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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
7 V'H,. LI VO. 48 NEMAHA, NF7VR NSTC A, F1UDAY. APRIL 26, 1907 I '' 11. NEW PATTERNS The demand for ithe Ladies Home Journal patterns durv ing the past year has been so constant that $ we have investigated J their merits, and be J coming convinced that they are the best t secured the agency for them I A guide chart comes with each pattern, which $ makes it impossible for an amateur to make a mistake. Prices 10 arid 15 cents EARLE NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. Dr. Bourne fits glass es. So. Auburn Franklin ice cream at Houtz's. Only four weeks more of school. Cane seed for Keeling. sale by W. F. Garden and flower W. F. Reeling's. seeds at For harness go to Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. The grass continued to grow, even if it was cold. Post card views of Nemaha at postoffice bookstore. New post cards just received at the postoffice bookstore. W. W. James of Shubert was :i Nemaha visitor Saturday. Best line of harness in Nemaha county at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. F. L. Woodward went to Kan sas City last Saturday, returning Monday afternoon. SPECIALS IN Groce 3 dozen Sour Pickles 2 cans 15c. Salmon 4 pounds Ginger Snaps 5 1 lb. packages Soda 8 bars Lenox Soap - 3 cans Beans 3 cans Peas 3 cans Pumpkin . Remember we are always right on Produce prices. 15 cents for eggs, 20 cents for butter, 10 cents for hens this week. Try us. HARRINGTON I -SONS patterns made, we $ none higher. GILBERT BOTH PHONES $ -..- School closes in Nemaha May 24. Get our prices on furniture. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Miss Nora Aynes went, to Shu bert Saturday evening, returning Monday. Mrs. Theo. Hill went to Shu bert Monday evening, returning the next morning. miss dteiia wasnourn came down from Peru Friday, return ing Monday morning. New comic post cards received Tuesday at the postoffice book store a big assortment. Only $2.80 for The Advertiser and the Lincoln Daily News both one year. See big ud. Our ice cream sodas are de licious. Try them. 0. E. Houtz. J. M. Burns, living near Shu bert, was shaking hands with Nemaha friends Tuesday after noon. nes 25c 25c 25 c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c Auburn is preparing to cele brate the fourth of July. If you want to buy Nemaha property, see W. W. Sanders. Ice cream soda, sundae, lem onade, phosphate, cider, pop and milkshake at Houtz's. The noise of the lawn mower is i now heard wnen tnc ground isn't covered with snow. New books both paper covers and cloth bound -just received at the postoffice bookstore. Preaching at the Methodist church Sunday . at 11 o'clock a. m. by Presiding Elder Wright. Potatoes for Sale Eureka and Early Ohio. Good ones. F. Li. woodward. We arc informed that Wm. Snelling has a nice store in Shu bert and is putting on lots of style. Rev. G. W. Ayers and wife drove out to Auburn Wednesday to attend the funeral of John Wright. I j Mrs. Gertie. Galbraith visited her friend, Mrs. Chas. P. Scovill in the country, from Friday until fuesday. Dr. W. W. Frazier, who has been living in Rev. J. W. Sapp's house, moved into Carl E. San ders' house the first of the week., . . 2 Mrs. Josephine Lindsey, a for mer resident of Nemaha but now ;iving near Goodland, Kansas, writes us to send her The Adver tiser. Arthur Tidrow of Kansas City, Mo., visited his siuters, Mrs. F. L. Woodward and Mrs. Geo. Yackly. Wednesday and Thurs day of last week. For Sale or Trade Two mares weighing about 1000 pounds apiece, both blacks, coming 8 years old. John T. Wjbbber. It vou are warm or thirsty, drop in to O. E. Houtz's Restaurant and got cool. ICE CREAM SODAS and soft drinks are ready. no'vv J. H. Littrell on Saturday shot a large pelican on the sand bar on the Missouri river. It meas ured eight feet from tip to tip of its wings and was a fine spec imen. Ralph Ritchey got industrious Monday and put in some strong posts and a hitching rack in front of the store. It is a hard matter sometimes to find room for the teams in town, especially on Sat urdays. Special Offer To any subscriber of The Ad vertiser who wishes to send a VCl USUI isaiiviij ocilU (Jr . . n . , .,, copy or copies to mends, we will Y 1 . , . , , 1 Jv , Take advantage of this 1 copies. offer and send The Advertiser to friends. DRESS Wo wnnt to call Jfino lino of Spring and Summer Dress 5 Goods which we now have for vour in -J ispection. They consist of Windsor Ha-S t tistes, Henly Serges, Como Suitings, fancy I white Dotted Swiss, Dotted Swiss M us- s S lins in colors, Organdies, Venice, Dimi-J $ ties, Mulls. ? i We have the btst line of Summer i Goods that you will find outside of the I larger places, and you will find our prices! are Tiie lowest. I JXTO. W. . 1 JJBotli Phones No. 20 MILLI1TERY Three new invoices of new and stylish ?oods. Call early for first choice. MRS. THEO. HILL fiest photos in southeastern Nebr., at Criley's. So Auburn, tvt j I n i.- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Curtis, who now live five miles and a half west or Stella, drove over to WnmnVin ,l1nufn' iiflni'nnnn vn turning the next day. S.C. French, the genial rep- resentative of S. H. Avey & Co., wc n Mnmoho sajf fif the week and gave us a social rn 1 Mil. lUCSUl JllUllilll. Mrs. Geo. Yackly called Hon- day and subscribed for The Advertiser for herself and also i i ,i 1f sends a copy to her mother, Mrs. a. m. ivnse, uarnett, ivansas. For Sale or Trade One Norwegan sulky iister used one season. One wagon with new Bain box. Marion Seid. Rev. J. W. Sapp moved up from Shubert Tuesday and Wed nesday. The people of Nemaha are pleased to have Bro. Sapp and his good wife with us again. The early hatched chickens ' had a hard" time of it during the cold spell. Many women took their chickens in the house. The cold caused the death of scores of the little fellows. Mrs. J. M. Sanders was taken suddenly sick early Sunday morning with stomach trouble, and suffered severely for two or three day?, but is now better, though quite weak yet. We are pleased to learn that Judge Stull of Auburn is recov- t i , .j enng from the operation recently ,r i i. i u -i. i performed at an Omaha hospital for gall stone trouble. His gen eral "Itlus .mprovrng. Insurance, old line or mutual, written by. W. W. Sanders. GOODS! i your attention to our J RITCHEY I NEMAHA. NEB. Miss Grace Peabody went to btella Saturday to visit relatives f0r a Week and tne POStoffice an(q nrinfin(r ftffin ting along as best they can with onjy one ange John P. Sanders, who is at- tending the Peru normal, came ?own l? em v?n" mS spent the night with his f W.1F Sanders who .s xi win urtt Ull tt V11U Svlvf tor Yates took advantage Sm.ley's absence a few ,f an.d !oret d? ? winivu iviivy ji xj.witi ui Lilt: la L- ters house even taking out thu postSt But as he went ahead and Put in ood hedge posts and a woven wire fence Mr Smiley is not kicking even if he did have to pay for material and work. Sherwin-Williams Faint Fleck's Stock Food Little Chick Feed Cracked Corn Bran & Shorts Wall Paper W. F. Keeling