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About The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
y. VOL. LI SO. 47 NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1907 Subieriftiivn, if I a ir h 'aYw i NEW PATTERNS The demand for the Ladies Home Ijournal patterns diuv ing the past year has been so constant that I we have investigated their merits, and be i c o m i n g convinced that they are the best patterns made, we $ secured the agency for them t $ A guide chart comes with each pattern, which 2 makes it impossible for an amateur to make a mistake, $ Prices 10 and 15 cents J NEMAHA. NEBRASKA The cool weather continues. Dr. Bourne fits glasses. So. Auburn Franklin ice cream at Houtz's. Cane seed for sale by W. P. Keeling. Garden and flower seeds at W. F. Reeling's. For harness go to Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. Post card views of Nemaha at postoflice bookstore. Next Monday is Arbor Day. Prepare to set out trees. New post cards 'just received at the postoffice bookstore. For Sale A good work mule. Inquire of Chas. Richards. R. V. Muir of Brownville was a Nemaha visitor Wednesday. If the fruit isn't Idled this year it certainly is pretty tough. By the way, how about an early Easter meaning an early spring? SPECIALS IN 1 G rocenes 3 dozen Sour Pickles ... 25c 2 cans 15c. Salmon - - - - 25c 4 pounds Ginger Snaps - - - 25c 5 1 lb. packages Soda - . . 25c 8 bars Lenox Soap - - - 25c 3 cans Beans - 25c 3 cans Peas 25c 3 cans Pumpkin 25c Remember we are always right on Produce prices. 15 cents for eggs, 20 cents I this week. Try us. .HARRINGTON & SONS T none higher. BOTH PHONES J Get our prices on furniture. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. Dr. Frazier drove down to Shubert Monday on professional business. Best line of harness in Nemaha county at Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. John M. Livingston of Ne braska City was a Nemaha visitor Monday. Only $2.80 for The Advertisei and the Lincoln Daily News both one year. See big ad. C. L. Brown returned home Wednesday after a few days' visit in Pawnee county. Our ice cream sodas are de licious. Try them. 0. E. Houtz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoover went to Kansas City Monday, returning Wednesday morning. Ice cream soda, sundae, lem onade, phosphate, cider, pop and milkshake at Houtz's. for butter, 10 cents for hens 4 1 GILBERT If you want to buy Nemaha property, see W. W. 'Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of Peru visited Nemaha friends Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hill went to Shubert Monday evening, re turning the next morning. Mrs. A. Matthews came down from Oihaha Saturday evening to visit her mother for awhile. The people who made gardens early have this year played the part of the worm and got caught. Potatoes for Sale Eureka and Early Ohio. Good ones. F. L. Woodward. W. H. Lukens, who was visit ing his brother, C. H. Lukens, returned to Jaspar, Mo., Satur day. Earle Gilbert has put in a fine skirt display rack which shows off the new styles to the best advantage. Hon. Jacob Good of Peru was a Nemaha visitor Friday. He came down to buy some trees of the Titus Nursery. Ralph E. Harrington, who haF been visiting at Crab Orchard for over three weeks, returned to Nemaha Monday afternoon. For Sale or Trade Two mares weighing about 1000 pounds apiece, both blacks, coming 8 years old. John T. Webber. r If you are warm or thirsty, drop in to O.E. Houtz's Restaurant and get cool. ICE CREAM SODAS and soft drinks are ready. now J J. C. Stokes of Howe gave us a very pleasant call Wednesday afternoon he paid us $1 on sub scription. Mrs. Nace and daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Murr of Brownville were calling on Nemaha friends Wednesday. Dort Stokes of Howe, is a fre quent visitor at Nemaha now. He was here Saturday, Sun day and Monday. Grandpa Lester was in Nema ha a few hours Wednesday after noon, coming in on train No. 98 and going to Shubert on 127. Misses Grace Jarvis and Muriel Barker went to Shubert Saturday evening and visited friends over Sunday, returning on the "flyer." Early Ohio seed potatoes for sale northern grown South Dakota. 75 cents per bushel. J. A. Anderson. Brownville, Nebr. Special Offer To any subscriber of The Ad vertiser who' wishes to send a copy or copies to friends, we will make a special price of only 75 cents per year for additional copies. Take advantage of this offer and send The Advertiser to friends. 44 DRESS We want to call fine line of Spring and Summer Dress; Goods which we now have for your in-J Jspection. They consist of Windsor Ba- I tistes, Henly Serges, Como Suitings, fancy? J white Dotted Swiss, Dotted Swiss Mus- Jlins in colors, Organdies, Venice, Dimi-J J ties, Mulls. We haVfi thfi " - v w mMmm-K -r A U AJIJ 111 VI I Goods that you will find1 outside of thej i larger places, and you will find our prices 5 siro Invvocf JHO. W. Both Phones No. 20 w INEW SRRIING AIND SUMMER MILLIlsTERY You are cordially invited to call and inspect our new styles MRS. THEO. HILL Insurance, old line or mutual. ! i ... . ' -i i written by w. W. Sanders, Best photos in southeastern Nebr., at Criley's. So Auburn. Miss May Vansickle of Craig, Mo., came over to Nemaha Thursday of last week to stay with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Snell ing. Remember, next week is bar gain week for the Lincoln News. Only $2.80 for the daily News and The Advertiser both one year. , Frank Aynes, who has been stopping with his brother-in-law, Frank Skeen, near Ord, Nebr., for some time, returned home Saturday. The Odd Fellows have ordered a similar system of gasoline lamps as those in use in Earle Gilbert's store. They will have an outside lamp. Miss Grace Mumford, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. I. Brown, for several months, started for her home at Roseville, Ohio, Tuesday afternoon. For Sale or Trade One Norwegan sulky lister used one season. One wagon with new Bain box. Marion Seid. On Monday Dr. Graves of Peru removed from the shoulder of Mrs. Earle Gilbert a small tumor. The operation was en tirely successful and Mrs. Gilbert will be out in a few days. Arrangements are being start ed for a district Sunday school 'convention at Nemaha next 'month, for the Sunday schools in Nemaha, Aspinwall and St, Deroin precincts. GOODS T your attention to our J hist linn nf Sum in or J s 'Si RITCHET NEMAHA, NEB. The trouble is, the weather man got the months and the weather jumbled up, and gave us April weather in March and now has to give us the March weather in April. The Titus Nursery has sold more shrubbery and ornamentals this year than ever before. People are fitting up their yards more than ever before. And they know where to get good stuff. Rev. J. W. Sapp will preach his farewell sermon at Shubert next Sunday evening, and ex pects to move to Nemaha the next week. He will be glad to get back here, and the Nemaha people will be glad to have him with us again. Sherwin-Williams Paint Fleck's Stock Food Little Chick Feed Cracked Corn Bran & Shorts Wall Paper W. F. Keeling