemaha at
postoffice bookstore.
Passenger train No. 97 was an
hour late Saturday afternoon.
"Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
how does your garden grow?
All weather signs and super
stitions have failed this year.
t Get our prices on furniture.
Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co.
Only 22 degrees above zero
Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock.
Best Michigan salt, both rock
and barrel, at Earle Gilbert's.
The May day picnics were con
spicuous for their absence this
L. M. Peabody's little daugh
ter Ruth is very sick with lung
Best line of harness in Nemaha
county at Edwards & Bradford
Lbr Co.
The boys and girls were out
hanging May baskets Wednesday
W. T. Crane adds his name to
our rapidly growing list of sub
scribers. Miss Lockie Roberts assisted
in Earle Gilbert's store la,st Sat
urday afternoon.
, New comic post cards received
Tuesday at the postoffice book
storea big assortment.
Only $2.80 for The Advertiser
and the Lincoln Daily News both
one year. See big ad.
Our ice cream sodas are de
licious. Try them.
0. E. Houtz.
4 jf f
Skirts, Shoes,
May day morning didn't show
any flowers, but did show snow
and ice. '
Mrs. M. A. Curtis returned
home Monday after a few days'
visit at Peru.
JPaper covered books good
ones only 7 cents at the post
office bookstore.
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Houtz of
Verdon visited their son, 0. E.
Houtz, Monday.
Miss Maud White, who had
been visiting at home, returned
to Peru last Friday.
Will F. Sanders returned to
DeWitt last Saturday after a
week's visit at home.
Ice cream soda, sundae, lem
onade, phosphate, cider, pop and
milkshake at Houtz's.
New books both paper covers
and cloth bound just received
at the postoffice bookstore.
A Salvation Army lassie was
in Nemaha Wednesday soliciting
contributions for the cause.
Potatoes for Sale
Eureka and Early Ohio. Good
ones. F. L. Woodward.
Mrs. W. G. Maxwell's horse
got tired when in town a few
days ago, laid down and broke a
E. H. Laukemper of St. Deroin
presented Rural Carrier Knapp
with a bucketful of nice honey
Four years ago yesterday, May
2, we had a heavy snow and a
freeze. But nothing much was
hurt by it.
Rev. G. W. Ayers went to
Beatrice Thursday to attend a
meeting of the holiness associa
tion of Gage county.
Harry Russell says for The
Advertiser to inform the dear
people that it snowed Monday
and he will pay the bill.
John W. Ritchey put his stock
of straw hats on exhibition last
week, but felt Monday like he
had rushed the season a.little.
Campbell's circus went through
Nemaha about one o'clock Wed
nesday morning, on their way
from Sterling to Nebraska City.
Our rural carriers didn't tarry
any on the road Monday, and
said tlTey did not see a farmer
planting corn. Strange, wasn't
G. N. Titus went to Nebraska
City Wednesday afternoon to
superintend the planting of a lot
of evergreens and other nursery
John M. Clark has finished his
work of assessing Nemaha pre
cinct and on Wednesday turned
over the books to County Assessor
Cyrus Minick came down from
Nebraska City on train 97 Mon
day forenoon, going back in the
afternoon. He is the Burlington
night operator at the city.
For Sale or Trade
Two mares weighing about
1000 pounds apiece, both blacks,
coming 8 years old.
John T. Webber.
If you arc warm or
thirsty, drop in to
O. E. Houtz's Restaurant
and got cool.
and soft drinks aro now
Mrs. John B. Seid and Mrs
Wm. Knipe of Auburn came in
Saturday to visit Mrs. J. H. Seid.
Mrs. Knipe returned Tuesday
and Mrs. Seid Wednesday fore
Mrs. M. W. Knapp and Mrs.
E. H. Knapp returned home
Monday afternoon. They had
been visiting at Stella and Hum
boldt since Thursday of last
There is no use in sending out
of town to get a man to do ce
ment work, as Ned Crother is
prepared to contract for walks
of all kinds and guarantee satis
It surprises all who happen in
Nemaha on Saturday afternoon
to see the number of people in
town. The stores are crowded
and the merchants are having a
fine trade.
Mrs. E. A. Minick, who has
been visiting her son, Oscar L.
Minick, for two or three weeks,
returned home last Friday. Mrs.
Oscar Minick drove in with her
and visited for a few hours.
G. B. Beveridge, district clerk,
was a Nemaha visitor Saturday,
coming down in his automobile.
With Elmer E. Allen and C. W.
Roberts he went out and looked
over the Fuller farm and ap
praised the same.
Special Offer
To any subscriber of The Ad
vertiser who wishes to send a
copy or copies to friends, we will ,
make a special price of only 75
cents per year for additional!
copies. Take advantage of this
offer and send The Advertiser to '
friends. J
' j nisi,
i voice of SELZ fine
W ' LJ
stylish. Come and
i nd you will always
v unuuiuaj ui
have the envelope
the number that takes the range that is
on disnlav at our Rtnvt
n 1 -ixv. jg.
I sure u come ana takeJit hornet
with you.
J1TO. W.
JBoth Phones No. 20
Three new invoinea nf
soods. Call early for
Best photos in southeastern
Nebr., at Criley's. So Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Smiley
went to Shubert Saturday even
ing and visited their son, Chas.
A. Smiley, and family, until
Monday, returning onthe flyer.
For Snle or Trade
One Norwegan sulky lister
used one season. One wagon
with new Bain box.
Marion Seid.
Mr. Bickford, a normal stud
ent, was in Nemaha Saturday
interviewing the members of the
school board, having made appli
cation for the principalship of
the school.
When the postmaster got to
the office Tuesday morning he
found a May basket at the door,
with a great big white snowball.,
The only thing wrong about it
was that it was genuine snow.
The third quarterly meeting
was held at the Methodist church
Saturday night and Sunday
morning. Rev. Geo. I. Wright,
. i . i ,i i i ji I
sermon, after which the sacra
ment of the Lord's supper was
The district conference of the
Methodist church will meet at
Auburn Tuesday afternoon and
Wednesday of next week. The
delegates from Nemaha are W.
W. Keeling, W. W. Sanders, Mrs.
Emilie McCandless and Mrs.
Fannie Yackley.
J. H. Littrell is having some
good permanent improvements
made on his residence property.
He has had a good cement walk
made in fron, Ned Crother being
the contractor, and has built a
good woven wire fence in front
. u
recieivfin nnnrtipr itti
shoes. Th fifift fli'fi ihci
' m. w
let us sell you a pair
wear SELZ shoes.
IUUI" UlOCIt We Will
opened that contains
i ' . . .. .
w Mw w wuuk any imii
first choice.
'-, 'Ax-
Ice Cream and
Strawberry Social
The Christian Sunday schoof
will give an ice cream and straw
berry social at the Park hotel
Saturday night of this week, to
which every one is invited.
Refreshment, will be served
from 4 till 10 o'clock.
Largest Pear Orckard in County
A. R. McCa'ndless is having
planted the largest pear orchard
in the county. He bought 1000
pear trees of G. N. Titus and is
planting a ten acre orchard along
the bluffs next the Missouri river
on his farm south of town the
old Haith farm. Pears do well
along the bluffs all kinds of
fruit does-and the investment
will doubtless be a profitable one.
Fleck gt k p d
Little Chick Feed
Cracked Corn
Bran & Shorts
Wall Paper
W. F. Keeling